Video Summarization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
Toqa Alaa
, Ahmad Mongy
, Assem Bakr
, Mariam Diab
and Walid Gomaa
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
{toqa.alaa, ahmad.aboelnaga, asem.abdelhamid, mariam.diab, walid.gomaa}
Keyframe Selection, Event-Based Summarization, Supervised Methods, Unsupervised Methods, Attention
Mechanism, Multi-Modal Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks.
The rapid expansion of video content across various industries, including social media, education, entertain-
ment, and surveillance, has made video summarization an essential field of study. This survey aims to explore
the latest techniques and approaches developed for video summarization, with a focus on identifying their
strengths and drawbacks to guide future improvements. Key strategies such as reinforcement learning, at-
tention mechanisms, generative adversarial networks, and multi-modal learning are examined in detail, along
with their real-world applications and challenges. The paper also covers the datasets commonly used to bench-
mark these techniques, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future directions of
video summarization research.
The rapid advancement of technology has integrated
camcorders into many devices, leading to an explo-
sion of video content as people capture and share
their daily lives on social media (Pritch et al., 2008).
Traditional video representation methods, such as
viewing consecutive frames, struggle to meet the de-
mands of modern multimedia services like content-
based search, retrieval, and navigation. To address
these challenges, automatic video content summariza-
tion and indexing techniques have been developed,
enabling more efficient access and categorization of
video content (Pritch et al., 2008). The growing in-
terest in video summarization is evident from the in-
creasing number of research papers published annu-
ally, as shown in Figure 1.
Video summarization methods can be broadly cat-
egorized into static, event-based, and personalized
approaches. Static summarization selects keyframes
representing significant scenes or events, while event-
based methods focus on summarizing specific ac-
tions, such as in sports videos (Banjar et al., 2024).
Personalized summarization tailors content based on
user preferences, generating topic-related summaries
to meet individual needs (Zhu et al., 2023).
Recent advancements in deep learning have en-
hanced video summarization through attention mech-
anisms and reinforcement learning, enabling mod-
Figure 1: The number of papers per year containing in their
title the phrase ”video summarization” according to Google
els to generate more concise and meaningful sum-
maries (Zhou et al., 2018). Multi-modal learning fur-
ther enriches summaries by integrating audio, text,
and visual features (Zhu et al., 2023).
Research has also explored single-view and multi-
view summarization strategies, with single-view fo-
cusing on a single perspective and multi-view inte-
grating information from multiple viewpoints (Pari-
har et al., 2021). Additionally, the inclusion of in-
teractive features, such as user feedback mechanisms,
has made video summarization tools more versatile
and user-friendly (Wu et al., 2022). Given the rapid
advancements in video summarization techniques and
their diverse applications, this paper seeks to answer
the following research questions:
Alaa, T., Mongy, A., Bakr, A., Diab, M. and Gomaa, W.
Video Summarization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012936400003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 2, pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1. What are the most recent and effective techniques
for video summarization, and how do they per-
form across different tasks?
2. What are the common limitations and challenges
of these techniques in real-world scenarios?
3. How can future research address these limitations
to improve the efficiency and accuracy of video
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 provides
an overview of video summarization; Section 2 exam-
ines various techniques; Section 3 explores relevant
datasets; Section 4 discusses applications; and Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper with future directions.
This section discusses the various techniques used
in video summarization. These techniques can be
grouped according to the learning method, the type
of the extracted features, the type of the input video,
or the type of the output summary.
2.1 Learning Paradigm-Based Methods
Video summarization techniques can be categorized
into supervised, unsupervised, weakly supervised,
and reinforcement methods.
2.1.1 Supervised Methods
Supervised video summarization involves using an-
notated or labeled data during the training phase to
learn how to generate summarizes. These methods
involve datasets where each video is paired with a
corresponding summary that highlights the most im-
portant events in the video. Supervised methods
in video summarization typically use Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNNs), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Networks, or Transformer architecture (He et al.,
2023; Zhu et al., 2023; Lin et al., 2022). These meth-
ods use large labeled datasets to learn patterns but re-
quire extensive manual labeling and may not general-
ize well to new or varied content.
2.1.2 Unsupervised Methods
Unsupervised video summarization has gained signif-
icant attention, particularly through clustering meth-
ods and generative adversarial networks (GANs). The
approach in (Mahmoud et al., 2013) relies on clus-
tering color and texture features extracted from the
video frames using a modified Density-based clus-
tering non-parametric algorithm (DBSCAN) (Ester
et al., 1996) to summarize the video content. The
original video undergoes pre-sampling. Next, color
features are extracted using a color histogram in the
HSV color space, and texture features are extracted
using a two-dimensional Haar wavelet transform in
the HSV color space. Video frames are then clus-
tered with the modified DBSCAN algorithm, and key
frames are selected. Finally, these key frames are
arranged in their original order to aid visual under-
standing. The authors in (Lee et al., 2012) used
clustering of frame color histograms to segment tem-
poral events. Temporal video segmentation is used
in (Potapov et al., 2014) for detecting shot or scene
boundaries. This approach takes into account the dif-
ferences between all pairs of frames.
GAN-based approaches involve adversarial train-
ing, where a generator attempts to create summaries
that fool a discriminator into thinking they are user-
generated. This method is exemplified by the Fully
Convolutional Sequence Network (FCSN) (Rochan
and Wang, 2019), which selects key frames, while
a summary discriminator differentiates between real
and artificial summaries. Figure 2 illustrates the in-
teraction between the generator and discriminator in
this process. Despite their effectiveness, many GAN-
Figure 2: Generator and discriminator in video summariza-
tion process.
based methods that incorporate LSTM units face chal-
lenges with low variation in frame-level importance
scores, limiting their impact. To address this, At-
tentive Conditional GANs (AC-GANs) (He et al.,
2019) use a BiLSTM to predict importance scores,
while (Lin et al., 2022) introduced a deep semantic
and attentive network (DSAVS) to minimize the dis-
tance between video and text representations, incor-
porating self-attention for capturing long-range de-
pendencies. Additionally, the architecture proposed
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
in (Apostolidis et al., 2020) embeds an Actor-Critic
model within a GAN, framing the selection of key
fragments as a sequence generation task that is incre-
mentally refined through rewards from the discrimi-
2.1.3 Weakly Supervised Methods
Video Summarization has a very high cost for data-
labeling tasks, so it is desirable for the machine learn-
ing techniques to work with weak supervision. There
are three types of weak supervision. The first is in-
complete supervision, only a subset of training data
is given with labels while the other data remain un-
labeled. The second type is inexact supervision, i.e.,
only coarse-grained labels are given, such as in (Ye
et al., 2021) in which the model can learn to detect
highlights by mining video characteristics with video
level annotations (topic tags) only. The third type is
inaccurate supervision, i.e., the given labels are not
always ground-truth. Such a situation occurs, e.g.,
when the image annotator is careless or weary, or
some images are difficult to categorize. A contextual
temporal video encoder and a segment scoring trans-
former are used in (Narasimhan et al., 2022) to rank
segments by their significance. This approach avoids
the need for manual annotations and enhances scala-
bility for large datasets.
2.1.4 Reinforcement Learning Methods
The process of video summarization is inherently se-
quential, as the choice of one segment can influ-
ence the importance and selection of subsequent seg-
ments. RL is well-suited for sequential decision-
making tasks, enabling the model to optimize the se-
lection process over time to achieve the best summary.
An end-to-end, reinforcement learning-based
framework was proposed in (Zhou et al., 2018). It
designs a novel reward function that jointly accounts
for diversity and representativeness of generated sum-
maries and does not rely on labels or user interac-
tions at all. However, this approach suffered from
some limitations. The sparse reward problem leads
to hard convergence as an agent receives the reward
only after the whole summary is generated in conven-
tional reinforcement learning methods. The authors
in (Wang et al., 2024) tried to address this problem by
proposing a Progressive Reinforcement Learning net-
work for Video Summarization (PRLVS) in an unsu-
pervised learning fashion. In this method, the summa-
rization task is decomposed hierarchically. The model
trains an agent to modify the summary progressively.
The agent chooses to replace one frame with some
frame in the neighborhood and receives a reward for
the whole summary at each step.
Unsupervised video summarization with rein-
forcement learning and a 3D spatio-temporal U-Net
is implemented by (Liu et al., 2022) to efficiently en-
code spatio-temporal information of the input videos
for downstream reinforcement learning.
2.2 Input-Based Methods
Video summarization techniques differ depending on
whether the input is single-view or multi-view, as well
as the modality of the input video.
2.2.1 SingleView Methods
Single View video summarization has been exten-
sively researched, leading to various effective ap-
Techniques such as equal partition-based cluster-
ing (Kumar et al., 2016) and key-frame selection us-
ing frame difference (Tirupathamma, 2017) are no-
table for their simplicity and efficiency in generat-
ing summaries. These methods typically focus on
event detection and redundancy reduction by select-
ing key frames that capture significant changes in the
video. Methods like SUM-GDA (Li et al., 2021) pro-
cess a single view of visual data, applying attention
mechanisms to focus on important visual elements
in the video. The authors in (Lin et al., 2022) in-
troduced a new framework for video summarization
called Deep Hierarchical LSTM Networks with At-
tention (DHAVS). This methodology extracts spatio-
temporal features using 3D ResNeXt-101 and em-
ploys a deep hierarchical LSTM network with an at-
tention mechanism to capture long-range dependen-
cies and focus on important keyframes. Addition-
ally, it proposes a cost-sensitive loss function to im-
prove the selection of critical frames under class im-
balance. DHAVS was tested on the SumMe and TV-
Sum datasets, and the results show that DHAVS out-
performs state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating sig-
nificant advancements in video summarization. This
technique operates on a single video view but incor-
porates both spatial and temporal aspects. Single-
view video summarization methods are simpler and
more efficient, focusing on key events and significant
changes from one perspective. However, they may
miss broader context and important details that could
be captured from multiple views.
2.2.2 MultiView Methods
MultiView video summarization excels in capturing
diverse perspectives by avoiding the redundancy and
repetition inherent in single-view approaches (Elfeki
Video Summarization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
et al., 2022). Methods like seqDPP (Gong et al.,
2014) and Multi-DPP (Elfeki et al., 2022) ensure that
summaries are both comprehensive and contextually
rich by leveraging the temporal structures of multiple
video streams. Multi-view video summarization cap-
tures diverse perspectives and reduces redundancy by
integrating multiple video streams, resulting in com-
prehensive and contextually rich summaries. How-
ever, it comes with increased computational complex-
ity and challenges in maintaining temporal coherence
across streams.
2.2.3 Modality-Based Methods
Single modality approaches often struggle with com-
plex scenes, leading to inaccurate predictions. Multi-
modal methods address this by integrating informa-
tion from various modalities—visual, audio, and tex-
tual—thereby enhancing the quality and accuracy of
video summaries. Visual modalities help segment
videos into meaningful parts by detecting scenes,
objects, and activities. Audio modalities use auto-
matic speech recognition (ASR) to extract crucial di-
alogues and narrative elements, while textual modal-
ities add context through subtitles and overlays. Re-
cent advancements in multi-modal learning demon-
strate that audio and visual modalities can share a con-
sistency space, offering complementary perspectives
on activities (Zhao et al., 2021). Techniques such
as the AudioVisual Recurrent Network (AVRN) (Ye
et al., 2021) improve summarization by combining
these signals, showing significant performance gains
on datasets like SumMe and TVsum. Furthermore,
methods like those proposed in (Palaskar et al., 2019)
leverage both visual and textual data to create sum-
maries that are semantically rich and contextually
relevant. Multi-modal Transformers have also been
introduced to adaptively fuse these features, com-
pensating for the limitations of single-modality ap-
proaches (Zhu et al., 2023; Narasimhan et al., 2021;
He et al., 2023). These models, which include fea-
ture extraction, learning, and frame selection mod-
ules, have proven effective in generating high-quality
video summaries by capturing cross-modal correla-
tions and improving decision-making processes.
2.3 Output-Based Methods
This section discusses the video summarization meth-
ods according to the type of the output summary.
2.3.1 Generic Video Summarization
Generic video summarization creates a synopsis by
selecting key parts of the video, often through story-
board summarization or video skimming. This type of
summary is useful when users need a quick overview
without prior knowledge of the content. While sim-
ple summaries can be generated by uniformly or ran-
domly sampling frames, more advanced methods uti-
lize video processing and computer vision techniques
to select frames that best represent the video’s seman-
The GVSUM technique proposed in (Basavaraja-
iah and Sharma, 2021) offers a versatile approach ap-
plicable to various types of videos, including surveil-
lance and sports. GVSUM extracts I-frames through
partial decoding and groups them based on visual fea-
tures using unsupervised clustering. Frames are in-
cluded in the summary whenever there is a change in
cluster number, indicating a shift in the visual scene.
2.3.2 Personalized Video Summarization
Personalized video summarization is a developing
technology that creates customized video summaries
based on individual viewer preferences. The work
in (Zhu et al., 2023) emphasizes generating mul-
tiple topic-related summaries, addressing subjective
viewer needs. This involves a multi-label classifica-
tion task where each video frame is assessed by mul-
tiple binary classifiers to determine its relevance to
various topics. Figure 3 illustrates the key develop-
ments in personalized video summarization, includ-
ing the gap in research following the first publication.
This approach is particularly useful for creating
personalized sports highlights, enabling viewers to fo-
cus on content relevant to their interests. The frame-
work proposed in (Tejero-de Pablos et al., 2018)
uses neural networks to personalize sports video sum-
maries by analyzing player actions. Additionally, the
method in (Banjar et al., 2024) tailors summaries to
user-defined lengths by detecting excitement scores
in the audio stream.
2.3.3 Query-Based Video Summarization
Query-based video summarization generates sum-
maries tailored to specific user queries or topics, of-
fering a more personalized approach than traditional
methods that rely on predefined rules. The task is for-
mulated in (Xiao et al., 2020) as computing similarity
between video shots and the query, utilizing a convo-
lutional network with local self-attention and query-
aware global attention mechanisms to learn visual in-
The “IntentVizor” framework introduced in (Wu
et al., 2022) advances interactive video summariza-
tion by integrating textual and visual queries. It
features an intent module to extract user intent and
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 3: Milestones in personalized video summarization.
a summary module for summarization, both sup-
ported by the Granularity-Scalable Ego-Graph Con-
volutional Network (GSE-GCN). This framework al-
lows for multi-modal queries, enabling users to adjust
summarization interactively based on an adjustable
distribution of learned basis intents.
In video summarization research, the choice of
datasets is crucial for training and evaluating the per-
formance of various techniques. Table 1 outlines
the key datasets commonly used in the video sum-
marization techniques, highlighting their characteris-
tics, contents, and relevance to different summariza-
tion methods.
Video summarization offers transformative benefits
across various industries, enhancing the management
and utilization of video content. In streaming plat-
forms, video summarization is crucial for creating
trailers and highlight reels, providing viewers with
quick overviews of content and boosting engage-
ment. As short-form video platforms gain popular-
ity, the need for automated highlight identification
from untrimmed videos has become even more pro-
nounced (Ye et al., 2021).
Recommendation systems benefit from video
summarization by refining content suggestions to
match individual users’ preferences. Topic-aware
summarization, as proposed by (Zhu et al., 2023), fur-
ther enhances this by generating summaries on vari-
ous topics, catering to diverse user interests and im-
proving the overall viewing experience.
In terms of efficient indexing and retrieval, sum-
marized videos streamline the process by condens-
ing content, making search and retrieval more effi-
cient. This approach facilitates better keyword ex-
traction (Apostolidis et al., 2021), reduces storage re-
quirements, and accelerates processing times (Tiwari
and Bhatnagar, 2021).
For anomaly detection in surveillance, video sum-
marization supports the rapid deployment of mod-
els by leveraging pre-trained deep models and de-
noising autoencoders (DAEs)(Sultani et al., 2018).
Frameworks like IntentVizor(Wu et al., 2022) en-
hance decision-making by providing valuable insights
into unusual activities.
In education, video summarization helps students
quickly grasp key concepts by distilling lengthy lec-
tures and tutorials into concise summaries, thus im-
proving the learning experience (Benedetto et al.,
Social media platforms utilize video summariza-
tion to create engaging promotional content and prod-
uct demonstrations. This method captures viewer at-
tention effectively within a brief time frame (Sabha
and Selwal, 2023).
Video Summarization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
Table 1: Datasets for video summarization.
Dataset Description Size Duration
TVSum (Song
et al., 2015)
Title-based containing news, how-
to, documentary, vlog, egocentric
genres and 1,000 annotations of
shot-level importance scores ob-
tained via crowdsourcing.
50 2-10 Uni
(Gygli et al.,
Each video is annotated with at least
15 human summaries.
25 1-6 Uni
et al., 2023)
Contains livestream videos and tran-
scripts with multimodal summaries
(674 videos, 12,629 text)
13,303 5 Multi
(Zhu et al.,
Contains frame-level importance
scores, and topic labels annotations.
136 5 Multi
(Elfeki et al.,
Contains videos recorded simultane-
ously by three cameras, covering a
wide variety of real-life scenarios.
41 3-7 Uni
et al., 2019)
Short instructional videos from dif-
ferent domains, each video is ac-
companied by a transcript.
80,000 1-2 Multi
(Ghauri et al.,
Educational videos with subtitles
from three popular e-learning plat-
forms: Edx,YouTube, and TIB AV-
98 10-60 Multi
COIN (Tang
et al., 2019)
Contains 11,000 instructional videos
covering 180 tasks. Used for train-
ing by creating pseudo summaries.
8,521 3 Uni
(Shao et al.,
A hierarchical video dataset for fine-
grained action understanding.
156 10 Multi
(Xu et al.,
Contains 4,700 instructional videos
covering 83 tasks; used for generat-
ing pseudo summaries and training.
3,675 3 Uni
(Hassan et al.,
High-quality test set created by
scraping WikiHow articles that in-
clude video demonstrations and vi-
sual depictions of steps.
2,106 2-7 Multi
(Miech et al.,
A large-scale dataset with more
than 100 million video clips from
YouTube, annotated with textual de-
136M 6-7 Multi
VTW (Zeng
et al., 2016)
Large dataset containing annotated
videos from YouTube with high-
lighted key shots
2,529 2-5 Uni
Video summarization is a crucial area of research,
contributing to numerous valuable applications, such
as video retrieval, personalized video recommenda-
tions, and surveillance systems. This comprehen-
sive review has explored the most recent and ef-
fective techniques for video summarization, high-
lighting advancements in both extractive and ab-
stractive methodologies. Learning-based approaches,
including reinforcement learning, attention mecha-
nisms, and multi-modal learning, have significantly
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
improved the ability to generate concise and mean-
ingful video summaries, enhancing their performance
across various tasks.
Despite the progress made, several challenges re-
main. Current techniques often struggle with limita-
tions in real-world scenarios, particularly in achiev-
ing real-time summarization and context-awareness.
Additionally, there is a lack of robust multi-modal
datasets that incorporate diverse features such as text,
audio, and visual data, which are critical for further
improving the adaptability of summarization models
across different applications, from personalized video
recommendations to security monitoring.
Looking forward, future research must focus on
addressing these limitations by developing techniques
that are more efficient and accurate, particularly in
real-time and context-sensitive environments. Fur-
thermore, the creation of more comprehensive, multi-
modal datasets will be essential to unlocking the full
potential of video summarization technologies.
In summary, while significant progress has been
made, this review has identified key gaps in current
methodologies. Overcoming these challenges will
be vital to fully harness the potential of video sum-
marization as video content continues to proliferate
across various domains.
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