FOCUS: An Intelligent Startle Management Assistant for
Maximizing Pilot Resilience
Alexandre Duchevet
, Dong-Bach Vo
, Vincent Peyruqueou,
Théo De-La-Hogue, Jérémie Garcia
, Mickaël Causse
and Jean-Paul Imbert
Fédération ENAC ISAE-SUPAERO ONERA, Université de Toulouse, France
Keywords: Smart Assistant, Startle Effect, Surprise, Human-Machine Teaming, Unexpected Events, Biofeedback,
Situation Awareness.
Abstract: On the flight deck, the startle effect is triggered by sudden, unexpected and possibly threatening events such
as bird strikes or system failures. It is a very rapid protective and defensive reaction that can lead to a partial
or total incapacitation of pilots with tragic consequences. With Single Pilot and Reduced Crew operations
likely being implemented in the future, the single pilot will be forced to face and handle the startle effect alone
in the cockpit. We designed and developed FOCUS (Flight Operational Companion for Unexpected
Situations), an intelligent assistant designed to help single pilots overcome the startle effect. FOCUS supports
pilots in regulating their stress and maintaining an adequate situational awareness. The assistant guides them
to breathe at a specific pace thanks to ambient light brightness variation of the cockpit and draws their
attention towards potentially unseen information. To test and improve its design, we evaluated FOCUS in an
A320 simulator with five qualified pilots. In these trials, FOCUS was positively welcomed by pilots as they
perceived it as a valuable addition to the cockpit. These evaluations will guide further iterations of FOCUS
design and support the understanding of human-AI teaming in the cockpit in subsequent studies.
In aviation, the term "startle effect" has been often
used to designate that pilots were literally "startled"
but also "surprised" upon an unexpected event
occurrence. While startle designates the physiological
reflex following an abrupt and intense stimulus
(Koch, 1999), surprise is an emotion resulting from
the discrepancy between one's perception and
expectation. Surprise promotes “cognitive and
motivational processes directed at a proper
understanding of the unexpected event” (Horstmann,
2006). In the cockpit, a startle is almost always
accompanied by surprise (e.g TCAS alerts, lightning
strike). Surprise can also occur without startle and is
primarily due to an unexpected aircraft position, ATC
clearances, or other crewmember actions (Kochan et
al., 2004). With the growing complexity of cockpits,
automatisms are also a common source of surprise
(Dehais et al., 2015). Startle and surprise can affect
the motor (May & Rice, 1971; Vlasak, 1969) and
cognitive (Thackray et al., 1983; Woodhead, 1958)
capabilities of individuals. On the flight deck, it can
lead to task interruptions, difficulties for reframing,
or inappropriate cockpit inputs (BEA, 2012; KNKT,
Pilots’ recurrent training and, more generally,
experience are the first barriers against the startle
effect. In simulators, pilots become indeed familiar
with many situations, preparing them to react
accordingly in operations. Crew Resource
Management (CRM) helps also in the startle effect
consequences mitigation. It can be characterized by
several crew competencies like leadership, teamwork,
Duchevet, A., Vo, D., Peyruqueou, V., De-La-Hogue, T., Garcia, J., Causse, M. and Imbert, J.
FOCUS: An Intelligent Startle Management Assistant for Maximizing Pilot Resilience.
DOI: 10.5220/0012915600004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
communication and decision making (ICAO, 2013). In
2016, Field et al. demonstrated that crews that handled
unexpected events well were the ones that had good
CRM, while poorly performing crews showed
mediocre CRM. All the procedures already in place
can also help anticipate unexpected situations and
provide a framework of action to react without
engaging extensive cognitive resources. Finally, the
cockpit design plays a major role in minimizing the
consequences of the startle effect. Recent studies tested
new procedures to counter the startle effect. The
procedures URP (EASA, 2015) and COOL (Landman
et al., 2020) invite pilots to try to relax, breathe before
acting precipitately, and then promote launching the
cognitive process by focusing on what is perceived by
the pilots before making decisions.
All these mitigation measures have helped
prevent many crashes in the past, such as US Airways
1549 accident (NTSB, 2010). In this case, excellent
CRM upon a bird strike saved the situation. However,
these measures suffer from limitations. First, pilots
cannot be trained to face all possible situations, and
experiencing a situation in a simulator is not the same
as in real life (Casner et al., 2013). Moreover, it is
difficult to trigger startle and surprise in simulators.
To this end, Burki-Cohen (2010) recommend an
extremely realistic environment like Full Flight
Simulators to maximize the chances of startle and
surprise. However, as stated in the AF447 report
(BEA, 2012), "Initial and recurrent training as
delivered today does not promote and test the
capacity to react to the unexpected." Finally, even if
procedures are put in place to prevent and minimize
the startle effect, it is very difficult for pilots to apply
them correctly (Grant et al., 2018; Schroeder et al.,
2014). In the future, Single Pilot and Reduced Crew
Operations are likely to be implemented. While the
ambition of this type of operations is to at least keep
the same level of safety, the impossibility to rely on a
second pilot to face the startle effect is a danger that
cannot be overlook.
With the advance in artificial intelligence, new
systems could be implemented to support single pilots
in various tasks and situations, particularly upon
unexpected events occurrence. In 1997 already,
Strohal & Onken presented the concept of CAMA, a
cockpit assistant for military crew. Focusing on
Human-centered automation, one of its functions was
to recognize pilot intents and errors. With the same
objective of understanding crew mental state, the
Crew Workload Manager of Dorneich et al. (2011)
aims to measure objectively the workload of each
crew member to warn about potential workload
imbalance in civil aircraft cockpits. Klaproth et al.
(2020), tried also to understand pilots’ cognitive state
thanks to their brain activity immediately following
an auditory event. Finally, Duchevet et al. (2022) and
Bejarano et al. (2022) developed the HARVIS
assistant which, on one hand, supports pilots taking
the go-around decision thanks to machine learning
and on the other hand, helps them choose the most
appropriate airport during rerouting activities.
These advancements in Artificial Intelligence and
the perspectives of future single pilot operations lead
us to ask ourselves if a cockpit assistant could be
designed to support pilots under startle effect. The
study depicted here is an attempt to answer this
question. In this paper, we introduce FOCUS, our
Flight Operational Companion for Unexpected
Situations prototype, designed to help pilots
overcome the effects of startle and surprise in the
cockpit. In a first part, we detail the concept of
FOCUS through its two functions: the stress
regulation support and the situation awareness
support. In a second part, we report the results of the
qualitative evaluations of the prototype, during which
five professional pilots tested the intelligent assistant
in an A320 simulator on two startling and surprising
FOCUS employs two strategies to assist pilots in
overcoming the effect of startle. First, it helps pilots
to regulate their stress on startle event occurrence.
Directly inspired from the first step of the URP
(EASA, 2015) and COOL (Landman et al., 2020)
procedures, we want the assistant to guide pilots to
actively relax without demanding too much cognitive
resources. Second, as there is a risk of loss of situation
awareness upon unexpected events occurrence, the
assistant will ensure that no important information is
missed by the pilot, allowing to build a good mental
representation of the situation. The assistant is
supposed to have a startle effect detection module, but
this function has not been developed in the current
state of the prototype. The automatic detection of
startle and surprise would enable a dynamic task
allocation between the pilot and the assistant, the later
ensuring the flight parameter monitoring role.
2.1 Stress Regulation Function
The assistant helps limit the negative effects of acute
stress following two methods. The first method uses
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
a green halo visual effect on cockpit screens and a
green ambient light in the cockpit to guide pilots
breathing deeply. As the light intensity on the screens
and in the cockpit increases, the pilot breathes in, as
the light intensity decreases, the pilot breathes out
(Figure 1). This procedure is based on the Heart-
Focus Breathing technique that is a common step to
increase cardiac coherence where each breathing
cycle last for 10 seconds (McCraty & Zayas, 2014).
Figure 1: Stress regulation function cockpit integration.
The effect of deep breathing on stress has been
extensively demonstrated (Perciavalle et al., 2017).
Breathing can be slowed down to a constant rate to
increase relaxation and reducing stress levels
(Schlatter et al., 2022). However, reaching an optimal
breathing pace requires self-awareness and control.
Therefore, the assistant will help pilots to reach
cardiac coherence, a state where the heart rate
variability is better controlled, to reduce the effect of
The second method to limit the effect of stress is
to provide pilots with vibrotactile feedback. The pilot
is equipped with a device on the wrist, which provides
a simulated heartbeat through vibration every second,
i.e. 60 beats per minutes, when the stress regulation
support is active. It is worth noting that any wrist-
worn vibrating device such as now common smart
watches could be used for this type of stress
regulation intervention. Research has indeed shown
that constant low heart rate feedback can significantly
reduce anxiety (Sun et al., 2023). Experiencing tactile
feedback with a simulated heartbeat at 60 beats per
minute can reduce perceived anxiety (Costa et al.,
2016) and heart rate after some physical efforts (Choi
& Ishii, 2020).
2.2 Situation Awareness Enhancement
Upon an unexpected event, an orienting response is
elicited, drawing the attention towards the stimulus
(Bradley, 2009). In addition, the task may be
interrupted (Altmann & Trafton, 2004). As situations
can be highly dynamic in the cockpit, a novel event
can therefore lead to a loss of global situation
awareness. To counter this, FOCUS supports pilots in
their perception of the elements in the environment
(SA level 1) (Endsley, 1995). When the support is
active, the assistant highlights the flight parameters
that need to be checked such as altitude or speed.
When highlighted, the parameter is wrapped with a
coloured rectangular box (Figure 2). As the pilot
glances at the instrument, the highlight disappears. It
is made possible by an eye tracking system that track
pilot’s gaze position.
There are two levels of alerts based on an
estimated level of criticality. The first level is
"Caution," and the second level is "Warning". These
levels are represented by two distinct designs on the
Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display
(ND), and Engine/Warning Display (ECAM). A
situation awareness score is calculated for each
parameter as a function of time, importance of the
parameter, and speed of parameter change. As the
pilot does not look at a parameter, the score
associated to it will start dropping. If the situation
awareness score drops below a certain threshold, the
first level of alert is activated to draw the attention of
the pilot. If the drop continues, the second level is
activated in following.
Figure 2: Situation awareness support and alert levels.
2.3 Assistant’s Human-Machine
On assistant start, a subliminal icon representing two
humans supporting each other appears on the PFD,
ND and ECAM displays for 500ms to make pilots
aware of the support activation and raise the level of
anthropomorphism of the assistant (de Visser et al.,
2017) (Figure 3).
FOCUS: An Intelligent Startle Management Assistant for Maximizing Pilot Resilience
Figure 3: Assistant's icon.
The pilot can control the assistant through the
Electronic Flight Bag placed on the window side of
the piloting position. Each support function can be
activated and disabled manually on demand, giving
the pilot full control of the assistant. The pilot keeps
this way the complete responsibility of the flight. The
monitor also displays information which helps pilots
always understand the operation of the intelligent
assistant (Figure 4).
The pilot can monitor his heart rate through the
assistant. This piece of information is useful to raise
one’s self-awareness of his own physiological state
and to create an opportunity to enable stress
regulation support if needed. It also allows the
assistant to provide information about its functioning
and an explanation for self-activation to the pilot.
The pilot can monitor the relevancy of his
situation awareness. A global situation awareness
score shown on the display indicates whether flight
parameters reading is required. In addition, a widget
mimicking the PFD suggests which areas of interest
should be checked to increase the global situation
awareness score. This contributes to assistant’s
transparency and provide opportunities to improve
the pilot’s situation awareness.
The interface enables pilots to cancel the
automatic support execution when the intelligent
assistant has identified a situation of startle. This
ensures that when the assistant support is not
required, the system will not interfere with the
piloting tasks.
Figure 4: Assistant’s HMI: stress regulation, situation
awareness and auto-support monitor and control.
An evaluation of the assistant prototype was
conducted to collect professional pilots’ feedback on
the design in a realistic environment. The stress
regulation and the situation awareness supports were
implemented in the prototype. The startle effect
detection was played in wizard of Oz.
3.1 Participants
Five pilots participated to this preliminary study (All
male, mean age=43.8, SD=7.5). Four were qualified
on A320 and one was qualified on Boeing aircraft
(mean number of flights hours=4600, SD=5672). The
protocol was approved by the ethics commission for
research of the university of Toulouse (project 2023-
3.2 Scenarios
Two scenarios were created to evaluate the assistant:
1) a lightning strike on final approach, aiming to
generate startle and surprise, 2) a shifting cargo at
take-off aiming to create a surprise.
In the lightning strike scenario, the aircraft is
struck by lightning on final approach. As a result, a
loud bang is heard, and an intense flash is triggered,
provoking startle and surprise. Because of the
lightning strike, electrical problems on board of the
aircraft lead to the disconnection of automatisms.
The cargo shift scenario occurs shortly after take-
off. A cargo gets loose and a shift of centre of gravity
occurs. As a result, a strong pitch up moment is
observed, triggering a surprise. The pilot is forced to
react quickly to control the aircraft and a rapid
landing is necessary.
3.3 Physiological Measures
To assess if participants were startled and surprised,
they were equipped with physiological sensors to
monitor the cardiac (PPG, ECG), electrodermal
(GSR) and muscular activity (EMG). Participants’
reactions and facial expressions were filmed for
ground truth.
3.4 Procedure
Upon consent form completion, each participant was
first introduced to the goal and the proceedings of the
study, the context and the intelligent assistant
functions. The two flight scenarios of the study were
then presented without disclosing the startling and
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
surprising events (lightning strike and cargo shift). In
each scenario, the flight was conducted in Single Pilot
Operations. Each flying session took place in an
Airbus A320 simulator.
Upon eye tracking calibration, one of the
experimenters performed a walkthrough of the
intelligent assistant functions and invited the
participant to experience the stress regulation and the
situation awareness supports. When ready, the
participant began the training phase, which lasted for
about 20min, aiming at familiarizing with the
simulator during a take-off/landing scenario. In
addition, the participant was allowed and encouraged
to request support and to experience the assistant
functions during the training.
After completion of the training, the participant
performed the two validation scenarios in random
order. At the end of the scenarios, the participant was
debriefed about the experience and performance
during the flight. Between each scenario, the
participant filled a Likert-scale questionnaire to
assess the subjective perception on the performance,
the usefulness and the understanding of the intelligent
assistant. Finally, when the two scenarios were
completed, the participant was invited to debrief
about the intelligent assistant support through a semi-
structured interview in which usability,
improvements, AI initiative and trust was discussed.
All pilots performed the lightning strike scenario.
Because of a lack of time during some evaluation
sessions, only three of them performed the cargo-shift
scenario in addition.
Although it is not possible to report statistics analysis
given the sample size of the study, the questionnaire
results and the semi-structure interviews analysis can
provide experienced pilots’ qualitative feedback on
4.1 General Feedback
The scenarios successfully triggered startle and
surprise in the participants. On a scale from 1 (not
startled or surprised) to 10 (very startled or surprised),
participants reported an average score of 7.0
(SD=3.06) for startle and an average score of 7.6
(SD=1.51) for surprise in the lightning strike
scenario. The cargo shift scenario was deemed less
intense with a startle average score of 3.7 (SD=2.52)
and a surprise average score of 5 (SD=2.64).
Physiological data (Figure 5) and facial expressions
confirmed that all the participants were startled or
surprised during the lightning strike scenario. Signs
of stress after the surprising event were observed in
physiological data in the cargo shift scenario for all
the participants. For example, P4 commented about
the lightning strike scenario: I was sort of surprised
and trying to figure out what is working and where I
am, what direction am I going?”.
The assistant was generally welcomed by the
participants. All of them were aware of the assistant’s
activation thanks to the icon appearing on screens. P4
stated that the icon disturbed his visual scan but
allowed him to “take a step back”. The participants
thought that the assistant made them able to maintain
a good situation awareness and that the awareness
guidance was overall relevant. The system actions
and purpose were well understood by the participants,
and the assistant was thought easy to interact with.
Participants felt somewhat confident to work with the
assistant. That being said, the participants felt unsure
about the benefits of the assistant to limit the
detrimental effect of startle and surprise, and its
usefulness when unexpected events occurred (i.e. in
situations of surprise).
Figure 5: Example of a participant's electrodermal activity
(Galvanic Skin Response) following the lightning strike
event, resulting in the increase of the conductance.
4.2 Stress Regulation Support
The breathing guidance lights were seen as an
indicator of stress level during the exercise (P1). By
seeing the light, P4 was reminded to breathe deeply.
However, participants highlighted the lack of
availability to perform the breathing procedure. For
instance, P2 stated: “You need availability to focus on
your cardiac rhythm” and P3 added: “I was thinking
about it during the last [led] cycle, then I tried to
adapt my breathing. Before that, I don’t think I was
aware of or adapting my breathing”. Some pilots
admitted that focusing on their breathing while
dealing with the aircraft automation failures was quite
FOCUS: An Intelligent Startle Management Assistant for Maximizing Pilot Resilience
The tactile heartbeat simulation was not found
uncomfortable. No participant noticed the tactile
feedback during the exercise even though they
experienced it during the training phase. Pilots were
eager to know whether the tactile feedback had a real
impact on their heartbeat. P2 thought that pilots could
benefit from tactile feedback as it was “transparent”
(i.e. unintrusive) to him and to other pilots, and that it
did not have any impact on his workload. He added
that the technology may be promising if it can be
compatible with existing pilot smartwatches.
Finally, it is worth noting that none of the
participants found the physiological monitoring
display useful. Even though P3 was monitoring his
physiological status at the beginning of the exercise,
he stopped when the assistant support started. The
other pilots reported that they did not look at the
assistant control interface on the Electronic Flight
Bag during the exercises. Pilots reported indeed that
they did not have the cognitive resources to check the
physiological monitoring display once the emergency
declared. They had to focus on handling the
emergency and controlling the aircraft.
4.3 Situation Awareness Support
The situation awareness support was useful to
participants, especially when the autopilot failed in
our exercise (M=3.85/5, SD=0.69). The assistant
managed to draw pilots’ attention towards specific
parameters. P5 commented: “I missed the speed
change. I was glad that the assistant told me to look
at the speed”. P4 thought the benefit of the situation
awareness support was to “increase the sampling
rate” to acquire flight information. He thought that it
may have focused too long on the navigation display
or on some other information. P3 said that the
attention getter helped him to check the right pieces
of information, even though this is what he was
already planning. He reported: “I think I would have
done it but it allowed me to save time”. P1 also
commented on the potential for such assistance to
support pilot flying aircraft that they are not familiar
with. With more training with the assistant, the
participants thought they could follow its guidance
However, they also warned about the potential
distraction that could result from the PFD red
highlighting boxes (Warning level). Because some
pilots did not look to all the instruments, more boxes
started to appear on the PFD. They thought that this
was overwhelming and confused them about what
instrument to look first. The pilot’s inability to make
some boxes disappear upon glancing at it was partly
due to an assistant lack of performances in
recognizing Areas of Interest (AOI) in the cockpit.
Particularly, it failed several times to detect the AOI
associated with the heading and the localizer
deviation on the Primary Flight Display resulting in
constant red boxes around these zones even though
pilots were looking at them.
Our study showed a successful cockpit integration of
an intelligent assistant to support pilots during startle
effect in Single Pilot Operations. As shown by
participants’ statements, the need to maintain a good
situation awareness upon unexpected events
occurrence appears to be strong and a stress
regulation system seems promising. However, limits
to our approach should be mentioned. As no
commercial airliner is today flown single pilot, the
most adequate solution for FOCUS’ evaluation was
to perform simulations in an Airbus A320 cockpit,
even though it is not designed specifically for regular
Single Pilot Operations. Moreover, the training to use
the assistant was short (20 minutes) compared to
standard training for new systems. With more
experience with FOCUS, pilots could be more at ease
with interacting with the assistant which could bring
new perspectives and feedback.
Evaluating FOCUS highlighted key points for
designing assistants in highly dynamic and complex
situations. Even if agent transparency is vital,
providing information to the pilots should not
overload and disturb her/him. Thus, the availability of
cognitive resources to process information appears to
be one of the main challenges for startle effect
management. We believe that one way to pursue our
research would be to look for the most appropriate
means to reduce stress in dynamic and cognitively
demanding environments. Furthermore, as FOCUS
adapts to pilots’ behaviour thanks to the analysis of
the gaze position, we could improve the situation
awareness support by pushing the adaptiveness of the
assistant to fit exactly pilots’ profile and own scan
FOCUS is an attempt to design and develop a
Human-Automation Teaming (HAT) agent for the
cockpit. It aligns with the conceptual model of
Shively et al. (2018). First, FOCUS achieves dynamic
task allocation by assuming a monitoring role when a
startle effect is detected. Second, bidirectional
communication is present, with the pilot passively
sending gaze information and physiological data,
while the assistant suggests where to focus attention.
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
This passive communication from the pilot to the
Agent might be a solution to improve team situation
awareness and to communicate effectively in a
dynamic situation (Demir et al., 2017), with pilots
constantly pushing information without effort to the
HAT agent. Finally, transparency, as with other
cockpit systems, poses a challenge for FOCUS.
Pilots, especially under the startle effect, have limited
cognitive and time resources to comprehend the
reasoning behind FOCUS outputs. Its transparency
and trust in it may develop through training and post-
operations analysis of agent outputs, rather than
solely during operations, echoing directly a research
gap depicted by Lyons et al. (2021): "What is the
optimal level and method of training to team with
machines [...]?”. But building a solid trust in the HAT
agent during training and rely exclusively on it when
things go south seems dangerous. The challenge lies
therefore is the following question: How to design a
transparent artificial teammate while the cognitive
capacities of the human counterpart are temporary
This work was done as part of the HAIKU project.
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation
programme HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-13 under
Grant Agreement no 101075332.
The authors wish to acknowledge all the
professional pilots that took their time to share their
useful insight during interviews, design meetings and
simulations. A special thanks to Yves Rouillard,
flight simulator manager, without whom the
evaluations of the assistant would not have been
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ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems