Airline Pilots’ Perceived Operational Benefit of a Startle and Surprise
Management Method: A Qualitative Study
D. M. L. Vlaskamp
, A. Landman
, J. M. van Rooij
, W-C. Li
and J. Blundell
Coventry University, Coventry, U.K.
Delft University, Delft, The Netherlands
Netherlands Aerospace Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, U.K.
Keywords: Pilot Decision Making, Stress, Crew Resource Management, Pilot / Crew Behaviour.
Abstract: Startle and surprise can impair pilot performance and jeopardize flight safety. Self-management methods have
been developed by the industry to address this acute source of stress, however, qualitative insights from pilots
describing the quality of these methods are lacking. Ten semi-structured interviews with airline pilots, who
had been taught a self-management method, were analyzed using thematic analysis). Pilots considered the
method useful and reported positive effects (e.g., decrease in stress) when applying the method during
operations. Pilots reported that the method was not often performed in full; specific steps were employed
based on perceived benefit. Establishing fellow pilot status and situation awareness was considered most
important, addressing own physical startle symptoms (e.g., muscle tension) were deemed less important.
Pilots reported an urge to “act” rather than use the method, which is expected as the method aims to induce a
pause and mitigate erroneous impulsive decisions. Barriers to applying the method included the difficult
recognition of startle and surprise, and situational context. Suggested improvements for training dealt with
recognition and sharing experiences from peers. The findings of the research provide directions for pilot
training for startle and surprise. Future research will explore these pilot perceptions in a larger representative
Startle or surprise reactions have been implicated as a
contributing factor in several high-profile loss-of-
control aviation accidents, such as Air France 447 in
2009 (Landman, 2017a). The increased level of safety
in aviation has created an “unconscious expectation
of normalcy amongst pilots” (Martin et al.,2015). In
the rare cases where things do go wrong, they often
go wrong unexpectedly, and this can lead to a startle
or surprise reaction in the pilot.
Startle is defined as a sudden involuntary reaction
to an intense stimulus, such as a sudden loud noise
(Rivera et al., 2014). The initial startle reflex occurs
very fast, and is characterized by eye-lid closure,
contraction of the face, neck and skeletal muscles, an
increase in heart rate and arrest of ongoing behaviour
(Rivera et al., 2014,). Attentional resources are
directed towards the stimulus as a mechanism of
threat appraisal (Martin et al., 2015). If the stimulus
is perceived to be a real threat, the general stress
response will remain, or even increase in intensity
(Landman et al., 2017a, Martin et al., 2015). An
example of a startling situation in aviation is a
lightning strike, which is accompanied by a loud
Surprise is defined as “a cognitive-emotional
response to something unexpected, which results
from a mismatch between one’s mental expectations
and perceptions of one’s environment” (Rivera et al.,
2014). It is of longer duration than startle. If this
mismatch cannot be resolved, a feeling of stress and
loss of control of the situation can arise, leading to a
loss of situation awareness and ultimately cognitive
Vlaskamp, D., Landman, A., van Rooij, J., Li, W. and Blundell, J.
Airline Pilots’ Perceived Operational Benefit of a Startle and Surprise Management Method: A Qualitative Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012927800004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 29-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
lockup (Landman, 2017a). Attentional narrowing
takes place, as attention is focused on trying to
confirm the (incorrect) cognitive “frame”, instead of
seeking out additional information (Landman et al.,
2017a)). Surprises are common in aviation, but often
inconsequential (Kochan et al., 2005). Surprise in
aviation often occurs in the presence of conflicting or
ambiguous cues that impede successful reframing.
For example, in situations where the automation does
not function as expected (automation surprise) or
where complicated failures occur without a clear
Startle and surprise (S&S) can occur together or
on their own (Field et al., 2018). The terms are often
used interchangeably in aviation (Rivera et al., 2014,
Landman et al., 2017a). The resultant stress response
impairs flight deck communication and decision
making (Martin et al., 2016, Landman et al., 2017b)
compromising operational safety. Approaches to
mitigating S&S effects include startle exposure
through unpredictable and variable scenario
simulator training (Landman, et al., 2018). S&S
recovery techniques, alternatively, center around a
breathing technique and the timely reacquisition of
situation awareness (Field et al., 2018). Simulator
evaluations have revealed such methods to improve
pilot decision making (Field et al., 2018; Landman et
al., 2020). Though, anecdotal pilot feedback suggests
that methods are not used in full during relevant flight
operations (Field et al., 2018).
The current study evaluates pilot perceptions of a
S&S management technique that has been introduced
to the operational environment since 2017. The
method, from now on referred to as the “reset
method”, is an adapted version of the EASA S&S
management method (Field et al., 2018) and consists
of five steps, which can be selectively used as desired:
1) Announce that a “reset” will take place; 2) Take
physical distance (press back into the back of the seat,
to prevent fixation on one cue); 3) Breathe: inhale,
using abdominal breathing, and exhale slowly.
Repeat if necessary; 4) Tense and relax shoulder and
arm muscles, and; 5) Check the mental state of the
fellow crewmember(s). After completing the “reset”,
emphasis is placed on rebuilding situational
awareness carefully and methodically (by calling out
all observations before drawing conclusions).
To date no research has formally evaluated a S&S
management method in the operational environment.
This is critical as it is expected that the degree of S&S
is far greater in actual, possibly life-threatening,
situations (Field et al., 2018), which could make
pilots forget they can use the reset method. Hence,
research describing how pilots use these methods in
different operational contexts will demonstrate their
actual worth and explain how future method
optimization adaptations could be realized. This
research intends to address this current gap in
knowledge, through a series of interviews with pilots
from a major European airline where the “reset”
method has been in use for some time. The following
research objectives were established:
Examine pilot perceptions of the operational
impact of S&S.
Understand pilot views of the benefit of a S&S
management method.
Explore possible inhibiting factors of a S&S
management method.
Discover relevant training options / adjustments
to S&S management methods.
2.1 Participants
Ten pilots from the same airline, trained in the same
method, participated (5 captains, 4 first officers, 1
second officer; 7/10 instructors, 3/10 female). Mean
flight experience was 7950 hours (SD = 3676.2),
predominantly on Boeing aircraft types (6 B737, 2
B777/787, 1 A330 and 1 Embraer pilot).
2.2 Data Collection
Semi-structured interviews were carried out in Dutch
and recorded via Teams. Interviews aimed to get
participants to talk about their S&S experiences.
After gathering demographic data and establishing
whether they had experienced S&S, questions were
asked about the effects of startle and surprise and the
perceived effectiveness of the method. Possible
inhibiting factors were discussed. For those that had
not experienced S&S, questions about the method’s
use in the simulator were asked. Approximately 600
minutes of audio data was collected and transcribed.
2.3 Thematic Analysis
Braun and Clarke’s reflexive thematic analysis
(2016) was used, as it is suitable for providing
analyses of people’s experiences in relation to an
issue and for analysing factors that influence a
particular phenomenon. The transcripts were coded
immediately after each interview, and data grouped
into themes. In this way, data saturation was
determined using the method by Guest (2020)
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
whereby interview data was collected until the point
that emergent thematic insights no longer occurred.
In the current study, saturation – the absence of
emergent (sub)themes - occurred by the eighth
interview. Coding reliability was determined using
triangulation - carried out by the project supervisor.
The coded quotes were divided into 5 main themes
and 20 subthemes. Initial agreement was at 80.2
percent, coding inconsistencies were discussed until
agreement between coders was met.
Five themes were identified. To increase the
theoretical and application clarity of the analysis,
themes were mapped onto both Landman’s S&S
model and onto the method’s procedure (Figure 1).
The Effects of S&S theme represents participants’
physical and cognitive experiences of S&S. Method
Benefits is associated with participants’ views of the
applicability and effects of the method, whilst
Method Elements Used describes how the method
was used by participants. Method Barriers represents
the perceived factors which participants reported to
hinder the methods application. Training
encompasses comments from participants that
included approaches to improving the adoption and
implementation of the method. Themes are discussed
in more detail in the following sub-sections. A
selection of participant quotes is included that best
exemplify thematic content. The 10 participants
contributions can be identified with a “P” denotation
(i.e., P1, P2…P10).
3.1 Effects of Startle and Surprise
Physical (e.g., increased heart rate) and psychological
effects (e.g., tunnel vision) of startle were reported
(Figure 1 orange boxes / paths); “you feel the
adrenaline” (P4) and “…a noose being tightened
around your neck” (P9). Some of the described
surprise experiences were associated with significant
distraction: “having [no] control over [his] thoughts
and the stress that caused”. Participant 5 described
surprise in his colleague: “he felt a bit stuck” and “I
had to pry the information out of him”.
Some respondents reported not getting easily
startled or surprised in the simulator, as non-normal
situations are expected, sometimes “scenarios are
known in advance” (P2), and the simulator feels more
“artificial” (P2). During a proficiency check “you
know what to expect” (P10) and “feeling of stress to
be a lot stronger in real life” (P1) was expected.
Figure 1: Mapping five themes (Effects of S&S, Method Benefits, Method Elements Used, Method Barriers and Training)
onto Landman’s S&S model (top) and “Reset” method (bottom). Colour coding represents thematic mapping. Selected
participant quotes included clarify mapping.
Airline Pilots’ Perceived Operational Benefit of a Startle and Surprise Management Method: A Qualitative Study
3.2 Benefits of Using the Reset Method
All interviewed participants were positive about the
S&S reset method (Figure 1 green boxes / paths);
Participants found it to be “effective” (P1) and that it
“helps to find calmness” (P4). Perception and
comprehension situation awareness benefits of the
method were reported. Respectively, these included:
“we noticed a warning light that we didn’t notice
before” (P6) and “…it felt like my brain was plugged
in again.” (P4) For automation surprise the
participants did not see any real benefits: “I think in
90% of the automation surprise cases…[pilots] are
fully aware but just expected something else...” (P8).
An unexpected benefit was the method’s general
stress management application. It was reported to be
useful during: “a busy day with lots of disturbances
on the ground” (P4) and a “dense fog situation at
home base” (P6).
3.3 Elements of the Method Used
This theme contained 5 subthemes representing the
steps of the method: announce reset, take physical
distance, breathe, relax muscles and check colleague
(Figure 1 blue boxes / paths). Pilots did not always
use the full method. “We didn’t call it startle and
surprise, just asked “are you ok?”” said participant 3.
The element that was reportedly least used was the
“tense/relax muscles” step - “No, I have never done
that” (P6) and “only few use the muscle tense/relax
step” (P4, instructor). The other steps were mainly
regarded positively, especially the step “check
colleague”. Corroborating Field et al. (2018), this
element is valuable in several cases where a colleague
is startled or surprised: I asked how are you? And
then I realized this event startled him a lot…. He
thought this was all [his] fault” (P6) and “If I hadn’t
asked this question we would have remained [a] “split
cockpit” He was still too focused on what was
going on” (P7). An additional theme about partial
application of the method was added when it became
clear that pilots did not always use the full method. "
3.4 Barrier to Method Use
Pilots stated that it can be difficult to admit one is
startled, surprised, or stressed, for fear of being seen
as incompetent (Figure 1 purple boxes / paths): “It is
a bit of a tough-guy culture” (P6). Experience, age
and level of exposure were mentioned; “experienced
pilots do not get startled that easily” (P2).
Assumptions about the application and value of the
method, hence mapping onto Frames in Landman’s
model, were evident barriers. For example,
instructors reported long-haul pilots, who are
generally older and more experienced, perceived the
value of the method to be lower than pilots flying
medium haul. Participant 1 described colleagues:
“People say hey, I’m 55, only 3 or 4 years to go [until
pension age], I don’t care [to learn new things].”
A desire to take quick action in S&S situations,
rather than employ the method, was a recurring
comment: “It feels that valuable time is lost” (P1), “I
acted immediately and forgot to think” (P7) and “you
are so full of adrenaline and stress that I don’t see
where to fit it in” (P8).
Environmental factors which interfered with the
application of the method were commented by 2
participants. In one case there was a loud noise,
making it difficult to communicate, and in the other
case there was strong turbulence at low altitude: “if
it’s so turbulent that you can’t read the instruments, I
don’t know if you can do a reset” (P6). This aspect
mapped to the Event component of Landman’s
The opinion that the method was associated startle
more than surprise was voiced. With doubt
concerning its usefulness in surprise-situations
raised: “Perhaps it’s overkill for surprise” (P5) and
“perhaps it is a misconception from my side that it is
more useful in startle” (P5). This is perhaps due to the
insidious nature of surprise (that it has no clear
“trigger”) which makes it hard to recognize: “You
can’t judge if you need it because you don’t realize
it” (P3). Comments characterise the surprise
threshold element in Landman’s model, which
encompasses the large degree of inter-individual and
inter-scenario variation associated with surprise
3.5 Training Improvements
Method training comments mapped onto Frames
within Landmans model (Figure 1 red boxes / paths),
simulator training involves the establishment and
refinement of pilot schemas and scripts to be
deployed in response to given circumstances such
as S&S. Accordingly, simulator upset recovery and
emergency descent training were voiced as being
situations where exercising the method was difficult
due to not being sufficiently addressed: “never seen it
used” (P1, instructor) and “you fly the manoeuvre and
continue to the next one” (P2).
Similarly, based on simulator experiences, the
procedures following decompression (emergency
descent) were felt to leave little room for performing
a reset: “In case of a decompression, it is fine to be
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
startled, but you really have to go down as quickly as
possible, especially when at FL410” (P2). It is a
complicated procedure for a situation which usually
occurs suddenly, unexpectedly and with a startling
and/or surprising stimulus (such as a cabin warning
horn and/or a bang), where several memory items must
be performed and where communication is hampered
by oxygen mask use and the potential of hypoxia.
Training improvements derived from the
interviews concern better S&S recognition in oneself
and, importantly, in the other pilot. Notably, a
sentiment prevailed that the method was more
applicable to startle than surprise. Also, “sharing real
experiences” (P7) and having fellow pilots recount
the benefits of using the method in actual emergency
situations were suggested as approaches to addressing
possible machoistic culture barriers. This involves
“addressing what’s in it for me” and “providing an
incentive for behavioural change” according to
participant 10.
