Performance Analysis in Volleyball: Problem of Merging Attack and
Counterattack Spike as One Variable
Ivana Klaričić, Hrvoje Ajman and Josip Cvenić
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia
Keywords: Volleyball, Situational Efficiency, Game Phases, Attack Complex, Counterattack Complex.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to present the multiple regression model with attack and counterattack spike as
separate variables is more appropriate than the model with the attack and counterattack spike merged as one
variable. Two multiple regression analyses were conducted that determine the relationship between situational
efficiency parameters of volleyball game phases with the set score. Game phases included into both regression
models were the serve, reception, spike, block and dig. One of the regression models had an attack and
counterattack spike as two separate variables and the other one had them merged as one. A sample was 40
randomly selected volleyball sets played in the European League for Men in 2011 and 2012. Although the
sample wasn't recent, the purpose of this methodologically based study was to present deficiency of merging
attack and counterattack spike as one variable. Both multiple regression analyses determined a high and
positive relationship between the situational efficiency of volleyball game phases with the set score. The spike
as a merged variable had 32.5% of common variance with the set score. But when separated into two variables,
the attack spike had only 8.9% of common variance and counterattack spike 26.5%. Although the spike was
the game phase that had the highest relationship with the set score, the spike in the counterattack was the one
that contributed. Ultimately the serve, reception and dig had higher common variance with the set score then
the attack spike. Conclusion was that the attack and counterattack spike need to be considered as separate
variables because of specificity of the attack and counterattack complexes of the volleyball game.
The volleyball game consists of six phases that are
sequentially executed, the serve, reception, setting,
attack, block and dig (Busca and Febrer, 2012). The
game phases that one team sequentially executes are
organised as a game complex. The two main game
complexes in volleyball are an attack and
counterattack. The attack complex consists the
reception, setting, attack spike and the counterattack
the serve, block, dig, setting, counterattack spike.
Both the attack and counterattack complex have their
specificities and should be considered separately. The
attack has more predictable conditions and, more
importantly, a structured attack that takes place in
specific sequences. On the other hand, the
counterattack is characterized by a less structured,
slower game that is the result of more variable
conditions in which the counterattack begins
(Marcelino, et al., 2009). After the attack spike, the
ball is faster, has a straight trajectory and involves the
participation and interconnection of a greater number
of game factors (Afonso, et al., 2005).
Among all volleyball phases, points are mostly
achieved by successful spikes (Marcelino, et al, 2008)
followed by blocks and serves and opponent's
mistakes. Spike is the phase of the volleyball game
that shows the highest correlation with winning
(Marcelino, and Mesquita, 2006). In top volleyball,
the average number of points scored in a match is 45.5
by spike, 10.0 by block and 5.0 by serve (Marcelino,
and Mesquita, 2006). Furthermore, Barzouka, et al.
(2006) also determined spike's relationship with the
score, but both in the attack and counterattack. The
frequency of strong spikes is significantly higher in
the attack phase (Castro, and Mesquita, 2008), with
an emphasis on a faster pace of game in the same
phase (Afonso, et al., 2005). In contrast, in the
counterattack, the tempo of the attack in the game is
slower, which reduces the probability of winning a
point, allowing the opponent's block to have more
blockers (Afonso, et al. 2005).
The most important characteristic of volleyball is
that the game phases are executed in a manner that an
efficiency of every game phase is partially
determined by the previous one. According to the
c, I., Ajman, H. and Cveni
c, J.
Performance Analysis in Volleyball: Problem of Merging Attack and Counterattack Spike as One Variable.
DOI: 10.5220/0012939200003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 54-59
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
aforementioned sequentiality of volleyball game, the
phases that the team can not win the point are not
irrelevant for the score. The preceeding phases impact
spike's efficiency in a different manner in the attack
and counterattack. Costa, et al. (2010) determined
that a stronger serve greatly reduces the quality of the
opponent's attacking actions. Papadimitriou, et al.
(2004) determined that the quality of reception
significantly differentiates the attack tactics chosen
by the setter. Barzouka, et al. (2006) also determined
that the excellent performance of the Olympic-level
setters and spikers is highly related to the
performance of the actions that preceded them. The
results showed that the frequency of the setter's
excellent performances is significantly higher when
they are preceded by an excellent reception compared
to a good reception (49.0 % : 23.4 %). Similarly,
spikers had a higher frequency of excellent
performance when the setter had an excellent set,
compared to a very good or only good one (79.4 % :
51.4 %; 79.4 % : 28.3 %) (Barzouka, et al., 2006).
Some reserchers considered spike as a merged
variable in their performance analysis studies
(Yiannis and Panagiotis, 2005; Valladares, et al.,
2016; Silva, et al., 2014). Also, some researchers
separated variables related to different complexes
(Stutzig, et al., 2015). Given the specificities of the
attack and counterattack complex in volleyball, the
assumption was that attack and counterattack spike
would have different relationship with the set score.
The purpose of this study is to present the multiple
regression model with attack and counterattack spike
as separate variables is more appropriate than the
model with attack and counterattack spike merged as
one variable.
The data were collected from the existing videos of
volleyball matches. It was done by the first author,
who has multiannual playing experience, an A
coaching license and a multiannual coaching
experience in men’s volleyball. The reliability
analysis was conducted with the help of an expert
with multiannual playing, coaching and notational
analysis work experience.
2.1 Set of Entities
The sample was 40 volleyball sets from matches
played in the European Volleyball League for Men in
2011 and 2012. Only the data from one set of a match
and only one team were collected in order to avoid
interdependence of the sets. Both the team and the set
were randomly selected.
2.2 Set of Variables
The predictor variables were the efficiency
coefficients of the five phases of the volleyball game:
serve, reception, spike, block, dig, and their intrateam
variability. The setting was excluded from this study
because of its specific situational efficiency analysis.
The efficiency coefficient of each game phase was
defined as the arithmetic mean of scores of all
performed technical skills within a particular phase in
one set. Each performed skill was evaluated with a
score (1 – 4) according to precisely defined criterion.
The score 1 was an error, 2 was an advantage for the
opponent, 3 was an advantage for the team being
evaluated, and 4 was an ideal performance (reception,
dig) or a point won (serve, spike, block). The criterion
variable was the set score defined as a relative point
difference, the point difference in a set divided by the
total number of points. If the team won the set, the
relative point difference was positive and on the
contrary, if the team lost the set, the relative point
difference was negative. The authors believe that the
same point difference does not represent an equal
outcome of the set in the case when the result is 15 :
13, 25 : 23 or 31 : 29. For this reason, the result in the
set was defined as a relative point difference.
2.3 Statistical Analysis
A reliability analysis was conducted on a sample of 3
randomly selected sets. Spearman’s rank correlation
and Cohen's kappa were calculated to determine the
degree of agreement between the two different
measurements of the same measurer (the first author)
and two different measurements (the first author and
the expert) at intervals of 4 – 6 weeks (test-retest
The descriptive statistics were: arithmetic mean
(Mean), standard deviation (σ), minimum (Min) and
maximum (Max). Normality of distribution was
determined by the Shapiro-Wilk test.
Two separate multiple regression analyses were
conducted to determine the relationship between the
efficiency coefficients of the volleyball game phases
and the relative point difference in the set. The first
one was conducted with the attack and the
counterattack spike merged as one variable. The
second one was conducted with attack and the
counterattack spike as two separate variables.
Performance Analysis in Volleyball: Problem of Merging Attack and Counterattack Spike as One Variable
The collected data were analysed with the
computer program Statistica for Windows 13.3
(TIBCO Software Inc.).
Reliability analysis results determined a high
correlation between the two measurements of the
same measurer conducted at two-time points (R =
0.91; κ = 0.92) and the two different measurers (R =
0.92; κ = 0.88).
Two separate multiple regression analyses were
conducted in order to determine the relationship of
the efficiency coefficients of volleyball game phases
and the relative point difference in the set. The first
model had attack and counterattack spikes merged as
one variable. The second model had them as two
separate variables with a total of six game phases.
Both regression analyses showed that all
predictors had a high and significant relationship with
the set score. The efficiency coefficients of phases of
the volleyball game and the variability of the phases
explained a total of 80.0 and 80.7% of the variance of
the relative point difference in the set. The first
multiple regression analysis showed that spike was a
game phase with the highest amount of common
variance with the score, 32.6%. But when spike was
separated into attack and counterattack spike, attack
spike had 8.8% of common variance with score whilst
the counterattack spike had 26.5 which is 3 times
Table 1: Descriptive statistics results.
