for control (PINC), we identified three primary limi-
tations: (I) Long training times for large and/or com-
plex state-space models, (II) limitations arising from
the zero-order-hold assumption for excitation, and
(III) the need for hyperparameter-sensitive loss bal-
ancing schemes.
In this study, we introduced the domain-decoupled
physics-informed neural network (DD-PINN) as a so-
lution to these limitations. We first formulated the
DD-PINN architecture, showcasing how it enables
calculation of gradients for the physics loss in closed
form, is compatible to higher-order excitation input,
and always has an initial-condition loss of zero. We
then compared the DD-PINN to the PINC in simula-
tion for three benchmark systems. The results demon-
strated that the DD-PINN significantly reduces train-
ing times while maintaining or surpassing the predic-
tion accuracy of the PINC. Thereby, the self-loop pre-
diction time of the DD-PINN is comparable to the
The DD-PINN allows for fast and accurate learn-
ing of large and complex dynamical systems, which
were previously out of reach for the PINC. Its fast
prediction abilities create opportunities for enabling
MPC in larger dynamical systems, where traditional
methods like numerical integrators are too slow, and
training a PINC is not practical. Here, the data
efficiency of physics-informed machine learning re-
mains, making it possible to integrate sparse datasets
with the system-governing physical equations. Fu-
ture work could explore using DD-PINN for higher-
dimensional nonlinear systems to realize accurate
state estimation or model predictive control.
This work was partially funded by the Ger-
man Research Foundation (DFG, project numbers
405032969 and 433586601) and the Lower Saxo-
nian Ministry of Science and Culture in the program
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics