The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D
Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team
Takuya Magome
1,2 a
,Takeshi Tanaka
and Toru Yamaguchi
Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan
Department of Health and Sport Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: 3D Accelerometer, Automatic Training Analysis, Injury Prevention, Sports Support.
Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing need to introduce IT technology to improve performance in
professional sports and athlete training. However, while technological innovation is taking place, the amount
of data that can actually be acquired is becoming enormous, and unless there are people who can provide
expert advice, the compatibility with training is not high. In this study, we aimed to build a system that uses
a three-dimensional accelerometer to appropriately evaluate the performance of athletes during training. We
developed a classification function that detects and separates intervals from the measured time series data and
automatically divides the separated sections by type of training. As a result of evaluation using data from 16
days of training for a U-18 soccer team (n=33), intervals were detected with 100% accuracy, and five types
of training were detected with 80% accuracy. We confirmed that a system equipped with the developed
function could speed up feedback to athletes.
1.1 Background
In the field of professional sports and athlete training,
there is a growing need for the introduction of IT
technology for the purpose of performance
improvement and injury prevention. In the past,
evaluation of individual athletes' performance and
team tactics and strategies in each sport was done
subjectively by visual observation and video analysis
by the coaches and instructors involved in the
respective sports. Currently, with the development of
highly accurate and compact wearable sensors and
video analysis (Vickery et al.,2014). it is becoming
possible to collect objective and quantitative data at
all times during daily training.
Dhruv et al. (Dhruv et al.,2019) have shown that
comparing the intensity of exercise during the week
in question with the intensity of exercise in the past
can lead to an estimation of the risk of injury to the
athlete. The objective evaluation of the conditioning
of athletes without relying on subjectivity is very
useful not only for the individual but also for the team.
In addition to measurement technology, it is also
expected to prevent injuries caused by overtraining by
constantly monitoring the condition of players in
various sports during games and practices and
providing real-time feedback to the staff and players
on site. Among IT technologies, wearable sensors are
particularly suited to grasp actual numerical
behaviours in various competitions because they can
measure physical activity and vital conditions by
simply being worn.
However, the burden of analysis is heavy on the
field staff and others, and time is required for analysis
after games and practices. For example, time is
required to organize and manage the obtained data by
linking them to the practice contents, and to adjust the
analysis methods to the team characteristics. Although
it is important to analyse the relationship between the
level of physical activity and the occurrence of
traumatic injuries and disabilities in sports and to use
this information for prevention, it is still difficult to
immediately predict the risk in the field.
Magome, T., Tanaka, T. and Yamaguchi, T.
The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team.
DOI: 10.5220/0012940700003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th Inter national Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 160-167
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In addition, in the case of exercise data, for
example, a decrease in running distance can be
considered as a decrease in the condition of the athlete.
However, it is not easy to distinguish which factor is
responsible for the decrease in running distance,
because the values change depending on the
conditions and types of training menus that athletes
are required to follow, regardless of their own
To achieve this, it is necessary to view the obtained
data instantly and in an easy-to-understand manner. It
is also necessary to provide numerical values that can
be easily conveyed to athletes even by staff who do
not have much specialized knowledge. Therefore, this
research focused on developing equipment and
measurement systems that meet the needs of the field.
Therefore, in this research, the time required for
data analysis is greatly reduced by automating the
organization of acquired data by dividing the time
according to the content of practice by introducing AI
analysis technology for sensor and video data and
past injury history, etc., which has been difficult in
the past, and by detecting signs of injury in real time
and adjusting the amount of practice, which have
been difficult in the past. The system aims to detect
signs of injury in real time and to provide feedback
such as adjusting the amount of practice, which was
difficult in the past.
1.2 Purpose of Research
This study aims to reduce the burden of on-site data
analysis, we aimed to develop technology that
automatically classifies practice types from data
collected using wearable acceleration sensors and to
verify its accuracy.
2.1 Performance Analysis Using IT
This study clarifies the elements necessary for young
players to make their professional debut and play
soccer as a professional contract player not only in
Japan but also in other countries. By analyzing in
detail what kind of training is being done on a daily
basis, we hope to give the players an opportunity to
think about it. We will clearly and visually appeal to
them what kind of training will produce what level of
exercise intensity. In addition, teams with abundant
financial resources can purchase and wear famous IT
equipment, but if they are not economically well-off,
there are fewer opportunities to wear cutting-edge
equipment. In response to these, using our own
developed sensors will also help eliminate economic
disparities in sports. To achieve this, data from games
and practices must be analyzed quickly. It is
important to acquire data in real time and use it to
protect players. Therefore, we devised a system that
not only measures data but also provides real-time
feedback as shown in Fig 1.
Figure 1: Packaged data feedback system.
2.2 Male Young Elite Soccer Player
The subjects were 33 youth soccer team players from
the Japan Professional Football League (J-League)
(teams with experience in the top ranks of
international youth soccer tournaments), aged 15-18
years old. The period of the study was 16 days,
excluding days when practice was suspended and
days of international matches. The average practice
time was 100 minutes/day, with a maximum of 2
hours/day and a minimum of 1.5 hours/day. Since
some of these youth players will be promoted to the
The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team
top team and become candidates for the national
team, the data from their youth period is very
2.3 Measured Training
The content of the exercises was confirmed with the
team coaches and consisted of five types of training:
warming up and basic training (including stretching),
group training (in which the amount of exercise
varied greatly from player to player), low (Tactics
training), medium, and high (Game training) intensity
training in which all the players had the same amount
of exercise. The training consisted of five types of
training, which could be classified into low (Tactics
training), medium and high intensity (Game training).
The composition of the training sessions (Day 11 and
Day 15) and the start and end times of each session
were recorded visually and on video.
2.4 Wearable Acceleration Sensors
As shown in table1, a wristwatch accelerometer UW-
301BT manufactured by A&D was used to measure
athletes' exercise intensity. Figure 2 shows that the
sensor was worn on the opposite wrist of the
dominant hand, the measured data was triaxial
acceleration, the sampling rate was 20 Hz, the
measurement range was -4~+4 G, and the oxygen
uptake at rest of 3.5 (mL/kg/min) was set as 1 G. It
was also confirmed that the device could be used
without any load or discomfort to the athlete and
without interfering with the athlete's movement or
training.As an index to evaluate the athlete's exercise,
we scalarized the 3-axis acceleration vectors and
calculated the averaged value in seconds as the
exercise intensity (unit:G). By averaging over
seconds, changes in acceleration due to minute arm
movements can be smoothed out and converted into
values that reflect whole-body movements, thus
reducing the amount of information handled to the
minimum necessary and facilitating analysis.
Table 1: Specification of wearable device.
Figure 2: Appearance of wearable device.
2.5 Methods
In order to reduce the burden of data analysis in the
field, which is the purpose of this study, we first
aimed to detect intervals during practice by
automatically dividing the data into practice types.
Using the characteristic that the waveform of the
exercise intensity of all the athletes decreases during
intervals, we extracted the time period when the
average value of the exercise intensity of the athletes
performing the same practice for a certain period of
time was less than a predetermined threshold value.
The threshold value and the length of time for
calculating the average value were determined by
searching for the value that would increase the
accuracy of interval detection the most (see table2).
The classification of practice content was then
calculated from the athlete's exercise intensity data
for each interval separated by intervals. Using
multiple features corresponding to each interval, we
used the K-means clustering method (Andri, 2022;
Luiz et al, 2017), one of the popular unsupervised
clustering methods, to mechanically classify the data
into a pre-defined number of clusters. In general
classification algorithms such as K-means clustering
methods, it is necessary to select features that clearly
differ by practice content in order to obtain the
desired classification accuracy. Based on the
observation of the practice contents and the
investigation of the practice contents of general group
sports, we hypothesized that the magnitude of players'
movements (maximum/average), the similarity of
movements among players (small variation), and the
uniformity of exercise intensity within a segment
(small variation) would be useful features, and
designed a set of features shown in (see table3).
The proposed method was applied to the collected
data for 14 days to detect intervals and classify each
interval. For the classification, the number of
classifications (see table3), which indicates the type
of practice, is set to 4, since the team has roughly four
types of training. The detected intervals and the
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 2: Interval detection (study by exercise intensity and time).
Table 3: Practice menu detection by K-means clustering method.
classification results were compared with the records
of the two days, and the accuracy was evaluated by
the rate of agreement.
In the detection of practice intervals, the interval
duration and threshold values were defined by
observation and investigation of actual training and
analysis of exercise intensity data. The specific values
for the threshold values were set by using the values of
Day 11 and Day 15, which were the teacher data within
the measurement period, and by comparing the
exercise intensity with the records of the content of the
training for the two days by combining the time of 20,
40, 60, and 80 seconds for the four types of exercise
intensity of 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 METs. We searched for
the values that resulted in a 100% positive predictive
value and a 0% false positive rate (see table 2). As a
result, the categories of 2.5 METs and 1 minute were
found to be the most consistent with the actual intervals.
The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team
In general, during intervals, athletes often listen to
instructions from their instructors, in addition to
rehydrating and preparing for the next training
session. These criteria are also considered to be
appropriate in that, based on the same observations,
the threshold values are considered to be appropriate
for exercise intensities that indicate walking or
standing still. Fig 3 shows, with reference to these
results, the exercise intensity data of Team A, which
consists of 16 members, the team with the highest
level among 33 members, for one day of practice. The
waveforms representing the exercise intensity are
also consistent, and as mentioned above, it is
suggested that the interval is also the place where the
intensity drops all at once.
Next, the classification of practice content was
calculated from the athlete's exercise intensity data
for each interval (see table 3). The results of the
detection of intervals and the classification of practice
are shown in Fig 4. Especially for the two days with
visual recordings (Day11 and Day15), we compared
the classification results with the results of visual and
video recordings. The validity of the results of the
classification of the training menus was also
examined by interviewing the coaches and by visual
recording. The results of applying the classification
of the automatically clustered training menus to the
classification of actual training sessions are also
shown, based on the comparison with the values of
the feature values and the observation recordings.
The training menus automatically clustered by the
developed process were classified into 5 levels from
Training A to E based on the values of the feature
values (see table3). In comparison with the
observation records, we found that the classification
of Training A (Warming up), Training B (Group
training), Training C (Game training), Training D
(Tactics training), Training E, and the actual training
menus are one-to-one. Training A (Warming up),
Training B (Group training), Training C (Game
training), Training D (Tactics training), Training E,
and the classification of actual training menu. On the
other hand, the classification E was found to indicate
a rest interval that was not detected as an interval or a
training session with particularly low exercise
intensity. This may be due to the fact that physical
training was not conducted during the measurement
period, resulting in a different classification from the
actual one.
Next, the results of the classification of training
menus were compared in detail with the observation
records to evaluate the accuracy of the classification.
We found that all of the training breakpoints were
consistent with those in the observation records.
Furthermore, the classification of the training menus
was found to be consistent with the observed data
with a precision of 9/11. In particular, group training,
including 4-on-2 ball keeping, which is the most
frequently practiced exercise by the subject teams and
is performed almost every day, was consistent
without error. On the other hand, warming up and
basic training, which are generally less intense, were
difficult to distinguish from the other categories,
especially when a more intense element was added.
Figure 3: Exercise Intensity per Day.
Figure 4: Interval detection and practice classification.
In this study, based on the data obtained from the
results of practice and games with the wristband-type
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
wearable accelerometer, a feedback report was
prepared on the exercise intensity of each player
regarding the evaluation items, and a report was made
to the team. However, since each player and coach
interpreted the measured data, there were cases in
which it was difficult to understand the numerical
values obtained and the implications derived from
them unless a researcher was present. Even if an
existing measurement system is introduced, it is not
uncommon in the field of sports such as soccer that
the data are not actually utilized in training, and the
difficulty of how to process the huge amount of data
obtained and how to make sense of them and how to
understand the numerical values and utilize them in
the field is also a problem that needs to be addressed.
The challenges are not limited to the field of sports,
but include the difficulty of how to make sense of the
huge amount of data obtained and how to understand
and utilize the numerical values. We have to give due
consideration to this issue because it is related to our
own health care (Mowafa & Bakheet,2017).
Therefore, we referred to specific advice from team
doctors, trainers, and coaches, as well as surveyed the
opinions of athletes who actually took the
measurements, and extracted usefulness and issues
related to the report content and evaluation items. In
addition, in the description of exercise intensity, the
measured acceleration values (unit:G) are not directly
described, but are converted into METs -Metabolic
equivalents, (Jette et al.,1990) which is a standard to
indicate the amount of physical activity. METs are
based on energy expenditure, and the correspondence
table between specific physical activities and METs
conversion is also available, making it easy to
intuitively understand the intensity of exercise. To
convert acceleration into METs, three subjects (age
39.7±1.5 years; height 180.0±7.9 cm; weight
79.6±12.6 kg) were asked to wear a prototype with
the same performance as the UW-301BT and
Suzuken's Lifecoder EX at all times except when
taking a bath for one month. The absolute values of
the 3-axis acceleration measured by the UW-301BT
were summed up in correspondence with the 9 levels
of METs (Kumahara et al.,2004) that can be
calculated from the LifecoderEX data, and the
average value per unit time (minutes) was calculated.
Regression analysis using these nine data points
yielded a coefficient of determination of R
(p<0.001). As a result, the results can be confirmed at
a glance with easy-to-understand indicators, as in the
feedback report reported in the previous issue. Since
the analysis with utility is also possible, G notation is
also available upon request, as shown in Fig 4, in
response to the needs from the field. In order to
realize the quantitative condition evaluation by the
wearable sensor, the policy of the team conducting
the actual measurement and the numerical values and
items to be examined are likely to change, so it is
necessary to continue to give sufficient consideration
to how to feed back the results to the field. As shown
in fig.3, the waveforms of the exercise intensity of all
the athletes show that the exercise intensity increases
during the training and decreases during the interval
when the athletes move to the next training. In other
words, it is necessary to detect the interval time when
the exercise intensity decreases in order to delimit the
time of the training menu itself. However, even when
the same training menu is performed by a team, it is
possible that there are variations in the exercise
intensity of each individual, and this becomes more
pronounced in the case of injury
Depending on the menu, it is possible that not all
the participants necessarily participate in the training,
but only some of them do, or that they take a break.
Therefore, we averaged the waveforms of the
exercise intensity of all the athletes who were
performing the same pattern of training menu, and
then we set up a break in the training menu. This
approach is considered to have reduced the influence
of individual variations and enabled more accurate
automatic detection of training intervals. There are a
wide variety of patterns in the automatic detection of
intervals, depending on each athletic organization.
There are differences between individual and team
competitions, and between ball games and other
sports. Therefore, we defined the characteristics of
intervals in this study by analyzing visual
observations, surveys, and video analysis of actual
training sessions. As shown in table 2, we found the
optimal interval value of 2.5 METs or less to be
detected from the exercise intensity data, and we also
examined the time during the interval as a condition.
Specifically, when the interval is shorter than 1
minute, it is often not accompanied by a change of the
training menu, such as the switching of roles of the
athletes depending on the menu, including hydration,
assuming the movement of the athletes themselves.
Considering a complete changeover, the interval
should be at least 1 minute at the shortest. Therefore,
we considered not only the intensity of the exercise
but also the duration of the exercise. Therefore, it is
necessary to consider not only the exercise intensity
but also the time in future efforts to detect intervals,
as this will increase the accuracy. In addition, the
waveform data of the exercise intensity of each
athlete obtained from each training menu was used to
classify the exercise intensity patterns of each training
The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team
segment by the feature values, and the K-means
clustering method was used to classify the data. In
this study, the classification was performed
comprehensively based on variables such as the
waveform of exercise intensity, length of time, and
order of exercise intensity. However, it is necessary
to develop an original algorithm depending on the
competitions actually performed within a narrow
range. Regarding the classification of training menus
(see table 3), the overall accuracy was 80%. However,
there was no error in the group training. On the other
hand, it was found to be difficult to distinguish
between warm-up and basic training, where the
intensity of exercise was generally low, and other
training sessions where a transient element of high
intensity was added, which is a subject for future
study. In this study, there was a strong need for
quantitative measurement to detect signs of injury and
prevent injury, since it is not possible for athletes to
detect signs of injury by their own judgment or that
of their coaches. The findings of this study suggest
the possibility of not only comparing the daily
exercise intensity and other conditioning data of the
same athlete, but also comparing the physical activity
level of other athletes, not on a weekly basis, but by
extracting only specific practices. This finding is not
only highly useful for conditioning the team and each
player, but also leads to the possibility of utilizing the
physical activity assessment for prevention of trauma
and injury. It is also possible to analyze effective
values for passing and ball possession practice in a
limited and confined space, and to analyze the
performance in detail. This new approach is useful
not only for training and games, but also for recovery.
It is suggested that the understanding of exercise
intensity for each training session and the
management of conditioning of each athlete, as well
as the implementation of practice, are highly likely to
lead to injury prevention.
In this study, we calculated the exercise intensity of
each individual in one second from the acceleration
data of all athletes during training. In addition, the
detection process was examined by finding the
characteristics of the breaks in the training menu. As
a result, it was possible to extract and compare the
measurement results that matched the target training
conditions, and to calculate indices such as exercise
intensity and running distance by analyzing the
measured acceleration data. Our original analysis
made it possible to automatically detect intervals in
group training, and furthermore, to automatically
classify them by training intensity. The results
suggest the possibility of utilizing the physical
activity evaluation for the prevention of trauma and
injury and for conditioning by comparing the exercise
intensity of athletes by training intensity on a daily
This research was supported by JSPS Grants-in-Aid
for Scientific Research JP21K09277 and SRIP
(Sports Research Innovation Project in Japan). The
authors thank U-18 soccer team for
advice on this project.
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The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team