Concerning distance, while the relative distance
exerts a lesser impact on control performance com-
pared to speed, it still markedly influences the control
performance of the follower ship within the range of 1
to 1.2 times the ship’s length. Within this range, speed
fluctuations are particularly pronounced. Overall, the
interaction force between the two ships is governed by
both speed and distance, demonstrating greater sensi-
tivity to changes in speed. If these variations in force
are not incorporated into the controller design, they
could readily result in degraded control performance
or even failure.
The current study exclusively investigates a sce-
nario involving two ships in tandem and is designed
to visually demonstrate the impact of ship-to-ship in-
teraction forces on control. Controllers are specifi-
cally tailored for the follower ship, with the tracking
path constrained to straight lines. Future research will
broaden the scope of experimental scenarios to en-
compass various formation configurations, incorpo-
rating the interaction forces among ships within these
formations. Additionally, to verify the impact of ship-
to-ship interaction forces on control, this paper em-
ployed a relatively simple PID controller. This type
of controller has poor robustness and struggles to ac-
count for the inherent limitations of ASV, such as rud-
der angle rate and thruster output. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to design a more suitable controller specifically
tailored to these conditions to ensure the performance
of the control system.
This research is supported by the "Researchlab Au-
tonomous Shipping (RAS)" of Delft University of
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Influence of Ship-to-Ship Interaction on Formation Control of Multi-Vessel Systems