ferent methods than PHI. Furthermore, we can di-
rectly understand the differences between the com-
pared methods through PHI
values. The experimen-
tal results show that PHI
can more clearly reflect the
changes in the solutions within the ROI.
Although PHI
has more advantages than PHI,
there is still room for further improvement. An as-
pect to explore further is the situation where multiple
methods do not obtain a solution in the modified ROI.
In this case, it is not easy to distinguish these methods
because PHI
values for them are all zero. Therefore,
our next step is to evaluate solutions outside the mod-
ified ROI so that PHI
can work properly even when
there is no solution in the modified ROI.
Additionally, to provide information in the PHI
values about the attainability of the desirable ranges,
we had to accept some discontinuity in the PHI
ues near 1. From our observations, resolving this dis-
continuity without harming other valuable properties
is challenging. Therefore, this is also our future work.
This research has received part of the funding from
the European Union – NextGenerationEU instrument
and was therefore partly funded by the Research
Council of Finland, grant number 352784, partly by
grant number 355346 of the same Council and is re-
lated to the thematic research area Decision Analyt-
ics utilizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Opti-
mization (jyu.fi/demo) of the University of Jyvaskyla.
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A Modified Preference-Based Hypervolume Indicator for Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Methods