Developing a Reference OntoUML Conceptual Model for Data
Management Plans: Enhancing Consistency and Interoperability
Jana Mart
, Marek Such
and Robert Pergl
Faculty of Information Technology, CTU in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
{jana.martinkova, marek.suchanek, robert.pergl}
Data Management Plan, FAIR Principles, Ontology, Conceptual Model, OntoUML.
The growing significance of Data Management Plans (DMPs) has highlighted the need for standardized and
accurate data management practices. Current DMPs often suffer from inconsistent terminology, leading to mis-
understandings and reducing their effectiveness. This study proposes the development of a DMP OntoUML
conceptual model to address these issues. The model aims to clearly define all relevant concepts and their
relationships, ensuring consistency and interoperability, particularly by connecting with the FAIR principles
OntoUML model. The research follows a structured approach: specifying necessary concepts using existing
templates and ontologies, defining terms and their relationships within the OntoUML model, and verifying the
model’s syntax. The resulting conceptual model will standardize terminology, promote interoperability, and
support future DMP development and education.
In recent times, the importance of developing a data
management plan (DMP) has grown significantly. Ef-
fective data management practices ensure more accu-
rate data collection, secure storage, proper handling,
and utilization beyond the primary project scope.
However, existing DMPs and their templates often
employ varying terminology to describe the same
concept or use identical terms for different concepts.
This inconsistency can cause misunderstandings at
human and machine levels, lowering the value of
DMPs due to incomplete or incorrect information.
These misunderstandings can cause errors in
DMPs as data stewards may misinterpret terms, lead-
ing to incorrect data management. This fragmenta-
tion hinders collaboration, reducing research quality
and impact. Inconsistent terminology also compli-
cates training for new researchers and data managers,
making it harder to adopt best practices.
In recognition of this challenge, our proposal fo-
cuses on developing a DMP OntoUML conceptual
model. This model will accurately describe all the
concepts used within DMPs and establish clear rela-
tionships between them. Additionally, it will be con-
nected to existing OntoUML model of Findable, Ac-
cessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) principles
showing the connection with concepts of FAIR prin-
ciples. Moreover, the conceptual model will aid in
standardizing terminology, promoting interoperabil-
ity between systems working with DMPs, and ensur-
ing scalability for future DMPs development. Fur-
thermore, it will serve as a valuable resource for train-
ing and education.
To accomplish this, we set the following partial
G1. Specify the concepts that needs to be covered
using existing DMP templates, ontologies, and
knowledge models related to DMPs;
G2. Define the terms and their relationships in the On-
toUML conceptual model using existing ontolo-
gies and vocabularies related to DMPs;
G3. Verify the syntax of the OntoUML model and val-
idate its content by using an example that ensures
it comprehensively covers an existing DMP.
Conceptual modelling is an activity aimed at devel-
oping a formal description of relevant aspects of re-
ality, involving the domain, its concepts, and ac-
tivities within it. The resulting output of this pro-
Martínková, J., Suchánek, M. and Pergl, R.
Developing a Reference OntoUML Conceptual Model for Data Management Plans: Enhancing Consistency and Interoperability.
DOI: 10.5220/0012940000003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 159-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cess, conceptual model, is used in various contexts
and domains, offering several advantages. As de-
scribed by (Gonzalez-Perez, 2018), conceptual mod-
els serve as an excellent method for documenting
knowledge with low ambiguity and high simplic-
ity, making them easily understandable without ad-
ditional explanations. As pointed out in (Robinson
et al., 2015), they also bridge the gap between differ-
ent mindsets and areas of knowledge.
The benefit also lies in the precise definition of the
scope and purpose of tools and techniques used for
work, and parts of the conceptual model can be reused
in entirely different contexts, as described in (Robin-
son et al., 2015). Having a conceptual model also
opens possibilities for comparing and connecting in-
formation from various sources with a higher cer-
tainty of understanding the authors’ intentions. As de-
scribed in (Gonzalez-Perez, 2018), conceptual mod-
elling enables the exploration of complex fragments
of the world that initially seem very tricky. Using
a modelling language helps overcome obstacles by
reducing complexity, allowing for a problem-solving
approach that addresses one issue at a time.
During the development phase of conceptual mod-
els, a language is imperative to accurately, unam-
biguously, and clearly represent knowledge. Domain-
specific languages such as DEMO (Dietz and Hooger-
vorst, 2015) or domain-agnostic ones like OntoUML
can be employed (Pergl, 2019).
