The real-time nature of the problem and the hard
task to precisely construct mathematical models for
such events on highway scenarios both contribute
to the choice of Machine Learning-based solutions.
This study demonstrates the efficacy and scalability
of a Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learn-
ing (cMARL) approach.
As detailed in its context, three important meth-
ods have been utilized as benchmarks in our exten-
sive comparison scheme, being the free-flow condi-
tion with no control enabled, the MCS currently used
in real world application in Sweden, and the MTFC,
which can achieve the best performance in certain
flow metrics according to a survey carried out among
VSLC techniques.
The results, obtained from extensive simulations
in both normal and high traffic density conditions,
highlight the significant advantages of cMARL over
traditional traffic management methods. Specifically,
cMARL consistently outperforms baseline methods
in reducing average travel times, waiting times, and
queue lengths, thus enhancing overall traffic flow effi-
ciency. Furthermore, the approach proves to be highly
effective in lowering fuel consumption and emissions
of CO
and NO
Overall, the dual benefits of improved traffic flow
and reduced environmental impact make cMARL a
promising solution for modern traffic management
challenges. The results of this study pave the way
for future research: further development of the RL
abstraction terms would certainly yield to even better
results, such as a sliding kernel-type state representa-
tion for the ease of interpretability.
This work was supported by the European Union
within the framework of the National Labora-
tory for Autonomous Systems (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-
00002). T.B. was supported by BO/00233/21/6: the
anos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics