The study successfully demonstrated the advantages
of incorporating exogenous state variables into an
LSTM-based simulator for wastewater treatment. The
improved model, particularly the f
, significantly en-
hanced prediction accuracy and robustness. The key
conclusions are:
• Enhanced Accuracy: Including exogenous state
variables markedly improved the model’s accu-
racy, as evidenced by lower MSE and DTW val-
ues across the year.
• Error Mitigation: Using actual values of exoge-
nous state variables at each simulation step re-
duced MSE by 55% and DTW by 34%, effectively
mitigating the compounding of prediction errors
and leading to more reliable simulations.
• Broad Applicability: The model demonstrated
robust performance across different seasonal con-
ditions, highlighting its potential applicability in
diverse operational settings.
• Future Work: Future research could explore
integrating more external factors and applying
similar methods to other aspects of wastewater
treatment. Additionally, attention-based models
and GPU training, as suggested by (Mohammadi
et al., 2024c), could enhance efficiency and reduce
computational time.
The improved LSTM-based simulator represents
a significant advancement in wastewater treatment
modeling. It offers a powerful tool for optimiz-
ing control strategies and enhancing operational ef-
The RecaP project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
agreement No 956454. Disclaimer: This publication
reflects only the author’s view; the Research Execu-
tive Agency of the European Union is not responsible
for any use that may be made of this information.
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