• Transfer Learning: Exploring transfer learning
techniques to adapt models trained on one set
of problem instances to handle others effectively
could contribute to a general purpose AAS.
• Interpretable AI Models: Enhancing the inter-
pretability of deep learning models used in AAS
to provide insights into why certain algorithms are
preferred for specific instances could help refine
the models further and in gaining trust from users.
• Benchmarks and Datasets: Applying our frame-
work to other domains, possibly including opti-
mization problems whose domain metrics ˆm in-
volve the values of the objective function.
In conclusion, the research presented in this paper sets
a new benchmark in the field of feature-free AAS and
opens up numerous possibilities for the evolution of
more intelligent and autonomous algorithm selection
systems. Our future efforts will focus on expanding
the capabilities of our framework and exploring these
promising directions to further enhance the field of
algorithm selection.
Authors 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th are supported in
part by AI institute NSF award 2112533.
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