terms of required confidence level and decisions can
be made depending on this analysis. For example, in
that case, if a sensor can only ensure that a collision
will never happen with a 5% confidence level, one can
decide to use complementary sources of measures in
order to improve the estimation of the satellites, or to
maneuver one of the satellites in order to increase the
confidence level associated to the collision.
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proach uses measures and their uncertainties to quan-
tify likelihood to belong to a certain track. Unlike
Monte Carlo methods, our approach provides math-
ematically guaranteed results that do not ignore low-
probability cases, while taking advantage of probabil-
ity distributions to supplement the information pro-
vided by measures. Further, Monte Carlo methods
require a substantial number of simulations to be reli-
able, compared to set-based validated methods which
only need one simulation to have as much information
with more guarantees.
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propagation feature of DynIbex to our algorithm
would allow using the information given by a
measure to reduce the uncertainty of the track be-
forehand. Moreover, studying the impact of a series
of measures depending on the number of measures,
the state of the system, the precision of the estimate
and the precision of the sensor could help computing
the optimal times for taking measures, to gain a
maximum of information on the system.
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Validated Uncertainty Propagation for Estimation and Measure Association, Application to Satellite Tracking