Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail
Item Recommendation Systems
Diogo Vin
ıcius de Sousa Silva
1,2 a
, Davi Silva da Cruz
1 b
, Diego Corr
ea da Silva
2 c
ao Paulo Dias de Almeida
2 d
and Frederico Ara
ujo Dur
2 e
Federal Institute of Maranh
ao - IFMA, Coelho Neto, Brazil
Department of Computing, Federal University of Bahia - UFBA, Salvador, Brazil
diogo.silva@ifma.edu.br, davi.cruz@acad.ifma.edu.br, {joao.dias, diego.correa, fdurao}@ufba.br
Recommender Systems, Clustering, Markov Chains, Assessment Questionnaire, Long-Tail.
The primary goal of this paper is to develop recommendation models that guide users to niche but highly
relevant items in the long tail. Two major clustering techniques and representing matrices through graphs
are explored for this. The first technique adopts Markov chains to calculate similarities of the nodes of a
user-item graph. The second technique applies clustering to the set of items in a dataset. The results show
that it is possible to improve the accuracy of the recommendations even by focusing on less popular items,
in this case, niche products that form the long tail. The recall in some cases improved by about 27.9%,
while the popularity of recommended items has declined. In addition, the recommendations to contain more
diversified items indicate better exploitation of the long tail. Finally, an online experiment was conducted
using an evaluation questionnaire with the employees of the HomeCenter store, providing the dataset. The
aim is to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms directly with the users. The results showed that
the evaluators preferred the proposed algorithms, demonstrating the proposed approaches’ effectiveness.
Recommendation strategies are used in various con-
texts to bring potential users closer to products with
a high probability of interest. In e-commerce, for
example, the global market is expected to be worth
6.3 trillion dollars by the end of 2024 - up from 5.8
trillion dollars in 2023, (Snyder, 2024). However, a
Recommender System (RS) can negatively impact the
diversity of items recommended to users, leading to
most recommendations being based on a small diver-
sity of products that have significant success among
other system users. Since most users show interest in
a particular item, there is a high probability that a new
user will also be interested in that item. Following this
logic, it is natural for less popular items to be recom-
mended less and consumed less by users (Bobadilla
et al., 2013).
Considering the importance of niche groups,
which have particular interests, the issue of long-
tail recommendations opens up possibilities for study-
ing techniques that improve the performance of such
recommendations, not only in recommendation rele-
vance but also in the other aspects mentioned earlier,
such as popularity and diversity. Because long-tail
items are unpopular products, the accuracy of these
recommendations tends to be lower than for items that
are consumed by the majority of users (Qin, 2021).
Since long-tail items are less popular, they have fewer
ratings from other users and consequently provide
less input for calculating a more accurate recommen-
dation. In addition, low popularity can lead to more
unsold products, resulting in financial losses and the
risk of obsolescence or expiry, especially for items
with a limited shelf life, such as specialty foods. In
the context of online stores, the term “infinite inven-
tory” has emerged, which refers to the set of products
that are little consumed but have loyal customers.
With the constant growth of the area, major tech-
nology companies also started to invest resources in
developing technologies for RS. Research by compa-
nies like Google, Netflix, and Amazon showed that
such investments could bring good returns for com-
panies and their customers (Gomez-Uribe and Hunt,
Silva, D., Silva da Cruz, D., Corrêa da Silva, D., Dias de Almeida, J. and Durão, F.
Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail Item Recommendation Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012936700003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 47-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2015). New services and business models were con-
solidated based on the technologies developed, help-
ing companies to grow in the market, specifically e-
commerce companies like Amazon.com, since recom-
mendations facilitated product sales. At the same
time, customers and users of these companies also
benefited from the advantages and conveniences that
such technologies offered, as the generated recom-
mendations saved time and money through sugges-
tions of relevant items.
According to (Anderson, 2006), companies gen-
erally focus their sales on the most popular products
because it makes logistics easier. If we imagine a
traditional store with a physical structure to receive
customers, it’s easy to understand that it’s cheaper
to put the best-selling products on the most apparent
shelves. However, with the advent of online stores,
the cost of organizing products on shelves is non-
existent. In the context of online stores, the term “infi-
nite inventory” has emerged, where featured products
can be selected according to each user’s preference
online. This virtual user may not necessarily have the
same preference as most other system users.
Alongside “infinite inventory”, the phenomenon
of the “long tail” emerges. This term refers to prod-
ucts that are rarely consumed but have their niche
clientele, meaning niche items. Typically, these prod-
ucts make up the majority of the store’s inventory.
This large set of products (in the long tail) is respon-
sible for only a minority of sales. On the other hand,
only a few products are responsible for most sales
made (Brynjolfsson, 2011). An analogy is Pareto’s
rule, which states that 80% of consequences come
from 20% of causes, meaning 80% of sales would be
concentrated in only 20% of the inventory.
This paper investigates the lack of long-tail rec-
ommendation approaches that prioritize relevance, di-
versity, and popularity of recommended items. The
approach in this paper prioritizes the discovery of
niche items while directing them to their target audi-
ence. For this, a hybrid approach based on two tech-
niques is used. The first is clustering with dynamic
parameters that adapt according to the dataset used,
and the second is a type of Markov chain to calculate
the interest distance between the user and an item.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides a related work for this paper. Sec-
tion 3 presents two hybrid approaches to the rec-
ommendation in long-tail contexts, focusing on the
diversity and relevance of recommended items. In
Section 4, the experiments conducted to evaluate the
proposed approaches will be presented. Section 5
presents the results of the experimental evaluations of
the HTCL and P-HTCL approaches. The assessment
of the questionnaire applied to business domain users
is shown in Section 6. In Section 7, we conclude this
paper by presenting the effectiveness of the proposed
techniques and discussing future work.
2.1 Long Tail Recommendation
(Abdollahpouri et al., 2019) researched the problem
of popular items bias being frequently ranked highly
in RS. The study focused on finding ways to address
this issue by increasing the number of recommended
long-tail items. The authors approached the problem
from the users’ perspective, analyzing how popular-
ity bias causes recommendations to deviate from what
the user expects to obtain from the RS. Experimen-
tal results show that, in many recommendation algo-
rithms, the recommendations users receive are highly
concentrated on popular items, even if a user is inter-
ested in long-tail items.
(Qin et al., 2020) summarizes in a survey the
progress of research on long-tail item recommenda-
tion methods, which began with clustering in 2008
and evolved into methods based on deep learning
by 2020. Their work reviews the problem of long-
tail item recommendation. It describes the main
techniques used in this area, such as clustering,
graphs, multi-objective optimization, and deep learn-
ing, among others. Additionally, it points out future
directions associated with this theme by discussing
trends in long-tail item recommendation research.
(Qin, 2021) provides an update of the work by (Qin
et al., 2020), expanding it with a deeper understanding
of existing techniques for long-tail item recommenda-
tions. (Wang et al., 2006) present an optimized solu-
tion for recommending long-tail items. They make
recommendations using graph structures to represent
the relationships between users and items. The scores
of the items are also compared to determine their sim-
ilarity. The authors assume that a user should evaluate
similar items with similar scores. Our proposal also
uses graphs; however, the weighted edges will be used
to calculate the path from an item node to a user node,
whereas (Wang et al., 2006) uses edges to calculate
only the similarity between items.
(Yin et al., 2012) developed four variations of an
algorithm for long-tail item recommendations. The
basic algorithm of the proposal is the Hitting Time,
where users and items are represented in a disjoint,
indirect, and bipartite graph. An adjacency matrix
is obtained from this graph. The graph’s edges are
weighted and illustrate the relevance of the connec-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tion between a user and an item (i.e., the user’s rat-
ing for that item). To calculate the proximity of un-
rated items, the author computes the hitting time us-
ing a type of Markov chain called “random walk”
(Bolch et al., 1998). The random walk calculates the
probability of a user reaching an unrated item. The
higher the probability, the lower the hitting time, and
therefore, the item should have higher priority in the
recommendation. Transition matrices are computed
from a probability matrix. The probability matrix is
obtained from the adjacency matrix. The study by
(Luke et al., 2018) proposes a new recommendation
system based on tripartite graphs, which aims to sug-
gest long-tail items. The proposed system, the Ex-
tended Tripartite Graph System, improves the per-
formance of existing long tail recommendation ap-
proaches, measured by widely used performance met-
rics: recall and diversity. The study highlights the
importance of algorithms such as Hitting Time and
collaborative filtering approaches to improve long tail
recommendations. The results indicate that the pro-
posed algorithm improved long-tail item recommen-
dations, with improvements in Recall@N and diver-
2.2 Clusterization in Recommendation
(Pang et al., 2019) proposes an improved algorithm
for an RS where not only accuracy but also the cov-
erage of recommendation items are considered. For
this, the authors use a weighted similarity measure
based on genetic algorithms and achieve good results
in the context of long-tail item recommendations. In
the work of (Yang et al., 2021), a study has been
carried out to correct a common problem in recom-
mendations that use clustering and scalability. To this
end, co-clustering techniques and clustering models
are proposed to make the clustering latent. A score
used for each user-item pair is calculated based on
their affinities with the clusters. Thus, using the mini-
mum affinity (between the user and the item) for each
cluster, the authors show that the method improves
recommendation performance on large-scale datasets
with millions of users and items with considerably
smaller model sizes. (Yadav et al., 2022) addresses
a recommendation model that aims to increase the
probability of retrieving unusual and new items in rec-
ommendation lists while maintaining user relevance.
