prices in the past two decades, even though few
competitors have left (Reimers & Waldfogel, 2017).
While most companies trying to compete with low
prices have gone bankrupt, Amazon has already
passed the deficit stage (Sussman, 2019) and
increased revenue every year (Reimers & Waldfogel,
2017). Amazon has found a pricing strategy that
works best for it.
However, although the results may match
Amazon’s actual situation, this present study has
some limitations. Firstly, the dataset used in this study
only includes Amazon's sales in the United States
over a one-month period, which means it may not be
a good interpretation for other countries or times. For
example, some American holidays in September, like
Labor Day, may become a factor that leads people to
buy more items than usual for celebrating. Secondly,
by refining the limited dataset, the study only
discussed the influence of pricing strategies through
the data collected but did not pay much attention to
the products or the consumers themselves. Just as
people are influenced by shopping values and price
awareness, transactional tendencies, and coupons
when shopping at the mall (Khare et al., 2014), so are
they when shopping online. There are many
environmental and personal factors that may affect
the relationship between price, rating, and sales, but
it is hard to collect and define them.
In conclusion, the preliminary analysis has been
solved with the available variables: a promotion
strategy positively affects Amazon’s online retail
store, both for sales and customer satisfaction with the
products. Nevertheless, more potential variables are
involved in the interaction in real life, and the pricing
strategy may have a broader effect. As people
continue to do more studies in wider fields and
connect them with each other, more personal factors
can be added to the discussion, allowing people to
understand the pricing strategy and the customers
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