tried to counteract this behavior by fixing the sensor
as securely as possible to the subject without hinder-
ing the runner. Since there are no consumer-ready 5G
IMU sensors available the choice of smartphones as a
replacement was only pragmatic.
One of the benefits of a distributed BSN is the
increased processing power on the off-site process-
ing device. Nonetheless, the gait-symmetry algorithm
can hardly be described as very resource-intensive. It
would certainly be possible to do the same calcula-
tions on the smartphones themselves. This was done
intentionally, as the point of this work was mainly to
assess the overall performance of a distributed 5G-
based BSN biofeedback system.
In the future it would be interesting to leverage
the increased (off-site) processing power and include
more resource intense machine learning algorithms
and new physiological sensor data like skin temper-
ature, power or heart-rate.
Another critical point is the fact that the system
was tested with only one BSN in the 5G network. This
was done to eliminate potential interactions of devices
and effects on the performance of the 5G network. In
the future, a comparison of the behavior of the net-
work and the time delays in scenarios with several si-
multaneously active devices would be interesting.
This project is partially funded by the Austrian state
of Salzburg under the program “WISS 2025” contract
number 20102-F2001049-FPR.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support