Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling
Scores Using Real Game Data
Tomoya Iwasaki
, Wataru Noguchi
2 a
, Yasumasa Tamura
3 b
, Shimpei Aihara
4 c
and Masahito Yamamoto
3 d
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
Education and Research Center for Mathematical and Data Science, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
Department of Sport Science and Research, Japan Institute of Sport Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
Curling, Digital Curling, Curling AI, Expectimax, Evaluation Function, Wining Probability, Game Tree
Search, Results Book.
Curling is a sport in which two teams take turns shoting stones at each other on an ice field to compete for
total scores. Curling is a highly strategic sport, and the strategy of stone delivering has a significant impact on
the outcome of the game. To verify strategy of curling, “digital curling” is a platform that reproduces curling
on a computer. Following the previous research of curling AI using game tree search and evaluation function
by Ataka et al., real game data was obtained and trained into a neural network of evaluation function. In this
study, we propose a method to obtain stone position information from real game data. Also, the model was
trained from the obtained data. The results show that models trained with realistic data correspond better to
realistic situations than conventional models trained with data generated by algorithms. However, in situations
where there are many stones on the sheet, the model was also found to be insufficiently accurate as is the case
with conventional models.
Curling is a sport played on a field of ice, in which
two teams take turns delivering stones and compete
for the final total score. In curling, not only the skill
of delivering the stones to the target position, but also
the strategy of where and how to deliver the stones has
a great influence on the game result. Because of this
highly strategic aspect, curling is also called “Chess
on Ice”.
To evaluate curling strategy, a computational sim-
ulation platform called digital curling has been uti-
lized recently. The digital curling platform enables
AI-based curling players to play against each other
(Uehara and Ito, 2021). The strategies verified by this
simulator are expected to be applicable to real curling,
and curling AI researches are active on this platform.
Various approaches have been attempted to study
curling AI by digital curling. Among them, Ya-
mamoto et al. discretize the the field (called “sheet” in
curling) into a grid and use the game tree search (Ya-
mamoto et al., 2015). And Katoh et al. use the Expec-
timax search algorithm to perform game tree search in
curling with uncertainty (Katoh et al., 2016). These
studies have shown that the search for candidate shots
in continuous and uncertain curling games is possible
with game trees. In addition, Yamamoto et al. de-
velop a neural network based state evaluation function
and showed that it is more effective than hand-crafted
evaluation function (Yamamoto et al., 2018). Further-
more, Ataka et al. added the game situation to the
input of the neural network to allows score prediction
based on the game situation such as score difference
(Ataka et al., 2020).
In this study, we aimed to utilize game data from
actual curling competitions for training a score pre-
diction model. In previous research used data auto-
matically generated based on algorithms or obtained
from self-competitions between curling AIs for train-
ing data. However, such automatically generated data
may be inadequate as training data in that it is far from
the actual game phase and lacks diversity. Therefore,
we aimed to utilize game data from actual curling
competitions to train a score prediction model capable
of responding to various realistic situations. In the ex-
Iwasaki, T., Noguchi, W., Tamura, Y., Aihara, S. and Yamamoto, M.
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012941100003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 168-179
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
periment, we collected two sets of training data, one
from actual game data and one from algorithms used
in previous research, and compared the performance
difference due to the difference of training data.
Curling is played on a field of ice called a “sheet”. An
overview of the sheet is shown in Fig. 1. Sheet has a
circular area called a “house” and kickstand called a
“hack”. Delivering a stone from hack side to the op-
posite house side is called a “shot”. Both teams shoot
stones in an attempt to leave more stones in the house.
When shoting, the player must release his or her hand
from the stone before reaching the “hog line” on the
hack side. The stones are active if they remain station-
ary between the hog line and back line on the house
side. Otherwise, the stones are regarded as invalid and
removed from the sheet. The sheet can be swept with
a broom after the stone has been shot. This allows the
trajectory of the stone to be adjusted.
An inning in a game is called an end”, and a
game usually consists of eight or ten ends. The team
with the highest total score at the end of final end
wins. If both teams are tied, the game continues in
extra ends until one of teams wins a score difference.
It is also possible to resign the game in the middle of
the game, which is called “concede”.
In each end, both teams take turns shoting eight
stones. An end ends when the second team shots the
last stone. This last stone is called the “hammer”. To
allow more stones to be stored on the sheet, the “free
guard zone rule” exists. This rule prohibits the stones
in the free guard zone (area between hog line and tee
line, excluding house) from leaving the playing area
until the fifth shot of overall is completed. It is pos-
sible to move stones slightly as long as they are not
moved out of the playing area. If this rule is violated,
the shot stone will be removed and the moved stone
will be returned to its original position. At the end of
an end, only the team with the stone closest to the
center of the house among the stones in the house
gains scores. Scores are awarded for the number of
stones inside the house that are closer to the center
of the house than the opposing team’s closest stone.
The team that awarded scores takes the first shot in
the next end. If there is no stone inside the house,
no scores are awarded to either team. This is called
a “blank end,” and the first team in a blank end plays
first in the next end. In other words, the playing order
switches if either team gains one or more score in the
previous end.
As mentioned above, in curling, the score is de-
termined when the last shot of the second offensive
team is completed. In this sense, curling is a sport
in which the second team has an overwhelming ad-
vantage. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt different
strategy for the first and second offensive teams. Gen-
erally, the first team aims to let the second team to
score one point, so that the team will get the hammer
in the next end. Alternatively, the first team aims to
gain scores instead of the second team called “steel”.
The second team, on the contrary, aims to score two
or more points or, to maintain hammer by removing
all stones from the house to make it a blank end. Both
teams proceed with the game, constructing strategy
to achieve the desired stone position for their team at
the end of the end. Each team must decide on their
strategy and shot stone within the allotted time limit.
Figure 1: Overview of the sheet. The player shots a stone
in the direction of the opposite house from the hack. The
distance from the hack to the hog line on the hack side is 33
feet. The distance to the opposite hog line is 105 feet, to the
tee line is 126 feet, and to the back line is 132 feet.
Digital curling is a platform for reproducing curling
on a computer. Digital curling enables curling AIs to
play against each other. Games in digital curling are
conducted through communication between the digi-
tal curling simulator and each AI. The simulation is
performed by a physics engine. The game is played
according to the rules of real curling.
The curling AI sends shot information to the digi-
tal curling simulator, which simulates the shot and re-
turns the result to the AI. The AI sends shot informa-
tion, including the 2-dimensional vector and direction
of rotation, to the simulator. Then the simulator runs a
simulation based on the current game information and
the input shot information, and sends the results to
each AI. The information from the simulator includes
the position of each stone, the current score, and the
team that will play the next shot. The positions of the
stones are represented by a two-dimensional coordi-
nate system. Simulations are performed at discretized
regular intervals by a physics engine that calculate tra-
jectories and collision detection. The results of the
simulation can be viewed on the GUI as shown in Fig.
The number of ends and AI thinking time can be
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data
set arbitrarily. The presence or absence of the free
guard zone rule can also be set. These settings are
disclosed in advance in curling AI competitions using
Digital curling.
In real curling, due to the influence of sheet con-
ditions and the skill of the players, it is not always
possible to place the stones precisely at the target po-
sition. In real curling game, this uncertainty must be
taken into account when making strategic decisions.
To reproduce this, a random fluctuation is added to a
given shot vector in digital curling. The setting about
the scale of random fluctuation can be set for each
player. In competitions, the setting is disclosed.
Figure 2: Simulation result on GUI. The trajectories and re-
sults of all shots during a digital curling game can be viewed
on GUI.
Previous research (Katoh et al., 2016) has shown that
game tree search and evaluation functions can be used
to build an AI that is superior to a curling AI built on
rule based methods. In this study, we construct an
evaluation function with reference to the curling AI
of Ataka et al. The evaluation function consists of
an expected score distribution and a winning proba-
bility table. The expected score distribution is calcu-
lated from the game situation using a score prediction
The score prediction model needs to be trained
with curling game information such as stone posi-
tions. In the previous research, the model was trained
by data generated by the algorithm. On the other
hand, in this study, we aim to utilize data from real
curling competitions in order to make the Curling AI
to adapt diverse and realistic situations.
4.1 Search in Digital Curling
The evaluation function maps a given game situation
to a quantitative value. Ataka et al. have shown that
the expected winning probability can be used as the
evaluation value, allowing evaluation according to the
situation of the curling game. The evaluation function
consists of a score prediction model and a winning
probability table.
The expected score distribution is the probability
distribution of the score obtained at the end of an end.
In digital curling, the score obtained at the end of an
end is uncertain because of the uncertainty involved
in the shot. Also, in curling, the winning probabil-
ity significantly depends on the number of scores ob-
tained. Therefore, the distribution of expected score
is used instead of simply relying on the value of ex-
pected score.
A winning probability table is a table showing a
team’s winning probability based on the number of
remaining ends in a game and the difference in to-
tal score to the opponent team. In curling, the opti-
mal strategy can vary greatly based on the number of
remaining ends and the score difference. In particu-
lar, maximizing the number of scores for a single end
does not always lead to maximizing the winning prob-
ability, because the blank end is an effective strategy
for the team having hammmer. The winning proba-
bility table makes it possible to deal with such situ-
ations. By combining the winning probability table
and the expected score distribution, the expected win-
ning probability at the end of that end can be com-
puted. Table. 1 shows the winning probability table
used in this study. It was obtained by self-competition
between curling AIs in previous research and shows
the winning probability of the first team in each situ-
Table 1: Winnig probability table to be used. The table
shows the winning probability of the first team for each
score difference and the number of remaining ends.
remaining ends
3 2 1 0
Difference of score
3 0.919 0.946 0.962 1.000
2 0.771 0.794 0.881 1.000
1 0.609 0.557 0.677 1.000
0 0.340 0.279 0.260 0.220
-1 0.162 0.122 0.042 0.000
-2 0.034 0.021 0.011 0.000
-3 0.015 0.014 0.011 0.000
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
4.2 Score Prediction Model
The score prediction model computes the expected
score distribution at the end of an end based on the
game situation without simulating all possible shots
until the end of the end. The model is constructed
by a simple fully-connected neural network. As input
data for the model, positioning information of stones
on the sheet and information of the game situation are
used. The information for each stone, as shown in
Table2, is inputted in order of proximity to the cen-
ter of the house for all fifteen stones. Information of
stones that do not exist on the sheet are all set to 0.
Information of the game shown in Table3 is also in-
put to the model. These are all one-hot vectors. The
output of the model is an 11-dimensional distribution
of expected scores. This indicates the probability of
scoring from -5 to 5 scores at the end of end. The
activation function of the output layer uses softmax.
Table 2: List of information of stones. Coordinates and dis-
tance from the center of house are represented as continuous
values, while other data are represented as discrete values.
Information Value
x coordinate [-2.375, 2.375]
y coordinate [32.004, 40.234]
Distance from center of house [0, 6.78]
Is there stone in the play area 0, 1
Is there stone in the house 0, 1
Owned player -1, 0, 1
Is there enemy stone on the inside 0, 1
Table 3: List of information of game. These information are
input in one-hot vectors.
Information Value(one-hot vector)
Score difference -2,-1,0,1,2
Remaining ends 0,1,2,3
4.3 Creation of Training Data
In this study, training data was created only for the
last shot of the end. Because the score of the end is
determined when the last shot is completed, so multi-
ple stages of simulation are not necessary, and the ex-
pected score distribution can be obtained with a small
number of simulations.
First, the number of remaining ends, score differ-
ence, and stone position data are given as input data
for the model. In this situation, all candidate shots
are simulated on the digital curling. Each candidate
shot is a vector of shots that reach each score on the
sheet divided on the grid. Grid is a square and its size
is the radius of the stone. No random fluctuation are
added to the simulation at this time. The score is cal-
culated from the stone position obtained after simula-
tion. Based on the points scored, the score difference
in the game situation and the number of remaining
ends, the expected winning probability is calculated
using the winning probability table. The formula for
this calculation is shown in Eq. 1.
E(x, y) =
, y
)w(r, d, s(x
, y
)) (1)
where x
= x + x, y
= y + y
, y
) is the probability of the shot stone reach-
ing the grid around the candidate shot after the simu-
lation when a random fluctuation is added to the can-
didate shot. x and y are the deviations from the grid
of the candidate shot. We consider 3 grids in the x di-
rection and 5 grids in the y direction centered on the
grid of the candidate shot. Since the random fluctu-
ation added to the shot are predetermined, the proba-
bility of the stones reaching the surrounding grids can
be determined in advance. w(r, d, s) is the expected
winning probability when the fluctuation of remain-
ing ends r, the score difference d, and the score at the
end of the end is s. This can be obtained from Table.
1. s(x
, y
) is the score at the end of the end when a
shot is made at x
and y
, obtained from the simulation
without random fluctuation described above.
Thus, we obtain the expected winning probability
for all candidate shots. The candidate shot with the
highest expected winning probability obtained is con-
sidered the best shot. Finally, we simulate this best
shot multiple times with the original stone arrange-
ment. Since random fluctuations are added to this
simulation, a probability distribution for each score
can be obtained. This probability distribution is the
expected score distribution as the target output, corre-
sponding to the game situation as the input.
As an example, the number of remaining ends is 1,
the score difference is 0, and the stone position is the
data shown in Fig. 3. Table. 1 shows that the winning
probability in this situation is about 67% if one point
is gained, 74% if a blank end is assumed, and about
4% if one point is lost. In other words, blank end
and scoring one point are high winning probability
actions, with blank end having the highest value. In
the situation, a shot as shown in the Fig. 4 is the best
shot in this situation because the expected winning
probability according to Eq. 1 is the highest. After
simulating the best shot multiple times, the expected
score distribution is as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5 shows
an example situation that can be blank end about 80%
of the time, but it is also a situation that a single point
be scored . It also shows that there is almost no risk
of steal. This means that the best shot in this situation
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data
will succeed 80% of the time, and even if it fails, there
is little possibility of steal.
Figure 3: Example of stone position. There is only one
stone of the opposing team near the center of the house.
The situation of the game is that the number of remaining
ends is one, the score difference is 0, and the next shot is
the last shot of the end.
Figure 4: Example of shot. The black arrows are the shot
stone trajectories. The yellow arrow is the trajectories of
stones that move in collision with the shot stone.
Figure 5: Expected score distribution in the example. The
expected score distribution indicates that this situation is al-
most risk-free, but the success of the best shot (blank end)
is not assured.
4.4 Example of Training Data
By creating training data using the method described
in the previous section, it is possible to create training
data that corresponds to the situation in which strate-
gies change significantly depending on the game situ-
First, let us assume that the common situation is
that the team has the red stone, next shot is the last
shot and the stone position as shown in Fig. 6, With
this stone position, it is easy for a red team to score
one point by simply placing a stone in the center of the
house, but relatively difficult for a team to score two
points because it requires double takeout of the yellow
stones. Blank end is almost impossible because team
need to take out all three stones in the house and the
shot stone must not be left in the house. On this case,
the first situation is set with a score difference of 0,
end 9th, and the second situation is set with a score
difference of -2, end 10th.
In the first situation, the team should try to score
one point safely, because if the team is stolen points,
winning probability will significantly decrease. In the
second situation, the team must attempt to score two
points, even though there is a high risk, because if
two points are not scored, the game is lost at that
point. The expected score distributions obtained by
the method in the previous section are shown in Fig.
7 for the first situation and in Fig. 8 for the second
situation. The first situation shows that one point can
be obtained reliably. The second situation shows that
the success rate is low, but two points can be obtained.
Thus, the expected score distribution in training data
can take into account situations where high risk/high
return is required and situation where low risk/low re-
turn is required.
Figure 6: Position before last shot. The opposing team has
the No. 1 and No. 2 stones and own team has the No. 3
The data information required to compose the training
data are stone position, score difference, and number
of remaining ends. We obtain stone placement data
from real games, instead of utilizing data extracted
from self-playing by AI-based players or automati-
cally generated based on algorithms.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 7: Expected score distribution for situation required
low risk strategy. The distribution shows that the best shot
is sure to succeed.
Figure 8: Expected score distribution for situation required
high risk strategy. The distribution indicates that the best
shot is the shot with the greatest risk.
5.1 Results Book
Game data was obtained from the “Results Book”
provided by Curlit, a PDF file containing informa-
tion on major curling competition in the world (Curlit,
2024). The Results Book contains pages called “Shot
by Shot”, which show the sheet information including
the location of the stones in each shot, shown in the
image (Fig. 9) (Curlit, 2022) . The coordinates of the
stones are obtained from these images.
5.2 Data Extraction from Results Book
We extract three types of data: the stone positions,
the first shot team in the corresponding end, and the
shot number. These data are stored in the database.
An existing work (Myslik, 2020) provided a method
to extract those data from the earlier version of Result
Books. Based on Myslik’s work, we implemented an
enhanced script compatible with the latest version of
Result Books.
Data extraction is done as following. First, we
split the Results Book by game. An image is taken
from the shot by shot page showing stone position in
shot order. The image obtained at this time is shown
in Fig. 10. This image shows the number of stones
remaining for each team, stones existing on the sheet,
Figure 9: Example of Shot by Shot. The stone positions of
the sheets are listed as images in the order of the shots.
stones moved by the previous shot (represented by
colored frames only) , and stones removed from the
game. From this image, only the stones on the sheet
necessary for the training data are extracted.
The first shot team is determined from the first
shot image as shown in the Fig. 11. Since the first
image shows the sheet after the first team has already
made a shot, the number of stones remaining for the
first team is seven. Therefore, the team with lower
number of stones remaining is the first team.
Next, the contour information of the area having
the same color as the stones is obtained from the im-
age. However, areas other than stones on the sheet
may be unintentionally included in the resulting con-
tours. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude extra con-
tour information. First, the color of the center of the
contour is obtained and those that do not have the
same color as the stones are excluded. The stones
moved by the previous shot can be excluded by this
requirement since they are represented only by a col-
ored frame. Next, contours that are too large or too
small are excluded. Since the stones on the sheet are
shown at approximately the same size, it is possible
to exclude contour information obtained incorrectly.
Finally, contours whose center coordinates are not on
the sheet are excluded. This allows for the removal
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data
of stones that are unrelated to the game, located at the
top and bottom of the sheet image. The coordinates
of the remaining areas, which are determined as the
stones, are converted to the coordinate system of dig-
ital curling and stored in database.
Figure 10: Image showing stones on sheet obtained from
Shot by Shot. Area 1 shows the number of stones before
the shot for both teams. Area 2 shows the position of the
stones on the sheet and various information representing the
progress of the game. Area 3 shows the number of stones
from both teams already removed from the game.
5.3 Data Extraction Results
In this work, game data was obtained from the Re-
sults Book of eight competitions after the “No tick
rule” was applied. The competitions used were Eu-
ropean curling Championships 2022, European curl-
ing Championships 2023, Pan Continental curling
Championships 2022, Pan Continental curling Cham-
pionships 2023, World Junior curling Championships
2022, World Junior curling Championships 2023,
World Women’s curling Championships 2022 and
World Men’s curling Championships 2022. In total,
we were able to obtain data for 532 competitions with
74,857 games. The number of data extracted per shot
is shown in Table 4. More than 4600 data were ex-
tracted for each shot.
A comparison of the original image and the ex-
tracted data illustrated in the coordinate system of
digital curling is shown in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12, the
positions of stones are almost the same as the origi-
nal image in the coordinate system of digital curling.
This shows that this method can obtain accurate stone
Figure 11: Sheet image after the first shot. This is the first
sheet image on the page for each end. In this case, the red
team made the first shot, so there is one less red stone re-
maining at the top of the image.
position data even when there are many stones and
other information on the sheet.
Fig. 13 compares the distribution of the number
of stones each team holds: the number of first team’s
stones on x-axis, and that of second team’s stones
on y-axis. According to Fig. 13, the data extracted
from Results Book (on the right) obviously contains
more situations with considerably many stones than
the data generated by the algorithm (on the left). Also,
the first team tends to hold more stones than the sec-
ond team in the data extracted from Results Book.
This comparison shows that the data extracted from
Results Book includes diverse realistic situations.
5.4 Creation of Training Data from
Extracted Data
Following the procedure outlined in Section 4.3, we
created the training data to be used in training from
the game information extracted in the previous sec-
tion. The training data consists of pairs of game infor-
mation, including extracted stone positions, remain-
ing ends, and score difference, along with the corre-
sponding expected score distribution.
Below, we evaluate the quality of the created data.
By comparing the actual game results with the ex-
pected score distribution generated by the method in
Section 4.3, we will confirm that the training data is
somewhat realistic, i.e., not unnatural compared to the
actual player’s strategy.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 4: Number of data per shot. About 4600 data were obtained per each shot. The reason for the smaller number of data
in the late game is that the game may end before last end due to concede.
Shot number 1-9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Number of data 4690 4687 4684 4682 4663 4663 4650 4590
Figure 12: Comparison of extracted data with the original
image. The original image is on the left and the extracted
data is illustrated again by coordinate of digital curling on
the right.
The game information used is from World
Women’s curling Championships 2022. The situation
is that the team is the yellow stone, score difference
of -2 and the last shot in the 7th end. The stone po-
sitions is as shown in Fig. 14. The expected score
distribution in this situation is shown in Fig. 16. In
the actual game, the team’s shot was successful, the
stone position was as shown in Fig. 15, and the team
scored three points. From Fig. 16, in the expected
score distribution we created, the probability of ob-
taining three points is nearly 80%. In other words,
it was shown that it is possible to obtain an expected
score distribution in line with real players’ strategies
as training data for the model from the positions of
stones in actual games.
The obtained training data will be used to train and
validate the score prediction model. Validation is per-
formed by comparing models trained by real data with
models trained by data generated by conventional al-
6.1 Training Model
The number of stone positions used to train the model
is 4650 for both real and generated data. For each
of these stone positions, there are 5 different cases
in terms of score difference and 4 cases in terms of
the number of remaining ends, so the training data is
93,000. The x-coordinates of the stone position were
inverted to increase the number of data, since the ef-
fect of inversion on the x-coordinates is negligible.
The final number of training data is 186,000. One
hundred out of 4650 stone positions were used as val-
idation data. This means that the model has 182,000
training data and 4,000 validation data.
The model has three hidden layers, each with 200
neurons. The activation function of the hidden layer
uses ReLU. The hidden layer includes batch nor-
malization and dropout. The optimization function
used during training was Adam, the learning rate was
0.001, the batch size was 1024, the dropout rate was
0.3, and the loss function was the mean squared error.
The training was conducted for 100 epochs with these
parameters. The loss during training was as shown in
Fig. 17. Mean squared error is used for the loss func-
tion. The training and test loss are decreasing, but the
test loss is higher.
6.2 Results
We validated whether the trained models could pre-
dict accurate expected score distribution in multiple
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data
Figure 13: Distribution of number of stones for each team in train data. In each figure, the horizontal axis shows the number
of stones for the first team and the vertical axis shows the number of stones for the second team.
Figure 14: Position before last shot. Own team (yellow
stone) has the No. 1 stone, but own team must take out
the opposing team’s No. 2 stone in order to obtain multiple
situations. In which figure of stone positions in each
situation, the stones of the own team are shown in red
and those of the opposing team in yellow. The pre-
diction results for these situations are show in Fig.
18, 19 and 20. In the figure, from left to right, the
correct score distribution, the prediction results from
the real model, and the prediction results from the
conventional model. The correct score distribution is
the expected score distribution created according to
the training data creation method described in Section
Situation 1 is a situation in which the stone po-
sition is Fig. 18, the score difference is 0, and the
number of remaining ends is 0. The stone position in
Fig. 18 is a simple situation with a small number of
stones. The prediction result in this case is shown in
Fig. 18. In this situation, the team can win the game
Figure 15: Stone position after Fig. 14 shot in the actual
competition. The shot was successful and own team scored
3 points.
Figure 16: Expected score distribution created from the sit-
uation. The probability of three scores, which is the score
obtained in the actual game, is nearly 80%. This result is in
line with the actual strategy of the players.
if team’s stone becomes the No. 1 stone, so the team
have to take out the opponent’s stone in the house and
leave shot stone in the house. Since this shot is of low
difficulty, the correct score distribution shows that a
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 17: The learning curve. Mean squared error is used
for the loss function. The orange curve is for validation data
and the blue curve is for train data.
point will almost certainly be scored. In this case,
both models are accurate in their predictions.
Situation 2 is a situation in which the stone po-
sition is Fig. 19, the score difference is -1, and the
number of remaining ends is 0. The stone position
in Fig. 19 is more complicated than situation 1 be-
cause there are more stones. In this situation, the team
can win the game by scoring 2 points, so it is neces-
sary to leave the shot stone in the house while tak-
ing out the opposing team’s stones without touching
the our team’s stones in the house. Since this shot
is a highly difficult shot, the correct score distribu-
tion shows that although there is a high possibility
of gaining two points, there is a risk of gaining only
one point or, even loosing the game by being steeled
by the opponent. From Fig. 19, we can see that the
model learned with real data is able to predict the sim-
ilar distribution as the correct score distribution. On
the other hand, the conventional model has the high-
est probability of gaining 2 points, but there is also a
probability of gaining 3 points, which is impossible,
indicating that the conventional model does not accu-
rately understand the situation in prediction.
Situation 3 is a situation in which the stone po-
sition is Fig. 20, the score difference is 0, and the
number of remaining ends is 0. The stone position in
Fig. 20 is extremely complicated with a large num-
ber of stones. In this situation, the team can win by
scoring one point, but because of the large number of
stones around the house, even a slightly off shot will
result in a failure. Therefore, the correct score dis-
tribution shows that the probability of winning, i.e.,
pointing one, is about 20% and the game is lost in
most cases. Fig. 20 shows that the model trained on
real data predicts approximately similar trends to the
correct score distribution, but the accuracy is low and
prediction is not accurate. On the other hand, the con-
ventional model shows completely different results
from the correct score distribution, indicating that it
cannot handle this situation.
These results indicate that the model trained by
real data is more accurate in predicting more difficult
situations than the conventional model. However, it
was also found that accurate prediction is still difficult
in situations with a large number of stones. Complex
situations such as Situation 3 are difficult to learn in
the current situation due to their low frequency of oc-
currence in the acquired training data. Also, in some
results there are outputs of scores that could never
happen due to the number of stones on the sheet. One
reason for these problems may be that the model con-
sists of only simple layers. With only simple layers,
learning the relative positions of stones is more diffi-
cult than with models such as CNN or transformer. As
a result, the model’s prediction accuracy may be low
in situations with low frequency of occurrence, or it
may produce outputs that are not realistic. Therefore,
to solve this problem, model modification may be ef-
fective in addition to simply increasing the training
data. An effective model would be one that can better
take into account interrelationships between objects,
such as a transformer.
In this study, as part of the creation of curling AI in
digital curling, real game data was used as training
data for the score prediction model that follows previ-
ous research. The real game data was obtained from
the Results Book. As a result, we were able to ac-
curately obtain the stone position data necessary for
the training data. The training data generated by this
data contains more diverse and realistic aspects com-
pared to those of previous studies. The results of the
training showed that the model trained by real game
data improved prediction accuracy in realistic aspects
compared to the model trained by data created by con-
ventional algorithms.
One challenge with this approach is that real game
data is finite, limited by the amount of data provided
by the Results Book . In addition, the real data model
is still not accurate in situations where there are many
stones on the sheet because there are few similar situ-
To overcome these challenges, we plan to investi-
gate the data augmentation methods suitable for the
real game data, introduce a new prediction model
architecture, like transformers, including input fea-
tures and preprocessing. Data increase in the Results
Book by future competitions could also improve the
model performance. We also plan to create training
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data
Figure 18: Stone position, correct score distribution and prediction results for each model in Situation 1. In this situation, the
score difference is 0, and the number of remaining ends is 0.
Figure 19: Stone position, correct score distribution and prediction results for each model in Situation 2. In this situation, the
score difference is -1, and the number of remaining ends is 0.
data and conduct training for cases other than the last
shot. Eventually, we would like to incorporate the
completed model into a curling AI and evaluate the
method through games on digital curling.
This work was supported by the “The Enhancement of
HPSC Infrastructure through Technology Innovation
Project” of Japan Sports Agency.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
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Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data