Mean ± σ Min Max
Relative point difference
-0.01 ± 0.13 -0.32 0.25
Efficiency coefficient – serve
2.14 ± 0.20 1.75 2.50
Efficiency coefficient – reception
2.98 ± 0.26 2.55 3.50
Efficiency coefficient – spike
3.04 ± 0.24 2.44 3.65
Efficiency coefficient – att. spike
3.12 ± 0.29 2.40 3.82
Efficiency coeff. – counteratt. spike
2.95 ± 0.40 1.75 4.00
Efficiency coefficient – block
2.29 ± 0.39
1.00 3.00
Efficiency coefficient – dig
1.95 ± 0.28
1.22 2.61
Legend: Mean – arithmetic mean, σ – standard deviation,
Min – minimal result, Max – maksimal result.
Table 2: The results of two multiple regression analyses (attack and counterattack spike as two separate variables in the second
β b t
part. (%)
R 0.89 Intercept
-2.29 -11.31
80.0% Efficiency coefficient-serve
0.35 0.25 4.37
76.5% Efficiency coefficient-reception
0.27 0.14 3.31
26.3 Efficiency coefficient-spike
0.48 0.26 5.74
p 0.00 Efficiency coefficient-block
0.22 0.08 2.65
Efficiency coefficient-dig
0.39 0.19 4.69
R 0.90 Intercept
-2.17 -10.64 0.00
80.7% Efficiency coefficient-serve
0.36 0.25 4.45
77.2% Efficiency coefficient-reception
0.29 0.15 3.63
23.0 Efficiency coefficient-att. spike
0.20 0.10 2.33
p 0.00 Efficiency coefficient-counteratt. spike
0.42 0.14 4.70
Efficiency coefficient-block
0.15 0.05 1.70
Efficiency coefficient-dig
0.37 0.18 4.48
Legend: R – coefficient of multiple correlation, R
– coefficient of determination,
– adjusted coefficient of
determination, F – Fisher's test value, β – standardized regression coefficients, b – unstandardized regression coefficients,
partial coefficient of determination,
t – t–test value, p – significance level.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The purpose of this research was to present the
multiple regression model with the attack and
counterattack spike as separate variables as a more
appropriate model than the one with the attack and
counterattack spike merged as one variable.
Descriptive parameters showed that the attack
spike is the game phase that had the highest
situational efficiency coefficient, 3.12 out of 4, the
maximal possible efficiency coefficient. The
counterattack spike had a lower efficiency coefficient
than the attack spike, 2.95. The game phase with the
second highest efficiency coefficient was the
reception with almost equal values as the
counterattack spike. Next one was the block and
serve, and the dig had the lowest situational efficiency
coefficient, 1.95. The counterattack spike also had a
higher standard deviation then the attack spike (0.40),
the highest standard deviation of all game phases. It
means that the teams were the most heterogeneous in
the counterattack spike. This could be due to unstable
conditions where the counterattack spike is
performed. For comparison, serve had the lowest
standard deviation, 0.20. The reason is that serve has
the most stable conditions for execution, with no
preceding game phase to disturb the performance.
However, a situational efficiency coefficient of a
game phase does not represent its relationship with
the set score. So multiple regression analyses were
conducted to determine the aforementioned
relationship. The results of both multiple regression
analysis showed that the situational efficiency
coefficient of the game phases had a high and
significant relationship with the set score, 80.0% and
80.7%. In the first model, all regression coefficients
of game phases were positive, an increase in their
efficiency coefficients had a positive impact on the
set score. The spike was the game phase that
explained the most variance of the set score (32.5%),
followed by serve (16.7%), dig (12.9%) and reception
(11.9%) and finally block with only 5.3%.
Unlike the first regression model, the model with
the attack and counterattack spike separated, block
had no significant relationship with the score. Even in
the first multiple regression model the block had the
lowest common variance with the score. So when the
spike was separated into two variables, the
counterattack spike took over some of the block's
common variance with the score due to its significant
intercorrelation (0.40) and the block remaind with
unsignificant relationship with the score. Statistically
insignificant relationship of the block with the score
could be unexpected. Marcelino et al. (2008)
determined that the block points were a high indicator
for success in volleyball. But they considered only the
phases that win the points, the serve, spike and block,
and each phase separately. Due to phases'
intercorrelations and the ones with the other game
phases, multiple regression parameters for the block
are expected to be lower.
Also the attack spike and the counterattack spike
had very different amounts of common variance with
the score in the second regression model. The attack
spike had 8.9% of common variance with the score
and the counterattack spike 26.5% which is 3 times
higher. As mentioned, a high efficiency coefficient
does not imply a high impact on the set score. So
attack spike being the game phase with the highest
efficiency coefficient of all phases, had the second
lowest amount of common variance with the set
score. Contrary to the attack spike, counterattack
spike had 26.5% of common variance with the score.
It means that counterattack spike is the game phase
that differentiates a winning from a losing set.
Stutzig, et al. (2015) also determined that the best
predictors for the score and the team level are the
variables related to complex 2 (effectivity of counter-
attack, effectivity of medium and slow attack-tempo)
whilst the impact of complex 1 variables (action
sequences of reception, setting and attacking) were
marginal. Drikos, et al. (2021) state in their study that
K1 (attack complex) does not differentiate teams of
various performance levels. Even the weakest teams
in a tournament can achieve a high success rate by
playing under ideal conditions in K1. On the contrary,
the variable differentiating the performance level
between teams ranked in the upper group and the two
other groups of lower-ranking was the effectiveness
of attack after the reception (Drikos, et al., 2021).
The results also show that due to sequentiality of
the volleyball game, the phases that the team can not
win the point are not less relevant. The reception and
dig had an unexpectedly high amount of common
variance with the score considering that they are the
phases that the team can not win the points with. They
had a total of approximately 25% of common
variance with the set score.
Laporta, et al. (2017) state that there are even six
types of complexes in volleyball. Authors consider
the serve as a separate complex (K0). Then they
differentiate 5 complexes depending on the action the
complex begins with, the reception, block-dig
(serving team), block-dig (receiving team), attack
coverage, freeball/downball. They also state that
authors shouldn't incorporate K0, K3, K4 and K5 into
K2 (counterattack). This shows that after the attack
spike (K1) conditions of the game become more and
Performance Analysis in Volleyball: Problem of Merging Attack and Counterattack Spike as One Variable
more unstructured and with more possible variants.
Hileno, et al. (2020) introduced also undefined
complex (KU) referring to the actions that are
difficult to classify. But the regression analysis model
needs to be as simple as possible so including 5 or
even 6 different types of spikes according to the
complex would lead to other problems. The model
might become too difficult to explain.
Practical application in the training process would be
that the coaches have to produce the unstable
conditions that the counterattack spike is executed in.
Specifically, unstable conditions are reffered to as
many as possible variants of the counterattack
complex. Situational drills would be the better choice
then the competitive conditions like the volleyball
game itself. The drills that produce game situations
give coaches better control of the game factors being
practised. Practising in controlled conditions, the
team has the possibility of more repetitions of the
same game situation. Training in competitive
conditions like the volleyball game itself the same
game situation occurs many times less. The
counterattack spike is a game phase that is executed
mostly eight in a sequence and in unpredictable
conditions. So it would be too exhausting for the
players to accomplish necessary repetitions. But to be
noted, practising in the competitive conditions is the
best option when unpredictable situations have to be
European League for Men is a top level volleyball
competition so the limitation of this study is that its
results could not refer to women's competition or
other levels of competition. It is difficult to assume
that the differences in the relationship with the set
score between attack and counterattack spike would
be similar if the volleyball sets were played in a
women's competition or lower level. It is possible that
in a women's competition, the attack spike is a phase
that better differentiate winning from losing sets
because spikes are not as strong as in men's
competition and the teams might be less
homogeneous. So the implication of this study is that
further research should be conducted with volleyball
sets collected from the lower level of competition or
from the women's competition.
The multiple regression model with the attack and the
counterattack spike as two separate variables showed
that counterattack spike had 3 times higher
relationship with the score. Also even three game
phases had a higher relationship with the score, the
serve, reception and dig. Only the block had a lower
relationship than the attack spike. The scientific
application of the results is to separate spike as the
attack and counterattack spike when possible due to
their specificity. The practical application of the
results of this research is a recommendation for teams
to place additional emphasis in the training process
primarily on increasing the efficiency of the
counterattack spike and also the phases that improves
its execution, the block and the dig. Training process
has to be more creative to produce the unstable
conditions that the counterattack spike is executed in.
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Performance Analysis in Volleyball: Problem of Merging Attack and Counterattack Spike as One Variable