Sentiment Analysis in Analysing Monkeypox-Related Tweets Based
on Deep Learning
Yidan Wang
International College, Jinan University, Guangdong, China
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Deep Learning, Social Media, CNN-LSTM, Natural Language Processing.
Abstract: As the internet and social media platforms have rapidly expanded, sentiment analysis has emerged as a
significant branch of natural language processing, focused on understanding individuals' emotions and
attitudes toward specific topics. This article provides a comprehensive review of sentiment analysis evolution,
from early dictionary-based methods to modern deep learning techniques. The focus is on a comparative
evaluation of model outcomes from particular research, underscoring the effective performance of a combined
Convolutional Neural Networks- Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) deep learning model in analyzing
sentiment within Monkeypox-related tweets. This model harnesses the local feature recognition of CNNs and
the sequential data processing of LSTMs for accurate sentiment detection. Extensive experiments have
demonstrated that this model outperforms standalone CNN-LSTM models in terms of stability and
generalization capabilities. Future research will focus on utilizing more sophisticated sentiment analysis
techniques, such as hierarchical attention networks, and cross-domain models, to enhance precision and
applicability in various practical applications.
Sentiment analysis also referred to as opinion mining,
falls under the domain of natural language
processing. It aims to analyze and understand the
feelings, emotions, opinions, and attitudes that people
express regarding a specific topic or subject (Medhat,
2014). It has garnered significant attention in recent
years, particularly in fields such as customer
satisfaction analysis and monitoring patients' mental
health (Wankhade, 2022). This surge in interest can
be attributed to the diverse array of data sources
available, as well as advancements in technologies
such as blockchain, cloud computing, and the Internet
of Things (IoT). The effectiveness of sentiment
analysis is further bolstered by the availability of
sentiment dictionaries and corpora, which offer rich
but varied resources for analysis. Utilizing sentiment
analysis allows companies to discern customer
emotions and opinions shared on social media,
enhancing their understanding of consumer
preferences and behaviors. Consequently, this insight
supports strategic decision-making, influencing
marketing tactics, product improvement, and swift
resolution of emerging issues. Ultimately, sentiment
analysis contributes to improving brand
competitiveness and enhancing consumer satisfaction
(Yang, 2020).
Sentiment dictionaries were the initial approach to
sentiment analysis that relied on analyzing the
quantity and polarity of emotional words in a text.
These dictionaries were created either manually or
through machine learning, and analyses that used
rule-based or statistical techniques such as Naïve
Bayes and Support Vector Machines were performed
(Turney, 2002; Pang, 2002). While sentiment
dictionary-based approaches efficiently capture
unstructured features of texts, and are easy to analyze
and understand, these methods need consistent
updating since idioms and internet-specific language
have continuously evolved due to the fast evolution
of the internet and rapid information updates, plus
they face polysemy issues. Traditional machine
learning-based sentiment classification methods
focus on extracting emotional features and selecting
an appropriate combination of classifiers; thus
making a significant impact on the analysis results.
Despite this, these methods frequently overlook the
Wang, Y.
Sentiment Analysis in Analyzing Monkeypox-Related Tweets Based on Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012923200004508
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence (EMITI 2024), pages 215-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-713-9
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
contextual semantics of the text, which has a
detrimental effect on classification accuracy.
Sentiment analysis leveraging deep learning utilizes
methods like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN),
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), and Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) networks. The study
categorizes deep learning for sentiment analysis into
four types: analysis using a single neural network,
combined neural network models, analysis
incorporating attention mechanisms, and the
application of pre-trained models (Zhang, 2018;
Yadav, 2020). Furthermore, it suggests that
forthcoming sentiment analysis research should
emphasize the integration of multimodal data,
employing deep learning for cross-domain and real-
time sentiment analysis, and conducting cross-
cultural studies to improve the depth, precision, and
practicality of sentiment interpretation across various
sectors (Tan, 2023; Kaur, 2022; Zadeh, 2017).
The objective of this research is to deliver an
exhaustive examination of sentiment analysis,
spanning from the initial acquisition of text data
through to the various phases of its processing. It will
delve into the mainstream sentiment analysis methods
throughout different historical periods, summarizing
and categorizing these approaches. Additionally, it
explores the various domains and applications of
sentiment analysis, while also addressing the current
research bottlenecks and future directions. The
primary aim of this detailed review is to furnish
insights for experts in the domain and to equip
novices with essential knowledge and guidance.
The layout of the paper is divided into four parts.
