proposed framework, including the integration of the
AVT for position estimation of GPS-denied agents.
Section 5 presents the obtained results from our sim-
ulation studies, demonstrating the effectiveness of our
approach. Section 6 concludes the paper, summariz-
ing the key improvements and future research impli-
The study of flocking algorithms in multi-agent dy-
namic systems has evolved significantly over the
years, with numerous contributions advancing our un-
derstanding and application of these algorithms. One
of the foundational works in this field is the paper by
Reza Olfati-Saber (Olfati-Saber, 2006). This work ex-
plores flocking behavior in both free-space and envi-
ronments with multiple obstacles, introducing three
specific algorithms: two for free-flocking and one
for constrained flocking. The extensive analysis of
the first two algorithms reveals their incorporation of
Reynolds’ rules of flocking, addressing critical issues
such as fragmentation in flocking behavior. The au-
thors also proposes a “universal” definition of flock-
ing, supported by various simulation results demon-
strating the effectiveness of the algorithms in scenar-
ios such as 2-D and 3-D flocking, split/rejoin ma-
neuvers, and squeezing maneuvers for hundreds of
agents. This work has significantly advanced the un-
derstanding of multi-agent systems and their potential
applications in robotics and autonomous vehicle sys-
Building upon these foundational concepts, more
recent research has continued to refine and improve
flocking algorithms. Other researchers (He et al.,
2018) study on a flocking algorithm for multi-agent
systems that emphasizes connectivity preservation
under hybrid metric-topological interactions. This al-
gorithm utilizes a range-limited Delaunay graph for
interaction topology, reducing the cost of information
exchange among agents while increasing the flexibil-
ity of the flocking algorithm. This approach allows
the multi-agent system to converge to a more reg-
ular quasi-lattice formation without additional con-
straints on sensing range or desired distances between
agents. Implemented in a distributed manner, this al-
gorithm leverages local information for each agent to
construct its neighbor set. Theoretical and numeri-
cal analyses have demonstrated the superiority of this
approach compared to traditional disk and Delaunay
graph-based algorithms.
Further advancements in optimal flocking have
been explored, with various methodologies address-
ing specific objectives and environmental constraints.
For instance, Ergodic Trajectories Flocking ensures
agents cover a spatially distributed area evenly over
time, though it requires periodic information sharing,
which can be challenging in large swarms (Beaver
and Malikopoulos, 2020). Optimal Shepherding for
Flock Influencing is useful for steering real flocks of
birds away from hazards, but its complexity increases
with flock size and environmental factors (Lee, 2013).
Constraint-Driven Flocking focuses on minimizing
energy consumption and avoiding collisions, neces-
sitating sophisticated sensing and computation ca-
pabilities (Beaver and Malikopoulos, 2020). Dy-
namic Peloton Formation optimizes aerodynamic ef-
fects for energy efficiency, primarily validated in sim-
ulations, raising questions about real-world effective-
ness (Beaver and Malikopoulos, 2020). Line Flock-
ing with Model Predictive Control maximizes veloc-
ity matching and upwash benefits but is designed for
idealized conditions (Zhan and Li, 2013). Pareto
Front Selection in Multi-objective Control effectively
balances multiple objectives but requires significant
computational resources (Kesireddy and Medrano,
Despite these work, several challenges persist in
the field of flocking algorithms for multi-agent sys-
tems. Scalability remains a significant issue, as man-
aging large numbers of agents presents numerous lo-
gistical and computational hurdles. The real-world
application of these algorithms often reveals a gap
between simulation results and practical effective-
ness. Communication overhead is another critical
challenge, as ensuring effective communication in
large swarms without saturating the network is es-
sential for cohesive flock behavior. Balancing energy
efficiency, particularly the costs of communication,
computation, and movement, is a persistent concern.
Robustness is crucial, as maintaining performance in
the face of environmental uncertainties and system
failures is paramount. Additionally, developing algo-
rithms that allow for decentralized decision-making
and autonomy while ensuring cohesive flock behav-
ior poses a complex challenge. Embedding these ap-
proaches necessitates reducing computational time,
emphasizing the need for efficient and practical im-
Our proposed framework aims to address these
challenges by integrating the AVT for dynamic posi-
tion estimation, particularly for GPS-denied agents.
This innovation enhances the ability of multi-agent
systems to maintain flocking behavior under vary-
ing conditions and sensor capabilities, for more ro-
bust and efficient flocking algorithms suitable for real-
world applications.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics