5G-Based Body Sensor Network for Real-Time Feedback in Running
Sebastian Mayr
and Harald Rieser
Human Motion Analytics, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Salzburg, Austria
5G, Body Sensor Network, Running, Real-Time Feedback.
Immediate feedback is vital in sports and motor learning. Traditionally, coaches provide this feedback. How-
ever, recent developments in wearable sensing and feedback devices, state-of-the-art processing algorithms and
sensor data integration allow for new applications and insights. While this allows for more direct feedback, it
also introduces new demands on feedback systems in terms of network transmission speed, energy consump-
tion and needed calculation power. The 5G networking standard is a promising technology to address these
issues. It promises reduced energy usage, high availability, latency in the low millisecond range and high data
rates up to 10 Gbps. Despite these characteristics, there has not been much research on the use of 5G in sports
biofeedback systems. Therefore, this work aims to assess the usability of 5G for a real-time feedback system
in the sports context. We did this by developing a distributed feedback system for the assessment of running
gait symmetry. The system utilizes internal smartphone IMU as sensors and employs a 5G infrastructure for
data transmission to an offsite server for the calculation of running metrics and generation of the feedback
signal. Pilot tests, using the feedback system, showed mean roundtrip times of 140.14ms (sd = 14.47ms) for
outdoor use and 128.92ms (sd = 25.83ms) for indoor use. These results indicate that promised low latencies
by the 5G standard are currently not reachable outside of controlled testing environments. Nonetheless, as
these times are below average reaction times in recreational athletes (150ms) it is still promising for real-time
feedback applications in running.
Immediate feedback is an essential part of motor
learning. It is especially beneficial to get feedback
directly after a particular movement is performed
(Sigrist et al., 2013). For an athlete, this feedback task
was traditionally performed by a coach. However, in
recent years wearable sensing devices, called wear-
ables, have been adopted by consumers and sports sci-
entists alike. The huge benefit of these devices is their
mobility. They allow for data acquisition during ex-
ercise and often provide simple descriptive statistics
and summaries of these activities in a wide range of
One particular example in the field of athlete
health monitoring is described by James et al. In their
study a combination of temperature-, heart rate- and
movement sensors were used for the detection of hy-
perthermia in running under extreme conditions dur-
ing the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Here the collected
data was transmitted in real-time to stakeholders like
coaches and medical staff for monitoring of the ath-
letes health status. (James et al., 2024).
The use of wearable sensors for concurrent feed-
back to the athlete during movement is less frequently
considered. So-called real-time feedback systems try
to perform such an observation and correction task on
a quantitative level. Generally, they consist of lay-
ers for sensing, data processing, transmission of data,
and delivery of feedback. Depending on the use case
these tasks are performed by networks of indepen-
dent units distributed on the human body that com-
municate via wireless channels (e.g. Bluetooth or
WiFi). These networks are called Body Area Net-
works or Body Sensor Networks (BSN). Commonly,
BSN are constructed in a star topology (Lai et al.,
2013), which means they incorporate multiple types
of sensors for data acquisition that transfer data to a
central hub where computations are performed, and
the feedback is generated. A separate actuator unit
delivers this feedback in a suitable way to the user
who can optimize the assessed action by adapting
to the external feedback. Although BSN have been
around for a long time there are still challenges. Lai
et. al list improvement of wearability and reduction of
Mayr, S. and Rieser, H.
5G-Based Body Sensor Network for Real-Time Feedback in Running.
DOI: 10.5220/0012942500003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 180-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
energy consumption as the most pressing challenges
(Lai et al., 2013). Engineers and researchers are try-
ing to find the right balance between optimal sensor
sample rates, optimized data transmission between
nodes, efficient data processing on-site, and downsiz-
ing of the devices and therefore reduction of battery
One approach to reduce energy consumption is to
outsource the calculations. In general, local com-
putation is more efficient than transmission of data
and off-site calculation. However, with the increas-
ing computing requirements of new data processing,
and, in some cases, machine learning algorithms, the
limited processing power of local sensor nodes might
be no longer sufficient. In such a case, sending raw
data to a high-performance off-site server, for cal-
culating results and sending them back for feedback
delivery, seems to be an interesting concept to con-
sider. This approach allows for scaling computation
resources based on current demand.
Sending high amounts of data between real-time
feedback systems and an off-site calculation server
needs a stable connection with high throughput, low-
latency and, for data collection in the field, this con-
nection also needs to be wireless. The 5G mobile
telecommunication network standard offers new pos-
sibilities for BSN implementations. Its eight specifi-
cation requirements promise a plethora of improve-
ments over current mobile communication network
technology: (i) 100% coverage, (ii) Up to 10 Gbps
data rate, (iii) one-millisecond latency, (iv) 1000×
bandwidth per unit area, (v) Up to 100x number of
connected devices per unit area, (vi) 99.999% avail-
ability, (vii) 90% reduction in network energy usage
and (viii) Up to 10-year battery life for IoT devices
(Attar et al., 2022).
Low latency, reduced energy usage and the pro-
posed increase in battery life, as well as the increased
transmission range in comparison to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
or BLE, are interesting propositions for the develop-
ment of new 5G-based BSN systems.