The introduction outlines the importance and scope of
emotional analysis, laying the foundation for
subsequent discussions. Next, this paper elaborates
on key terms and concepts related to emotional
analysis. It delves into the various sources of text data
used in sentiment analysis, as well as the
preprocessing steps required for effective analysis.
The third section provides readers with a temporal
perspective on the evolution of this field. This section
explores different fields of practicality in sentiment
analysis, showcasing the practical performance and
significance of its core methods. Discuss the existing
challenges in emotional analysis research and
propose potential avenues for future exploration and
development in this field. Finally, the summary will
highlight the main discoveries and insights from the
analysis, underlining the significance of sentiment
analysis and its anticipated progression in both
academic and practical arenas. Through these
structured sections, readers will gain a comprehensive
understanding of emotional analysis, its methods,
applications, and future prospects.
2.1 Dataset Description and
Sentiment analysis research relies on key datasets like
the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST), the Large
Movie Review Dataset, and the Quora Question Pairs
(QQP) (Zadeh, 2017). These datasets are pivotal for
developing and testing sentiment analysis methods,
offering diverse text samples, and enabling the
exploration of different strategies. Two primary
approaches are dictionary-based and machine
learning-based methods. Dictionary-based techniques
use predefined word lists with sentiment values to
assess text sentiment across various contexts, while
machine learning strategies involve training on these
datasets to achieve deeper, context-sensitive
sentiment understanding. These datasets provide
critical platforms for advancing sentiment analysis
techniques, accommodating various textual analyses,
and facilitating continuous improvement of
2.2 Proposed Approach
This study offers a comprehensive overview of
sentiment analysis, charting its evolutionary path,
examining its methodologies, exploring diverse
applications, and pinpointing future research
directions. To ensure clarity and focus, the study
emphasizes specific research objectives and
methodological frameworks. The author introduces
the fundamental technology underpinning sentiment
analysis, elucidating its core concepts and pivotal
modules. A crucial aspect of this approach involves
visually depicting the sentiment analysis pipeline,
illustrating the sequential steps from data acquisition
and preprocessing to the application of sentiment
analysis techniques and the interpretation of findings.
By delineating this systematic process, the study not
only elucidates the study's aims but also provides a
structured roadmap for conducting sentiment analysis
research, fostering a deeper comprehension of its
applications and potential advancements.
Furthermore, the paper highlights three prominent
methods: CNNs, RNNs, and LSTM networks. Figure
1 illustrates these concepts.
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
Figure 1: The pipeline of the model
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
2.2.1 Sentiment Lexicon
The analysis method based on sentiment dictionaries
is one approach to sentiment mining and analysis. The
general procedure involves: first, matching the text
with sentiment words; then, aggregating and scoring
these sentiment words; and finally, determining the
text's sentiment orientation. Currently, the most
widely used sentiment dictionaries are mainly of two
types: one is the BosonNLP sentiment dictionary, and
the other is a sentiment dictionary introduced by
CNKI. Sentiment analysis via the BosonNLP
sentiment lexicon follows a clear-cut process.
Initially, the text undergoes segmentation into
sentences and individual words, utilizing tools like
jieba for division. Subsequently, this segmented word
array is cross-referenced with the BosonNLP lexicon
to log the sentiment values of corresponding words.
The summation of these values follows, determining
the overall sentiment: a total score above zero
indicates positivity, whereas a score below zero
suggests negativity. This procedure is depicted in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: The process based on the Sentiment lexicon
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Machine learning-based analytical techniques
train algorithms on provided datasets to forecast
results, a practice that has proven highly effective.
For sentiment analysis, these methods harness
extensive labeled or unlabeled text corpora, apply
statistical algorithms for feature extraction, and
perform analysis to generate insights. Sentiment
classification leveraging machine learning is broadly
segmented into supervised, semi-supervised, and
unsupervised techniques. Supervised classification
relies on data samples annotated with emotional
polarity to identify sentiment categories, though it
requires extensive manual labeling and processing.
Typical supervised algorithms include k-nearest
neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes, and Support vector
machine (SVM). Semi-supervised techniques
augment sentiment classification outcomes by
leveraging features from unlabeled texts and help
mitigate the lack of labeled data. Unsupervised
classification assigns sentiments by analyzing textual
similarities, albeit it's a less frequent approach in
sentiment analysis.
Deep learning analysis methods utilize neural
networks for deeper insight extraction. Prominent
neural network architectures for learning include
CNNs, RNNs, and LSTMs. Deep learning for
sentiment analysis is diverse, encompassing: the
utilization of singular neural network models,
integration of multiple neural networks into hybrid
models, incorporation of attention mechanisms for
enhanced focus within models, and application of
pre-trained models for efficiency gains in analysis.