The current research presents qualitative results that
consecutively demonstrate the benefit of emerging
S&S theory and its application within the training
environment. From a theoretical viewpoint, this
research is the first to provide evidence of support for
Landman’s S&S model based on pilot experiences in
operational practice. Previous support has been based
on simulation-based research (Field et al., 2018;
Landman et al. (2020). Equally important, from an
application perspective, the research confirmed that
the S&S reset method is a much-appreciated tool for
pilots, which was perceived to reduce stress and
improve situational awareness. Furthermore, pilots
had not experienced negative effects from using the
method. The parts of the method considered to be
most useful were checking on the colleague and the
breathing technique, whilst the least used was the
tense/relax muscles technique. However, some
respondents remarked that they would prefer a shorter
Some pilots indicated that they found the method
less useful for surprise. This should be interpreted
with caution, as the terms are often used
interchangeably. A survey-based follow-up research
(Vlaskamp et al., under review) did not show
significant difference between the two.
The main barrier to employing the method during
actual flight operations was the urge to engage in
immediate problem-solving. Unfortunately, problems
that are not expediently resolved will likely result in
a spiralling accumulation of stress, which in turn
impairs perceptual processes, facilitating cognitive
tunnelling, and increases the likelihood of incorrect
intuitive decisions (Field et al., 2018). Similarly,
attention to a threatening stimulus takes priority over
performing the reset method. This leads to the
hypothesis of the existence of the “startle paradox”: the
higher the stress level the more the reset method is
needed, but conversely, the more difficult the method
becomes to initiate as the overriding stress response
demotes its priority in favour of tackling the threat
“head-on”. The reported difficulty in recognizing the
effects of S&S might also be a consequence of this
effect. This reinforces the importance of the step of
checking the fellow crew member’s mental state.
Explaining the startle paradox in training should make
pilots more aware and better able to recognize and
resist the tendency to act too quickly.
In the interviews pilots reported that they find
application of the method difficult in certain
situations such as upsets and the emergency descent.
Incident reports show these to be situations with high
degrees of S&S (emergency descent (BFU, 2018).
These are also situations where memory actions must
be performed. In addition, UPRT simulator training
consists of improving upset recognition cues and
developing skills to enhance the automaticity of
recovery manoeuvres. Consequently, training
exercises are usually explained in advance,
effectively eliminating S&S effects. Restoring the
flightpath is an urgent priority and training a reflexive
response conforms to the existing recommendations
(Gillen, 2016). However, as recent loss of control
incidents show, the benefits of implementing a post-
recovery reset could be emphasized since this may
better prepared pilots for possible subsequent events
by diminishing the detrimental effects of accumulated
stress (Landman et al., 2020).
4.1 Limitations and Future Research
Limitations included the nature of its qualitative
design. For instance, hindsight bias may reduce the
retrospective “surprisingness” of a situation and
creates a tendency to turn negative feedback into
positive (Fischhoff and Beyth, 1975). This effect was
clear in several instances where participants
described negative effects of being surprised, whilst
simultaneously claiming that the reset method had not
been used “because we weren’t really surprised”.
This could be partly explained by the fact that many
reflected events will have taken place a while ago,
thus changing participants’ perception of S&S.
Finally, as is common for interview based qualitative
Airline Pilots’ Perceived Operational Benefit of a Startle and Surprise Management Method: A Qualitative Study
research, a small sample was included that
subsequently interferes with the generalisability of the
Future research should include a wider
investigation of the use of S&S methods within a larger
representative sample to improve understanding of
method application and benefit. A quantitative survey
could build upon this current operational validation of
the Landman model using structural evaluation
modelling (or similar methods) to add to or refine
current S&S models in order to enhance the basis for
future S&S experimental work. Research in this area is
currently in progress (Vlaskamp et al., under review).
Research examining the optimisation of S&S training,
based on pilot-informed training design, is required. In
particular, research evidencing the benefit of training
for manoeuvre specific and non-specific scenarios
would be valuable to support pilots’ judgment
regarding appropriateness of the method’s application.
For upset recovery training this is especially important,
as IATA (2019) mentions loss of control in flight
(LOC-I) as one of the main causes of aircraft accidents,
and specifically mentions startle as a factor affecting
The effect of the “startle paradox” during pilot
training of S&S management methods should be
emphasized: the more stressful a situation is, the
stronger the urge to skip these methods. Even when
these methods feel counterintuitive, they are likely to
be useful. Methods should be trained in a variety of
difficult situations, to train appropriate timing,
especially in situations that require urgent action.
When introducing S&S management methods, the
method should be kept simple and short. For the
evaluated method this may be achieved by skipping
the “physical distance” and “tense/relax muscles”
Thank you to the pilots who volunteered their
valuable time to support this research project.
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ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems