The purpose of this research was to present the
multiple regression model with the attack and
counterattack spike as separate variables as a more
appropriate model than the one with the attack and
counterattack spike merged as one variable.
Descriptive parameters showed that the attack
spike is the game phase that had the highest
situational efficiency coefficient, 3.12 out of 4, the
maximal possible efficiency coefficient. The
counterattack spike had a lower efficiency coefficient
than the attack spike, 2.95. The game phase with the
second highest efficiency coefficient was the
reception with almost equal values as the
counterattack spike. Next one was the block and
serve, and the dig had the lowest situational efficiency
coefficient, 1.95. The counterattack spike also had a
higher standard deviation then the attack spike (0.40),
the highest standard deviation of all game phases. It
means that the teams were the most heterogeneous in
the counterattack spike. This could be due to unstable
conditions where the counterattack spike is
performed. For comparison, serve had the lowest
standard deviation, 0.20. The reason is that serve has
the most stable conditions for execution, with no
preceding game phase to disturb the performance.
However, a situational efficiency coefficient of a
game phase does not represent its relationship with
the set score. So multiple regression analyses were
conducted to determine the aforementioned
relationship. The results of both multiple regression
analysis showed that the situational efficiency
coefficient of the game phases had a high and
significant relationship with the set score, 80.0% and
80.7%. In the first model, all regression coefficients
of game phases were positive, an increase in their
efficiency coefficients had a positive impact on the
set score. The spike was the game phase that
explained the most variance of the set score (32.5%),
followed by serve (16.7%), dig (12.9%) and reception
(11.9%) and finally block with only 5.3%.
Unlike the first regression model, the model with
the attack and counterattack spike separated, block
had no significant relationship with the score. Even in
the first multiple regression model the block had the
lowest common variance with the score. So when the
spike was separated into two variables, the
counterattack spike took over some of the block's
common variance with the score due to its significant
intercorrelation (0.40) and the block remaind with
unsignificant relationship with the score. Statistically
insignificant relationship of the block with the score
could be unexpected. Marcelino et al. (2008)
determined that the block points were a high indicator
for success in volleyball. But they considered only the
phases that win the points, the serve, spike and block,
and each phase separately. Due to phases'
intercorrelations and the ones with the other game
phases, multiple regression parameters for the block
are expected to be lower.
Also the attack spike and the counterattack spike
had very different amounts of common variance with
the score in the second regression model. The attack
spike had 8.9% of common variance with the score
and the counterattack spike 26.5% which is 3 times
higher. As mentioned, a high efficiency coefficient
does not imply a high impact on the set score. So
attack spike being the game phase with the highest
efficiency coefficient of all phases, had the second
lowest amount of common variance with the set
score. Contrary to the attack spike, counterattack
spike had 26.5% of common variance with the score.
It means that counterattack spike is the game phase
that differentiates a winning from a losing set.
Stutzig, et al. (2015) also determined that the best
predictors for the score and the team level are the
variables related to complex 2 (effectivity of counter-
attack, effectivity of medium and slow attack-tempo)
whilst the impact of complex 1 variables (action
sequences of reception, setting and attacking) were
marginal. Drikos, et al. (2021) state in their study that
K1 (attack complex) does not differentiate teams of
various performance levels. Even the weakest teams
in a tournament can achieve a high success rate by
playing under ideal conditions in K1. On the contrary,
the variable differentiating the performance level
between teams ranked in the upper group and the two
other groups of lower-ranking was the effectiveness
of attack after the reception (Drikos, et al., 2021).
The results also show that due to sequentiality of
the volleyball game, the phases that the team can not
win the point are not less relevant. The reception and
dig had an unexpectedly high amount of common
variance with the score considering that they are the
phases that the team can not win the points with. They
had a total of approximately 25% of common
variance with the set score.
Laporta, et al. (2017) state that there are even six
types of complexes in volleyball. Authors consider
the serve as a separate complex (K0). Then they
differentiate 5 complexes depending on the action the
complex begins with, the reception, block-dig
(serving team), block-dig (receiving team), attack
coverage, freeball/downball. They also state that
authors shouldn't incorporate K0, K3, K4 and K5 into
K2 (counterattack). This shows that after the attack
spike (K1) conditions of the game become more and