Healing the Everyday Athlete, Evaluating the Impact of Recovery
Wear Garment Use on Musculoskeletal Health in an Occupational
Kara Radzak and John Mercer
Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
Keywords: Occupational Pain, Sleeve, Germanium, Overuse.
Abstract: While musculoskeletal injuries are commonly associated with sports, work-related musculoskeletal disorders
greatly impact the workforce efficacy and account for a high volume of workers compensation cases. This
study evaluated the effect of a carbonized charcoal and germanium recovery wear product on reducing
musculoskeletal discomfort among first responders, a group prone to overuse injuries. Participants included
13 firefighters and law enforcement officers who used the recovery wear product over two months. Measures
of musculoskeletal function and discomfort were assessed using the Fusionetics® Movement Health
Questionnaire. Results indicated no change in measures of musculoskeletal function and discomfort over the
2-month period. Despite a small sample size of the present study, it is important to research the potential of
recovery wear products as a practical intervention for managing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in
physically demanding professions. Further research with larger samples and objective measures is needed to
confirm these preliminary results and explore long-term benefits. This study provides a foundation for future
investigations into wearable technology for occupational health.
While musculoskeletal injuries are synonymous with
“sports injuries,” work-related musculoskeletal
disorders account for 31% of workers compensation
cases in the United States and have direct cost of $1.5
billion, annually (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016).
In addition, each worker with a musculoskeletal
disorder requires a mean of 12 days recovery before
returning to work. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016).
Similar to athletes, overuse injuries are prevalent in
an occupational setting, with 33.9 cases per 10,000
full-time workers attributed to overexertion
mechanisms of injury in 2015 (Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2016). Thus, a large contributor to the
costly problem of work-related musculoskeletal
disorders in the “occupational athlete” are overuse in
nature and result from occupational task induced
microtrauma and its associated inflammatory
response (Barbe, Barr, 2006).
Two primary options exist for mitigating overuse
work-related pain or discomfort: 1) decrease the
microtrauma induced by the worker’s job task, and/or
2) increase the body’s ability to heal and not succumb
to the microtrauma (Barbe, Barr, 206). Often, the
worker’s tasks cannot be changed nor can exposure to
microtrauma inducing repetitive actives be decrease.
Thus, the most viable option for decreasing
musculoskeletal overuse is to mitigate the effects of
the microtrauma in hopes that the individual at risk
can maintain working below the threshold of
microtrauma that would result in a decreasing
musculoskeletal discomfort and preventing
development of musculoskeletal injuries. One
theoretical avenue of intervention is to decrease the
noxious effects of chronic inflammation associated
with work-related overuse. (Barbe, Barr, 206).
While some recovery products rely upon
compression, other wearable recovery products are
garments with semiconductors (carbonized charcoal
and germanium) interwoven into the garment’s fabric.
Body heat causes the semiconductor elements of the
fabric to release negative ions and create a localized,
micro electromagnetic field to increase circulation and
lymphatic flow (Marino et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2018)
In theory, by increasing circulation, more oxygen and
nutrients delivered to the area under the product, which
optimizes the body’s natural healing process and
Radzak, K. and Mercer, J.
Healing the Everyday Athlete, Evaluating the Impact of Recovery Wear Garment Use on Musculoskeletal Health in an Occupational Setting.
DOI: 10.5220/0012934300003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 155-159
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
accelerates recovery. This provides a technical
advance to the traditional compression sleeves
commonly used in athletics and occupational workers.
Thus, germanium-embedded recover wear products
hold the potential to intervene in the job task-related
microtrauma cycle, and decrease perceptions of work-
related discomfort. The current study aimed to evaluate
the impact of the recovery wear product on self-
reported measures of work-related musculoskeletal
discomfort in members of a physically demanding
profession first responders. We hypothesize that the
use of the products will improve measures of
musculoskeletal function and readiness, as measured
using the Fusionetics® system’s Movement Health
A survey-based study was designed to evaluate
perceptions of musculoskeletal discomfort and
function prior to and following the use a recovery
wear product. The study was approved by the
university’s institutional review board prior to the
initiation of data collection.
2.1 Participants
Inclusionary criteria consisted of being over the age
of 18, being in a physically demanding profession,
and being employed at one of the
companies/municipalities that allowed for recruiting
from within their employees. Participants were either
firefighters or law enforcement officers employed by
one of two large metropolitan cities in the mountain
west region of the United States.
Participants were recruited through word of
mouth and study flyers displayed at their employer’s
physical location. Individuals interested in
participating contacted the research team and were
provided a copy of the informed consent document.
Individuals then underwent the informed consent
process either in person or via telephone. During the
informed consent meeting, a member of the research
team confirmed that the individual met inclusionary
criteria, provided instructions on study participation,
answered any questions on the study protocol, and
obtained the participants verbal consent to participate.
During this meeting, baseline health quality of life
was also collected.
2.2 Survey Instruments
Health quality of life was collected using the Center
for Disease Control’s (CDC) Health-Related Quality
of Life (HRQOL) instrument. For this study, the
standard 4-item “Health Days” core questions were
used (HRQOL-4) as well as the additional 5-item
Activity Limitations Module.
Measures of musculoskeletal function were
collected via the Fusionetics® Movement Health
Questionnaire. Fusionetics® is a web-based or
mobile application platform that collects human
performance and movement quality data.
Fusionetics® has been traditionally utilized by sports
teams for injury prevention and strength and
conditioning performance improvement by members
of the sports team’s sports medicine professionals.
For the purposes of the study each participant was
listed as an “athlete” in the research study’s “team”
where only the researchers had access to the
participants’ data. Each participant was onboarded to
their own unique Fustionetics® “athlete” account
through the research study’s “team” account using the
preferred email address provided by the participant
during the consent process. The participant then
received an email instructing them on, (1) how to
access and download the Fusionetics® mobile
application if they choose to interact with the
Fusionetics® platform from a mobile device, (2) to
complete their individual account onboarding, and (3)
take the Movement Health Questionnaire. The
Movement Health Questionnaire asks questions
related to function, previous injury history over the
previous one-year recall timeframe, musculoskeletal
soreness (Figure 1), and perceived readiness (Figure
2). The Fusionetics® platform then uses a proprietary
algorithm to determine a total movement health score
with sub-scores in the categories of function, injury
history, soreness, and readiness.
Figure 1: Example of the “soreness” question item in the
Fusionetics® Movement Health Questionnaire.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 2: Example of the “readiness” question items in the
Fusionetics® Movement Health Questionnaire.
2.3 Data Collection Procedures
After the informed consent meeting and collection of
baseline HRQOL data, participants were provided
with instructions on how to access the Fusionetics®
platform and directed to complete the baseline
Movement Health Questionnaire. Participants were
also provided with, or given access to a centralized
location to pick up the recovery wear product to be
used in the study.
Participants were allowed to select one recovery
wear product (Incrediwear®, Chico, CA, USA), at no
cost, of their choosing from the following products:
knee sleeve, back brace, elbow sleeve, wrist sleeve,
or crew socks. Participants were instructed to select
their study-provided product based upon what body
region they most commonly had occupation related
musculoskeletal discomfort. Participants were
instructed to wear the product in accordance to their
preference, as long as manufacture guidelines were
followed. While this added variability into the
duration and time period (e.g., at rest or during
activity) the participants wore the product, this
methodology was truer to consumer usage.
Participants were instructed to use the product over
the duration of the two-month intervention period.
Following the two-month recovery wear usage
intervention period, participants were emailed to
complete the follow-up data collection. These emails
included links to the follow-up HRQOL and
Movement Health questionnaires. Participants were
allowed to keep the recovery wear product at the
conclusion of the study.
2.4 Statistical Analysis
Data were analysed using Excel (Microsoft) and
significance set at p < 0.05. Changes from pre- to
post-intervention were evaluated using one-tailed,
paired sample t-tests. Descriptive statistics were
reported as means, standard deviations, and ranges.
A total of 13 individuals (12 males, 1 female)
participated in the two-month intervention.
Participant demographics are reported in Table 1.
Recovery wear products used included seven knee
sleeves, two elbow sleeves, two back braces, and one
pair of crew socks.
Table 1: Participant demographics (n=13).
Mean Standard
Age (years) 45.08 8.14 28 - 58
1.80 0.07 1.6 - 1.88
Body Mass
94.10 14.03 65.77 –
For the baseline HRQOL, general health was
reported to be “fair” by one participant, “good” by
two participants, “very good” by eight participants,
and “excellent” by two participants. Total unhealthy
days were over the previous 30 days was reported as
4.6 ± 7.1 days (range: 0-23), with four participants
reporting zero unhealthy days. Six individuals
reported that they were not limited in any way in any
activities because of impairments or health problems,
three reported being “not sure” and four reported
being limited. Those that reported being limited in
activities cited the joint which they obtained a product
being the source of their limitation. Changes in the
Fusionetics® Movement Health Scores and
associated subscores, where higher scores indicate
improvements, are reported in Table 2. There were no
significant differences found between pre- and post-
Healing the Everyday Athlete, Evaluating the Impact of Recovery Wear Garment Use on Musculoskeletal Health in an Occupational Setting
Table 2: Comparison of Fusionetics® Movement Health Scores, including subscores, prior to and following a two-month
intervention period (mean ± SD).
Variable Pre-intervention Post-intervention p-value
Total Movement Health
± 11.44 50.50 ± 17.28
Function Subscore
± 13.28 40.19 ± 16.12
Injury Subscore
46.08 ± 20.11 53.08 ± 27.98
Soreness Subscore
± 20.19 38.46 ± 20.04
Readiness Subscore
60.77 ± 14.12 58.85 ± 15.16
The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of a
semi-conductor based recovery wear product on self-
reported measures of work-related musculoskeletal
discomfort among first responders, a physically
demanding profession. The study's results, while
limited by a small sample size, suggest that the use of
the recovery wear products did not influence
musculoskeletal function and readiness, as measured
by the Fusionetics® Movement Health
Questionnaire, for a group that self-reported being
healthy at baseline.
This project's overarching goal was to study the
management of work-related musculoskeletal
disorders, particularly among first responders who
cannot easily modify their job tasks or reduce
exposure to repetitive activities. The use of recovery
wear products offers a practical intervention that can
be easily integrated into daily routines, providing a
non-invasive means to enhance recovery and reduce
discomfort. The recovery wear product used in the
current study has been previously found to decrease
patient discomfort and increase range of motion
following total knee replacement (Justice, Jacob,
2024). While there was no difference found in the
current study, this is not unexpected, due to the well-
documented difficulty in decreasing musculoskeletal
injuries in a tactical or first responder population. A
meta-analysis of interventions to reduce
musculoskeletal overuse injuries in tactical
populations found weak evidence to support common
injury prevention strategies, such as training load or
footwear modifications (Sinnott et al., 2023).
A challenge with interpreting the results of the
study is that the sample size was small, with only 13
participants completing the two-month intervention,
which limits the generalizability of the findings.
Additionally, the study relied on self-reported
measures of discomfort and function, which may be
subject to response bias. The variability in product
usage (e.g., duration and time of use) also introduces
a level of inconsistency in the intervention, although
this was intended to reflect real-world consumer
behaviours. Nevertheless, conducting research in a
real-world situation is important. Investigations
evaluating if there is a dosage effect for recovery wear
products, such as those used in the current study,
would aid in both practical usage and enhance future
research protocols. A previous investigation of the
use of same recovery wear product used in the current
study in a population of knee osteoarthritis patients
had the participants continuously wear the knee
sleeve for a six-month time period (Marino et al.,
2019). Those with grade 1 or 2 osteoarthritis had
significantly improved patient-reported outcome
scores and decreased pain, whereas those with grade
3 osteoarthritis did not have significant improvements
(Marino et al., 2019).
Future research should aim to further test the
hypothesis that recovery wear products, such as those
used in the current study, influence measures of
musculoskeletal function and readiness with a larger,
more diverse sample to enhance the generalizability
of the results. While individuals at all career stages
and ages were recruited to participate, the current
study’s participants had a mean age of 45 and ranged
from 28-58 years old. The higher concentration of
participants over the age of 40 could have influenced
our findings. These individuals may have had age-
associated co-morbidities (e.g., cardiovascular
conditions), as hypertension is the second most
common preventable disease in police officers and
firefighters, with musculoskeletal injuries being the
first (Santos et al., 2022). Longitudinal studies with
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
extended follow-up periods could provide more
comprehensive insights into the long-term effects of
products on musculoskeletal health. Future studies
focused on one anatomical location (e.g., knee sleeve)
and incorporating control groups (e.g., sham
products, controls matched by age and gender) should
be performed. Additionally, incorporating objective
measures of musculoskeletal function and recovery,
such as biomechanical assessments or physiological
markers of inflammation, could strengthen the
evidence base and provide a more nuanced
understanding of the mechanisms underlying the
observed benefits.
Funding for this study was provided by a GOED
Catalyst grant from the UNLV Sports Research
Innovation Initiative, with included matching funds
from Incrediwear®, LLC.
The authors would like to thank Shin Hwa Noh
for his work in data collection and analysis.
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Healing the Everyday Athlete, Evaluating the Impact of Recovery Wear Garment Use on Musculoskeletal Health in an Occupational Setting