Emotions-Based Training: Enhancing Aviation Performance
Through Self-Awareness and Mental Preparation,
Coping with Stress and Emotions
Frederic Beltran
Independent Consultant, France
Keywords: Evidence-Based Training (EBT), Crew Ressource Management (CRM), Competencies, Self-Awareness,
Emotion, Stress, Performance, Cognition, Mental Preparation, Coping, Aviation, Sport, Imagery, Breathing,
Self-Talk, Relaxation, Resilience, Mind-Body Relation.
Abstract: Commercial aviation has achieved remarkable levels of reliability, evidenced by the exceptionally safe year
recorded in 2023. However, the rarity of incidents means that unexpected events can have significant conse-
quences for crew capacities and competencies. Evidence-Based Training (EBT) and Crew Resource Mana-
gement (CRM) programs have long been instrumental in fostering effective teamwork and technical profi-
ciency among flight crews. However, an emerging area of focus within aviation training pertains to the psy-
chological aspects of pilot performance, particularly in managing stress, resilience and enhancing self-awa-
reness. High-level sports have developed a range of mental preparation and sports psychology tools to equip
athletes to manage unforeseen situations and adapt accordingly. Pilots, akin to high-level athletes, must per-
form under pressure, adapt to the unexpected, and maintain cognitive and analytical capabilities. These tools
are equally applicable to pilots facing unconventional scenarios. Drawing inspiration from the field of sports
psychology, this article explores how mental conditioning techniques can be integrated into Competencies
frameworks to optimize pilot training methodologies.
This article aims to explore the potential contribution,
in terms of flight safety, of Mental Preparation tools
commonly used in high-level sports and their applica-
bility to the aviation industry. Specifically, it empha-
sizes the significance of "Self-Awareness" as a pre-
requisite to both technical and non-technical compe-
tencies outlined in the Manual of Evidence-Based
Training (EBT) ICAO doc9995AN/4.
In high-level sports, athletes undergo physical and
technical training to excel during competition, but
many also cultivate their mental skills to handle pres-
sure and adapt to the unknown, crucial prerequisites
for delivering the expected performance.
Similarly, commercial airline pilots must main-
tain a high level of proficiency to respond effectively
when unforeseen events jeopardize flight safety. They
must be capable of analyzing, making informed deci-
sions, and maintaining a safe flight path under ad-
verse conditions.
Unlike high-level athletes, however, pilots do not
typically receive individualized training on psycho-
logical states and stress management as part of their
initial training nor during their career. Instead, such
topics are covered at the crew level through Crew
Ressources Management (CRM) courses and simula-
tor training, focusing on predetermined competencies
within Evidence-based Training (EBT) programs.
Yet, from a human perspective, cognitive abilities
are only fully accessible when individuals are in a fa-
vorable psychological and physiological state, mean-
ing they may be unavailable in high-stress situations.
(Arnsten, 2009)
Modern-generation aircraft and complex systems
demand, in abnormal situations, not only procedural
adherence and piloting skills but also nuanced analy-
sis for understanding and adaptation.
To date, neither training programs nor regulations
adequately address this individual-level challenge.
Beltran, F.
Emotions-Based Training: Enhancing Aviation Performance Through Self-Awareness and Mental Preparation, Coping with Stress and Emotions.
DOI: 10.5220/0012924000004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 21-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Background of Evidence-Based
Training (EBT)
The development of Evidence-Based Training (EBT)
stemmed from the need to address aircraft hull loss
and fatal accident rates by revising recurrent and
type-rating training for airline pilots. Traditional
training, based on early jet hull loss data, relied on
repeating events without addressing evolving risks.
With improved aircraft design and reliability, acci-
dents sometimes occurred in well-functioning aircraft
due to factors like inadequate situation awareness, as
seen in controlled flight into terrain incidents. This
shift necessitated a move away from a "tick box"
training approach towards a more evidence-based and
adaptive training methodology.
EBT prioritizes the development and evaluation of
key competencies, resulting in improved training out-
comes. Mastering a set of competencies enables pilots
to handle unforeseen flight situations not covered by
industry training.
Over the past two decades, data availability from
flight operations and training activities has greatly
improved. Sources like flight data analysis and air
safety reports offer detailed insights into risks en-
countered in flight operations. This data has under-
scored the necessity for Evidence-based Training
(EBT) initiatives. Additionally, it has helped define
the training concepts by highlighting variations in
training needs across different maneuvers and aircraft
2.2 Competencies
EBT identifies core competencies that combine tech-
nical and non-technical knowledge, skills, and atti-
tudes, aligning training content with the requirements
of modern aviation (fig 1):
Technical competencies:
Application of procedures;
Aircraft Flight Path Management, automation;
Aircraft Flight Path Management, manual con-
Non-Technical competencies:
Leadership and Teamwork;
Problem Solving and Decision Making;
Situation Awareness;
Workload Management.
Figure 1: Technical and non-technical competencies.
3.1 Emotions
While numerous theories and models have been pro-
posed to explain emotions, there is no consensus on a
single definition.
We can consider the neurobiological, cognitive,
psychological, behavioral, and even social dimen-
sions of emotions. (Van Kleef, 2022)
Emotions play a crucial role in decision-making
(Damasio, 2006), attention, motivation, memory (La-
chaux, 2011), social interactions, and of course,
enable a rapid response to events involving survival
by influencing behavior.
3.2 Stress
Stress (American Psychological Association APA
2018; Valencia-Florez, 2023) is a significant area of
study in our Western society currently. It has been the
subject of constant research, and our understanding of
it has evolved over time. Stress will be addressed be-
low by limiting the discussion to the topic that con-
cerns us: cognitive performance in dynamic situa-
3.2.1 Acute Stress
Necessary for survival, acute stress is an adaptive
reaction. Faced with a stressor, considered subjecti-
vely as such by the individual, a cascade of reactions
occurs, ranging from neurobiological, physiological,
psychological to behavioral aspects. Acute stress is li-
mited in time and requires recovery time. The conse-
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
quences can be difficulties in attention, analysis, com-
munication, decision-making, degradation of coordi-
nation, and sometimes inappropriate responses to the
context (Staal, 2004).
3.2.2 Chronic Stress
Chronic stress is a disruption of the stress circuit with
multiple consequences (Marin, 2011). It develops
over time either by the constant presence of the
stressor or by an emotional marking that prevents the
organism from returning to balance. The effects of
chronic stress are deleterious and have consequences
on attention, memory, sleep, the immune system,
which tends to maintain or even further feed it.
3.2.3 Emotion, Stress and Cognition
Executive control is a set of cognitive processes that
enables the control and regulation of thoughts, emo-
tions, and behaviors. It allows for situational analysis,
perspective shifting, and decision-making, making it
indispensable in managing complex systems. It com-
plements automatic cognitive processes, which are
responses to familiar stimuli that do not require cons-
cious attention, yet are energetically economical.
These concepts are often described as "System 1; Sys-
tem 2" or "Automatic mode/Adaptive mode" (La-
chaux, 2011; Kahneman, 2011)
3.2.4 Stress and Performance
During abnormal or unknown events, where the out-
come is uncertain, acute stress adds to chronic stress
(Knauft, 2021), altering the functioning of the execu-
tive mode, which enables adaptation. Cognitive re-
gression under stress is well-documented in psycho-
logical and neuroscientific literature (Staal, 2004).
Figure 2: PreFrontal Cortex performance and dopamine/no-
radrenaline level.
In moments perceived as "stressful," the chemical
balance between noradrenaline and dopamine in the
prefrontal cortex (PFC), which houses a large part of
the executive system, no longer allows for nominal
synaptic functioning, influencing attention and
working memory (Oberauer, 2019), and consequently
affecting all functions that require analysis, perspec-
tive-taking, and reasoning.
This alteration can range from difficulty in regu-
lating attention to total cognitive paralysis, as in the
case of startle responses (Arnsten, 2009).
This leads to a tendency to operate more automa-
tically, with deeper brain areas (limbic system) where
old knowledge is stored continuing to function under
stress. The drawback is that responses may be de-
coupled from the context, and individuals may rely on
heuristics and be subject to biases in information pro-
cessing and reasoning.
Tools to restore balance exist and will be des-
cribed in the following sections.
3.2.5 Emotion and Stress
Emotion and stress mutually influence each other,
with each being able to fuel and amplify the other
(Epel, 2018). Strong emotion can generate significant
stress, which in turn can amplify emotion. It is not
possible to suppress emotions, but it is possible to
work on managing these emotions.
Furthermore, studies on mirror neurons also ex-
plain the contagion of emotions and therefore stress
(Gallese, 2001; Dimitroff, 2017). It may therefore
also be interesting to work on emotion regulation in
training in connection with visible negative conse-
quences to avoid contaminating a team or crew.
4.1 System Evolutions in Commercial
The latest generation of airliners is simpler to use but
much more complex in design than older aircraft.
Automations are ubiquitous, and their use is strongly
recommended or mandated. Many systems and com-
puters allow the aircraft to be kept within a flight en-
velope that respects limitations without requiring si-
gnificant resources from the crew, even in degraded
conditions. Among other things, there are electric
controls, automatic engine and speed management,
multiple protections, simplified approach procedures,
Level of Do
amine o
Too low
Too high
Executif System
Emotions-Based Training: Enhancing Aviation Performance Through Self-Awareness and Mental Preparation, Coping with Stress and
and some fully automatic maneuvers such as emer-
gency descent or TCAS trajectories to resolve trajec-
tory conflicts between two aircraft. The systematic
application of procedures contributes to safety and al-
lows crews to remain in a familiar environment.
Aircraft have reached remarkable levels of reliabi-
lity: "the commercial aviation sector recorded an ex-
ceptionally safe year in 2023" (IATA Annual Safety
Report 2023). The downside of these aircraft deve-
lopments is the delicate integration of humans, who
find themselves in a situation of monitoring an ultra-
reliable system but may experience significant sur-
prise effects when automation does not act correctly,
and this unexpectedly.
4.2 Simple Failure Handling
During failures, pilots are trained to use procedures,
often repeated in simulation, to deal with a large num-
ber of abnormal situations. These situations do not ge-
nerate particular stress, and the reliability of the latest
generation of aircraft means that failures are relati-
vely rare.
The aircraft will present the faulty system and dis-
play the corresponding checklist (C/L) on a dedicated
screen, with the items being few and sequenced in a
simple manner to normalize the situation quickly (an-
nunciated C/L).
System redundancy means that these simple fai-
lures will not lead to fundamental changes in flight
conduct or excessive workload.
4.3 Complex Failure Handling
More complex failures such as a fire or smoke in the
aircraft, inconsistent speed measurements, can gener-
ate a higher level of engagement than simple failures.
These failures will also be handled using announced
electronic checklists, which may include choices de-
pending on the situation analysis. Some of these
checklists will not be announced and will be at the
discretion of the crew after analysis (non-annunciated
It may also be the case that a complex failure in-
duces multiple checklists and requires flight adapta-
tion due to degraded aircraft performance or the ur-
gency to land at the nearest accessible airport, and a
renunciation of the initial plan.
4.4 The Need of Advanced Analytical
During multiple failures or failures outside the scope
of procedures, the aircraft may have characteristics
completely different from the initial aircraft. The pilot
finds himself in an unknown situation and under high
workload, thereby limiting his resources. The case of
Quantas 032 in November 2010 is the most well-
known example, with a multitude of failures that did
not allow understanding the actual state of the aircraft
without lengthy analysis, which took more than 45
minutes on that day.
The need for adaptation is crucial, and the cogni-
tive resources of pilots must be available despite sur-
prise or significant stress.
There is relevance in focusing on mental preparation
in athletes since the issues faced by athletes/pilots are
similar. In both cases, performing at a specific mo-
ment and under pressure is required.
5.1 Mental Conditioning (Sport
"Mental preparation is the set of steps, methods, and
techniques allowing for the development and optimi-
zation of the athlete's psychological resources in or-
der to improve performance and/or well-being."
(Sève, & Poizat).
5.2 Tools Used
Optimizing performance means that the level
achieved in training should at least be reached in com-
To do this, many tools aim to manage stress, whether
chronic or acute, and work on adaptability during un-
expected events.
5.2.1 Mental Imagery
The process by which a person generates, manipu-
lates, and uses mental representations to understand
the world around them, solve problems, plan actions,
or recall past experiences (Et, 2021).
This mental capacity plays an essential role in var-
ious domains, such as learning, memory, creativity,
and sports performance. It also allows for preparing
for an action and mentally rehearsing it.
Aviation: Visualizing an approach before executing
it; practicing procedures, correcting sequences...
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
5.2.2 Breathing
Voluntary abdominal breathing helps direct attention
away from the pressure field and regulate the auto-
nomic nervous system (Laborde, S, 2022). It is an es-
sential tool in mental preparation because it provides
space between the perception of stress and the re-
sponse to be made (Haynes et al., 2024).
Aviation: Being able to focus on breathing during un-
expected events. Knowing how to regulate oneself to
regain cognitive abilities.
5.2.3 Temporization
Manipulation of slow and simple motor movements
may be an effective means to attenuate autonomic
arousal (Stearns, 2017) and also allows for analysis
and adaptive mode, a step back similar to breathing.
Aviation: Physically stepping back from the situation.
"Sit on your hands." Knowing how to slow down
one's colleague by regulating their speech pace, for
example, to bring them to a compatible activation
level with the situation.
5.2.4 Relaxation (Mind-Body Connection)
Relaxation allows for tension release and induces
"mental" relaxation as well (Meissner, 2006). The re-
verse is also true: energizing the body in case of
hypovigilance allows for regaining cognitive abilities
(Jazaieri and al. 2012; Morone and al. 2007).
Aviation: Identifying tensions. Knowing how to re-
lease them to gain both physical and mental fluidity.
5.2.5 Acceptance and Commitment
Inspired by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
(ACT), accepting the situation allows for committing
to a solution (Hayes, Wilson, Strosahl, 1980; Mon-
estes, Villatte 2017). This movement towards a solu-
tion reduces stress and enables quicker adaptation to
the situation.
Aviation: Accepting the situation at hand to quickly
initiate a solution, adapting accordingly.
5.2.6 Perspective Shifting
Working on psychological flexibility (Monestes, Vil-
latte, 2017). Considering a situation from a different
angle than the one naturally presented allows for new
interpretations and considering other solutions. This
tool contributes to enhancing individual resilience.
Aviation: Being able to change the point of view, con-
sider multiple options. Listening to other suggestions.
5.2.7 Self Talk
Internal discourse can be motivational or instructional
(Latinjak and al, 2023), helpful, or detrimental. Iden-
tifying words that serve performance is a way to re-
main effective and perseverant. It is noteworthy for
trainers or instructors that a significant portion of the
words used by the athlete (the pilot) often comes from
the words used by the coach (Boudreault, Trottier,
Provencher 2016).
Aviation: Understanding the quality of one's internal
discourse, knowing if it is helpful or detrimental. Act-
ing accordingly.
5.3.8 Athlete Ecology, Goal Setting,
These approaches help work on chronic stress. We
have seen the importance of considering chronic
stress in the general regulation of emotions and stress,
allowing for a functionally optimal brain. (Sagy,
Aviation: Understanding that accumulated stress re-
duces the margin before cognitive tipping. Knowing
how to recognize one's state. Sharing as needed.
6.1 Example of Accidents Where Stress
Has Led to Overreactions or
Cognitive Incapacitation
In all these events (see table 1), incapacitation due to
stress, whether cognitive or physical, was noted. All
competencies and CRM skills were affected, leading
to the accident.
6.2 The Need to Place Self-Awareness
at the Core of the Skills Model
As mentioned earlier, emotions and stress can have
detrimental effects on analytical abilities, communi-
cation, decision-making, and motor skills. All skills
can be impaired under stress (McClernon and al,
2011; Cahill, and al, 2021; Sadovnikova and al,
Emotions-Based Training: Enhancing Aviation Performance Through Self-Awareness and Mental Preparation, Coping with Stress and
Table 1: Example of accidents where stress led to to over-
reactions or cognitive incapacitations.
Company Year Keys words
American Air-
lines 965
… desire to hurry the arrival; crew
appeared to be confused, unaware
of thei
AeroPeru 604 1996
…mental confusion… confusion in
Korean Air 801 1997
failure to execute the non-precision
approach; failure to effectively
monitor; fatigue; inhibition
AtlasJet 4203 2007
Loss of situational awareness; spa-
tial disorientation;
Spanair 5022 2008
inability to identify and solve the
situation ; confusion.
Airline 518
crew (…) became disoriented…
Air France 447 2009
…deterioration of the crew coope-
ration leading to total loss of cogni-
tive control of the situation.
Colgan Air
…monitoring failures, pilot profes-
sionalism, fatigue.
Air India
Express 812
…persistence in continuing with
the landing; sleep inertia; impaired
Air Asia 8501 2014
…Inappropriate reactions; Miscom-
Airways 235
2015 … impaired judgment. Confusion.
Figure 3: Self awareness at the core of the skill model.
We have seen that a significant number of acci-
dents are due to inappropriate reactions to a situation
that could have been controllable. These accidents are
more numerous than those following an engine fail-
ure. Although the relationship between emotion, cog-
nition, and decision-making is well established (Lev-
ine, 2022), the engine failure is over-trained, while
"Self-Knowledge" is not. Yet, it seems indispensable
(fig 3).
6.3 Reasons Why Self-Awareness Is
Still not Trained
There are several reasons why this approach is not
taught in aviation training:
A cultural bias that believes that following
procedures alone is sufficient for safety.
The problem is not fully understood, which is sur-
prising since it is experienced in other high-risk ac-
tivities, especially in military aviation.
Difficulty for an organization to control or quantify
teachings, as Self-Knowledge is difficult to eva-
luate in the short term and can only be assessed in
the face of exposure to the unexpected. The use of
Human Factors-oriented Experience Feedback
(EFB) is not yet developed in this direction.
Instructional problem from the start of training. A
young pilot will only hear about these topics when
joining a major airline.
The time devoted to integrating the effects of stress
or emotions is almost nonexistent in initial trai-
ning, no tools are provided, as the focus is on tech-
nical learning and aircraft handling. In this sense,
this "Self-Knowledge," even if known, is not per-
ceived as important.
Flight School instructors are often pilots who are
removed from these considerations due to their
own training and are neither trained nor convinced
of the relevance of this aspect of training. Many
provide a technical response to an emotional pro-
Regulation does not address individual perfor-
mance, which should be integrated as a prerequi-
site for accessing skills. This topic may then be
considered secondary by operators.
6.4 Instructors Training
As with the transition from traditional instruction to
Evidence-Based Training (EBT), Self-Knowledge
training is necessary (Soundara Pandian and al, 2023).
By understanding basic human functioning and
the importance of being able to access one's full cog-
nitive and physical capabilities in the event of unex-
pected situations, instructors can provide tailored and
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
personalized tools that will be a prerequisite and com-
plement to CRM skills.
Self-Knowledge should be integrated into simula-
tor sessions, practiced, and debriefed afterward. It
should be an integral part of training.
Without turning instructors into Mental Prepara-
tion Specialists, it is easy to provide them with suffi-
cient knowledge to move beyond the descriptive and
deliver tools adapted to pilots' issues during training.
Crew Resource Management (CRM) courses are de-
livered annually to crews. They are covered by a pro-
gram established by the regulatory authority and must
address CRM topics on a triennial basis. To date,
there is no formal demand for Self-Knowledge trai-
ning. It is also not integrated into simulator sessions.
It would be essential to teach the techniques men-
tioned earlier from the beginning of aviation activity
so that the tools are naturally used when needed.
A young pilot must recognize their stress (Lupien
et al., 2022), be able to express their emotions from
their first hours of flight, and understand their stress.
It's a matter of safety. They should be offered means
to address it. However, there is often still a barrier to
sharing doubts, fears, or problems that have solutions.
Pilots empirically build solutions that likely already
exist as they gain experience and skills.
Recognizing emotions and stress should be syste-
matic in high-risk systems, given the importance of
maintaining cognitive abilities under stress.
Paradoxically, some airlines have entities that ad-
dress the well-being and stress of flight crews:
- The CIRP (Critical Incident Response Plan) in-
tervenes after an incident during a flight, poten-
tially impacting chronic stress or even causing
post-traumatic syndrome.
- GAIN (Gestion et Accompagnement Individuel
des Navigants) assists pilots lacking confidence
or facing specific problems in their professional
lives. These two entities are not involved in trai-
In conclusion, the findings of this study underscore
the critical role of self-awareness in the context of air-
line pilot training. Through an examination of stress
and emotion management tools drawn from the do-
main of high-level sports, this research elucidates the
potential for enhancing pilots' resilience and, conse-
quently, the safety of commercial flights. The discus-
sion has highlighted the inherent parallels between
the demands faced by high-level athletes and airline
pilots, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to
pilot training that encompasses both technical profi-
ciency and psychological preparedness.
By incorporating principles of self-awareness,
mental imagery, breathing techniques, temporal ma-
nipulation, relaxation, acceptance, perspective shif-
ting, and self-talk into pilot training curricula, avia-
tion training institutions can better equip pilots to na-
vigate the complexities of the aviation environ-
ment.Moreover, the identification of barriers to the
integration of such strategies, as outlined in this
study, underscores the necessity for systemic changes
within aviation training programs and regulatory fra-
Looking ahead, it is imperative for aviation stake-
holders to prioritize the development and implemen-
tation of evidence-based training programs that ad-
dress the psychological dimensions of pilot perfor-
mance. By doing so, the aviation industry can foster
a culture of continuous improvement, resilience, and
safety, ensuring that pilots are equipped with the
necessary tools to confront the challenges of modern
aviation. A step to Emotion-Based Training?
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