This paper presents a methodological approach to an-
alyze the exact output regions of policy FF-DNNs for
high-dimensional input-output spaces. Such an exact
analysis is necessary for the understanding of agents’
strategies, especially with regards to CNI operation.
The paper builds upon the exact transformation of FF-
DNNs into a pruned DT. The paths from a root to the
leaf nodes of such an DT make up output regions that
can be represented by polytopes. For an overview of
a polytope, the inner box is computed. Furthermore,
the output regions are depicted by vertices in the in-
troduced NHG. They are connected by edges if they
are direct neighbors to each other. Further proper-
ties, like the polytope constraints, inner box bounds
and their volume, as well as, the Chebyshev ball cen-
ter and radius, the bounding box, and the cosine dis-
tance of the normal vectors of the hyperplanes are
also mapped to the vertices and thus hyperplanes in
the output regions. Thereby, the Neighbor Graph es-
pecially allows us to visualize the relations between
higher-dimensional output regions.
In future work, these analysis tools could be eval-
uated in real scenarios with even higher dimensions.
They could also be used to analyze the learned control
strategies of ARL agents in the power grid for larger
input domains. This would make it possible to get a
better overview of the entire possible behavior of the
This work was funded by the German Federal Min-
istry for Education and Research (BMBF) under
Grant No. 01IS22071.
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EXPLAINS 2024 - 1st International Conference on Explainable AI for Neural and Symbolic Methods