Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging
Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain
and Application Ontologies
Pierluigi Del Nostro
1 a
, Jesper Friis
2 b
, Emanuele Ghedini
3 c
, Gerhard Goldbeck
1 d
Oskar Holtz
, Otello Maria Roscioni
1 e
, Francesco Antonio Zaccarini
3 f
and Daniele Toti
1,4 g
Goldbeck Consulting Limited, Cambridge, U.K.
SINTEF AS, Trondheim, Norway
Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brescia, Italy
{pierluigi, gerhard, otello, daniele}@goldbeck-consulting.com, oskar-holtz@hotmail.com, jesper.friis@sintef.no,
Upper-Level Ontology, Domain Ontology, Application Ontology, Perspectives, Semiotics, Holism,
Materials Science.
The effectiveness of semantic technologies in ensuring interoperability is often hindered by the preference
for internally developed knowledge bases and the presence of diverse conceptual frameworks and implemen-
tation choices. Foundational, upper-level ontologies based on FOL and OWL2-DL address interoperability
and provide a robust foundation for domain and application ontologies. They emphasize logical rigor and ex-
pressiveness, aligning with the idea of shared ontologies for knowledge diffusion and reuse. In scientific and
industrial contexts, a framework that accommodates scientific pluralism is essential. The Elementary Mul-
tiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO) meets this need, offering a rigorous yet pluralistic representation
of knowledge through the mereocausal theory, focusing on parthood (mereology) and causation. EMMO’s
adaptable architecture includes discipline-specific modules, enabling the representation of items from mul-
tiple perspectives, such as viewing an image as both an ’Object’ and ’Data’. This paper presents EMMO’s
perspectives, including the Reductionistic, Holistic, Persistence, Contrast, Structural and Semiotics perspec-
tives. It then proceeds to showcase four recently-developed ontologies based on EMMO, one at the domain
level (CHAMEO) and three at the application level (BTO, HPO and MAEO), taking advantage of EMMO’s
perspectives and therefore demonstrating its representational capabilities and versatility.
The practical effectiveness of semantic technologies
in supporting interoperability is hindered by the pre-
vailing tendency to favor internally developed Knowl-
edge bases, in an effort to exert greater control over
proprietary data. Furthermore, different conceptual
frameworks and implementation choices (related to
trade-offs between expressiveness and computational
efficiency Levesque and Brachman (1987)), exhibit
varying degrees of suitability for specific domains
of application and use-cases. In literature, it is
a common practice to classify ontologies hierarchi-
cally based on the generality of the concepts they in-
clude, i.e. their domain of application. These “lev-
els” have vague boundaries, but the presence of bor-
derline cases does not undermine the practical utility
of this classification criterion. By definition, a do-
main ontology focuses on concepts, properties, and
relationships relevant to a specific area of knowledge
or field of study. A domain ontology can either be
a specialized module of an upper-level ontology or a
standalone ontology targeting a specific domain (e.g.
additive manufacturing, composite materials). On the
other hand, an application ontology is an ontology en-
Del Nostro, P., Friis, J., Ghedini, E., Goldbeck, G., Holtz, O., Roscioni, O., Zaccarini, F. and Toti, D.
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain and Application Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012910200003838
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 135-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
gineered for a specific use or application focus, and
whose scope is usually specified or driven through
specific use cases (De Baas et al., 2023). Things are
further complicated by the fact that domain and ap-
plication ontologies tend to be highly context-specific
and lean towards technologies, such as triplestores,
that prioritize handling large volumes of instance data
over supporting expressive knowledge frameworks,
increasing the risk of mistakes in conceptualization.
Upper-level ontologies are usually axiomatized
in expressive formal languages (such as FOL and
OWL2-DL (W3C, 2012)) and can be considered the
explicit expression of a precise worldview. These
ontologies are commonly employed both to provide
a foundation for domain and application ontologies
and to address interoperability issues among differ-
ent schemas Trojahn et al. (2021). They can be con-
sidered the true heirs of the original idea of employ-
ing a common ontology to enable knowledge shar-
ing and reuse across different systems Gruber (1993),
a notion more recently expressed by Guarino et al.
(2009). Indeed, Gangemi et al. (2002) explored the
use of formal ontologies in semantic web applica-
tions, highlighting the significance of logical rigor
and expressiveness in ontology design. Remarkably,
neuro-symbolic AI may soon enable the full exploita-
tion of richly axiomatized ontologies in practical set-
tings, addressing one of the core challenges deter-
ring practitioners from employing upper-level, foun-
dational ontologies, as exemplified by Lazzari et al.
(2024) and discussed in Bouraoui et al. (2019).
Addressing the issues arising from the plurality of
frameworks presents a significant challenge, particu-
larly in scientific and industrial contexts. These con-
texts seem to demand a framework that is not only
firmly rooted in the sciences but also accommodates
scientific pluralism recognizing that multiple inter-
pretations or standards may exist for the same phe-
nomena or processes. The Elementary Multiperspec-
tive Material Ontology (EMMO)
, specifically, is an
expression of the common tenets and general world-
view central to the applied sciences. It aims to cater
to both practical needs and theoretical desiderata of
practitioners, striving to be both a standard represen-
tational framework for science and engineering and a
versatile ontology for broader applications.
At its core, EMMO is built on a mereocausal
theory, developed to support a rigorous yet pluralis-
tic representation of scientific and industrial knowl-
edge. This theory hinges on two formal relations,
parthood (mereology) and causation, which provide
clear extensional criteria of identity (Partridge et al.,
2020) and set up the preconditions for the qualitative
Available at https://github.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/.
and quantitative representation of systems at differ-
ent granularities, up to a high level of detail. More
fine-grained, yet subjective, distinctions among en-
tities are expressed by means of exploiting perspec-
tives, a special feature of EMMO’s architecture, de-
signed to include a plurality of tools to categorize en-
tities, as well as to support user-driven downward ex-
pansions. In fact, EMMO includes various discipline-
specific modules, such as metrology and units (based
on BIPM et al. (2012)), materials, and manufactur-
ing (based on ISO and DIN standards). These mod-
ules ensure that EMMO can address specific domain
needs while maintaining a high level of expressive-
ness and interoperability. For instance, it allows for
the representation of an item from different perspec-
tives, such as viewing an image both as an ‘Object’
resulting from an imaging process and as ‘Data’.
This paper presents EMMO’s perspectives and
showcases a number of recently-developed domain
and application ontologies that are based on EMMO
and take advantage of its representational capabilities
and perspectives. The paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 describes EMMO’s perspectives, includ-
ing the Reductionistic, Holistic, Persistence, Contrast,
Structural and Semiotics perspectives; Section 3 lists
a selection of 4 ontologies (1 domain ontology and 3
application ontologies) based on EMMO, underlining
their main characteristics and their usage of EMMO’s
perspectives; finally, Section 4 draws the conclusions.
EMMO includes and embraces a plurality of per-
spectives, representing real-world objects according
to specific representational viewpoints. These per-
spectives allow for subjective categorization of enti-
ties above elementary particles and below the item
‘Universe’, each constituting a subclass of ‘perspec-
tive’. This approach reflects pluralism in carving out
portions of the world, according to different principles
and in line with diverse interests. In EMMO, only
entities described by the standard model of particle
physics have univocal definitions and clear identity
criteria: ‘physical objects’ are conceptualized as ‘spa-
tiotemporal objects composed of fundamental physi-
cal constituents’, without referring to any subjective
perspective. The different perspectives are pragmati-
cally chosen to increase expressiveness and avoid the
core limitations of reductionistic approaches. Fig-
ure 1 shows EMMO’s perspectives, which are de-
scribed in greater detail in the subsections below.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: EMMO’s architecture, with its backbone based on mereocausality and its implementation of physics, chemistry
and materials, grounded in current natural science foundations (StandardModel). This core is complemented by modules
incorporating various perspectives: Reductionistic (tiling of space and/or time), Holistic (whole/part or role), Persistence
(process/object), Contrast (based on Floridi’s work), Structural (typed mereological relations) and Semiotics (based on Peirce).
2.1 Reductionistic Perspective
The Reductionistic perspective offers a powerful
granularity description of multi-scale entities, deter-
mined by the direct parthood relation (a non-transitive
relation). Differently from the standard transitive no-
tion of parthood employed in mereology, direct part-
hood makes it possible to individuate levels for the
analysis of entities. Every macro-individual, includ-
ing the Universe, can be iteratively tessellated down to
elementary constituents, as it is most convenient for
specific use cases. Tessellation based on spatial and
temporal criteria can be especially salient in specific
scenarios (e.g. temporal parts for the individuation of
steps in a productive workflow).
2.2 Holistic Perspective
The Holistic perspective offers a tool to represent re-
lations between entities whose categorization under
specific types intrinsically depends on part-whole re-
lations. The holistic class introduces important con-
cepts such as ‘role’ and/or ‘participant’, used to de-
scribe the parts of a particular system or process, re-
spectively. This enables the description of parts in
terms of how they contribute to the whole, includ-
ing functional aspects. This perspective allows for an
analysis of entities in mereological relations without
imposing a strict granularity, and is thus complemen-
tary to the reductionistic perspective.
2.3 Persistence Perspective
The Persistence perspective classifies entities accord-
ing to how they persist in time Sider (2001) with re-
spect to specific types under which they are catego-
rized, allowing for a distinction between objects (for
which a type is conserved through all temporal parts)
and processes (for which it is not). This categoriza-
tion method is deeply ingrained in common sense and
entrenched in natural languages. The distinction pri-
marily hinges on whether the emphasis is placed on
the preservation of characteristics (indicative of ob-
jects) or patterns in the evolution (indicative of pro-
cesses) of spatiotemporal regions, given a principle of
salience. It also provides classes aimed to represent
concepts similar to the ones of endurant/continuant
and perdurant/occurrent, facilitating connections with
other upper-level ontologies (e.g. BFO (Arp et al.,
2015)), supporting interoperability.
2.4 Contrast Perspective
The Contrast perspective draws from Luciano
Floridi’s philosophy of information, given the idea
that data can be broadly understood as distinctions
that make a difference (Floridi, 2010). It encompasses
various types of data (semantic, environmental...) and
enhances EMMO’s expressive power by allowing it to
represent different forms of data and information.
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain and Application
2.5 Structural Perspective
The Structural perspective introduces formal tools for
the analysis of parthonomic relations between entities
of the same or different types. In practical scenarios,
this perspective can be used, for instance, to distin-
guish between a car’s base model and its accessories.
2.6 Semiotics Perspective
The Semiotics perspective takes inspiration from
Peirce’s theory of signs (Atkin, 2023) (and their tri-
adic structure of object, sign-vehicle, and interpre-
tant) and covers expressive needs that are usually
dealt with by using abstract objects such as numbers,
sets, and universals/tropes. This perspective encom-
passes all of the semantic and symbolic ‘world’, cov-
ering labeling, property attributions and abstractions.
Compared to Peirce, in EMMO more emphasis is put
on the role of interpreters and the underlying causal
connections between the three ‘prongs’, making it
possible to rigorously analyze observation and esti-
mation, and to keep track of interpreters’ possibly in-
consistent attributions. This is especially useful in op-
erative contexts where it is important to keep track of
the gap between data and phenomena, to circumscribe
disagreement (Bogen and Woodward, 1988). Not
only does this perspective greatly enhance EMMO’s
expressive power, but it also affords mappings to on-
tologies that utilize qualities and/or properties.
A number of domain and application ontologies re-
volving around EMMO that are part of its ecosystem
have been developed so far and/or are currently un-
der development. Here, one domain ontology and
three application ontologies recently developed by
this study’s authors are listed and briefly showcased,
underlining their alignment with EMMO and their ex-
ploitation of EMMO’s expressiveness via the use of
perspectives. A description of each ontology and spe-
cific details about their use of EMMO’s perspectives
are provided in the following subsections.
3.1 Domain Ontology: CHAMEO
The CHAracterization MEthodology Ontology
(CHAMEO) (Del Nostro et al., 2022a,b) is a domain-
level ontology designed to offer a harmonized and
standardized representation of materials character-
ization methods and processes. The development
of CHAMEO is grounded in the CHADA (CHAr-
acterization DAta) document template, subject of
a 2021 CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA 17815),
which aims to provide a standard structure for
documenting material characterization techniques.
CHADA employs four key concepts to classify the
steps of a characterization workflow: “User case”
(information about the sample and testing envi-
ronment), “Experiment” (characterization process
including probe, signal, detector, noise, etc.), “Raw
data” (output of the metrological process), and “Data
processing” (analysis of the data to achieve the final
shape). These concepts correspond to the sections
of a CHADA document. While this document was
easily interpretable by humans, it lacked structured
data for retrieving information on characterization
methodologies according to their various dimensions
(e.g. material, probe, detector, properties). In order
to address this limitation, CHADA was used as the
foundation to build a more structured and shared
knowledge base, leading to the creation of the
CHAMEO ontology. CHAMEO models the common
aspects of diverse characterization techniques by
providing high-level, methodological definitions,
facilitating the development of more specialized
ontologies at a finer-grained application level. This
capability is enhanced by the intrinsic modularity
of its ontological design, positioning CHAMEO at
the domain level of a larger ontological framework,
with EMMO as its upper layer. As part of EMMO’s
framework, CHAMEO leverages EMMO’s versatility
in describing processes and data from multiple
perspectives. This integration allows CHAMEO to
model various aspects of characterization techniques
comprehensively, using EMMO’s multiperspective
approach to enhance its descriptive capabilities.
Consequently, CHAMEO is well-suited for modeling
the shared aspects of characterization methodologies,
providing a robust foundation for further ontology
development and application-specific adaptations.
3.1.1 EMMO’s Perspectives in CHAMEO
, the chameo:Characterisation
Workflow class models the overall characterization
process as a subclass (further down in the hierar-
chy) of emmo:Process within the Persistence per-
spective. Characterization workflows consist of var-
ious methods, each contributing to the final character-
ization property. These methods are represented by
the chameo:CharacterisationMethod class, which
CHAMEO’s names for classes and properties follow
the Cambridge English naming convention, especially no-
table by the use of s instead of z, whereas this work com-
plies with the Oxford University Press English convention.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
is itself a subclass (further down in the hierarchy)
of emmo:Process as well as emmo:Observation
from the Semiotics perspective; each method is
thus a process (Persistence), but also a part of
the chameo:CharacterisationWorkflow (Holis-
tic). Each chameo:CharacterisationMethod
is divided into stages (subclass of emmo:Stage)
capturing general steps common across differ-
ent characterization techniques. For instance,
the chameo:SpecimenPreparation stage refers to
the preparation of a specimen, where the holder
used is modeled as an emmo:Object (Persistence)
and plays a role in the process (emmo:Role,
Holistic). Specializations for specific techniques
and temporal sequences are expressed through
EMMO’s hasTemporalCause property. The char-
acterization system is modeled as a subclass of
emmo:HolisticSystem (Holistic), which is the sys-
tem used for characterization, built by assembling
and adapting characterization components. In-
stances of chameo:CharacterisationInstrument,
chameo:Probe, chameo:Detector, chameo:Holder
and all of the possible devices that can be
used to build a characterization system can be
deemed a chameo:CharacterisationComponent
(Persistence). The different types of data pro-
duced during the characterization process (e.g.
chameo:CharacterisationData) are subclasses of
emmo:EncodedData (Contrast perspective). The
characterization properties are assigned meaning via
a semiotic process (Semiotics perspective).
3.2 Application Ontology: Battery
Testing Ontology (BTO)
The Battery Testing Ontology (BTO) (Nostro et al.,
2024) is a standardized and flexible framework for
representing knowledge in the areas of battery test-
ing and quality control. BTO’s purpose is to
model a range of electrical battery cell tests, such
as impedance spectroscopy (monitoring current and
voltage over time), self-discharge (current over time),
and high-voltage tests (voltage over time). BTO can
specify the necessary hardware for measuring specific
battery cell properties, like the quality of the separa-
tor layer in a high-voltage test. It references electrical
measurement data (voltage, current, time) and incor-
porates details about the mechanical fixturing of the
battery cell to the test hardware and the electrical cal-
ibration procedures. In high-voltage separator tests,
BTO can specify what hardware is suitable for test-
ing a particular battery separator to achieve a specific
accuracy. It also allows users to verify if their test
hardware and voltage specifications can measure cer-
tain battery samples (e.g. separator layers with differ-
ent thicknesses), considering the maximum test volt-
age and required accuracy. Therefore, BTO assists in
designing high-voltage separator test experiments by
combining separator requirements (e.g. thicker sepa-
rators need a higher maximum test voltage), hardware
specifications (e.g. the tester’s voltage specifications),
and the required measurement accuracy. BTO oper-
ates at the application level of EMMO’s ecosystem
of ontologies. BTO aligns closely with EMMO and
CHAMEO, the latter providing common domain con-
cepts for characterization methods and experiments.
Additionally, BTO is connected and aligned with
other EMMO-based domain ontologies, including the
Battery Domain Ontology (BDO)
and the Electro-
chemistry Domain Ontology (EDO)
3.2.1 EMMO’s Perspectives in BTO
In BTO, the battery testing process is modeled as
a bto:BatteryCharacterizationMethod that
is made up of a number of potential steps, or
tasks, namely bto:BatterySamplePreparation,
and bto:BatteryMeasurementProcess. Each
of these four classes is a subclass of a CHAMEO
class, i.e. chameo: CharacterisationMethod,
chameo:SamplePreparation, chameo:
CalibrationProcess and chameo:
CharacterisationMeasurementProcess, re-
spectively. Therefore, given what has been discussed
in 3.1.1, bto:BatteryCharacterizationMethod
is also a subclass of emmo:Process as well
as emmo:Observation (Semiotics perspective),
whereas each task is also a subclass of emmo:Process
(Persistence), and at the same time a part of the over-
all battery characterization method (Holistic). Fur-
thermore, the ambient in which a testing takes place
is modeled as a bto:BatteryCharacterization
Environment, which is a subclass of chameo:
Characterisation Environment, which in turn
is a emmo:SemioticObject (Semiotics); each
characteristic of the ambient is modeled as a
which is an emmo:Property, which in turn is
an emmo:Sign from the Semiotics perspective;
and the hardware used for the battery testing is
modeled as a bto:BatteryCharacterization
Hardware, which is a subclass of
chameo:CharacterisationInstrument (Persis-
tence perspective). The data resulting from a battery
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain and Application
testing experiment, i.e. bto:TraceData, are modeled
as a subclass of chameo:CharacterisationData,
which is a subclass of emmo:EncodedData and thus
takes advantage of EMMO’s Contrast perspective.
3.3 Application Ontology:
Hyperdimensional Polymer
Ontology (HPO)
The Hyperdimensional Polymer Ontology (HPO) is
designed to capture the staggering diversity of poly-
meric materials and their applications, with a partic-
ular focus on their manufacturing aspects. HPO has
been developed primarily to describe the manufactur-
ing process of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers and
includes a rich taxonomy of materials, processes and
properties for this application. The terms used to la-
bel the main classes are taken from a glossary for
polymers and composite materials compiled from the
Compendium of Chemical Terminology (IUPAC) and
specialized journals.
The fundamental requirement of HPO is to
describe materials as different as composite ma-
terials, energy materials and biomaterials. The
EMMO backbone, based on the classification
of real-world objects based on physical sci-
ences, is exploited here by defining polymers
as subclasses of emmo:PolymericMaterial,
emmo:ManufacturedMaterial, or emmo:Natural
Material, plus additional restrictions to make
further distinctions. Indeed, polymeric materials
can be classified in many different ways, depending
on the characteristics relevant to a specific appli-
cation. For example, polymeric materials can be
distinguished based on their chemical composition
(hpo:HomoPolymer vs. hpo:CoPolymer), struc-
ture (hpo:BranchedPolymer, hpo:Crosslinked
Polymer, or hpo:LinearPolymer), or mechani-
cal behavior. Another aspect covered by HPO is
the description of the manufacturing process of
composite materials, which includes the tools used
(mixers, molds, covers), the processes (impregnation,
molding, curing), and of course, any other material
used (prepregs, thinners, fillers, catalysts).
3.3.1 EMMO’s Perspectives in HPO
The classification of polymers by categories is based
on multiple inheritance, obtained by declaring a class
as a subclass of disconnected classes. For example,
an organic semiconductor polymer such as P3HT
can be classified as a hpo:HomoPolymer based on
the chemical composition, a hpo:CouplingPolymer
based on the polymerization mechanism, as well
as a hpo:LinearPolymer based on the chemical
structure. To achieve this expressivity, HPO uses
the multiperspective character of EMMO to enrich
the generic concept of emmo:PolymericMaterial
with predicates increasing its specificity. For
instance, the Contrast perspective provides the
emmo:ChemicalComposition class that ac-
commodates the classes hpo:HomoPolymer
and hpo:CoPolymer, whereas the concept of
emmo:Behaviour in the Persistence perspective
is used to classify polymers based on their me-
chanical properties. The Semiotics perspective
has a taxonomy of measured physical properties
(under the emmo:PhysicalQuantity class) used
to classify specific physical observables char-
acterizing the manufacturing process, e.g. the
hpo:PrepregGlassTransitionTemperature and
hpo:DegassingStepDuration. The manufacturing
aspects of the fabrication of polymers and composite
materials are also covered in the Persistence per-
spective, with classes like hpo:ShapingAndCuring
being part of the emmo:Manufacturing class, and
hpo:PrePreg and hpo:ResinMixer belonging to the
emmo:ManufacturedProduct family.
3.4 Application Ontology: MarketPlace
Agent and Expert Ontology
The MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology
(MAEO) (Del Nostro et al., 2023; Goldbeck and Toti,
is designed to model experts, expertise, and
the broader community of knowledge providers and
seekers within the domain of Materials Modeling, and
was developed as part of the “MarketPlace” European
project, meant to create an online platform as a cen-
tral hub for connecting scientific and industrial stake-
holders with their own expertise. MAEO supports
this platform by providing a structured framework to
represent and manage the necessary information as
an application ontology of EMMO’s ecosystem. It
aligns with other ontologies, including Friend-Of-A-
Friend (FOAF) (Brickley and Miller, 2014) and five
EMMO-based domain ontologies, i.e. the Open Inno-
vation Environment (OIE) ontologies
, for classifying
materials, models, manufacturing processes, charac-
terization methods and software products. Designed
to meet the needs of the MarketPlace project’s stake-
holders, MAEO leverages the expressive power and
standardization efforts of EMMO, ensuring interop-
erability and promoting consistency and integration
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Selection of EMMO-based ontologies: CHAMEO, BTO, HPO, MAEO. For each ontology, its acronym, the URI
with which it is accessible, its GitHub repository and the perspectives used from EMMO are reported.
EMMO-based ontologies
Acronym URI GitHub repository EMMO’s perspectives FAIR
CHAMEO https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/
Holistic, Persistence,
Contrast, Semiotics
BTO http://w3id.org/emmo-bto/bto https://github.com/emmo-repo/
Holistic, Persistence,
Contrast, Semiotics
HPO http://w3id.org/emmo-hpo/hpo https://github.com/emmo-repo/
Persistence, Contrast,
MAEO http://w3id.org/emmo-maeo/
Holistic, Persistence,
across various domains within Materials Modeling.
3.4.1 EMMO’s Perspectives in MAEO
In MAEO, an agent, i.e. a person or an entity
that is able to operate on the MarketPlace plat-
form, (a concept grouping knowledge providers and
knowledge seekers, including human experts, labo-
ratories, teams and organizations) is modeled as a
experts:MarketPlaceAgent, which is a subclass of
emmo:Participant that is seen as both an object
from the Persistence perspective and a participant in
a process from the Holistic perspective. Knowledge
providers possess a range of properties, divided into
two main categories, subjective properties and objec-
tive properties. A subjective property is inherently
non-well-defined and cannot be unambiguously de-
termined; it relies on an agent acting as a “black box”
for its definition. In MAEO, the expertise of knowl-
edge providers is considered a subjective property be-
cause it cannot be objectively defined and requires
validation by an agent, such as a certification author-
ity or employer. Conversely, an objective property
can be determined through a well-defined procedure
and observed via a specific perception mechanism,
making it measurable. In MAEO, objective proper-
ties include information about a knowledge provider
that can be clearly and objectively identified, such
as personal details (e.g. address), professional de-
tails (current and past employments), certifications
acquired, contractual details, and affiliations to orga-
nizations or companies. These two concepts are mod-
eled as expert:ExpertSubjectiveProperty and
expert:ExpertObjectiveProperty, respectively,
defined as subclasses of emmo:Property, which is a
subclass of emmo:Sign, i.e. something that stands for
an object through, for instance, a convention, thus em-
bracing EMMO’s Semiotics perspective.
3.5 FAIR Score and Technical Details
All of the ontologies described above have been tested
for pitfalls and issues via the OOPS tool (Poveda-
on et al., 2014)
, and no pitfalls were detected
Furthermore, the ontologies’ compliance with the
FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoper-
ability, Reusability) has been verified via the FOOPS!
tool (Garijo et al., 2021)
, and all of them have ob-
tained a perfect score of 100%. The four ontologies’
prefixes are stored in the prefix.cc repository
have their corresponding entry in the Linked Open
Vocabulary (LOV)
registry; the ontologies’ files are
stored in a corresponding GitHub repository. Table 1
shows a summary of the four ontologies; for each
ontology, its acronym, the URI with which it is ac-
cessible, its GitHub repository, the perspectives from
EMMO used and its FAIR score are reported.
This work has emphasized EMMO’s role in defining
a comprehensive framework to meet the needs of sci-
entific and industrial contexts, accommodating scien-
tific pluralism. EMMO’s foundation in mereocausal
theory allows for a rigorous yet pluralistic represen-
tation of knowledge, with a focus on fundamental re-
lations such as parthood and causation. EMMO’s ar-
chitecture, notable for its modularity and adaptabil-
ity, includes discipline-specific modules that ensure
high expressiveness and interoperability. These mod-
ules enable the representation of items from various
perspectives, enhancing the ontology’s versatility. By
OOPS needs the direct URL of the ontology as input.
https://foops.linkeddata.es/FAIR validator.html.
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain and Application
leveraging EMMO’s representational capabilities and
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developed domain and application ontologies, i.e.
CHAMEO, BTO, HPO and MAEO, tackle different
application scenarios. EMMO offers an adaptable
framework for developing highly expressive domain
and application ontologies. By defining foundational
classes and properties and tracing them back to funda-
mental axioms of parthood, causation, persistence and
semiotics, EMMO ensures a comprehensive knowl-
edge representation, crucial for the advancement of
both semantic web technologies and neuro-symbolic
AI, and paves the way for improved interoperability
across diverse scientific and industrial domains.
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Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme,
via NanoMECommons (G. A. n. 952869) and Open-
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development