OntoUML (Guizzardi, 2005a) is an ontologically
well-founded language for ontology-driven concep-
tual modelling based on Unified Foundational On-
tology (UFO) and as a Unified Modeling Language
(UML) Profile constructed using UML Class diagram
notation. The aim behind its creation was to estab-
lish a unified language for developing ontologically
correct conceptual models (Guizzardi, 2005b).
UFO (Guizzardi et al., 2015) is a resulting ontol-
ogy of a research analysis of conceptual modelling
languages with the aim of developing an ontological
foundation for these languages. The research was mo-
tivated by the notion that explicit definition of funda-
mentals and adherence to a certain ontological com-
mitment are crucial for conceptual modelling. Any
attempt to develop foundations for conceptual mod-
elling should take into account human knowledge and
linguistic capabilities. In order to provide explicit
definitions of entities and their relationships, crucial
for obtaining a valid domain description, the UFO
is enriched with theories from philosophical formal
ontologies, cognitive sciences, linguistic logic, and
philosophical logic (Guizzardi et al., 2015).
A DMP is essential for ensuring effective data man-
agement throughout the lifespan of a project. It de-
scribes the lifecycle of the data generated or collected,
detailing how it will be managed and ensuring its fu-
ture usability and accessibility. Having such a plan
is essential for (research) data management (RDM),
offering important insights into the origins, usage,
and availability of data. Recently, the importance of
data management planning has increased, especially
among funding bodies and scientific institutions, to
ensure that data remains useful beyond the original
project. Good data management practices improve
data collection accuracy, secure storage, and proper
handling, enhancing data’s value and relevance across
various research fields (Smith, 1998).
Several resources are critical in defining the ter-
minology used in a DMP, whether for human or
machine readability. These resources include exist-
ing DMP templates, knowledge models from various
DMP tools, and data management-related ontologies.
To achieve the G1 goal, it was essential to select and
thoroughly analyse these resources.
3.1 DMP Templates
A DMP is commonly structured using a template to
ensure all essential components are covered. How-
ever, certain sections may be adapted based on the
specific project, funding source, or organization.
For this work, the Horizon Europe Template (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2020), National Institutes of
Health Data Management and Sharing Plan Tem-
plate(National Institutes of Health, 2023), and most
importantly Science Europe Template (Science Eu-
rope, 2021) were selected due to their widespread
adoption on a global scale. The concepts in these tem-
plates are recurring, although in different contexts,
making additional templates unnecessary. The Sci-
ence Europe Template (Science Europe, 2021) was
the main source of knowledge because it aligns Eu-
ropean DMP templates from various domains. This
template covers core requirements that can be ad-
justed to specific needs, ensuring all essential com-
ponents are addressed.
3.2 DSW Knowledge Models
One of the existing tools designed to help create
and manage DMP is the Data Stewardship Wizard
(DSW) (Pergl et al., 2019), recommended as an in-
teroperability resource by ELIXIR and several other
institutions like UB-BOTT (Universities of Norway).
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
This tool uses questionnaires, structured by so-called
knowledge models defining specific questions and
their interconnections; thus, offering a comprehensive
perspective on the terms used for our work.
For the use of the DSW in the context of DMPs,
several predefined knowledge models are available.
These models are based on a mind map developed
by Rob Hooft (Hooft, 2019). Although primarily fo-
cused on the natural sciences, the insights from this
mind map are applicable to other domains as well.
Among these models, the fundamental one derived
from Rob Hooft’s mind map is called the Common
DSW Knowledge Model (DSW Team, 2018).
3.3 DMP-Related Ontologies
Numerous ontologies related to DMPs were analysed
in (Mart
a and Such
anek, 2023b), where nine on-
tologies were examined to identify overlaps and in-
terconnections. In this work, some of these ontolo-
gies were used as dictionaries to understand the usage
and context of various terms, leveraging the provided
overview model (Mart
a and Such
anek, 2023a).
As highlighted in (Mart
a and Such
2023b), different terms are often used to define the
same concept even within DMP-related ontologies.
However, in the case of ontologies, the terminol-
ogy is a secondary concern as meaning is established
through relationships with other classes.
FAIR (Wilkinson et al., 2016) was created in con-
nection to conference Jointly designing a Data FAIR-
PORT. Result of this event was an agreement of cre-
ation of principles ensuring Findability, Accessibility,
Reusability and Interoperability of data.
These principles do not prescribe specific imple-
mentation methods or technologies. Instead, they
serve as a set of guidelines or approaches to achieve
data reusability and accessibility. This openness in
implementation can lead to inconsistencies in inter-
preting these principles. As noted in (Jacobsen et al.,
2020) this can result in potentially incompatible im-
plementations, which contradicts the original intent
of the FAIR principles. To address this, the FAIR au-
thors provided further explanations (Jacobsen et al.,
2020) for the intended interpretations and implemen-
tation considerations for each principle.
In response to the ongoing controversy, an On-
toUML model (Bernasconi et al., 2023) was devel-
oped to address the issues surrounding the interpre-
tation of the FAIR principles. This model aims to
clarify any ambiguities and uncertainties within the
FAIR principles and provide guidelines for design-
ing a dataset’s FAIR classification based on a detailed
analysis of these principles.
The model is divided into three parts, covering
Findability and Interoperability, Accessibility, and
Reusability. It addresses the overall concept of the
FAIR principles as well as each sub-principle. The
core of the model consists of Data, with their content
described as Data Items, and their Metadata. This is
supplemented with additional concepts to clarify and
describe each sub-principle. The model employs an
undefined relation called externalDependence, which
does not align with OntoUML definitions. However,
as we understand it, this relation makes sense within
the context of the model. For our purposes, we re-
tained this relation in the original model, but we did
not use it in our extension due to our uncertainty
about its proper definition and usage. Additionally,
the model incorporates navigable relations, which are
not supported by standard OntoUML; therefore, we
have omitted them.
To achieve the study’s objectives, we initiated the de-
velopment of the DMP OntoUML model by identi-
fying the parts and concepts within the scope of the
DMPs that the model must encompass. As is de-
scribed in Section 3, various resources play a cru-
cial role in defining the terminology used in the DMP.
These resources were analysed to compile a compre-
hensive list of the necessary parts and concepts, de-
tailed in Section 5.1. After establishing what needs
to be included, each component was thoroughly anal-
ysed and incorporated into the OntoUML model. This
effort aimed to meet the G2 goal and link the DMP
components of the model to the existing FAIR model,
as described in Section 5.2. Finally, the model was
validated to ensure syntax correctness, as stated in the
G3 goal, confirming its accuracy and completeness in
representing the DMP, as described in Section 5.3.
5.1 Resource Analysis and Concept
In order to determine all of the concepts needed for
the model, we analysed various resources, including
ontologies related to DMP, knowledge models serv-
ing as a knowledge base in DSW and DMP templates,
as described in Section 3.
Using DMP templates and knowledge models
from DSW, we determined the primary components
Developing a Reference OntoUML Conceptual Model for Data Management Plans: Enhancing Consistency and Interoperability
of the domain. Below is a list of the main parts
that need to be addressed according to our analysis.
Our list includes all the essential details required by
the Science Europe Template (Science Europe, 2021),
which was created to align and cover requirements
from various European DMP templates used by dif-
ferent funders and institutions. The model captures
each item in detail, including concepts that might not
be explicitly listed here.
Administrative Information includes the project’s
name, identifier, start and end date.
Funding Informations covers the involved fun-
ders, their identification, and the resources they
Research Process section covers data creation,
reuse (including relevant considerations), and
preservation. The Common DSW Knowledge
Model (DSW Team, 2018) also includes data pro-
cessing and interpretation; however, these aspects
were excluded from our model as they detail au-
tomated steps, their compute environment, and
visualizations, which are beyond the scope of
this model. Nevertheless, these elements could
be documented within the general resource doc-
Data Preservation deals with long-term strategies
for data preservation and ongoing accessibility be-
yond the project lifecycle. Data preservation is,
according to (DSW Team, 2018) a part of research
Data and Their Roles in the FAIR Context in-
cludes descriptions of the data itself, datasets (in-
cluding their format, value, purpose, identifica-
tion, etc.), and their metadata.
Personal Data covers related concepts such as in-
formed consent and its potential reuse, accessibil-
ity to personal data, and the committee overseeing
personal data.
Distribution includes details about the data repos-
itory and the distribution itself.
Access and Reuse Requirements includes autho-
rization processes and tools requirements for ac-
cessing and reusing data.
Cost includes all necessary resources during the
project, especially concerning their availability,
reusability, and preservation.
Compliance focuses adherence to legal and ethi-
cal standards, including GDPR and other relevant
Members Engagement encompasses involvement
of various members in data management pro-
Data Quality Assurance includes procedures and
criteria for ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and
validity of the data.
5.2 Implementation of the Model
As a foundational model for our development, we
used the aforementioned FAIR model (Bernasconi
et al., 2023) and extended it with concepts from the
DMP domain. We aimed to align with the FAIR
model by retaining all the core classes unchanged
and distinguished them in grey in the developed
model (Mart
a et al., 2024). The main part of
the FAIR model incorporates the DATA, METADATA
and GROUND DATA (see Figure 1).
Ground Data
is metadata of
is metadata of
{disjoint, complete}
Figure 1: Data Representation within the FAIR
model (Bernasconi et al., 2023).
In the FAIR model the DATA represents the
dataset, while GROUND DATA represents data that
cannot serve as metadata and therefore can be col-
lected into a dataset. In DMP, the terms datasets
and data are often used ambiguously. For instance,
the Horizon Europe Template (European Commis-
sion, 2020) includes the following question (in Sec-
tion 3.1 of the template): Will all data be made openly
available? If certain datasets cannot be shared. . .
As seen, these two terms are used interchangeably
within a single question, referring to the same con-
cept with different terminology. According to (U.S.
Geological Survey, nd), data and datasets are distin-
guished hierarchically: data, such as measurements or
observations, can be organized into a structured col-
lection, forming a dataset.
In the context of DMP, the term dataset is usually
preferred because DMP typically refers to a structured
collection of data currently being created or reused
from a previous creation proces. While it is perfectly
acceptable to use the term data, it should be used
accurately, as this term is often overused. The ab-
sence of dataset class in the FAIR model may seem
confusing; however, the authors of the FAIR model
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
have effectively addressed mentioned nuances by dis-
tinguishing DATA and GROUND DATA.
The following sections explore the most con-
tentious areas within the domain, focusing on the
use and interpretation of terminology. These areas
present challenges that require careful consideration
to achieve a consistent and accurate understanding.
5.2.1 Data Access Evaluation
Data accessibility in DMP templates typically in-
cludes a detailed overview of the requirements neces-
sary to access the data. This encompasses authoriza-
tion protocols, authentication mechanisms, and the
tools or instruments needed for data retrieval. Addi-
tionally, it outlines any potential restrictions that may
be applied to data accessibility. Furthermore, these
templates often describe the procedures for validating
access requests through an access committee that en-
sures compliance with policies and regulations.
As accessibility is one of the FAIR principles, it is
a core aspect covered by the FAIR model (Bernasconi
et al., 2023). As shown in Figure 2, data accessi-
bility requirements are supplemented by the neces-
sary instruments and, most importantly, by the ac-
cess request itself and its evaluation process. Typi-
cally, DMP templates inquire about the presence of a
data access committee responsible for validating ac-
cess requests based on the established data accessibil-
ity requirements. For instance, the Horizon Europe
Template (European Commission, 2020) includes the
question: Is there a need for a data access commit-
tee? Further details are more thoroughly elaborated
in the DMP model (Mart
a et al., 2024).
5.2.2 Data Availability
One term that is often incorrectly interchanged with
accessibility is availability, and the domain of DMPs
is no exception. In the FAIR model, accessibility is
accurately captured as a role of DATA, which is fitting
given that accessibility is one of the core principle.
In (Cambridge University Press, nda), accessibil-
ity is defined as the ability to be reached or obtained
easily, whereas availability is defined in (Cambridge
University Press, ndb) as the fact that something can
be reached. In the context of data, available means
that the data can be reached, without specifying by
whom or how, or even if anyone is currently having
the ability to access it—they are simply somewhere
reachable. On the other hand, accessible data means
we know how to reach them and who can access them,
even if they are not fully-open. In other words, if data
is available it does not ensure they are accessible to
certain type of users.
Data Access Protocol
Instrument Required
for Access
Available Data
Accessible Data
Access Request
Evaluation of
Access Request
Data Access
Project member
1..* 1..*
Figure 2: Part of the DMP model (Mart
a et al., 2024)
describing data access.
To accurately capture availability in the model as
a role of DATA, we need to determine the criteria that
establish this availability. What serves as the evidence
or proof of the data’s availability? According to the
DCAT ontology (Albertoni et al., 2020), the class for
distribution dcat:Distribution is defined as an avail-
able dataset. Therefore, the presence of an existing
distribution acts as a strong indicator, or a “truth-
maker”, that the data is available. This means that
if a dataset has been distributed, it can be considered
available, as the distribution itself serves as a witness
to the dataset’s availability. The connection between
available data and their distribution is included in the
DMP model, see Figure 3.
To establish connections between roles or phases
of data, it is essential to identify any connections or
hierarchical relationships. From the definitions of ac-
cessibility and availability, we have already deduced
Developing a Reference OntoUML Conceptual Model for Data Management Plans: Enhancing Consistency and Interoperability
that there is a hierarchical relationship: data must be
available before it can be considered accessible.
The relationship between reusable and available
data is similarly important. As noted in (Yoon et al.,
2017), data availability is a prerequisite for reuse. The
part of the model that captures these relationships is
illustrated in Figure 3.
Added to
Data Usage
Data Accessibility
Accessible Data
Reusable Data
Available Data
0..* 1
Figure 3: Part of the DMP model (Mart
a et al., 2024)
describing availability of data.
5.2.3 Projects Research
Another crucial aspect that needed detailed descrip-
tion is the research phase of the project, which in-
volves the activities where data are collected. These
research activities are directly tied to the project’s ob-
jectives, as illustrated in Figure 4. An important part
of research is the reuse, or more broadly, the consid-
eration of reusing data. Questions about data consid-
eration for reuse and actual reuse are typically part of
DMP templates, with reuse consideration hierarchi-
cally above the actual reuse, as depicted in Figure 4.
Data creation is included, but reused data, which
requires harmonization, is a special case. In case
some data are reused and needs to be harmonized,
this new data results from harmonization can be con-
sidered as created. Therefore, CREATED DATA has a
According to (DSW Team, 2018) a part of re-
search process is also data preservation and ongoing
accessibility beyond the project lifecycle. Therefore
one of the activities of research is also DATA PRESER-
VATION, which is distinguished to preservation during
and after the project.
5.3 Verification and Validation
To validate the model’s syntax, we used the Open-
Ponk platform, an open-source tool for concep-
tual modeling, diagram development, and simula-
tions (Uhn
ak and Pergl, 2016). The platform includes
numerous extensions and modules for standardized
notations, such as OntoUML, which includes a com-
prehensive framework for verifying OntoUML mod-
els (B
elohoubek, 2019). This extension ensures that
all defined entities and relationships adhere to the
specified rules of the OntoUML language. Addi-
tionally, it includes automatic detection of OntoUML
anti-patterns (B
elohoubek, 2021), which identifies
suspicious structures within the model that typically
indicate errors as well. Using OpenPonk’s OntoUML
extension, we conducted a thorough validation of the
model, thereby achieving the verification part of our
goal G3. This involved systematically checking each
entity and relationship to ensure they were correctly
defined and aligned with OntoUML standards.
To ensure the model captures all required elements
of the DMP domain, we used the Science Europe Tem-
plate (Science Europe, 2021) as a base for our pro-
posal. This template consolidates requirements from
various European DMP templates, providing a com-
prehensive standard.
To further verify the completeness and accuracy
of the proposed model, we created an instantiation
model (Mart
a et al., 2024) using an existing
DMP that adheres to the Science Europe Template.
We began by identifying relevant concepts in the
DMP text, ensuring they aligned with the concepts in
our proposed model and that our model contained all
the required concepts. We then constructed an instan-
tiation model based on these identified concepts. This
approach allowed us to validate our model against a
real-world example.
In this study, we addressed the critical issue of in-
consistent terminology and incomplete information in
DMP by developing an OntoUML conceptual model.
We analysed existing DMP templates, knowledge
models used in DSW tool and ontologies related to
DMP in order to specify concepts that needs to be
covered, in accordance with G1. For accomplish-
ing G2, we selected concepts with their relations and
developed an OntoUML conceptual DMP model ex-
tending the existing FAIR model.
To ensure the model’s accuracy and completeness,
we conducted a thorough validation using the Open-
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Created Data
Available Data
Reusable Data
Data Considered for Reuse
Reused Data
Data Reuse
Data Reuse Consideration
Harmonized Reused Data
Harmonization of Reused Data
Data Creation
Research Activity
Data Preservation
Data Preservation after Project
Data Preservation during Project
1..* 1..*
1..* 1..*
1..* 1..*
Figure 4: Part of the DMP model (Mart
a et al., 2024) describing research.
Ponk platform and its OntoUML extension, achieving
our goal G3. This validation process involved sys-
tematically checking each entity and relationship for
correct definition and alignment with OntoUML stan-
dards. The platform’s tools enabled us to identify and
rectify any issues, ensuring the model’s structural in-
tegrity and adherence to best practices in conceptual
modelling. Additionally, we validated the proposed
model using a real-world example by analyzing an
existing DMP, identifying relevant concepts from our
proposed model in its text to test for any missing con-
cepts, and constructing an instantiation model based
on those concepts.
This result DMP model captures essential con-
cepts around DMPs to promote consistency and un-
ambiguity, making the domain easily understandable
without additional explanations or vocabularies. It
opens floor for more connections and extensions that
can go deeper in the details, while keeping the main
core of the DMP domain. Finally, the model can also
serve as a foundation for ontology development suit-
able for the area of DMP.
This work was supported by by the Czech Techni-
cal University in Prague grant: Advance Research In
Software Engineering, No. SGS23/206/OHK3/3T/18
and ELIXIR LM (LM2023055).
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development