Optimizing a Multi-Level Logistics Network: Exploring the Location
and Assignment of 3D Printed Orthotic Facilities
Siyu Guo
, Tao Wang
and Thibaud Monteiro
INSA Lyon, Université Lyon 2, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, DISP UR4570,
69621 Villeurbanne, France
Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, INSA Lyon, Université Lyon 2, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, DISP UR4570,
42300 Roanne, France
Keywords: Optimization, Operational Research, Planning, Logistics, Multi-Level Network Health Care.
Abstract: Proper distribution and location decisions have a direct impact on the accessibility of health care services and
customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to explore the Capacitated Location and Routing Problem
(CLRP) in health care, using a real case study from a non-governmental organization (NGO). At the strategic
level, the study focuses on determining the most rational options for facility location and assignment. At the
operational level, the research concentrates on optimizing routes between these facilities and creating
production schedules for the production centers. Currently, a preliminary mixed integer linear programming
model has been developed to address the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP), laying the
groundwork for more complex systems.
Global health spending has more than doubled in real
terms over the past two decades and reached $9.8
trillion in 2021, equivalent to 10.3% of global GDP
(WHO, 2023). Despite the magnitude of this
investment, access to health resources remains
unequal across countries, particularly in low- and
lower-middle-income countries. The WHO estimates
that approximately 100 million people worldwide
need orthotic devices, but only 10 percent have access
to them (WHO, 2021). A study by the International
Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics found that
logistical factors can add up to 20 percent to the cost
of orthotics in developing countries.
In this context, we are collaborating with an NGO
to design a logistics network to supply orthotics made
from recycled material to the disabled. Priority targets
are developing countries. In 2017, the organization
initiated the utilization of 3D printing technology in
its orthotics business. However, this method of
production necessitates the use of filaments crafted
from plastic, which are currently produced in Europe.
This creates logistical challenges, especially at border
crossings, so the fundamental principle is that
resources and production should be local. The
production centers will make filaments from a variety
of locally recycled thermoplastic waste, including
plastic bottles and plastic chairs. This practice will
simultaneously address two key environmental
concerns: the conversion of plastic waste into a
medical resource and the reduction of environmental
pollution. Furthermore, even if these orthotics made
from recycled materials are irreparably damaged or
aging after a period of use, they can still be recycled
and converted into filament again, as shown in Figure
1. This recycling model contributes significantly to
the sustainable use of resources.
In order to reinforce this concept and enhance the
efficacy of the supply chain, it is essential to devise a
detailed logistics network.
In fact, the efficient distribution of medical
devices requires decisions about the location of
inventory and production facilities, as well as the
means of delivery and distribution. In this problem,
the decision maker will make three types of decisions:
Guo, S., Wang, T. and Monteiro, T.
Optimizing a Multi-Level Logistics Network: Exploring the Location and Assignment of 3D Printed Orthotic Facilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0012926900003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 1, pages 261-268
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1) a decision on the location of the raw material
warehouse (RW), the production center (PC), and the
logistics center (LC); 2) a decision on the assignment
among RW, PC, LC, and demand points (DP); and 3)
a decision on distribution scheduling. In the article,
we refer to the end of the supply chain as the
“Demand point”. In reality, this is not a single
customer, but rather a refugee camp where all those
in need of orthotics are gathered.
Figure 1: The concept of production and recycling.
To achieve this, we consider the facility location
problem (FLP) and the vehicle routing problem
(VRP) together, resulting in a location routing
problem (LRP) to balance customer satisfaction and
cost efficiency.
Although optimization methods for CLRP have
been extensively studied in previous research, few
health care studies have proposed methods for
integrating these decisions. Existing models often do
not sufficiently account for the quality and timeliness
requirements specific to health care services. For
example, by studying a real-world case study, a
dynamic location-inventory-routing (LIR) model was
proposed for the last-mile distribution of emergency
supplies after a disaster. The model considers the
equity of material distribution while minimizing the
weighted sum of distribution cost and equity cost
(Wang and Nie, 2023). The LRP for medical waste
has been studied with the goal of minimizing total
cost and emissions due to random travel time
(Nikzamir and Baradaran, 2020).
The objective of this study is to enhance the CLRP
model to more accurately reflect the influence of
vehicle conditions, road conditions, and inventory
decisions on the overall design of the logistics
network. Given that goods are products with non-
periodic demand, such as orthotics, this study will
investigate the impact of this characteristic on
location decisions. Furthermore, the potential for
assigning DPs to more proximate PCs will be
explored. By integrating these factors, we aim to
construct a more refined and practical model that
considers logistical efficiency while accounting for
the specificity of customer needs, thereby providing a
more reasonable solution.
The current research program is focused on
strategic choice decisions involving the study of the
location of production and logistics facilities, taking
into account capacity constraints, as well as allocation
planning, which is known as the Multi Echelon
Capacitated Facility Location (MECFLP). In order to
address this complex problem, several levels must be
taken into account, (1) the collection of materials, (2)
the production of medical devices, and (3) the
delivery of these devices via logistics centers.
The design of an efficient supply chain is a crucial
factor in strategic business decisions. In addition,
decisions regarding the location of facilities must take
into account a number of potential uncertainties.
Firstly, uncertainty in market demand is a key
factor; market demand may fluctuate due to
seasonality or unexpected events. The study of (Lee
et al., 1997) points out that demand fluctuations are
an important cause of supply chain volatility. In
addition, uncertainty in the economic environment
can also affect facility location decisions, especially
exchange rate fluctuations and inflation (Chopra and
Meindl, 2001). Economic recession or rapid growth
can affect market demand and business profitability
thus leading companies to reevaluate their supply
chain strategies.
Uncertainty in the political and regulatory
environment can have a significant impact on facility
siting decisions (Bloom et al., 2007). Changes in
government policies and regulations, such as tax
policies, environmental regulations and trade policies,
can affect a business's operating costs and compliance.
Problems at any link in the supply chain can have
a domino effect throughout the chain (Christopher,
2016). The availability of resources at the front end
of the supply chain is equally important in location
decisions. Supplies of key raw materials can be
disrupted or reduced due to geopolitics, natural
disasters, etc., and uncertainty in energy prices and
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
supply can affect production costs and operational
stability. The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 caused
massive disruptions in global supply chains, with
many companies facing significant operational
challenges due to raw material shortages (Ivanov and
Das, 2020).
Furthermore, the location or capacity of facilities
cannot be easily altered in the short term due to the
high installation and maintenance costs involved.
This is why the FLP, proposed by (Weber, 1929),
remains one of the most popular investigations among
many research projects.
An extension of the single-echelon FLP problem
(OE-FLP), the two-echelon (2E-FLP) and multi-
echelon FLP problem (ME-FLP) involves several
supply chain stages, each of which must decide which
facilities to open and how to allocate products or
services between them in order to minimize total cost.
Three corresponding mixed linear programming
models have been proposed by (Wu et al., 2017) and
they developed a Lagrangian relaxation method to
solve three two-echelon FLP (2E-FLP) problems with
different foci. The two-echelon FLP (2E-FLP) was
combined with the application of drones to obtain the
worst-case solution with the minimum total cost. This
was achieved using the column constraint generation
method and the Benders decomposition method (Zhu
et al., 2022). An iterative heuristic has been proposed
by (Tancrez et al., 2012) to solve the FLP problem
and inventory management decisions in a three-tier
supply network.
All of the aforementioned studies have a single
objective. However, in the context of actual supply
chain design, it is often necessary to balance various
factors, including delivery time, total cost, and
customer satisfaction. This is an FLP problem with
multiple objectives (MO-FLP). For instance, FLP
with two-step capacity (2E-CFLP) has been
investigated in the context of plasma banks and blood
collection stations. A multi-objective mixed linear
programming model has been developed to consider
the total transport time and total cost of the supply
chain network (Vijaya et al., 2021). The 2E-FLP of
health care facilities was studied by (Zhang et al.,
2022), who determined the location, number, and
coverage of health care facilities in this network,
while taking into account total cost minimization. A
recent study by (Wichapa et al., 2018) examined the
FLP of infectious waste disposal. To address this ME-
FLP problem, a combination of fuzzy hierarchical
analysis and goal-based planning methods was
employed, taking into account environmental, social,
and geological factors.
Other variants of the FLP problem exist, such as
the addition of constraints like maximum distance,
customer incompatibility, and facilities size selection.
Further details can be found in the literature reviews
of (Melo et al., 2010) and (Farahani et al., 2015).
To the best of our knowledge, the ME-CFLP
model, as stated in this paper has never been studied
before. Although 2E-CFLP, which is similar to this
model, has appeared in previous studies (Biajoli et al.,
2019) (Souto et al., 2021), the study of ME-CFLP in
a medical context helps to fill the research gap in this
area. At the same time, the collaboration with NGO
allows us to test the validity of the model using real
data, which is undoubtedly of great interest. The
model presented in this paper can be regarded as a
simplified version of a more complex problem.
However, it provides a solid foundation for the
development of a more comprehensive model. The
outcomes obtained by solving the model using Gurobi
can be utilized to assess the efficacy of algorithms
developed in the future.
The article's model concerns a distribution network
for recyclable plastic orthotics. As previously
mentioned, the model includes different types of
installations. These facilities have a range of potential
site locations within one or more countries in Africa.
We will combine a logistics network through
warehouses, production centers, and distribution
centers located in various locations to distribute
orthotics from the production centers to customers in
the least costly manner. Considering the fact that in
reality the orthotics are 3D printed and made from
plastics that are readily available locally. However, a
single 3D printer requires a minimum of 15 hours to
produce a single orthotic. Therefore, it is assumed
that RW always has sufficient capacity, whereas PC
and LC are subject to capacity constraints. All
upstream plants can serve multiple downstream
plants, but a DP can only be served by a single LC, as
illustrated in Figure 2. The number of opened RWs
depends on the cost of transportation per unit distance
and the fixed cost of opening an RW. Since the
capacity of RWs is assumed to be always sufficient,
as mentioned earlier, a large difference between the
values of the cost of transportation per unit distance
and the fixed cost of opening an RW would result in
either all PCs being allocated to only one RW or a
large number of RWs being opened, both of which are
inconsistent with the real situation. Therefore, to be
realistic, we set the value of the cost of transportation
Optimizing a Multi-Level Logistics Network: Exploring the Location and Assignment of 3D Printed Orthotic Facilities
per unit distance to be slightly larger than the fixed
cost of opening an RW and limit the opening of up to
4 RWs.
Figure 2: Distribution network for orthotics.
3.1 Notations and Definitions
I : Set of production centers
U : Set of logistics centers
J : Set of demand points
E : Set of raw material warehouse
V : Set of nodes, V =I U J E
: Fixed cost of opening a production center i
: Fixed cost of opening a logistics center uU
: Fixed cost of opening a raw material
warehouse eE
: Transport cost per unit distance
: Demand quantity for orthotics from demand
point jJ
: Maximum storage capacity of the logistics
center uU
: Maximum production capacity of the
production center iI
: Distance between two points aV and bV
M : A big number
: Binary variable indicating whether a
production center iI is open (1) or close (0)
: Binary variable indicating whether a logistics
center uU is open (1) or close (0)
: Binary variable indicating whether a raw
material warehouse eE is open (1) or close (0)
= 1 indicating whether a demand point j
J is
assigned to a logistics center uU, 0 otherwise
= 1 indicating whether a logistics center uU
is assigned to a production center iI, 0 otherwise
= 1 indicating whether a production center i
I is assigned to a raw material warehouse eE, 0
: A real variable indicating the quantity of
products transported from the warehouse e
E to the
production center i
: A real variable indicating the quantity of
products transported from the production center i
to logistics center u
3.2 Modeling
Then, the ME-CFLP can be formulated as follows:
() ( )
ii uu
iI uU
ee ujujt
eE uUjJ
iu t
ei ei t
Min Z y C y C
yC L z C
Subject to
uj u
, z , ,
iu i iu u
zy yuUiI≤≤
, z , ,
ei e ei i
zy yiIeE≤≤
uj j u u
zD Qy uU
iu i i
Qy i I
ei e e
Qy eE
juj iu
jJ iI
Dz x uU
iu ei
uU eE
M , ,
iu iu
, ,
ei ei
, ,
juj uj
Dz z M
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The objective function (1) minimizes the total
costs in a multi-stage supply chain, including the
fixed costs of opening the facility and the distance-
dependent transportation cost.
Constraint (2) represents the assignment of each
DP to only one LC. Constraints (3)-(5) ensure that
services can only be provided by open facilities.
Constraints (6)-(8) are the storage capacity constraint
of the RW, the production volume constraint of the
PC, and the maximum supply constraint of the LC,
respectively. Constraints (9)-(10) are flow
distribution constraints. They state that all raw
materials from the RW are transported to the PC, all
products produced by the PC are transported to the
LC, and all products within the LC are transported to
the DP. Constraints (11)-(13) are linear constraints
representing the relationship between the
transportation quantity x and the assignment relation
z, where 𝑀 is a very large constant. Constraint (14)
represents a limitation on the maximum number of
RW that can be opened.
4.1 Parameter Settings
We solve the model with the commercial solver,
Gurobi, on a server equipped with a CPU model:
AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core processor.
In this experiment, we randomly generate
coordinate points within a 500x500 matrix. The
experiment is divided into three categories, each
containing a different number of PC and LC.
Category 1 is a relatively small dataset covering 20
RWs, 20 PCs, and 20 LCs, Category 2 expands the
scope to a medium size of 20 RWs, 50 PCs, and 50
LCs, and Category 3 explores large-scale problems,
i.e., 20 RWs, 50 PCs, and 100 LCs. In each category,
we tested 10, 15, 20 and 25 DPs, generating a total of
12 datasets. Each dataset contains 10 instances. The
demand for each DP is randomly generated in the
range of 5 to 25.
4.2 Results Analysis
From the data presented in the four tables, it can be
observed that the average computation time for
category 1 is considerably lower than that for
categories 2 and 3. As the number of DPs increases,
the computation time for each category also increases
significantly. In particular, when there are 25 DPs, the
model execution time for categories 1 and 2 grows
rapidly and is approximately four and a half times
longer than the execution time when there are 20 DPs.
For category 2, the solution time begins to increase
significantly at 20 DPs.
While the computation time for category 2 has
been between that of category 1 and category 3, the
gap between the computation time for category 2 and
category 3 continues to widen as the number of DPs
increases. The experimental results indicate that the
computational complexity increases significantly
with the expansion of the search space. Even a modest
increase of five DPs at a time has a significant impact
on the complexity of the problem, as do the other
three dimensions (RW, PC, and LC). The interactions
between variables (e.g. the connection between the
production center and the logistics center) become
more complex as the number of facilities and the
number of demand points increase. This not only
increases the number of combinations that need to be
considered in the solution process, but also increases
the difficulty of finding a globally optimal solution.
Similarly, the expansion of constraints directly
impacts the difficulty of the algorithm's solution,
especially reflected in category 3, where the growth
in the number of constraints requires greater memory
and processing time.
Table 1: Computational results for instances with 10 DP.
Category Av. time
Variables Constraints
1 4.68 1860 2110
2 24.93 7620 6730
3 61.78 13170 15830
Table 2: Computational results for instances with 15 DP.
Category Av. time
Variables Constraints
1 11.06 1960 2315
2 82.30 7870 7235
3 280.51 13670 16585
Table 3: Computational results for instances with 20 DP.
Category Av. time
Variables Constraints
1 24.38 2060 2520
2 209.02 8120 7740
3 965.55 14170 17340
Table 4: Computational results for instances with 25 DP.
Category Av. time
Variables Constraints
1 112.47 2160 2725
2 721.02 8370 8245
3 1567.31 14670 18095
Optimizing a Multi-Level Logistics Network: Exploring the Location and Assignment of 3D Printed Orthotic Facilities
Figure 3: Optimal plan for Category 1 example 20dp_data8.
Figure 3 shows the optimal plan for category 1
example 20dp_data8. We can observe that the red
points DP2, DP14 are assigned to the blue point LC5,
which is assigned to the green point PC6, itself
assigned to the purple point RW14, and so on. The
grey nodes indicate that the facilities concerned are
not activated.
Figure 4: Computational results for different DP.
Figure 4 illustrates that the computational
efficiency of utilizing Gurobi to resolve small-scale
datasets, such as those belonging to category 1, is
relatively high. When horizontally comparing the
solution times of category 2 and category 3, it
becomes evident that the complexity of the medium-
sized problem gradually approaches that of the large-
sized problem as the number of DPs increases. The
computation time of category 3 increases
exponentially with the increase in the number of DPs,
indicating that large-scale datasets are very
demanding in terms of computational resources.
The primary focus of this research is the investigation
of the Capacitated Location Routing Problem (CLRP)
within the context of health care, with a specific
emphasis on the optimization of the distribution of
orthotics manufactured from recycled plastic. The
model developed in this study will efficiently utilize
local resources and production capacity, thereby
reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-
distance transportation and streamlining the supply
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The study commences with an in-depth analysis
of the Multi-Echelon Capacitated Facility Location
Problem (ME-CFLP), which serves as the foundation
for our exploration. In this initial phase, we develop
an initial approach aimed at efficiently integrating
and coordinating location and assignment decisions
in health care systems. In order to assess the stability
and applicability of our proposed model, we are
conducting tests using randomly generated datasets.
These tests provide a reliable validation of the
accuracy and computation time of our analytical
model under different configurations. For instance,
we modified the demand, adjusted the capacity
constraints of the facilities, and observed how the
model adapted to these changes and how these
adjustments affected the overall cost. The
computational complexity of an optimization
problem is typically proximal to the number of
variables and constraints in the model. The problem
was subsequently demonstrated to be NP-hard
through testing.
The objective of future research is to refine the
capacity parameters of the production center (PC) and
the logistics center (LC). The application of advanced
hyper-parameter tuning techniques will permit the
automatic adjustment of model parameters according
to different data sizes and distributions, thereby
enhancing the robustness and flexibility of the system
in various logistics situations. The next step in the
research will be to apply techniques such as cluster
analysis to optimize the distribution relationship
between demand points (DPs) and logistics centers
(LCs). In order to enhance the realism of the model
and facilitate its adaptation to specific operational
contexts, particularly in less accessible areas, the
incorporation of more precise constraints, such as
maximum travel distance and road conditions, will be
considered. As the complexity of the problem
increases and the exploration space grows, we also
consider proposing a proto-heuristic algorithm to
solve the model. Furthermore, the model is validated
with real-world data to ensure that the developed
solution effectively meets the local needs, while
incorporating user feedback to continuously improve
the model's performance.
The study of Siyu Guo is supported by the
cooperation program of UT-INSA and the China
Scholarship Council (No.202308070058).
For the purpose of Open Access, a CC-BY public
copyright license has been applied by the authors to
the present document and will be applied to all
subsequent versions up to the Author Accepted
Manuscript arising from this submission.
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