The proposed methodology, Clus-DR (Cluster-based
Diversity Recommendation), uses the individual di-
versity of users and a pre-trained model to generate
diverse recommendations. Instead of relying on a re-
classification approach, the model uses different clus-
tering techniques to group users with similar diversi-
ties. Experimental results with data sets from various
domains show that the proposed methodology main-
tains an acceptable level of accuracy.
The clustering works mentioned above are based
on user clustering, which is used to apply a second
technique and generate recommendations. Generally,
the focus is on improving the accuracy of recommen-
dations or system performance. Our proposal differs
in its focus on clustering, which is not performed on
the dataset users but rather on the items. Additionally,
our focus is not on increasing scalability and perfor-
mance, as in some of the works presented above, but
on suggesting less popular items with more diversity
and accuracy.
2.3 Techniques for Long Tail
(Lin et al., 2022) propose a method that uses graphs
and neural networks to build dynamic and static rep-
resentations for social recommendation. To do this,
they consider dynamic and static representations of
users and items and incorporate their relational in-
fluence to model the user’s interest in a given item.
The work of (Abdelkhalek et al., 2022) presents a
hybrid proposal for collaborative filtering using be-
lief function theory (BFT), where from the cluster of
each item, the K neighboring items are selected as
similar and contribute to the recommendation. The
overall similarity between the neighbors is chosen
for future user recommendations. (Sreepada and Pa-
tra, 2021) propose two approaches inspired by econo-
physics, based on selective injection of ratings into
long-tail items using existing rating information. The
data is then used to provide recommendations. Test
results with real-world data show that the proposed
approaches outperform existing techniques in mitigat-
ing the long-tail effect and show no significant drop in
The technique employed in most of the work pre-
sented above is Collaborative Filtering. However, as
long-tail items receive minimal ratings from users, the
tendency is for these items to be inadequately recom-
mended to users. This problem can be mitigated by
identifying the long-tail items and incorporating them
into the recommendations generated by Collaborative
Filtering. Therefore, our work emphasizes these char-
acteristics. We recognize that recommending long-
tail items involves identifying them and relevant niche
items and directing them to the appropriate users.
Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail Item Recommendation Systems
This section will present two approaches that combine
strategies aimed at solving the recommendation prob-
lem in long-tail contexts A recommendation strategy
focused on the long tail should direct suggestions to-
ward items with high diversity and low popularity yet
highly relevant to the user. To address these char-
acteristics and based on the analyses and investiga-
tions conducted, two hybrid RS approaches were de-
veloped in this paper using the Hitting Time algorithm
as a basis. The first approach is called Hitting Time
Clustered (HTCL), and the second is Personalized -
Hitting Time Clustered (P-HTCL), with the latter be-
ing an evolution of the former.
3.1 Hitting Time Clustered
In the Hitting Time algorithm (Yin et al., 2012), the
set of users U and items M are represented in a bi-
partite graph, which has its corresponding adjacency
matrix. In Figure 1, we have an example representa-
tion of the graph with nodes that can be items or users.
The edges of these nodes have a weight that reflects
the user’s score for the item to which the edge con-
nects it. When there is no edge connecting two nodes,
it means that the weight is 0 (zero). For example, user
node U
is connected to item node M
. In the matrix
in Figure 1, we can see that the weight of this edge is
5, meaning that this user’s rating for item M
is 5. The
weight of an edge is represented by a(i, j) with some
predefined settings. The variables i and j represent
the nodes of the graph in a matrix A = (a(i, j)
, j
The variable V represents the set of graph vertices.
Figure 1: Representation of users and items through a bi-
partite graph and its respective adjacency matrix (Yin et al.,
To calculate the proximity of two nodes in the
graph, the algorithm uses a type of Markov chain
called Random Walk (Bolch et al., 1998). A random
walk has a current state (a node in the graph), and
with each time step, the state changes, i.e., visiting
other nodes in the graph. In Hitting Time, this path
is guided by the edge weights, and the random walk
terminates its journey when it reaches the destination
node. The algorithm relies on a probability matrix
calculated from the adjacency matrix. The formula 1
shows how the edge weights are determined:
i, j
= P(s(t + 1) = j|s(t) = i) =
a(i, j)
, (1)
where d
a(i, j). (2)
The first proposed approach, HTCL
(de Sousa Silva et al., 2020), comprises two distinct
yet complementary solutions. This approach falls
under the hybridization type called castata (Burke,
2002). Next, we present the combination of the
Hitting Time algorithm with a clustering technique,
optimizing it for long-tail item recommendation.
With the Hitting Time algorithm being used to
generate recommendations, we apply an extension to
enhance the targeting towards long-tail items. We
divide the set of items into short-head and long-tail
items. At this point, we used Pareto’s rule (Yamashita
et al., 2015) as a parameter to separate the more pop-
ular items from the less popular ones. All long-tail
items are clustered, considering the average score of
each item.
The average ratings of long-tail items are taken
into account. Those with higher scores will have
higher priority in recommendation and carry more
weight. These items impact the decrease in the value
of the Hitting Time. On the other hand, items with
lower scores are grouped into clusters that will be
used to weigh the value of the Hitting Time, making
it slightly higher. The score of an item is the average
of the ratings given by all users who rated it and will
be represented in this work by the letter S. Since the
possible rating values range from 1 to 5, there will be
4 clusters, one for each score range. The similarity
of items within the cluster is calculated based on their
score, as shown in the first column of Table 1.
3.2 Personalized-Hitting Time
The approach of this algorithm involves calculating
dynamically the optimal values to be used as Adjust-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Clustering of dataset items about mean ratings
(score) and its respective adjustment factor(AF).
Score ClusterFit AF (%)
1 S < 2 A +20
2 S < 3 B +10
3 S < 4 C -10
4 S 5 D -20
ment Factor (AF). The algorithm selects a set of ideal
values based on some dynamic tests. Subsequently,
the set of AF values that achieves the best results in
recommendations for long-tail items is chosen. Thus,
depending on the dataset and user evaluations, this
same model can use different values for the AF of
clusters. That is, there will be customization of the
AF for each domain, hence the name of the approach:
Personalized Hitting Time Clustered (P-HTCL).
To find the ideal values for the AF, the algorithm
evaluates several combinations and compares them
with each other. As the intention is to explore recom-
mendations for long-tail items, the comparisons are
based on the diversity of the recommendations gener-
ated with the combination of the AF. Two sequences
are considered for the clusters’ AF values to test the
combinations. Table 2 shows the sequence with the
algorithm’s values to find the optimal FA value for
each of the 4 clusters. The first is an exponential se-
quence S based on 2, that is, S =[2
, 2
, 2
, 2
, 2
, 2
, 2
....]. Thus, the sequence of values for the AF to
be tested in cluster A is S = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
...]. The second sequence is applied to cluster B. In
this case, the sequence is the natural numbers N = [0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ...]. For the values of clusters C
and D, the same sequences are used as clusters B and
A, respectively. However, in these clusters, the per-
centages are negative. Thus, the sequence for cluster
C, for example, is N = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8
...]. Similarly, cluster D is N = [-1, -2, -4, -8, -16, -32,
-64, -128 ...].
A diversity measurement is made for each test us-
ing the sequences of values shown in Table 2. Each
measurement is compared with the results obtained
in the previous tests. It is natural for the first tests
to reach values closer to the Hitting Time algorithm.
This is due to the low influence of the AF, as the AF
values are still small. Figure 2 shows that a diversity
peak occurs at some point. In this example, the peak
happens at test number 4. The following values tend
to decrease. The peak represents the ideal value the
algorithm will use to generate the recommendations.
Table 2: Sequence of values analyzed by the P-HTCL algo-
rithm in search of the optimal AF set.
Cluster T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
A 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
C 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
D -1 -2 -4 -8 -16 -32 -64
Figure 2: Graph relating the level of diversity of the rec-
ommendations to the tests carried out with a set of different
values for the AF.
In this section, the experiments conducted to evaluate
the proposed approaches will be presented. The ap-
proaches aim to generate recommendations focusing
on long-tail items, leading users to a greater diversity
of products while maintaining high relevance. The
following sections will detail the experimental evalu-
ation setup.
4.1 Methodology
This section shows how the evaluation of the pro-
posed models was configured and the organization of
the five experiments. To avoid influencing the results,
the averages for each baseline were calculated indi-
vidually and used the same computational environ-
Several experiments were carried out during this
research. However, to avoid excessive length in this
paper, we will present only 3 experiments. Addition-
ally, each of these experiments was executed using 3
different metrics. However, for the same reason, we
will only show the results with the recall metric here.
The third experiment we will present consists of an
online experiment where an evaluation questionnaire
is administered to users in the business domain. Two
datasets were used, one for each offline experiment.
Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail Item Recommendation Systems
4.2 Baseline
To analyze the effectiveness of the Hitting Time Clus-
tered (HTCL) approach, three comparison methods
(baselines) were defined, namely:
Hitting Time (HT) - The Hitting Time algorithm
proposed by (Yin et al., 2012);
Hitting Time + Clustering All Dataset (HTCA)
- The Hitting Time Algorithm plus clustering is
similar to our approach. The difference here is the
lack of dataset splitting. In other words, there was
no separation of the items between long tail and
short head, so the clustering occurred across the
entire dataset;
Hitting Time + Clustering Short Tail Dataset
(HTCS) - Also similar to the approach used in this
work, but the dataset was split inversely. Instead
of clustering the items located in the long tail, in
this baseline, we cluster only the items present in
the short head of the dataset.
To evaluate the performance of the P-HTCL ap-
proach, we compare it with Hitting Time (HT) and
Hitting Time Clustered (HTCL).
4.3 Datasets
In this section, details of the datasets used in this
study, including MovieLens and HomeCenter, will be
presented. The MovieLens dataset is widely recog-
nized and used in recommendation research, while
the HomeCenter dataset was specially organized for
this study based on data from an actual construction
store. The analysis of these datasets will provide valu-
able insights for the evaluation of the proposed ap-
4.3.1 MovieLens
This dataset was organized by the GroupLens Re-
search group (Harper and Konstan, 2015) and was the
first to be used in the experiments in this paper. The
MovieLens dataset is used in this research to measure
metrics and analyze the results of all baselines in the
experiments. It’s important to note that this dataset al-
ready contains information about user ratings on the
items of interest, which includes the relationships be-
tween users and items through ratings.
The domain of this dataset is related to movies,
with a quantity of 100,000 ratings and a density of
6.3%. Thus, we have a sparse matrix where most
users have not rated most movies. However, only
users rated at least 20 films from the dataset were
selected. This dataset contains approximately 1,683
movies rated by around 943 users. More details about
MovieLens are provided in Table 3.
MovieLens also includes metadata such as user
age, gender, occupation, and movie category, which
were not used in this paper but could be utilized in
future work, as presented in Section 7.1.
4.3.2 HomeCenter
This paper’s HomeCenter dataset was organized
based on data from an actual store. This store is a ma-
jor retailer in the construction industry, where sales
are made physically. The dataset contains approxi-
mately 9,138 users and 2,955 purchase items, produc-
ing 71,296 sales. Table 3 compares the two datasets
presented here.
In addition to being from another domain, this
dataset differs from MovieLens in that it does not con-
tain user ratings for items. Therefore, an inference
model for ratings was defined based on the quantity
of repeated items purchased by customers. In other
words, to determine the ratings in this dataset, we con-
sidered the number of purchases made by the same
customer for a particular product. We then list all the
products purchased by each customer, sorting them by
the number of times each one was bought. Then, we
normalized the quantity of items on a scale of 1 to 5,
thus arriving at the same scale used in the MovieLens
dataset. Therefore, the more purchases of a particular
item, the greater the user’s preference. This heuris-
tic was used as a guide for preparing the dataset and
inferring the ratings.
Table 3: Comparison between MovieLens and HomeCenter
MovieLens HomeCenter
Number of users 943 9.138
Number of items 1683 2.955
Number of
100.000 0
Domain Films
Sparsity 6,3% 0,7%
4.4 Metrics
This section presents the evaluation metrics used to
verify the performance of the proposed approaches
in the algorithms. Each dataset was divided into two
subsets, one for training and the other for testing and
evaluating the recommendations generated. The re-
call is a fundamental metric for evaluating recommen-
dation systems, indicating the number of items of in-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
terest to the user present in the list of recommenda-
tions. While popularity helps assess the performance
of approaches for less in-demand items.
4.4.1 Recall
The Recall@N metric was used to evaluate the accu-
racy of the proposed approaches (Yin et al., 2012).
Recall is an index that indicates the number of items
of interest to the user in the list of recommendations,
ranging from 0 to 1, with values closer to 1 indicating
a better recommendation.
Calculating Recall@N involves counting how
many times an item M appears within the top@N re-
sults, as shown in Equation 3:
Recall@N =
, (3)
where |L| is the number of test cases. The Recall met-
ric represents the relevance of the recommendations
and is calculated by the proportion between the rele-
vant and recommended items and the total number of
recommended items.
4.4.2 Diversity
The diversity metric was used to assess the distri-
bution of recommended long-tail items and reduce
the influence of popular items on recommendations.
With high diversity, less popular items are expected
to be recommended to users, allowing the discovery
of new items in the long tail. This metric determines
the top@N items recommended to a specific group of
users. To calculate diversity, we check how many re-
peated items appear once and then calculate the ratio
to the total, according to the equation 4:
Diversity =
where I
is the set of unique items recommended for
all users, the element I is the data set, U represents the
set of users, and top@N is the recommended number
of items for each user (N represents the number of
items that the algorithm will return as a recommenda-
tion to the user, always from the most relevant to the
least appropriate).
4.4.3 Popularity
The popularity metric evaluated the number of long-
tail and short-tail items recommended to users. Ana-
lyzing the popularity of recommended items in con-
junction with other metrics provides a more detailed
analysis of the performance of the recommendation
algorithm. This metric calculates the frequency of a
given item and is based on the ratio of the number of
ratings compared to the other ratings in the dataset.
The diversity and popularity metrics can measure the
extent to which the recommendation is aimed at long-
tail items.
For each user, the average popularity is calculated
according to the equation 5:
Popularity =
The ranking defined for the entire dataset is repre-
sented by R
. In contrast, the set U represents the set
of users chosen for calculating popularity and top@N,
as well as the number of items suggested for each user
in the set U. Equation 6 R
shows a normalized index
using the number of users and the items suggested for
each one.
Figure 3 shows the evolution of P-HTCL tests com-
pared to HT and HTCL. In all top@N, the P-HTCL
approach achieves better results than the other two
approaches. The best performance is achieved in
top@25 when P-HTCL exceeds HTCL by 148%.
Figure 3: Recall of top@N items from the MovieLens
dataset in 500 test cases.
Table 5 shows the results of the recall metrics for
each top@N and baseline. As highlighted in bold,
note that in the top@25 and top@30, the recall of the
P-HTCL approach is twice as good as the HTCL ap-
Figure 4 shows that P-HTCL performed best in
all top@N of the three approaches compared. In sec-
ond place, with a significant distance from P-HTCL,
Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail Item Recommendation Systems
Table 4: Results of the recall technique from top@5 to
top@50 from MovieLens dataset run on all baselines: HT
(Hitting Time), HTCL (Hitting Time Clustered) and P-
HTCL (Personalized-Hitting Time Clustered).
top@05 0,0401 0,0484 0,1007
top@10 0,0656 0,0740 0,1794
top@15 0,0901 0,1019 0,2716
top@20 0,1087 0,1241 0,3495
top@25 0,1350 0,1658 0,4117
top@30 0,1658 0,2085 0,4588
top@35 0,2020 0,2596 0,4913
top@40 0,2473 0,3113 0,5226
top@45 0,2981 0,3722 0,5501
top@50 0,3634 0,4479 0,5762
is HTCL, which appears very close to the last-place
Table 5 shows the absolute values that help us bet-
ter analyze the results. P-HTCL stands out in top@5
and top@20, performing best compared to the other
baselines. At top@5, P-HTCL obtained a recall met-
ric value of 0.40656. Comparing it with the second-
best, HTCL, with 0.40010, we see an improvement
of 1.61%. Regarding the last-place HT, which only
reached 0.39216, P-HTCL surpassed it by 3.67%.
Looking at top@20, P-HTCL reached 0.48186 in
the recall metric against HTCLs 0.47502, which is
1.44% better than the second-best approach. Com-
pared to the baseline with the worst performance, HT
with 0.47436, P-HTCL obtained an improvement of
Table 5: Results of the recall from top@5 to top@50
from HomeCenter dataset run on all baselines: HT (Hit-
ting Time), HTCL (Hitting Time Clustered) and P-HTCL
(Personalized-Hitting Time Clustered).
top@05 0,39216 0,40010 0,40656
top@10 0,44174 0,44116 0,44766
top@15 0,45948 0,45948 0,46510
top@20 0,47436 0,47502 0,48186
top@25 0,48720 0,48852 0,49312
top@30 0,50098 0,50330 0,50696
top@35 0,51886 0,52066 0,52416
top@40 0,52756 0,53068 0,53332
top@45 0,54530 0,54426 0,54850
top@50 0,56632 0,56788 0,57130
As for the diversity and popularity metrics, the P-
Figure 4: Recall of top@N items from the HomeCenter
dataset in 500 test cases.
HTCL algorithm showed better results than the oth-
ers, HT and HTCL. Using the MovieLens dataset, the
P-HTCL approach stood out at all top@N levels, es-
pecially top@10. P-HTCL performed best in diver-
sity at this level, as shown in Table 6, the diversity
metric results for each approach.
Table 6: Results of the execution diversity metric in all
baselines: HT (Hitting Time), HTCL (Hitting Time Clus-
tered) and P-HTCL (Personalized-Hitting Time Clustered).
top@10 0,0535 0,0530 0,0552
top@20 0,0409 0,0408 0,0429
top@30 0,0344 0,0348 0,0369
top@40 0,0305 0,0308 0,0332
top@50 0,0273 0,0277 0,0309
Figure 5 illustrates the evolution of the three ap-
proaches, highlighting the superiority of P-HTCL in
diversity, especially as the number of recommenda-
tions increases.
Figure 5: Diversity metric results in Movielens 100k using
200 random users.
In addition, analysis of the results revealed that
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in the top@50, P-HTCLs diversity was the greatest,
which indicates the algorithm’s greater ability to of-
fer more varied and less biased recommendations. In
terms of popularity, P-HTCL managed to reduce the
popularity of recommendations, reaching a value of
1.7095 in top@20, which represents a decrease of
4.16% compared to HTCL, as shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Results of the popularity metric executed in all
baselines: HT (HittingTime), HTCL (HittingTimeClus-
tered), and P-HTCL (Personalized-HittingTime Clustered).
top@10 1,7546 1,7533 1,7095
top@20 1,2494 1,2429 1,1912
top@30 0,9157 0,9098 0,8737
top@40 0,7250 0,7206 0,6947
top@50 0,6135 0,6075 0,5829
6 complements this analysis by showing the evo-
lution of the popularity metric. P-HTCL not only im-
proves diversity but also focuses on recommending
less popular items, which is desirable in long-tail rec-
ommendation systems.
Figure 6: Popularity metric results on Movielens 100k using
500 random users.
Using the HomeCenter dataset, P-HTCL contin-
ued to excel in diversity, performing best at all top@N
levels, outperforming the other approaches. P-HTCL
not only offered diverse recommendations but also
managed to reduce the popularity of recommended
items. At top@50, the approach achieved a popular-
ity of 0.5829, decreasing by 4.99% compared to HT,
which obtained the worst result, as shown in Table 7.
It appears that P-HTCL had better results in diversity
and popularity, which improves the recommendation
of long-tail items. The decrease in popularity shows
that recommendations are more effective with niche
items. Thus, the P-HTCL approach is a favorable so-
lution for improving the quality of recommendations.
The tests are also conducted 100 times in the ex-
Figure 7: Flow of steps for applying the evaluation ques-
periments to provide statistical confidence. From this
data, it is statistically possible to determine if there
is a significant difference between the means found.
The experiments used the AD (Anderson Darling) test
to analyze adherence to normality. After ensuring the
means have a normal distribution, we use a parametric
test called the T-Test. For the comparison of the aver-
ages is considered the p-value < 0.05. All results of
the evaluated approaches are compared with the other
baselines. In all comparisons, the obtained p-value is
less than 0.001. Thus, all results of the metrics pre-
sented were statistically different.
After performing offline experiments to evaluate the
HTCL and P-HTCL approaches, it is also essential to
analyze the performance of these algorithms directly
with users. In this experiment, the two approaches
proposed in this paper (HTCL and P-HTCL) and the
HT algorithm were evaluated. An online experiment,
through an evaluation questionnaire, was applied to
store employees that provide the HomeCenter dataset,
i.e., business domain users.
6.1 Questionnaire Execution Steps
To make it easier to understand the procedures carried
out during the execution of this experiment, Figure 7
shows a schematic of the steps involved in the ques-
tionnaire application process.
Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail Item Recommendation Systems
Figure 8: The first part of the evaluation questionnaire
presents the client’s profile.
6.2 Questionnaire Configuration
The questionnaire consists of a spreadsheet contain-
ing questions about the recommendations generated
for the customers selected in the experiment. To make
it easier to understand, we’ll divide this spreadsheet
into three sections and explain each. Figure 8 shows
the first section of the spreadsheet, which includes
a list of 10 previously purchased items. To do this,
10 customers who had previously purchased from the
store were randomly selected from the HomeCenter
dataset; their personal data was anonymized for this
experiment. Each of these customers received 9 prod-
uct recommendations, generated by running the al-
gorithms (HT, HTCL, and P-HTCL) for each of the
10 customers, resulting in 3 recommendations per ap-
Figure 9 shows the second part of the question-
naire, in which the evaluators express their opinions
on the recommendations generated by each technique
evaluated. In the questionnaire, the three techniques
compared (HT, HTCL, and P-HTCL) are identified by
the letters A, B, and C. At the top of Figure 9, there is
a brief explanation instructing the evaluator, followed
by a statement that must be answered according to the
set of answers listed at the top. Thus, for each recom-
mendation generated by the techniques, the evaluator
selects an answer based on the following statement:
The recommendation presented is in line with the
customer’s interests, and the store would undoubtedly
use it to make offers to the customer during a visit. In
Figure 9, the places where the evaluators provide their
answers are highlighted in green. Exemplary answers
have been inserted in these places in the illustration
for educational purposes only. The Likert scale (Lik-
ert, 1932) was used to parameterize and assign val-
ues to the evaluation responses. On this scale, evalu-
ators assign graded (ordered) answers to each evalu-
ated question. The questionnaire was administered to
two evaluators, and for each of them, ten customers
were randomly selected so that the recommendations
generated for them could be analyzed.
Figure 9: The second part of the evaluation questionnaire
presents the form with the recommendations generated by
each technique.
Figure 10: The third part of the evaluation questionnaire
presents the form with the recommendation techniques or-
dered by the evaluator.
Finally, based on the recommendations generated
for clients, the evaluator establishes an order of per-
formance for the techniques, as illustrated in Figure
10. This creates a ranking in which each method
is positioned according to the evaluator’s assessment
of its effectiveness and suitability. The values high-
lighted in green in Figure 10 are random examples
for illustrative purposes.
The questionnaire was subjected to an evaluation
of the degree of agreement and reliability using the
general and categorized 5-point Kappa.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
6.3 Questionnaire Results
After applying the questionnaire, the evaluators’ an-
swers were analyzed, and the scores of the 10 cus-
tomers were added together to obtain an overall value.
The Likert scale (Likert, 1932) was used for this as-
sessment. This assesses the suitability of the rec-
ommendations to the customer profile. The P-HTCL
technique obtained the best rating with 46.75 points,
followed by HTCL with 46.50 and HT with 39.25.
Evaluator 1 preferred HTCL, while Evaluator 2 high-
lighted P-HTCL, the latter being considered the best
Table 8: Summarization of the points obtained in the ques-
tionnaire for the evaluator’s preference concerning the rec-
ommendation generated.
Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Total
HT 17,00 22,25 39,25
HTCL 23,75 22,75 46,50
P-HTCL 22,50 24,25 46,75
Table 9: Summarization of the points obtained in the ques-
tionnaire for the evaluator’s preference for the technique
Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Total
HT 1,0 4,0 5,0
HTCL 7,0 3,5 10,5
P-HTCL 7,0 7,5 14,5
Table 9 shows the evaluators’ general perception
of the techniques, as shown in Figure 10. The eval-
uator ranks the methods, giving 1.0 points for first
place, 0.5 for second, and none for third. P-HTCL
led the way with 14.5 points, followed by HTCL with
10.5 and HT with 5.0 points, indicating the evalua-
tors’ preference.
In this paper, we found that the combination of dif-
ferent techniques proved to be effective in addressing
the recommendation problem in the long tail, as there
was an improvement in recommendations in various
aspects, not limited to just one or two evaluation met-
rics. The results showed that the techniques used
exhibit better relevance indices as recommendations
become more diverse and less popular, thus direct-
ing users to greater diversity and relevance of prod-
ucts. Therefore, the proposed approaches better guide
users to niche items in the long tail. The proposed ap-
proaches are hybrid strategies that exploit clustering
techniques and representation matrices.
The promising results presented possibilities for
retail companies to increase their business profits.
Since the profit from the sale of long-tail items tends
to be higher than short-head items, focusing part of
the sales on these products will bring greater financial
returns. The lower competition for these products is
evidence of this situation. Additionally, customers of
niche products are usually more loyal and are more
willing to pay a higher price to acquire them, increas-
ing the profit margin for these companies.
7.1 Future Work
In the experiments with the MovieLens dataset, only
one variable, the score, was used. In addition to the
score, other variables can be considered in the simi-
larity calculation, such as movie category, producer,
cast, or even user clustering using profile data such
as age and gender, among others. These variables are
already present in the MovieLens dataset and can be
the subject of new experiments.
Other techniques can be used with a base al-
gorithm to improve recommendations to exploit a
dataset’s long tail further. Our approach used Hit-
ting Time as the base algorithm, but other algorithms
can be experimented with along with various cluster-
ing techniques. Another possibility is to use differ-
ent methods, such as the probabilistic CF algorithm
(IRM2), multimodal similarity, and multi-objective
evolutionary algorithm (MORS), to name a few, in
conjunction with clustering.
The authors would like to thank FAPESB and
CAPES for their financial support. Grant Term:
PPF0001/2021. Technical Cooperation Agreement
45/2021 and CAPES Grant number 001. This ma-
terial is partially based upon work supported by the
FAPESB INCITE PIE0002/2022 grant.
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