Therefore, in this work we want to assess the suit-
ability of 5G for body area networks in a sports con-
text. The remainder of this paper is structured in 4
sections. In section 2 we describe the sensors, 5G in-
frastructure, how the BSN was implemented and the
target metric of the feedback system. In section 3 the
results are presented and discussed. Section 4 pro-
vides final conclusions and a future outlook.
2.1 Infrastructure
The system consists of three main parts (Figure 1).
First, the local BSN, that is made up of two smart-
phones that act as sensors, actuators, and transmission
devices. Second, an off-site server that is connected
to the BSN via a 5G network. Here, all calculations of
running metrics and feedback are performed. Third,
a data-logging service and a dashboard to display the
collected data, which is accessible via public internet.
Figure 1: Overview of system components.
Data is transmitted over a commercial-grade pri-
vate 5G-Standalone (5G-SA) network that operates in
Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode within the n78
frequency band (3500 MHz) with 80 MHz bandwidth.
This TDD setup utilizes a subcarrier spacing (SCS) of
15 kHz and follows Time Division-Long Term Evolu-
tion (TD-LTE) frame configuration 2, incorporating
subframe configuration 6 with a downlink-uplink ra-
tio of 3:1, in compliance with regulatory requirements
(Telekom-Control-Kommission (TKK), 2018; Tanen-
baum and Wetherall, 2010). The 5G-SA network con-
sists of MIMO-capable outdoor and indoor cells in a
remote radio head setup.
The off-site server is connected to the 5G core
with a low latency, high-speed cable connection to
minimize transmission time in this part of the net-
work. All time-critical back-end components are lo-
cated on this server:
A messaging subsystem/server (based on MQTT).
For this server, we opted for a low-latency config-
uration. Therefore low quality of service (QoS)
levels were chosen.
The algorithms for data analysis (see Section 2.3)
For non-time-critical sections in the back-end, a log-
ging service and a dashboard providing information
in near-real-time on an additional server were imple-
mented. The logging service was connected to the
messaging service and collected all sent data. The
dashboard provides a web-based user interface for vi-
sual display of the collected data. Physically, these
services were provided on a server accessible by a
standard internet connection.
5G-Based Body Sensor Network for Real-Time Feedback in Running
2.2 Sensors
Dedicated consumer grade 5G IMU sensors are not
available on the market yet. As modern smartphone-
integrated IMU deliver reliable and valid measure-
ment results compared with a gold standard (Grouios
et al., 2022), we used mobile phones as sensing, actu-
ation and transmission devices in the BSN. Most cur-
rent smartphones are capable of receiving and sending
5G-SA on a hardware level. However, manufactur-
ers often fail to deliver the required software updates.
For data collection, we used a Moto g5G and Moto
edge30 smartphone (Motorola Mobility LLC, USA)
to collect acceleration and angular velocity in three
axes as well as the GPS signal. The devices were
placed on the lower back at the 5. lumbar vertebrae
and the lateral side of the upper Tibia directly un-
der the knee. Positioning of the sensors is depicted in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Sensor position on the body: Sensors are placed
at the 5. lumbar vertebrae and lateral side of the upper Tibia
– directly under the knee (left).
Schematic overview of calculation of running gait metrics
and feedback (right).
2.3 Movement Metric Gait Symmetry
In their review of feedback systems in running van
Hooren et. al pointed out that modification of running
technique via real-time feedback can reduce injury
risk and increase performance. Suitable for feedback
are parameters related to injuries or performance, that
can be measured accurately and are easily modifiable
(Van Hooren et al., 2020). Hence, for testing this
prototype feedback system, we used the running gait
symmetry metric employed by Lee et. al, where a sin-
gle sacral-mounted IMU is used to assess the symme-
try of the COM vertical acceleration between the left
and right step within each stride (Lee et al., 2010).
This metric is easily measurable, and according to
Radzak et. al, increasing asymmetry is linked to fa-
tigue (Radzak et al., 2017).
Gait symmetry is calculated as the ratio of COM
vertical acceleration at the time of foot strike of the
left and right step during a single stride.
Symmetry =
COM right
COM le f t
COM right
A positive symmetry score indicates a greater ac-
celeration during the right step, whereas a negative
score denotes a dominance of the left step. Values
near 0 occur when the acceleration on the left and the
right are similar. To foster comprehensibility for the
users, the symmetry score was min-max normalized
between a = 1 and b = 1. The normalization was
performed according to equation 2.
2 · (x min(x))
max(x) min(x)
1 (2)
For foot-strike detection we used two methods.
First, we used the mediolateral hip acceleration to dis-
tinguish between left and right steps. According to the
inverted pendulum model by Zijlstra and Hof, COM
is accelerated to the right during a left step and to
the left during a right step due to the tilting motion
of the hips (Zijlstra and Hof, 2003). In addition to
this method we apply a second IMU on the right shin
for the detection of a right reference step by a sim-
ple peak finding algorithm based on the comparison
of neighboring values (Virtanen et al., 2020), which
we consider as the starting point of a stride.
Data is continuously streamed from the sensors to
the off-site server. In regular intervals, the buffered
data is evaluated for step events. A subsequent calcu-
lation of the step symmetry is performed on the last 10
steps. Figure 2 and Algorithm 1 show this schemati-
Data: IMU Data
Result: Feedback Signal
while Data is sent to server do
Collect data from cache
Calculate anterior-posterior- and
mediolateral acceleration
Calculate total acceleration of leg sensor
Calculate steps from acceleration data of
shin-mounted IMU
Calculate steps from acceleration data of
sacrum-mounted IMU
Calculation of step symmetry (equation
Scale step symmetry between -1 and 1
(equation 2)
Publish feedback to device
Algorithm 1: Schematic calculation of the running gait
2.4 Android Application
The implemented android application (see Figure 3)
had four main purposes:
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
1. Collect IMU data (accelerometer and gyroscope)
and GPS (not used by the algorithms) from the
2. Synchronize data collection between devices
(start/stop of data collection, local time of the de-
3. Send data to the server to further analyze the IMU
4. Log Round Trip Times for upload and feedback
For data collection, the standard Android Sensor APIs
were used. The sample interval for the accelerometer
and gyroscope was configured with 10ms (100Hz),
for GPS the interval was 1s. Collection was started
only on the main device, the secondary device was
started automatically by a control interface that was
provided via the 5G network. Additionally, time
synchronization (based on Network Time Protocol -
NTP) via this control interface was realized to mini-
mize time drift between devices involved. Collected
data were sent to the server by both devices, where
it was analyzed using the aforementioned algorithms.
The results were sent back to all devices using a result
channel, and results (with timestamps) were logged
and presented to the users.
Figure 3: Android Application for data collection.
2.5 Testing
For a demonstration of the functionality of the sys-
tem, it was tested by a single subject in an indoor and
outdoor environment. For the outdoor test, the sub-
ject ran a round course with a length of 130 meters 5
times. The indoor test was performed 10 times in a
straight corridor of 20 meters.
The average time taken to deliver a feedback sig-
nal to the user varied between the settings. Dur-
ing the outdoor run, the mean time was 140.14ms
(sd = 14.47ms). In contrast, with the indoor antenna,
the mean time was 128.92ms (sd = 25.83ms).
In real-time feedback, there is a limit for the min-
imal achievable feedback delivery time, which Umek
and Kos call the biofeedback delay (Umek and Kos,
2016). It consists of the feedback loop delay (FLD)
and the reaction time delay (RTD). The former is
composed of the communication delays from the sen-
sors to the processing unit and from there to an actua-
tor as well as the processing time delay itself. By us-
ing a 5G network for data transmission the communi-
cation delays can be reduced and by using an off-site
server for time-critical data processing the processing
delay can be minimized.
Average marathon runners run with a cadence of
180 steps per minute (Tenforde et al., 2019), which
roughly amounts to making a step every 330ms.
As the mean reaction time of an average athlete is
150ms (Umek and Kos, 2016) a FLD smaller than
330ms–150ms = 180ms is needed to enable the run-
ner to react properly to the feedback signal within the
next stride. The biofeedback delay measurements in
the in- and outdoor setting fall below this theoreti-
cal threshold by around 40ms to 50ms (see Figure 4).
These results indicate the suitability of 5G data trans-
mission in distributed BSN applications in running.
Figure 4: Minimal time to initiation of movement change
is the sum of feedback loop delay (FLD) and reaction time
delay (RTD).
Although 5G does not meet expectations in terms of
low-latency, measurements with the developed real-
time feedback system show its usability for running
applications. Since the described BSN-based biofeed-
back system is merely a demonstrator, there are sev-
eral areas that could be improved. One limitation is
seen in the used hardware. Naturally, smartphones
have a higher weight and exhibit different inertia than
smaller, dedicated IMU measurement systems. We
5G-Based Body Sensor Network for Real-Time Feedback in Running
tried to counteract this behavior by fixing the sensor
as securely as possible to the subject without hinder-
ing the runner. Since there are no consumer-ready 5G
IMU sensors available the choice of smartphones as a
replacement was only pragmatic.
One of the benefits of a distributed BSN is the
increased processing power on the off-site process-
ing device. Nonetheless, the gait-symmetry algorithm
can hardly be described as very resource-intensive. It
would certainly be possible to do the same calcula-
tions on the smartphones themselves. This was done
intentionally, as the point of this work was mainly to
assess the overall performance of a distributed 5G-
based BSN biofeedback system.
In the future it would be interesting to leverage
the increased (off-site) processing power and include
more resource intense machine learning algorithms
and new physiological sensor data like skin temper-
ature, power or heart-rate.
Another critical point is the fact that the system
was tested with only one BSN in the 5G network. This
was done to eliminate potential interactions of devices
and effects on the performance of the 5G network. In
the future, a comparison of the behavior of the net-
work and the time delays in scenarios with several si-
multaneously active devices would be interesting.
This project is partially funded by the Austrian state
of Salzburg under the program “WISS 2025” contract
number 20102-F2001049-FPR.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support