of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm on sub-
classes of problems by using regression models. Sev-
eral crossover operators were studied, extracting their
features with a method independent of the charac-
teristics of the problem instances or the dynamics
of an evolutionary algorithm. A performance value
for a problem subclass, relative to other operators,
was computed for each crossover running a multi-
objective evolutionary algorithm on several instances.
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variable interactions to define problem subclasses.
We verified that the models identified relevant fea-
tures for each problem subclass and can explain a
large proportion of the performance variance.
In the future, we would like to validate the
method with other multi-objective evolutionary al-
gorithm configurations and use problems with more
variables and objectives. Also, it would be interesting
to add problem features to obtain more general mod-
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Studying the Relationship Between Crossover Features and Performance on MNK-Landscapes Using Regression Models