2.2.2 CNNs
Comprising layers of neurons, CNNs differ from fully
connected networks, where each layer's neurons are
interlinked with adjacent ones. In CNNs,
interconnections occur selectively between layers,
forming a three-dimensional structure from the input
to convolutional and pooling layers. Distinct from
fully connected layers, CNNs include an array of
Sentiment Analysis in Analyzing Monkeypox-Related Tweets Based on Deep Learning
layers: an initial input layer, several convolutional
and pooling layers, and a fully connected layer,
followed by a SoftMax layer for output in
classification tasks. Feature extraction is conducted
by the convolutional layer using filters, which move
across the input, identifying patterns and local
connections. To condense the feature map while
preserving essential information, the pooling layer
employs techniques like max or average pooling,
which also diminish computational load and help
avert model overfitting. The fully connected layer
synthesizes these features for output analysis,
whereas the SoftMax layer transforms the fully
connected layer's outputs into a probabilistic
distribution for multi-class classification challenges.
In the field of text sentiment analysis, each
component of CNNs offers distinct advantages. The
convolutional layer can effectively identify local
patterns in text, such as fixed collocations or semantic
features between words, crucial for capturing
emotional expressions. The pooling layer, by
reducing the number of parameters and
computational complexity, not only speeds up the
training process but also helps the model abstract key
information from broader text regions, enhancing the
model's adaptability to different text lengths and
structures. The fully connected layer integrates these
features to form a comprehensive judgment of the
text's emotional tendency. The SoftMax layer then
translates this judgment into specific emotional
category probabilities, facilitating accurate
classification. Although CNNs have demonstrated
strong performance in processing visual data and
have shown unique advantages in text sentiment
analysis, they still have limitations. Additionally, the
performance of CNN models largely depends on the
design of the convolutional kernels and parameter
selection, requiring extensive experimentation and
tuning for optimization. Thus, despite CNNs'
significant potential application in text sentiment
analysis, their limitations and applicable scenarios
must be carefully considered in practical applications.
2.2.3 RNN and LSTM
RNNs, resembling typical neural networks, excel in
processing sequential data by retaining contextual
information across time steps. In translation tasks,
maintaining coherence between successive words is
vital, as translating word by word often leads to
inaccuracies. RNNs address this by allowing hidden
layer neurons to interact, preserving output from prior
steps to influence subsequent word translations,
thereby enhancing accuracy and cohesion. However,
RNNs encounter challenges with lengthy sequences
due to vanishing or exploding gradients, impeding
their ability to learn distant dependencies. To mitigate
this, LSTMs were introduced, featuring specialized
gating mechanisms to manage long-term
dependencies effectively. The forget gate is
responsible for deciding which information from the
past should be thrown away, the input gate refreshes
the internal states with pertinent data, and the output
gate controls the flow of important information to be
outputted. LSTMs outperform standard RNNs in
tasks necessitating long-term context consideration.
Additionally, preprocessing techniques like
Word2vec enhance model performance by providing
richer input, enabling LSTMs to process and translate
text data more accurately.
Word2vec learns semantic information by
embedding words into vectors, grouping similar
meanings in a multidimensional space. It maps words
from their original space to a new one, predicting
surrounding words based on initial word vectors and
adjusting them through backpropagation to match
target words. Similar words sharing contexts
converge in this space. Commonly employed are the
CBOW and Skip-gram architectures; CBOW
forecasts a target word based on context words, while
Skip-gram anticipates context words starting from a
solitary target word. The Gensim package facilitates
training, where the corpus is tokenized, stopwords
removed, and words without vectors eliminated.
LSTM, an enhanced RNN (Wang, 2016), integrates
additional gates to control information flow. Figure 3
depicts the entire process.
Figure 3: The whole process of LSTM (Photo/Picture
credit: Original).
This section is dedicated to examining the trends in
loss and accuracy for CNN, LSTM, and their
combined CNN-LSTM frameworks. It seeks to
discern the effectiveness, as well as the potential
advantages and limitations, of each model within the
scope of identifying sentiments in text.
3.1 CNN
In this part, the author assesses the CNN model’s
performance in sentiment analysis using a
Monkeypox tweets dataset. Figure 4 displays the
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
model's (Mohbey, 2023) loss and accuracy curves on
both training and test sets. Initially, the training loss
sharply declines and stabilizes after the first 10
epochs. Conversely, the test loss exhibits
fluctuations, particularly between the 30th and 60th
epochs, suggesting potential issues with
generalization or overfitting. While training accuracy
improves rapidly, it eventually plateaus, whereas test
accuracy, albeit increasing, remains consistently
lower and displays minor fluctuations. This
discrepancy implies potential overfitting of the model
to the training data. Given that CNNs are primarily
designed for image data, their application to textual
data presents limitations, possibly overlooking
essential text features and hindering generalization.
Overall, while the CNN model fits well with the
training data, it struggles to generalize to the test data.
To address this, adjustments such as regularization
techniques to mitigate overfitting and data
enrichment may be necessary. Additionally, tailoring
CNN architectures specifically for text data
processing could enhance performance.
Figure 4: Training and Validation Performance of CNN
Model (Mohbey, 2023).
3.2 LSTM
Figure 5 illustrates the training and test loss and
accuracy of the LSTM model. From a loss
perspective, the training loss initially drops sharply
and then stabilizes, while the test loss follows a
similar downward trend but with more pronounced
fluctuations, particularly in later training stages. This
fluctuation indicates a possible lack of stability in the
model's capacity to generalize from new, unobserved
data. The rapid initial decrease in training loss
indicates efficient early learning, but subsequent
spikes may indicate challenges in model
generalization, possibly stemming from imbalanced
data distribution, inadequate parameter tuning, or
inappropriate learning rate settings leading to
gradient explosion.
Regarding accuracy, the training accuracy
steadily increases after an initial rise in the early
epochs. Similarly, the test accuracy mirrors this
pattern in the first 10 epochs but experiences
significant fluctuations thereafter. This inconsistency
suggests a suboptimal generalization of the model,
possibly influenced by parameter settings and the
dynamic learning environment. Therefore, while
LSTM is theoretically well-suited for textual data,
practical application necessitates meticulous model
design, parameter tuning, and validation tailored to
the specific application scenario and dataset.
Figure 5: Training and Validation Performance of LSTM
Model (Mohbey, 2023).
The study demonstrates that, when evaluating
Monkeypox-related tweet sentiments, the integrated
CNN-LSTM model outperforms its individual CNN
and LSTM counterparts in both features and
effectiveness. Specifically, the CNN-LSTM model
demonstrated greater stability in loss rates (show in
Figure 6), with smoother curves for both training and
test losses, indicating its effectiveness in avoiding
overfitting and showcasing strong generalization
capabilities when encountering unseen data. In terms
of accuracy, the hybrid model not only achieved
higher accuracy during training and testing but also
maintained a smaller gap between the two, reflecting
its consistent predictive power across different types
of data. This enhancement likely stems from the
effective combination of CNN local feature
extraction and LSTM sequential dependency
processing, with each complementing the other to
ensure accuracy and robustness in text sentiment
Sentiment Analysis in Analyzing Monkeypox-Related Tweets Based on Deep Learning
Figure 6: Training and Validation Performance of CNN-
LSTM Model (Mohbey, 2023).
3.4 Future Extends
Navigating the intricacies of sentiment analysis
requires overcoming several obstacles, including the
deciphering of unstructured or ironic expressions, the
need for more nuanced sentiment categorization,
reliance on data with annotations, limitations inherent
to present word embedding techniques, and biases
embedded in the datasets used for training. It is
imperative that future studies focus on elevating
precision and broadening the scope of application.
This involves the creation of models that adeptly
discern subtle emotional nuances in text, assess the
sentiment variance pertaining to different topics,
adeptly handle texts with ambiguity and sarcasm,
broaden sentiment analysis to encompass a wider
range of languages, and enhance the efficacy of
sentiment analysis on various social media platforms
(Tan, 2023).
Potential approaches may involve employing
hierarchical attention networks for nuanced sentiment
analysis, integrating topic modeling with sentiment
analysis to analyze sentiment distribution, leveraging
reinforcement learning techniques to address sarcasm
and ambiguity, creating cross-lingual models using
transfer learning methods, and generating domain-
specific embeddings tailored for social media texts.
By surmounting these challenges and advancing
model capabilities, sentiment analysis can broaden its
practical applications and provide deeper insights into
textual sentiments.
This paper provides a sample but comprehensive
review of sentiment analysis, covering the entire
spectrum from initial data sourcing to subsequent
processing phases. Through an in-depth examination
of a hybrid CNN-LSTM model, it has been
established that such an approach enhances both
accuracy in sentiment detection and robustness in
sentiment expression. The experimental evaluation
revealed that the CNN-LSTM hybrid model exhibits
superior stability and generalization compared to
standalone CNN or LSTM models. Moving forward,
future research endeavors will focus on refining
sentiment analysis techniques, integrating cross-
linguistic models, and enhancing sentiment analysis
effectiveness on social media platforms.
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EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence