A Player Position Tracking Method
Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video
Shunzo Yamagishi
, Chun Xie
, Hidehiko Shishido
and Itaru Kitahara
Master’s and Doctoral Program in Intelligent Mechanical Interaction Systems, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Information Systems Engineering, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Sports Analytics, Player Tracking, Wide-Area, Video Processing, Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera.
Abstract: This paper proposes a method to estimate the posture of an athlete moving on a vast field in a sporting event
using a pan-tilt-zoom camera. In order to estimate the posture of an athlete on a sports field from a dynamic
video sequence, our method extracts image features to search correspondence points among successive frames
and computes the homography transformation matrix that compensates for changes the camera parameters
(e.g., angle of view and posture). The effectiveness of this method is qualitatively verified using MLB TV
broadcast video. The accuracy and error factors are also quantitatively verified by CG simulation.
The use of video data for player evaluation in sports
is advancing. In team sports played on large fields,
such as soccer and baseball, both individual perfor-
mance and team coordination are analyzed. Detailed
physical movement data is crucial for evaluating in-
dividual skills, such as dribbling or catching. Con-
versely, data on player positions and the positional re-
lationship among the ball and players are used to eval-
uate passing and hitting techniques and to analyze
tactics like formations.
To evaluate individual physical movements, local
information around the players is needed, typically
acquired using telephoto tracking shots. For tactical
analysis, capturing wide-area information of the en-
tire field with fixed wide-angle shots is more effec-
tive. However, due to limitation of camera resolution,
it is challenging to capture both local and wide-area
information with a single camera, while using multi-
ple cameras introduces extra cost and sometimes un-
feasible in competitive situations due to restrictions
imposed by competition organizations.
A PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) camera can change its field
of view (zoom) and posture (pan and tilt), enabling
both telephoto tracking and wide-area fixed shooting
depending on the situation. Since the shooting region
of a PTZ camera dynamically changes, it is necessary
to estimate the shoot region of the field in every
frame. Typically, standardized field markers set up in
accordance with competition regulations, such as
lines, are used for alignment. However, during tele-
photo shooting, only a small portion of the field is
captured, making alignment difficult due to the lack
of visible landmarks.
This paper aims to solve this issue by estimating
changes in the camera's shooting area using natural
feature points instead of relying on explicit land-
marks. Instead of mapping player positions directly
from a camera frame to the field, we transform them
to a reference frame where landmarks are clearly ob-
served in a sequential manner. Our method can map
player positions to the filed coordinate using videos
taken by a PTZ camera that switch between wide-an-
gle and telephoto tracking. In the experiment, the ef-
fectiveness of our method and the errors associated
with estimating player positions are discussed.
Yamagishi, S., Xie, C., Shishido, H. and Kitahara, I.
A Player Position Tracking Method Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video.
DOI: 10.5220/0012920100003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 46-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright Β© 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Overview of our proposed method: The geometric relationship between each frame of the PTZ camera and the field
𝑯 can be determined by the homography matrix 𝑯
between the reference frame and the field, and the homography matrix
between each frame 𝑖 and the reference frame.
Player tracking has been applied to various kinds of
sports. In basketball, Lu et al. proposed a method for
tracking players using a single pan-tilt-zoom camera,
and applied it to the analysis of player performance
on the court by estimating the homography between
video frames and the court (Lu et al., 2013). In foot-
ball, a method was proposed to analyze the movement
trajectories of players on the field by automatically
estimating camera parameters using optical flow and
detecting players with a Kalman filter from match
video (Beetz et al., 2007). In ski racing, research vis-
ualizes the movement trajectory of players from cam-
era video fixed to a tripod (Dunnhofer et al., 2023).
Due to the development of deep learning, object
detection methods have been proposed that can ex-
tract effective features and perform class identifica-
tion from small regions in low-resolution video or im-
ages (Redmon et al., 2016; Ren et al., 2016). As a re-
sult, in the field of sports, attempts have been made to
detect and track small regions of players and balls in
video from drone and fixed-camera video of the entire
field (Katić et al., 2024).
There is also a lot of research being done on field
alignment, which seeks to determine the geometric
relationship between the field coordinate system and
the camera image coordinate system. For example, a
method has been proposed for adjusting the position
of the parallel lines and vanishing points of a field us-
ing the energy maximization problem of a Markov
field (Homayounfar et al., 2017). Additionally, there
are research examples that use regression networks to
align images of sports fields with template images of
fields (Jiang et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2022). Another
proposed approach is to create a database and query
it with images of edges extracted from input images.
(Chen & Little, 2019). These methods seek to estab-
lish a correspondence between frames and fields by
directly matching field features for each frame.
Therefore, they rely on accurately detecting field
A Player Position Tracking Method Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video
Figure 2: Process flow of the proposed method. Mask player regions in video frames based on player detection results. Feature
points are detected from the masked frames. The frame of interest is compared with the previous 𝑛 frames to obtain the
transformation matrix 𝑯
to the reference frame.
Figure 3: Detection of players by object detection network.
The center of the lower edge of the resulting bounding box
is used as the position of the player ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― in the PTZ
camera frame.
features such as straight lines and circles.
In baseball, the image features available for
matching between video frames are too sparse to es-
timate robust inter-frame transformations. To address
this problem, we set a reference frame and calculate
the transformation between each frame and the refer-
ence frame, as well as the transformation between the
reference frame and the field coordinate system. This
allows us to determine the position of the player on
the field even when reliable image features are not
Figure 1 shows the overview of our proposed method,
and Figure 2 details the process flow. Our objective
is to detect a target player in a video involving various
camera motions and fields of view, and map the
player’s position to a field coordinate system via a
homography transformation. Here, we denote points
in three coordinate systems as follows:
 ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅―: coordinate in the 𝑖
PTZ camera
 ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅―: coordinate in the specified refer-
ence frame of the PTZ camera
 ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅―: coordinate on the field
3.1 Player Detection and Tracking in a
PTZ-Video Frame
An object detection neural network is used to detect
and track the player in a frame of the shot PTZ-video.
The center of the lower edge of the resulting bounding
box, as shown in Figure 3, is used as the position of
the player ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅―. We also apply a Multi-Object
Tracking (MOT) technique to ensure a target player
can be traced across different frames.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 4: Masked feature detection: We use the bounding
box of detected players to generate a mask image for each
frame and remove the feature points in the masked area. The
remaining features are consistent in terms of frame-to-
frame transformation, making them robust for feature
3.2 Player Position Mapping
Since the PTZ camera keeps stationary (e.g., fixed the
environment using a tripod) and the shooting distance
of sports scene is relatively long, it can be assumed
that the optical center of the camera is also fixed while
shooting. Therefore, the image coordinate system of
each frame can be transformed using a homography
matrix. The relationship between the coordinates in
the PTZ camera plane ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― and the coordi-
nates in the reference camera planeξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― can
be described using the homography matrix 𝑯
shown in equation (1).
can be estimated via feature matching be-
tween a PTZ camera frame and the reference frame.
However, the camera field of view differs greatly be-
tween frames, and features can be extremely sparse in
zoomed-in shots where the observed area is very nar-
row. As a result, it is usually difficult to find enough
robust feature pairs to register a PTZ camera frame
directly to the reference frame.
To address this problem, we match the target
frame with the previous 𝑛 frames, instead of the ref-
erence frame, to estimate a local transformation
through Least Squares Method and Direct Linear
Transform(Hartley & Zisserman, 2003). The local
transformations are then incorporated back towards
the reference frame to obtain the homography be-
tween the target frame and the reference frame 𝑯
To make the estimation of local transformations more
robust, we filter out unreliable features which majorly
detected on the moving players from feature matching.
This is done by using a mask image generated from
the bounding boxes of players produced by an object
detection network. The process is demonstrated in
Figure 4.
Given the homography transformation 𝑯
tween the reference camera plane and the field plane,
we can map the player coordinates ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― in the
frame to the field plane coordinates ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― via
Equations (2) and (3). Note that 𝑯
can be easily ob-
tained by specifying the field coordinates of several
representative points on the reference camera image.
To demonstrate the application of our method, two
types of evaluations are performed. The first evalua-
tion is qualitative, using real-world video of an out-
fielder catching a fly ball. The second evaluation is
A Player Position Tracking Method Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video
Figure 5: Results using MLB live video. Left: the frame of interest. Middle: the reference frame, with the frame of interest
registered in the area marked by the white rectangle. Right: estimated player positions visualized on the aerial image. The
player is moving from white point to red point.
quantitative, using a CG simulation. For object detec-
tion, we adopt YOLOv8 (Jocher et al., 2022/2023)
and ByteTrack (Zhang et al., 2022) for multi-object
tracking. SIFT (Lowe, 2004) is used for feature ex-
traction for feature matching. In addition, the match-
ing interval 𝑛 is set to 30 frames.
4.1 Live-Action Video Evaluation
We conducted a qualitative experiment using PTZ
video videos shot in a real-world baseball game. The
video was sourced from MLB FILM ROOM
(MLB.com, 2024) and primarily captured using PTZ
cameras for TV broadcasts. We clipped scenes where
the outfielder catches the ball from the cited video and
used these as our input. We manually masked out the
chyrons in the video as they contain undesired fea-
To visualize player positions, we used aerial pho-
tographs from Google Earth (Google LLC, 2024).
Figure 5 illustrates the results. The left column of Fig-
ure 5 shows a zoomed-in frame, and the middle col-
umn shows this frame registered to the reference
frame using 𝑯
. The right column demonstrates
that even when the camera's field of view differed
greatly from the reference frame, we can still success-
fully map the positions of the players on the field.
4.2 CG Environment Evaluation
We use Unity (Unity Technologies, 2023b) to create
the CG simulation and incorporated the Baseball Sta-
diums Pack (Distinctive Developments Ltd, 2017)
and Starter Assets - ThirdPerson (Unity Technolo-
gies, 2023a) for the player models To improve object
detection accuracy, we changed the color of the
player model and fine-tuned the object detection
mode. Using this environment, we rendered a video
that includes PTZ camera work, reproducing an out-
fielder catching a ball. The video was rendered in Full
HD quality at 30fps.
4.2.1 Decomposition of Error
The error in player position in the field plane is eval-
uated by breaking it down into depth and lateral di-
rections as viewed from the camera. Figure 6 illus-
trates the overview. First, the camera optical axis is
obtained from the true values of the camera parame-
ters. Next, the camera optical axis is orthogonally
projected onto the field plane. The error in the posi-
tion of the player in the direction of the orthographic
projection of the optical axis is the D-error, and the
error in the component perpendicular to the D-error
is the L-error. D-error represents the error in
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 6: An overview of the decomposition of player po-
sition error, where D-error indicates the error in the depth
direction as seen from the camera and L-error indicates the
error in the lateral direction as seen from the camera.
the depth direction as seen from the camera, and L-
error represents the error in the lateral direction as
seen from the camera.
4.2.2 Player Position Error on the Field
We analyze the errors in the estimated player posi-
tions ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― compared to the ground truth ξ΅«π‘₯
as shown in the left column of Figure 7. The potential
sources of error are:
 The error in the player's position ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― on
the PTZ camera plane due to object detection.
 the estimated error in the homography transfor-
mation matrix 𝑯
from the PTZ camera plane
to the reference camera plane.
To further investigate the effects of each error
source, we calculated the overall errors using the fol-
lowing setups:
 Use ground truth player positions in PTZ cam-
era frames and map them to the field plane using
the estimated homography transformation. The
result is shown in Figure 7 (middle)
 Use estimated player positions in PTZ camera
frames provided by object detection and map
them to the field plane using the ground truth
homography transform. The result is shown in
Figure 7 (right)
As can be seen from the middle and right columns
of Figure 7, the error is much more significant when
using estimated player positions.
Figure 7: The player position error is shown decomposed into the camera depth direction (D-error) and the lateral direction
as seen from the camera (L-error). (left) when object detection yields an estimate of the player's position on the PTZ camera
plane and matching estimates the transformation to the reference camera plane; (center) when true values are given for the
player's position on the PTZ camera plane from the camera parameters; (right) when true values are given for the transfor-
mation to the reference camera plane. If given. We see that the error in the player's position in the field coordinate system is
greater in the depth direction of the camera. Comparing the rows also shows that most of the error is due to the detected
position on the PTZ camera plane.
A Player Position Tracking Method Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video
Figure 8: The relationship between the number of frames elapsed from the reference frame and the accuracy of 𝑯
tion (square root of the mean square error of the corners). Homographic errors accumulated as the number of synthetic trans-
formations increased. However, no differences were found between the different camera work.
4.2.3 Effect of PTZ Camera Motion
We evaluate the accuracy of 𝑯
, by using root mean
squared error (RMSE) of the four corners of the trans-
formed camera frames on the reference frame. To in-
vestigate the effect of each camera operation and dis-
tance to the reference frame on 𝑯
, we use videos
with only pan-tilt, only zoom, and all PTZ move-
ments. The results, shown in Figure 8, indicate that
homography errors accumulate as the number of com-
posite transformations increases.
4.2.5 Discussion
The experimental results indicate that the position es-
timation error for players in short videos is primarily
due to the object detection result ξ΅«π‘₯
ξ΅― on the
PTZ camera plane. However, in longer videos, the er-
rors caused by 𝑯
accumulate as the transformation
matrix is integrated from the PTZ frame to the refer-
ence frame.
Additionally, defining the player's position as the
bottom-center of the bounding box is not strictly ac-
curate since players often jump and land repeatedly.
This is especially true for shallow tilt angles, which
cause significant errors in the depth direction of the
camera (D-error). Improving player position estima-
tion accuracy requires developing more precise meth-
ods for detecting players on the PTZ camera plane.
This paper proposed a method to determine the posi-
tions of players on a large field during sporting events
from videos captured using a PTZ camera where the
camera pose and FOV change dynamically based on
the context. Our approach estimates player positions
by finding corresponding points between consecutive
frames using image features and calculating a homog-
raphy transformation matrix to map the player posi-
tions from the dynamic camera frame to the static
field plane.
We validated the effectiveness of our method with
MLB TV broadcast video and further verified its ac-
curacy and error sources using a CG simulation with
known true values. This research provides a valuable
technique for accurately tracking player positions
globally in dynamic sports settings.
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A Player Position Tracking Method Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video