improved the ability to generate concise and mean-
ingful video summaries, enhancing their performance
across various tasks.
Despite the progress made, several challenges re-
main. Current techniques often struggle with limita-
tions in real-world scenarios, particularly in achiev-
ing real-time summarization and context-awareness.
Additionally, there is a lack of robust multi-modal
datasets that incorporate diverse features such as text,
audio, and visual data, which are critical for further
improving the adaptability of summarization models
across different applications, from personalized video
recommendations to security monitoring.
Looking forward, future research must focus on
addressing these limitations by developing techniques
that are more efficient and accurate, particularly in
real-time and context-sensitive environments. Fur-
thermore, the creation of more comprehensive, multi-
modal datasets will be essential to unlocking the full
potential of video summarization technologies.
In summary, while significant progress has been
made, this review has identified key gaps in current
methodologies. Overcoming these challenges will
be vital to fully harness the potential of video sum-
marization as video content continues to proliferate
across various domains.
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