Leveraging Ontologies for Handicraft Business Process Modeling:
Application for the Pastry-Making Domain
Fatma Zohra Rennane
and Abdelkrim Meziane
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Science and Technologies Houari Boumedien,
Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
Multimedia and Information System Division, Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information,
Ben Aknoun, Algiers, Algeria
Business Process Model, Ontology, Handicraft, Pastry-Making.
The global business environment changes very fast, forcing organizations to seek ways to improve their op-
erational efficiency, cut costs, and enhance their decision-making. Optimizing performance is possible only
with a clear understanding of how work gets done. It is here that well-defined business processes become
very instrumental. However, for an organization to understand, evaluate, and eventually improve its processes,
it is important that they model them in the first place. Traditional modeling techniques, such as BPMN and
UML, provide a standard framework of visual and graphical representation for these processes. Most of these
methods, however, fall short of capturing domain knowledge. The evolution of semantic web technologies
has necessitated ontology-based business process modeling, which provides meaningful representations for
business processes through the integration of ontologies. In this paper, an ontology-based business process
model (OBPM) of the handicraft domain is presented focusing on the pastry-making field.
The dynamic and competitive nature of the modern
business environment, including the handicraft sector
in the Maghreb region, requires organizations to con-
tinuously improve their operational efficiency, reduce
costs, increase decision-making capacity, and provide
customers with high-quality products and services.
To achieve these goals, the concept of business pro-
cess management has emerged.
Business process management (BPM) system or
methodology has been proven to be one of the
most effective methodologies to improve the effi-
ciency and performance of organizations (Ongena and
Ravesteyn, 2020), (Su
sa Vugec et al., 2019). It is
also defined as a holistic approach providing con-
cepts, methods, and techniques to support the design,
administration, configuration, enactment, and analy-
sis of business processes in order to achieve strategic
objectives and meet customers’ needs (Weske et al.,
2007). As a management discipline, BPM empha-
sizes business processes’ importance to achieving the
organization’s objectives by improving, continuously
managing, and governing them (Jeston, 2014).
Central to BPM is Business process modeling
(BPMo), which involves creating visual representa-
tions of an organization’s processes to understand and
analyze them, using tools like flowcharts and dia-
grams. Literature shows that there are many busi-
ness process modeling standards, techniques, lan-
guages, and tools, such as Unified Modelling Lan-
guage (UML) (Object Management Group, 2017)
and Business Process Management Notation (BPMN)
(Object Management Group, 2011). However, these
techniques have some drawbacks and limitations such
as providing graphical elements containing only tex-
tual information with no formal semantics (Hepp
et al., 2005). To address these limitations, the use of
ontologies in business process modeling has emerged
as a promising approach.
Through ontologies, a shared conceptualization
can be specified formally and explicitly. An ontology
defines the concepts, relationships, and rules that gov-
ern business processes within an organization, ensur-
ing that all stakeholders and systems share a common
understanding of those processes. The use of ontolo-
gies enables advanced functionalities like reasoning,
knowledge discovery, and semantic interoperability,
which are critical for achieving more efficient and ef-
fective business operations (Born et al., 2008).
Rennane, F. and Meziane, A.
Leveraging Ontologies for Handicraft Business Process Modeling: Application for the Pastry-Making Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0012943000003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 226-233
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This research focuses on how women engaged in
handicrafts in developing or emerging regions make
use of modern technology to foster creativity and
business initiatives. It is intended to introduce a
personalized ontology-based framework facilitating
both training and customized organizational solutions
for handicraft women (Rennane and Meziane, 2023).
The handicraft domain, characterized by the produc-
tion of unique, handmade goods, presents distinct
challenges and opportunities for process optimiza-
tion. For instance, a specific application of ontology-
based modeling within the handicraft domain can be
seen in the pastry-making process. By developing an
ontology-based pastry-making process model, busi-
nesses can achieve a more systematic approach to pro-
duction, ensuring consistency and quality in the final
products. This model not only captures the intricate
steps involved in pastry making but also integrates
knowledge about ingredients, techniques, and equip-
ment, facilitating better training, process improve-
ment, and innovation in the field.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents a comprehensive review
of existing research and studies on business process
modeling, as well as ontologies for the handicraft and
culinary domains. Section 3 details the ontology de-
velopment process used in this study. Section 4 out-
lines the proposed elements of the ontology. Section
5 focuses on the validation phase. Finally, Section 6
concludes the paper and suggests directions for future
A well-defined set of business processes plays a key
role in the success of any organization. A business
process is defined as a set of logically related and
structured activities or tasks that produce a specific
product or service for a particular customer or mar-
ket (Davenport and Short, 1998). These processes
serve as the fundamental building blocks that spec-
ify how work is done within a company, guarantee-
ing that tasks are completed effectively and consis-
tently. Modeling these processes is essential for an-
alyzing, simulating, improving, and automating them
(Rospocher et al., 2014).
Process modeling is an approach for describing
how businesses operate, it includes graphical repre-
sentations of the activities, events, and instructions
composing a business process (Recker et al., 2009).
Popular BPMo methodologies include Business Pro-
cess Model and Notation (BPMN), Unified Modeling
Language (UML), and Event-driven Process Chain
(EPC) (Weske, 2007). BPMN, in particular, is widely
adopted due to its standardization, modeling capabil-
ities, graphical clarity, and strong tool support (Wang
et al., 2006).
While traditional business process modeling
methods provide initial advantages, they have limi-
tations, particularly regarding semantic precision and
interoperability, they typically lack the ability to in-
tegrate semantic context and knowledge representa-
tion, which are essential for capturing the subtleties
of domain-specific processes such as the handicraft
domain (Ko et al., 2009).
Given the limitations of traditional BPMo meth-
ods, the integration of ontologies into business pro-
cess modeling has emerged as a beneficial approach
in current research. Ontologies, recognized for their
structured information management and ability to link
concepts, offer sophisticated capabilities for semantic
modeling (Gruber, 1995). They enable precise repre-
sentation of domain knowledge, facilitating detailed
and flexible modeling of complex processes.
Research regarding the integration of ontologies
in business process modeling has different aspects.
Some studies use ontologies to define notations of
business process modeling languages (Jenz, 2003)
(Di Francescomarino et al., 2009). Koschmider and
Oberweis (Koschmider and Oberweis, 2005) define
ontologies of Petri nets for business process model-
ing and automation. Additionally, BPMN Ontology
ager, 2011) and BBO (Annane et al., 2019)
aim to formulize BPMN concepts in ontologies to
support semantic understanding and interoperability.
In addition, some research has been carried out on the
development of general business process ontologies
such as (Pedrinaci et al., 2008), and PSL (Schlenoff
et al., 2000) which provide the primitive concepts that
are adequate for describing basic business processes.
Furthermore, significant efforts exist to stan-
dardize ontologies for specific business processes
across industries. For instance, Industrial Ontologies
Foundry (IOF) provides ontologies and data mod-
els to improve interoperability among manufactur-
ing systems (Drobnjakovic et al., 2022). The Supply
Chain Reference Ontology (SCRO) (Wallace, 2021),
and Supply Chain ONTology (SCONTO) (Vegetti
et al., 2021) focuses on supply chain processes, pro-
viding a detailed representation to improve supply
chain management and optimization. These ontolo-
gies provide structured representations of both gen-
eral and domain-specific processes.
On the other hand, the handicraft domain en-
compasses a rich tapestry of traditional skills and
techniques, representing a significant sector in many
economies, particularly in developing countries.
Leveraging Ontologies for Handicraft Business Process Modeling: Application for the Pastry-Making Domain
Many ontologies have been proposed in the handicraft
domain such as Ifugao Weaving Ontology (IWO)
(Villafranca et al., 2022), Terengganu brassware on-
tology (Isa et al., 2020), and Tujia brocade ontology
(Zhao et al., 2017). These studies focus on preserv-
ing the cultural heritage and serving as a model for
designing knowledge bases.
Moreover, in the culinary domain defined as a
subset of the handicraft domain, several ontologies
have been proposed. For instance, FoodOn ontol-
ogy (Dooley et al., 2018) provides semantics for a
variety of food-related topics, including food produc-
tion, culinary and chemical ingredients, and process-
ing. While authors in (Markantonatou et al., 2021)
modeled the domains of dishes appearing in various
diverse menus. Additionally, numerous notable ex-
amples of cooking recipe ontologies exist. Villarias
(Villarias, 2004) developed an ontology for cooking
recipes intended for use with a semantic web querying
system, and Batista (Batista et al., 2006) created and
implemented an ontology for the cooking domain, en-
compassing concepts like actions, food, recipes, and
utensils. Moreover, authors in (Sam et al., 2014) in-
troduced an ontology for culinary processes defined
in recipes. Since there is no consensus on a standard
ontology for modeling handicraft business processes,
this study aims to contribute to this area by focusing
on the domain of pastry-making.
This research work is based on a research project that
explores how women involved in handicrafts in the
Maghreb region utilize modern technologies to en-
hance their creativity and business ventures. This
study aims to introduce a customized framework uti-
lizing ontology, which supports tailored training and
organizational solutions for women in the handicraft
industry. Modeling the handicraft business process
within this framework offers several benefits. It en-
ables a structured representation of production meth-
ods, materials, and artisan techniques. Addition-
ally, the ontology facilitates knowledge capture and
transfer within the community, preserving traditional
craftsmanship while integrating modern techniques.
Moreover, by modeling the business process, the
framework can identify areas for innovation, skill
development, and business expansion, empowering
women artisans to thrive in a competitive market land-
This paper focuses on the pastry-making domain
as a handicraft business process, where a recipe is
Figure 1: TastAtlas website Food ranking.
Figure 2: The Ontology building process.
organized into phases of the cooking process, each
phase consisting of a sequence of ordered tasks. Each
task includes an action and details about the necessary
and resulting ingredients, along with the duration of
each step. Furthermore, recipes are classified and in-
clude lists of ingredients and required utensils. Given
the rich cultural heritage and regional significance of
traditional pastries, it is important to select a represen-
tative and notable example. The choice of modeling
the Algerian Makrout Louz recipe is significant, as it
is ranked in the top three according to the TasteAt-
website (Figure 1), highlighting its cultural and
culinary importance in the Maghreb region.
Ontology construction in this paper involved two
main stages: knowledge acquisition and ontology
construction as depicted in Figure 2.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.1 Knowledge Acquisition
During the knowledge acquisition phase, crucial in-
formation for developing the ontology was collected
from various reliable sources, including recent liter-
ature and guidelines, as well as interviews with 77
women engaged in handicrafts from different back-
grounds coming from both rural and urban areas.
These interviews concentrate primarily on gathering
socio-demographic information, understanding the
nature of craft production, detailing the production
process, identifying the tools used for coordination
and communication, and uncovering implicit needs.
3.2 Ontology Construction
Different research groups have pursued a variety of
approaches to facilitate the process of ontology en-
gineering in the realm of ontology design, leading
to the proposal of several different methodologies
opez et al., 1997) (De Nicola et al.,
2009)(Staab et al., 2001), each of which is based on
the following steps:
3.2.1 Specification Phase
This phase states the scope and the purpose of build-
ing the ontology. The main objective of the pro-
posed ontology is to capture the essential elements
within a generic business process, with a particular
focus on the production of handicraft items. Within
this generic framework, a specialized ontology for the
pastry-making business process, specifically focusing
on the Algerian Makrout Louz recipe, is integrated to
address the detailed nuances of this domain.
3.2.2 Conceptualization
Conceptualization is the process of abstracting and
organizing the key concepts and relationships within
the domain into a coherent ontology. In this phase,
the core elements relevant to the business process are
identified and defined, such as materials, tools, arti-
sans, production steps, and skills. Pastry-making pro-
cesses, such as the Makrout-making process, must in-
dicate ingredients, equipment, and steps.
3.2.3 Formalization
This phase consists of transforming the outcome of
the previous action into a formalized model using an
appropriate ontology language. Various formalism
approaches are available for this purpose, including
(Resource Description Framework), which al-
lows for the representation of information about re-
sources on the web, and SKOS
(Simple Knowl-
edge Organization System), which is used for link-
ing, merging, and enriching knowledge organization
systems. Each of these formalisms provides different
levels of expressiveness and flexibility to cater to a
variety of modeling needs.
In this study, we use OWL
(Web Ontology Lan-
guage), which is widely accepted as one of the most
utilized ontology languages. OWL offers a structured
way to represent knowledge and define relationships
between entities, making it a robust choice for devel-
oping comprehensive and interoperable ontologies.
3.2.4 Implementation
The implementation phase of ontology development
requires an appropriate tool that facilitates ontology
modeling, editing, visualization, and reasoning. The
framework is used in this paper since it pro-
vides a comprehensive set of features and functional-
ities that assist in developing and managing ontolo-
3.2.5 Validation
The validation of an ontology ensures its correctness,
completeness, and compliance with its design. This
is achieved by testing the ontology against predefined
criteria to detect any inconsistencies, or errors that re-
quire correction.
4.1 The Upper Ontology
The generic ontology illustrated in Figure 3 is an
upper-level ontology that captures the fundamental
entities for describing a handicraft business process.
The proposed ontology focuses on the generic pro-
duction process for the handicraft product.
4.2 The Ingredient Sub-Ontology
This sub-ontology is a specialized branch of the in-
gredient ontology focused specifically on substances
used in pastry making. It categorizes ingredients com-
monly found in pastry recipes such as flour, sugar,
butter, eggs, and various flavorings like vanilla extract
Leveraging Ontologies for Handicraft Business Process Modeling: Application for the Pastry-Making Domain
Figure 3: The Handicraft Business Process Ontology.
Figure 4: The ingredient Ontology.
Figure 5: The Utensil Ontology.
or cocoa powder. Each ingredient is defined as an en-
tity with properties describing its characteristics (Fig-
ure 4).
4.3 The Utensil Sub-Ontology
The Utensil sub-ontology shown in Figure 5 describes
all kitchen tools and equipment necessary for prepar-
ing recipes. It encompasses a range of utensils such as
knives, pans, mixing bowls, and specialized tools like
blenders or pastry brushes. Each utensil is defined
as an entity within the ontology, with properties de-
scribing its material composition, size, capacity, and
specific uses.
4.4 The Recipe Instruction
This recipe instruction sub-ontology depicted in Fig-
ure 6 represents the steps required in preparing a
pastry recipe specifically organized into two major
classes: phases and steps. Phases represent broader
stages like preparation or baking, while steps are the
individual actions within each phase. It specifies at-
tributes like duration and temperature and indicates
the order of steps.
Figure 6: The Recipe instructions Ontology.
4.5 The Pastry-Making Sub-Ontology
This sub-ontology provides a detailed representation
of the Makrout Louz recipe instantiation depicted in
Figure 7.
The validation stage in the ontology development pro-
cess is vital for ensuring the ontology’s quality, accu-
racy, and reliability. This step involves various tests
and evaluations to assess the ontology against prede-
fined criteria and requirements. This paper focuses on
two key validation strategies: consistency checking
and rule-based reasoning. These methods help verify
that the ontology functions correctly and meets the in-
tended standards.
5.1 Consistency Checking
As part of this strategy, consistency checking is con-
ducted to verify the logical coherence of the ontology.
It involves examining the defined axioms to ensure
there are no contradictory or inconsistent elements in
the ontology’s logic. For this purpose, the Pellet rea-
soner is used (Sirin et al., 2007) as seen in Figure
8. The figure indicates that no inconsistencies were
found when the reasoner was applied, confirming the
logical coherence of the ontology. The figure also
provides a breakdown of the ontology’s components,
including the number of axioms, classes, object prop-
erties, data properties, and individuals.
5.2 Rule-Based Reasoning
In rule-based reasoning, a set of predefined rules is
used as a basis for drawing conclusions from facts or
assertions. It works by applying a set of predefined
rules, often expressed as ”if-then” statements, to ana-
lyze information and derive new insights. The Seman-
tic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
is a crucial formal-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 7: Excerpt of the Makrout Louz Recipe Ontology.
Figure 8: Consistency checking and ontology metrics.
ism for expressing knowledge through rules. SWRL
is employed to define inference rules within knowl-
edge models represented in OWL in a semantically
consistent manner (Ye et al., 2015). In this study, the
ontology model has been enhanced with a set of rules,
as shown in Figure 9.
These rules are used to draw additional conclu-
sions, as shown in Figure 10, which depicts the order
of steps. They also answer specific competency ques-
tions, such as: What ingredients are needed for this
recipe? What are the sequential phases involved in the
preparation of Makrout El Louz Recipe? What is the
sequence of steps for preparing the dough? To illus-
trate and answer these competency questions, we used
the SNAP SPARQL Query plugin in Prot
e (Hor-
ridge and Musen, 2016). The results are depicted in
Figures 11, 12, and 13, respectively.
This paper proposes a handicraft business process on-
tology, focusing specifically on the Algerian Makrout
Louz recipe from the pastry-making domain. This
ontology structures and represents all of the intrica-
cies issued from the Makrout Louz recipe, from its
ingredients and utensils to the step-by-step process.
As future works, there is an evident opportunity for
the extension of this ontology to cover a wider va-
riety of recipes and integrate with other handicraft
domains. Moreover, it could also integrate with the
sociocultural context ontology to provide a ground-
ing able to represent more comprehensively the cul-
tural and social dimensions in the handicraft produc-
tion process. It could be an ontology that would serve
many applications, from recipe recommender systems
to cultural-heritage-related use cases.
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Leveraging Ontologies for Handicraft Business Process Modeling: Application for the Pastry-Making Domain