Flower Classification and Key Parameter Analysis Based on Vit
Ruochen Deng
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, China
Keywords: Flower Classification, Vision Transformer, Multi-Head Attention Mechanism, Self-Attention Mechanisms.
Abstract: Flower classification holds significant implications for various fields, including plant resource survey and
plant taxonomy education. This paper proposes employing the Vision Transformer (ViT) model for flower
classification tasks. The study aims to investigate the impact of varying depth and head parameters in ViT
model on their performance. Through an analysis of accuracy performance and attention properties, the
research explores optimal strategies for setting depth and head parameters. Additionally, it delves into the
phenomenon of attention collapse within the multi-head attention mechanism, utilizing mean attention
distance plots for in-depth analysis. Results reveal a positive correlation between model depth, number of
heads, and classification accuracy. Moreover, insights gleaned from attention collapse observations provide
valuable guidance for optimizing depth and head parameter settings. This study offers valuable insights into
the performance of ViT models in flower classification tasks, while also contributing to the understanding of
depth and head parameters in self-attention mechanisms for future research endeavors.
On the plant evolutionary stage, the number of
flowering plants grows considerably to about 250,000
living species, classified into nearly 350 families,
which makes them one of the most flourishing
creatures on the planet (Kenrick, 1999). Flower
classification is a groundwork in Botany. The most
primitive way to classify flowers is fully by man-
made observation with botanical expertise. In the
modern time, the application of flower classification
is reflected in many aspects, including management
of a query index system based on image content for
flower databases (Das, 1999), plant resource survey,
and education on plant taxonomy (Chi, 2003). In
these scenarios, manual classification can be not
practical enough. With the rapid development of
computer vision science, flower classification by
computer becomes an obvious tendency.
Classifying flower plants always appears to be
tougher than other image classification job. Even for
a real person, it can be hard to tell the differences
between two species of flowers, compared with a
‘car, bike, human’ task (Nilsback, 2006). In the field
of computer vision, the flower classification presents
an additional hurdle due to the significant similarities
between classes, and furthermore, flowers are non-
rigid entities capable of various deformations, leading
to considerable intra-class variation (Nilsback, 2008).
Traditional flower classification techniques typically
use extracted features such as color, texture, and
shape from images to enhance classification
performance. While Support Vector Machines
(SVM) can classify flowers based on these features,
the robustness of this traditional method is not
guaranteed. This is primarily because the
conventional ways highly rely on specific manually
crafted features, which may not generalize well under
varying conditions like changes in lighting, flower
poses, or surrounding objects (Nilsback,
2006)(Nilsback, 2008)(Hiary, 2018). With the
introduction of deep learning technology in the
direction of image recognition, especially the use of
convolutional neural networks (CNN), automatic
learning of invariant features of flower images
demonstrates superior accuracy compared to
traditional hand-made methods. Besides, after the
transformer architecture was proposed and achieved
significant success in the realm of natural language
processing (NLP), the seq2seq architecture has also
been applied in the field of computer vision. The
ResNet (He, 2016) and EfficientNet (Tan, 2019)
which are based on CNN are often considered to
Deng, R.
Flower Classification and Key Parameter Analysis Based on ViT.
DOI: 10.5220/0012922900004508
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence (EMITI 2024), pages 194-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-713-9
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
dominate the field, but now the Vision Transformer
(ViT) shows its potential replacement (Dosovitskiy,
The main objective of this research is to assess the
effectiveness of flower classification utilizing
transformer architecture, particularly the ViT model
renowned for its unique self-attention mechanism
(Vaswani, 2017). This mechanism enables the
establishment of global relationships among image
patches, facilitating the learning of intricate feature
correlations within flower image datasets. The
research focuses on examining the impact of varying
head quantities and depth of encoder layers on the
prediction accuracy curves of the ViT model with
pre-training. Furthermore, analyzing the attention
map distribution across different heads and
transformer layers is vital for understanding the
model capability to establish relationships between
image patches and extract meaningful features from
complex flower images. The analysis also highlights
that while increasing model depth can lead to
performance improvements, there's a point of
saturation. Through simulations of the transformer's
receptive field to measure attention distribution, this
study provides insights into optimal trade-offs.
Ultimately, it suggests that while augmenting the
number of heads and depth in ViT models generally
enhances performance, the highest values may not
always be optimal, especially in intricate tasks like
flower classification. Careful consideration of these
trade-offs is essential for achieving optimal results in
flower classification tasks.
2.1 Dataset Description and
The dataset used in this work is called tf_flowers,
sourced from TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS),
containing 3670 images of flowers (Luo, 2022). All
original images are sourced from Flickr. Each image
varies in size, the number of flowers, shapes,
proportions within the frame, etc. This flowers dataset
contains five categories: daisy, dandelion, roses,
sunflowers, and tulips. A sample is shown in the
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Images from tf_flowers dataset
credit: Original).
With no predefined splits, in this work, 20% of
images are randomly sampled for validation, the rest
for training. About data preprocessing, the main task
is to resize the images to a consistent size 224x224
pixels. Specifically, for the training set, to enhance
data diversity and complexity, images are randomly
cropped to the specified size, with a 0.5 probability of
horizontal flipping. For the validation set, to maintain
consistency and comparability in evaluation, the
image’s shorter is resized to 256 pixels and cropped
into a 224x224 pixel region from the centre. Finally,
all image data is converted into tensor and normalized.
2.2 Proposed Approach
This study primarily focuses on implementing the
classic ViT model for flower image classification
tasks, with a specific emphasis on two key
hyperparameters: depth and head. The architecture of
the ViT model comprises three main components: the
Embedding layer, the transformer encoder, and the
MLP head. The investigation employs various
parameter analysis methods, including accuracy
curves and visualization of attention maps (both self
and class token), along with mean attention distance
dot diagrams. These methodologies are employed to
examine how variations in depth and head influence
the model's performance, thus offering valuable
insights into the effectiveness of the ViT model for
flower classification tasks. The pipeline is illustrated
in Figure 2, providing a visual representation of the
Figure 2: The pipeline of the model and analysis method
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
2.2.1 Embedding Layer
The model converts the image, represented as a three-
dimensional matrix [H, W, C], into patches using a
simple convolutional process. With a kernel size of
16x16, a stride of 16, and 768 filters, an input image
shape of [224, 224, 3] transforms into [14, 14, 768].
After this process, the output can be a set of tokens
with a shape of [196, 768]. Furthermore, before these
tokens proceed to the next parts, a position
embedding process is applied to keep the sequential
information among the patches. Besides, a [class]
Flower Classification and Key Parameter Analysis Based on ViT
Figure 3: Encoder Block
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
token is added as well to store classification
information, resulting in [197, 768] as output shape.
2.2.2 Transformer Encoder
This part is the core of the model, and the
hyperparameters, depth and head mainly discussed in
this work, also come from this part. Transformer
Encoder consists of stacking Encoder blocks, the
precise number of Encoder block represents the value
corresponding to the depth parameter.
Each Encoder block contains Layer
Normalization, normalizing tokens, not the batches,
and Dropout process and MLP block are also used
here, which is shown in the Figure 3.
The most critical part is multi-head attention. The
head parameter comes from the number of head here.
Compared with conventional self-attention, multi-
head self-attention performs the same process on
multiple "heads" in parallel. Each head has
independent, learnable matrices for generating key,
query, and value vectors. In this work, the division of
multi-head is by equally dividing the dimensions of
the Query vector, Key vector, and value vector to
each head. Then different heads use their own token
information to complete the self-attention mechanism.
Eventually, directly adding a fully connected layer
can aggregate the output of different heads. The
formula is as follows (Dosovitskiy, 2020):
(, ,) max( )
Attention Q K V soft V
(, ,) ( ,
,, )
MultiHead Q K V Concate head
head head W
(, ,)
head Attention QW KW VW=
2.2.3 Mlp Head
After the Transformer Encoder, the output shape
remains unchanged compared to the input. In this
work, only classification information is needed. By
completing the full connection layer of the class token
input in MLP, the probability distribution of each
corresponding classification item can be formed,
based on which the prediction can be made.
2.2.4 Attention Map Visualization and
Attention Distance
To examine the impact of the hyperparameters depth
and head on the self-attention mechanism, it is
necessary to extract specific attention information
from the model. In this work, the ‘Visualizer’ (Luo,
2022) tool helped extract the Attention Map nested
deep in the model. When the model predicts the test
image, it will store ‘depth’ pieces of tensor
information with shape of [index, head_num, 197,
197] in the cache, in which depth is the layer number
of the transformer encoder, index is the picture
number, head_num is the head number. the values in
row i and column j in the 197*197 two-dimensional
matrix represent the attention value of the i-th patch
to the j-th patch, and among 197 tokens, the one at
position 0 is [class] token. Based on this, deeper
attention information is accessible.
Attention distance (Dosovitskiy, 2020) is
proposed to explain the ‘receptive field’ of the ViT
model and is used to characterize the model capability
to perceive data. As to the ViT model, if the attention
mechanism tends to integrate global information, it
means that its ability to perceive data is stronger and
the attention distance is larger. In this work, it is
concerned that the average Attention distance of all
patches corresponding to a certain head in a certain
layer, which is the mean attention distance.
2.2.5 Loss Function
In this task, the cross-entropy loss function is utilized
as the Loss function, which has been proven to be
extremely effective in image classification tasks
many times.
Specifically in this task, flower classification is
essentially a single-label classification task. Each
sample has only one label. For such a single sample,
assume that the real distribution is y, the model output
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
distribution is 𝑦, and the number of categories is n.
Then there is the following counting formula:
Loss y
The lower the loss value, the closer probability
distribution output by the model is to the real one.
After the calculation of Loss is completed, the
back propagation algorithm will be utilized to
calculate the parameters' gradients. Then the pre-
designed optimizer, with the learning rate through the
cosine annealing algorithm, will promote the process
of stochastic gradient descent, updating the
parameters. At last, the previous gradient information
needs to be cleared in time.
2.3 Implementation Details
When specifically training the ViT model, it is not
recommended to only use this flower data set for
training. In this case, this model does not work as well
as it can. No matter how to adjust the epoch, learning
rate algorithm, or other hyperparameters, the
accuracy is always tough to rise to a satisfactory level.
The ViT model is similar to other transformer models.
Only by pre-training on very large-scale data sets,
accumulating generalization capabilities, can the
model reflect its own effects and advantages. This
work mainly uses the weight file formed by the model
pre-training on ImageNet-21k as a base for further
model training on flower classification tasks.
By utilizing the ViT model on flower classification,
this study firstly analyzes the performance of
changing depth and head hyperparameter on model
training, and then discusses the logic behind the
design of the multi-head mechanism. Based on these
analyses, this work explores the shallow and deep
trade-offs on hyperparameter settings.
As shown in the Figure 4, the accuracy curve of
the model without pre-training weights was examined
when depth is set to 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 32. In this
part, the accuracy is generally positively correlated
with the depth. Deepening the number of layers to
achieve better and more stable training is the basic
idea in the deep learning field. More encoder blocks
extract data information more deeply. The
improvement brought by the depth from 1 to 12 is
considerable. However, it was found that the
improvement brought by the depth from 12 to 32 is
not significant enough, and the cost-effectiveness of
deepening was greatly reduced. A trade-off based on
this is necessary. In this work, images of flower often
have sufficient space for understanding, and when the
depth is 12, the ViT model can work well enough.
Figure 4: Accuracy curve of varying depth (without pre-
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
As shown in the Figure 5, with pre-training
weights and fixing the depth to 12, the accuracy
curves of the model are examined when head is set to
1, 2, 4, 8, and 12. With the increase in head quantity,
the model's accuracy under the same epoch improves,
and the enhancement is more stable. In this work, the
division of heads is by equally dividing the
dimensions of the token into each head. It can be
considered that different heads understand the
information from different aspect. Q and K in the
attention mechanism are essentially used to measure
the association between different patches, and this
association may be very abstract and complex. To
better understand it, different heads will describe
these associations in different vector spaces.
Figure 5: Accuracy curve of varying head (with pre-training)
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Figure 6 shows the attention map in the first layer
in the single-head and multi-head case. When the
number of heads is small, the model may excessively
focus on its own position, appearing an obvious
diagonal on the attention map. But for multiple heads,
Flower Classification and Key Parameter Analysis Based on ViT
the attention maps formed by different heads in the
same layer vary a lot. Some are also obvious
diagonals, and some are not obvious at all. The multi-
head design essentially offers the model some
chances to avoid the trap of excessive self-focus, so it
can improve the model to be better and more stable.
Figure 6: Attention map of one head and multi-head
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
As shown in Figure 7, the test image is shown on
the left. The 12 Figures in the upper two rows on the
right are the class token attention of the 12 heads in
the first layer. Some focus on the local part of the
flower, some focus on the overall flower, and some
focus on global parts of the background. From the
perspective of this diversity effect of attention, the
significance of multi-head is profound. The 12 figures
in the next two rows are from the 12th layer, the last
layer. It is found that different heads show strong
similarity in the distribution of attention, which
shows that as the model deepens, the self-attention
mechanism of each head becomes less effective in
generating different attention to capture the features
and connections between patches. In other words,
attention collapse (Dosovitskiy, 2020) occurs.
Figure 7: Attention visualization of each head on layer 0
and 11
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
In addition to the similarity in attention
distribution, it was also found that each head seems
not to focus on the foreground information about
Based on this, this part introduces attention
distance for further investigation. As shown in Figure
8, in the first few layers, the mean attention distance
varies a lot from head to head. As the layer goes
deeper, the mean attention distance of different heads
begins to show convergence at high values. This
result shows that at the beginning, some heads are
responsible for local information, and some are
responsible for global information. As the depth
continues to increase, all the heads will all tend to
integrate global information. After that, the benefits
of layer training begin to decrease. The inflection
point where benefits begin to decrease provides a
vital reference for deep trade-off on the settings of
depth and head hyperparameters.
Figure 8: Mean attention distance distribution of heads on
each layer
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
This study delves into the exploration of the crucial
hyperparameters, namely head and depth, and their
profound impact on the performance of the ViT
model within the context of flower classification
tasks. Beyond mere accuracy assessments, the
investigation employs sophisticated techniques such
as attention visualization and distance values to delve
deeper into the significance of the multi-head design.
Extensive and meticulously designed experiments
were meticulously conducted to comprehensively
analyse the intricate relationships between
hyperparameters and model architecture. The
findings reveal a compelling and unmistakable
positive correlation between the depth of the model
and its accuracy, as well as between the number of
heads and the resulting accuracy. Furthermore, the
study uncovers a critical issue within the ViT model,
namely, the occurrence of performance saturation
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
attributed to attention collapse as the model's depth
increases. This research endeavours to thoroughly
dissect the underlying causes and consequences of
such saturation and utilizes the inflection points
derived from the mean attention distance distribution
to navigate the intricate trade-offs involved in setting
depth and head parameters. Looking ahead, future
endeavours will place a central focus on addressing
attention collapse as a primary research objective,
striving to develop innovative methodologies to
transcend its limitations and further refine the ViT
model for enhanced performance in flower
classification tasks.
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Flower Classification and Key Parameter Analysis Based on ViT