Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to
Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry
Through Machine Learning
Juan Ibujés-Villacís
Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Keywords: Business Management, Efficiency, Knowledge Management, Manufacturing Industry, Machine Learning.
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has been instrumental for organizations to improve their efficiency. The
objective of this research is to determine the contribution of knowledge management (KM) to manufacturing
industry efficiency, using machine learning models to predict the relevant KM factors that should be taken
into account to improve efficiency. Given the quantitative nature of the research, in the first phase, data on
variables associated with KM factors and efficiency were collected and processed. In the second phase, four
supervised machine learning models were developed to predict which manufacturing companies are efficient
in their production process based on a set of KM factors. The study was based on information from 142
manufacturing companies in the province of Pichincha, Ecuador. The results show that the relevant KM
factors that contribute to business efficiency are policies and strategies, organizational structure, technology,
incentive systems and organizational culture. This pioneering study in Ecuador allows predicting the relevant
KM factors that impact the efficiency of manufacturing firms. This article contributes to the field of
knowledge management and provides information on the KM factors that manufacturing firms should focus
on to achieve greater efficiency.
Enterprises are currently leveraging machine learning
(ML) technology to optimize various areas of
business management, such as analyzing purchase
history, personalizing product recommendations, and
predicting customer behaviors (Akerkar, 2019;
Hemachandran & Rodriguez, 2024). However, the
potential of ML is not limited to these applications; it
can also play a crucial role in strategic decision
making and improving operational efficiency.
Many companies in different economic sectors
have implemented artificial intelligence to increase
efficiency, improve their operations, and predict
future needs and behaviors in real time, allowing
them to offer better experiences to their customers
(Anshari et al., 2023; Pagani & Champion, 2024).
These technologies help companies optimize
resources and capabilities, contributing significantly
to their strategic objectives.
From a knowledge management (KM)
perspective, many companies develop strategies such
as knowledge exploitation, acquisition, sharing and
exploration to improve knowledge management
companies (Bolisani & Bratianu, 2018). However,
these strategies do not always translate into efficiency
gains, probably due to the lack of data for informed
decision making.
The purpose of this research is to design and
develop machine learning models that have an impact
on predictive analysis, identifying which
manufacturing companies are operationally efficient
based on practices associated with KM. This research
is pioneering in the Ecuadorian context, since there
are no studies in which machine learning is used to
predict business management results.
Methodologically, it has a quantitative approach
and a survey was used as a research technique, taking
142 manufacturing companies in Pichincha, Ecuador,
as a random sample. The survey collected data on
factors related to KM and efficiency based on
previous studies (Ibujés-Villacís & Franco-Crespo,
2022). With these data, several supervised machine
learning models were developed, including multiple
Ibujés-Villacís, J.
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012943500003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 48-59
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
linear regression, where KM factors were considered
as independent variables and efficiency factors as
dependent variables.
Knowledge management brings numerous
benefits to companies such as the optimization of
efforts and the improvement of operational
efficiency. It allows identifying and leveraging best
practices, as well as avoiding errors and rework
(Pagani & Champion, 2024). This study, by training
algorithms with data from medium-sized
manufacturing companies, contributes to identify the
factors of KM that are relevant to determine
efficiency in the Ecuadorian manufacturing industry.
Its results will enable companies to develop strategies
to optimize resources and capabilities in achieving
business objectives.
The paper begins with an overview of knowledge
management, organizational efficiency and machine
learning. Then, four multiple linear regression models
are presented to predict variables associated with
business efficiency from KM-related variables.
Through machine learning, algorithms are developed
to identify significant KM variables that impact
efficiency. Finally, results are discussed, conclusions,
limitations and possible directions for future studies
are presented.
2.1 Knowledge Management
Knowledge can be treated both as an object with
attributes and properties, and as a process involving a
set of cognitive activities performed by individuals or
organizations with the objective of creating or adding
value (Davenport & Prusak, 1998; Saulais & Ermine,
2019). In the organizational context, this value
manifests itself in various forms, such as the creation
of new business models, increased profitability,
improved organizational efficiency, innovations in
products and processes, and increased customer
satisfaction (Andreini & Bettinelli, 2017).
Knowledge management (KM) in organizations is
one of the most important collective capabilities, as it
is the key to professional growth and profitability
strength in the 21
century (Manning & Manning,
2020). In addition, it is fundamental to improve
efficiency and promote innovations in products and
processes (Newell, 2015).
According to North & Kumta (2018), KM is
oriented in two main directions, as shown in Figure 1.
The first, focused on the operational management of
symbols until knowledge becomes a competitive
advantage. The second, focused on strategic
knowledge management, which consists of
determining what type of knowledge, data or symbols
the organization needs to realize its strategies.
Figure 1: Knowledge management and competitiveness.
Note: Image adapted from Knowledge Management. Value
Creation Through Organizational Learning (p. 35), by
Klaus North and Gita Kumta, 2018, Springer.
Knowledge management is multidimensional. In
the static dimension, the organization focuses on
maintaining, replicating and exploiting available
knowledge as an internal capability of the
organization, leveraging internal human talent and
existing technological infrastructure (Endres, 2018;
Kaur, 2019). In the dynamic dimension, the
organization performs activities to acquire, convert
and apply externally generated knowledge.
In recent years, due to the vast amount of data
available and the development of computer science,
KM has gained renewed importance in organizations.
This resurgence has been driven by advances in
machine learning and artificial intelligence (Bhupathi
et al., 2023; Uden et al., 2014; Weber, 2023).
2.2 Efficiency in the Industry
Efficiency is a key indicator that reflects a company's
ability to operate economically. The key indicators of
efficiency focus on physical-technical performance
and costs (Zanda, 2018). Efficiency assesses whether
resources are being utilized to their maximum
productive capacity, i.e., whether productive factors
are being utilized at one hundred percent or whether
there is idle capacity (Cachanosky, 2012).
In the context of Ecuadorian industry, efficiency
has also been studied as an indicator of innovation
and its relationship with sustainable development
objectives (Ibujés-Villacís & Franco-Crespo, 2019,
2023a, 2023b). These studies highlight the
importance of efficiency not only from an economic
perspective, but also from a sustainability and
innovation approach.
Several corporate performance factors are
specifically related to efficiency, and the application
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning
of these factors depends on the context and careful
management of each one (Albornoz, 2009). In this
study, relevant factors were selected for medium-
sized manufacturing companies in Pichincha, based
on previous studies conducted in these companies
(Ibujés-Villacís & Franco-Crespo, 2022).
This research focuses on the impact of knowledge
management (KM) on the efficiency of
manufacturing companies. For this purpose, a set of
factors were considered associated with both
knowledge management and efficiency. The
objective is to determine how certain KM factors can
predict efficiency in these companies. By
understanding the relationship between KM and
efficiency, organizations can develop more effective
strategies to optimize their operations and improve
their overall performance.
2.3 Machine Learning
Machine learning, predictive modeling and artificial
intelligence are closely related terms (Shmueli et al.,
2023). This field of study endows computers with the
ability to learn without the need to be explicitly
programmed. In machine learning, a computer
program learns from experience with respect to a set
of tasks, progressively improving its performance as
it accumulates experience (Akerkar, 2019).
Machine learning generally begins with the
simplified representation of reality using a model
(Burger, 2018). Models are mathematical tools that
describe systems and capture relationships in the data
provided (Kuhn & Silge, 2022). Unlike dashboards,
which provide a static picture of the data, models
allow understanding and predicting future trends
(Burger, 2018).
There are several machine learning models, such
as regression, clustering and neural networks, all
based on algorithms. The three main types of models
are: regression models, classification models and
mixed models combining both approaches.
To meet the objective of this research, a
supervised learning algorithm will be used to model
the relationships between KM input variables and
efficiency output variables. Machine learning is
currently a fundamental tool for decision making in
business (Pagani & Champion, 2024; Weber, 2023).
In particular, this research will employ a multiple
linear regression model to determine the relationship
between a set of corporate efficiency variables
(dependent variables) and another set of knowledge
management variables (independent variables).
Machine learning requires training a model with a
data set, which represents a percentage of the total
available data. The training results are evaluated to
determine if the errors decrease and if the model fits
correctly. If errors persist, the model needs to be
modified and refined (Burger, 2018).
Training data are crucial for fitting machine
learning models and, in many cases, are used to
perform cross-validation during the training phase of
the model. This validation consists of splitting the
data into two subsets, one for training and one for
testing, which allows further refinement of the model
(Burger, 2018; Hastie et al., 2023).
This research is based on supervised machine
learning, since it is required to make predictions about
the efficiency of companies based on a data set that
relates two defined categories: KM and corporate
efficiency. These data were obtained through surveys
of manufacturing companies in Pichincha, Ecuador.
2.4 Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple linear regression (MLR) is a statistical
technique used to model the relationship between a
dependent variable and two or more independent
variables. MLR seeks to find the best line (or
hyperplane in higher dimensions) that fits the data
optimally. This involves determining the coefficients
that minimize the difference between the values
predicted by the model and the actual values observed
in the data set.
Mathematically, the multiple linear regression
model is expressed as equation 1:
Y is the dependent variable.
: independent variables.
: coefficients representing the slope
of each independent variable.
ϵ: is the error term, which captures the variation not
explained by the model.
MLR is especially useful for understanding how
multiple independent factors contribute to a particular
outcome. In this study, MLR is used to analyze and
predict the relationship between dependent variables
related to company efficiency and set of independent
variables related to knowledge management.
In the scope of this research, which focuses on
medium-sized manufacturing companies in
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Pichincha, Ecuador, the dependent variables are
related to corporate efficiency, as shown in Table 2.
The independent variables, on the other hand, are
related to knowledge management, as shown in Table
1. The use of the MLR allows us to identify which
factors of knowledge management have a significant
impact on the efficiency of these companies.
Figure 2 shows the complete process to achieve the
research objective, starting with the determination of
the sample and ending with the results obtained after
the application of machine learning.
Data collection
Data exploration
and preparation
Data modeling
and analysis
evaluation and
Results and
Figure 2: Process for data analysis.
3.1 Sample Determination
The scope of the study is companies in the
manufacturing sector in the province of Pichincha,
where Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is located. This
economic sector was chosen because of its significant
contribution to the country's economy, contributing
14.2% to Ecuador's total production (MIPRO, 2021).
The study population includes medium-sized
manufacturing companies that are active and have
been operating for at least five years. These
companies have between 50 and 199 employees,
annual revenues between US$1 million and US$5
million, and an asset value of less than US$4 million
(SUPERCIAS, 2021). As of November 2020,
medium-sized manufacturing companies in Pichincha
that had submitted their economic and financial
reports for 2019 totaled 338 (SUPERCIAS, 2020).
To determine the sample size, proportional
sampling was used for a finite population. The
sampling was probabilistic and with equal
probabilities. The selection of companies was done
by simple random sampling, without replacement, to
ensure the greatest representativeness of the sample
(Latpate et al., 2021; Lohr, 2019).
To obtain a representative (n) and adequate
sample of the population, equation 2 (Lohr, 2019; Ott
& Longnecker, 2016) was applied.
The parameters used to calculate the sample were:
N = 338 (study population), E = 10 % (sampling error
percentage), Z = 1.96 (95 % confidence level), p = 0.5
(probability of success) and q = 0.5 (probability of
failure). With these parameters it was determined that
n = 75 companies. The study was applied to 142
companies, exceeding the required sample size,
which reduced the sampling error to 6 % and
maintained the confidence level at 95 %.
3.2 Data Collection
Data collection was carried out by means of a survey
addressed to the top managers of the companies
included in the study sample. A closed-ended
questionnaire was used to evaluate 85 items
distributed in two main sections. The KM is
represented by 35 variables grouped into seven
factors, while the efficiency of the companies is
represented by four variables, as detailed in Tables 1
and 2.
This questionnaire was subjected to content
validation by experts, considering four categories:
coherence, relevance, clarity and sufficiency of the
questions. To ensure these qualities, a pilot test was
conducted with the participation of ten experts from
academia and industry. Based on the validation and
the comments received, the suggested improvements
were incorporated and the final version of the
questionnaire was prepared.
To respond to the questionnaire, company
managers were asked to rate each of the items using
the psychometric instrument called Likert scale
(Bertram, 2018). A 10-point scale was used, with 1
representing very low agreement and 10 representing
very high agreement with the argument presented in
each item.
The surveys were conducted using a Google form,
applied electronically from June to September 2021.
A total of 250 questionnaires were sent by e-mail to
the companies that were the subject of the study. Each
survey complied with ethical research standards:
informed consent, voluntary participation,
confidentiality and absence of physical or
psychological risk to participants.
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning
Table 1: Knowledge management factors and variables.
e mana
ement variables Notation
Policies and strate
ies (PS)
Policies for the acquisition and generation of
organizational knowledge.
Policies for the storage, sharing and use of
knowledge organizational.
Implementation of properly documented
rocedures and routines
Establishment of alliances with public and
rivate organizations.
Development of dynamic plans to overcome
internal and external
Permanent focus on continuous improvement. PS6
Systematic combination of existing and new
Organizational structure (OS)
Internal organizational structures dedicated to
research and develo
Regulations established for the access and use
of knowled
Agility in the processes to access
organizational knowledge.
Facilities for the horizontal flow of knowledge
within the organization.
Facilities for the vertical flow of knowledge
within the or
Use of technology for the methodical storage
of knowled
Use of information systems for accessing,
sharing and utilizing the organizational
Application of ICT for access, exchange and
use of knowled
Utilization of corporate social networks for
collaboration and knowledge of the
Persons (PP)
Years of employee experience. PP1
Employees' level of education. PP2
Age of employees. PP3
n lan
of em
ees. PP4
Gender diversit
ees. PP5
Incentive s
stems (IS)
Economic incentives for generating, sharing
and usin
Training offered as an incentive for
generating, sharing and using the knowledge.
Days off granted as an incentive for
generating, sharing, and using the knowledge.
Public recognition as an incentive for
generating, sharing and utilizing the
Organizational culture (OC)
ortance of
ersonal values. OC1
Positive attitude towards work. OC2
Respect for the company's principles and
lication of best
ractices. OC4
Staff em
owerment for decision makin
. OC5
Creation of a collaborative and synergistic
work environment.
Communication (CM)
Formal communication in the work
Informal communication in the work
Effective communication with all hierarchical
Fluent communication in physical and virtual
Note: ICT: Information and communication technologies.
Table 2: Efficiency variables.
Efficiency variables Notation
roduction and marketin
costs. CS1
lication of best
ractices. CS2
roduct deliver
time. CS3
Increased benefit/cost ratio. CS4
3.3 Data Exploration and Preparation
Exploratory data analysis is a crucial phase in the
modeling process in machine learning, as it provides
valuable information about the nature and quality of
the data (Costa-Climent et al., 2023). This phase is
essential because its results can influence the
decisions made during the modeling process and
improve the effectiveness and interpretation of the
resulting models. In this research, the variables used
in supervised learning correspond to KM factors and
efficiency factors. In all cases, the variables are
The algorithm chosen to relate the KM variables
(inputs) to the efficiency variables (output) was
multiple linear regression. Since the responses to each
question range from 1 to 10, no outliers were found.
Therefore, no histograms, boxplots or scatter plots
were performed to visualize the distribution of the
data and detect possible outliers.
The relationships between each of the variables
that make up the seven KM factors were explored to
detect multicollinearity of the independent variables.
Multicollinearity occurs when two or more
independent variables in a model are highly
correlated with each other (Lantz, 2023). The
presence of multicollinearity can cause several
problems in regression analysis, including instability
in coefficient estimation, increased coefficient
variance, and unreliable coefficients.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
The correlation between the independent
variables made it possible to eliminate those with a
correlation coefficient greater than 0.7. These ten
variables were: PS1, PS6, OS3, TG1, TG2, OC2,
OC3, OC4, OC6, CM4; thus leaving 25 variables
corresponding to the KM for the analysis.
3.4 Data Modeling and Analysis
The approach chosen for the model in this research is
supervised machine learning. Supervised models are
those in which a machine learning model is trained
and fit with labeled data, i.e., known quantities
(Burger, 2018).
To evaluate the impact of KM on manufacturing
efficiency, a multiple linear regression model was
chosen. This model was selected for several reasons.
First, due to the nature of the data, since all variables
are quantitative. Second, the amount of data available
facilitates the application of the proposed model. The
model is represented by equation 3.
+𝜀 =𝛽
The impact of the KM factors on four variables
related to efficiency was evaluated. For this reason,
four multiple linear regression models were
developed and are described in Table 3.
Table 3: Multiple linear regression models.
Model Y X
1 Y1= CS1
PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS7
OS1, OS2, OS4, OS5
TG3, TG4
PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4, PP5
IS1, IS2, IS3, IS4
OC1, OC5
CM1, CM2, CM3
2 Y2= CS2
3 Y3= CS3
4 Y4= CS4
3.5 Training, Validation, Evaluation
and Adjustment
The database used contains 142 records and 31
variables, of which 25 are associated with KM and
four with efficiency. All variables are quantitative. To
evaluate the performance of the predictive model, the
data were divided into two subsets: training data (80
%) and test data (20 %).
Cross-validation is a technique used in machine
learning and statistics to evaluate the performance of
a predictive model. It consists of dividing the data set
into multiple training and test subsets, training and
evaluating the model on different combinations of
these subsets (Boehmke & Greenwell, 2020). In this
study, the K-fold technique with ten divisions (folds)
was used. This subdivision allowed obtaining more
stable estimates of the model performance, providing
a more robust evaluation by averaging the results
across the different data splits.
A recipe was used to define a set of preprocessing
steps that were applied to the data sets prior to
modeling. This recipe served as a template for data
preprocessing. Next, a workflow was created to
model the MLR, integrating the MLR model and the
preprocessing steps defined in the recipe, allowing to
train and evaluate the model in an integrated and
consistent way.
Model validation was performed using the root
mean squared error (RMSE) value, which measures
the level of dispersion of the residual values and
calculates the square root of the mean value of the
squared difference between the actual and predicted
value for all data points. The RMSE is calculated as
the square root of the mean of the squared errors
between the model predictions and the actual values
in the test set (Kuhn & Silge, 2022).
The RMSE formula is given in equation 4.
Where n is the number of observations in the test
are the actual values of the dependent variable
are the model predictions for the dependent
variable. A model performs well the lower the RMSE
value and the closer this value resembles the value
obtained between the training and test data (Kuhn &
Silge, 2022). Both modeling and data analysis were
performed using the RStudio programming language.
4.1 Relationship Between KM and
Reduction of Production and
Marketing Costs
The relationship between KM and cost reduction was
evaluated using a multiple linear regression model
CS1 = f (X)+ℇ. Table 4 shows that three KM variables
belonging to the factors of organizational structure,
incentive system and communication are significant
and have a direct relationship with cost reduction.
These results indicate that the model is viable.
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning
Table 4: KM variables that impact cost reduction.
KM variable Coefficient Pr(>|t|)
OS4 0.281 0.022
IS1 0.241 0.026
CM2 0.261 0.008
= 0.575, F = 4.61, p-value model = 6.1e-08
OS4: Facilities for the horizontal flow of knowledge within
the organization, IS1: Economic incentives for generating,
sharing and using knowledge, CM2: Informal
communication in the work environment. Pr(>|t|):
Significance statistic of variable X, R
: Coefficient of
determination, F: Model relationship assessment statistic, p:
Significance statistic of the results.
The statistical results of the model indicate that it
is significant and viable as a whole. The model is
represented by the following function: CS1= 0.28
OS4 + 0.24 IS1 + 0.26 CM2.
The RMSE of the best model with the training
data is 2.79, a value similar to that obtained with the
test data, which is a positive sign that the model is
robust and has good generalizability. Table 5 reviews
the statistical assumptions of the model, while Figure
3 shows these results graphically.
Table 5: Statistical assumptions.
Supposed Value
of waste
p = 0.681
p = 0.243
p = 0.001
Multicollinearity All variables
Note: Statistics obtained from RSudio.
Figure 3: Graphs of statistical assumptions.
Note: Image obtained from RSudio.
4.2 Relationship Between KM and the
application of best practices
The relationship between KM and the application of
best practices is evaluated using the multiple
regression model CS2 = f (X)+ℇ. Table 6 shows that
six knowledge management variables belonging to
factors such as technology, incentive system,
organizational culture and communication are
significant, and have a direct relationship with the
application of best practices. These results indicate
that the model is viable.
Table 6: KM variables impacting the application of best
KM variable Coefficient Pr(>|t|)
Intercept -1.643 0.039
TG3 0.284 0.017
TG4 0.183 0.025
IS1 0.214 0.011
OC5 0.309 0.006
CM2 0.244 0.001
CM3 0.393 0.000
= 0.728, F = 9.3, p-value model = 1.75e-15
TG3: Application of ICT for access, sharing and use of
knowledge, TG4: Use of corporate social networks for
collaboration and leveraging knowledge of the
environment, IS1: Economic incentives for generating,
sharing and using knowledge, OC5: Empowerment of staff
for decision making, CM2: Informal communication in the
work environment, CM3: Effective communication with all
hierarchical levels, Pr(>|t|): Significance statistic of the
variable X, R
: Coefficient of determination, F: Model
relationship evaluation statistic, p: Significance statistic of
the results.
The statistical results of the model indicate that it
is significant and viable as a whole. The model is
represented by the function: CS2 = -1.64306 + 0.28
TG3 + 0.18 TG4 + 0.21 IS1 + 0.31 OC5 + 0.24 CM2
+ 0.39 CM3.
The RMSE of the best model with the training
data is 2.25, a value similar to that obtained with the
test data. This coincidence is a positive sign that the
model is robust and has good generalizability. Table
7 shows the statistical assumptions of the model,
while Figure 4 shows these results graphically.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 7: Statistical assumptions.
osed Value obtained Evaluation
of waste
p = 0.433 Ok
= 0.405 O
p = 0.002 Warning
Multicollinearity All variables <5 Low
Outliers None O
Note: Statistics obtained from RSudio.
Figure 4: Graphs of statistical assumptions.
Note: Image obtained from RSudio.
4.3 Relationship Between KM and
Reduction of Product Lead Time
The relationship between KM and product lead time
reduction is evaluated using the multiple regression
model CS3 = f (X)+. Table 8 shows that four KM
variables belonging to the factors: organizational
structure, organizational culture and communication
are significant and have a direct relationship with the
reduction of product lead time. Additionally, one
variable belonging to the policies and strategies
category is shown to have a significant and indirect
relationship. The results indicate that the model is
Table 8: KM variables impacting product lead time
KM variable Coefficient Pr(>|t|)
PS2 -0.378 0.003
OS4 0.223 0.046
OC1 0.234 0.049
CM1 0.314 0.006
CM2 0.309 0.000
= 0.677, F = 7.11, p-value model = 3.46e-12
PS2: Policies for the storage, sharing and use of
organizational knowledge, OS4: Facilities for the
horizontal flow of knowledge within the organization, OC1:
Importance of personal values, CM1: Formal
communication in the work environment, CM2: Informal
communication in the work environment, Pr(>|t|):
Significance statistic of variable X, R
: Coefficient of
determination, F: Model relationship evaluation statistic, p:
Significance statistic of the results.
The statistical results of the model indicate that it
is significant and viable as a whole. The model is
represented by the function: CS3 = -0.38 PS2 + 0.22
OS4 + 0.23 OC1 + 0.31 CM1 + 0.31 CM2.
The RMSE of the best model with the training
data is 2.93, a value similar to that obtained with the
test data. This coincidence is a positive sign that the
model is robust and has good generalizability. Table
9 reviews the statistical assumptions of the model,
while Figure 5 shows these results graphically.
Table 9: Statistical assumptions.
osed Value obtained Evaluation
of waste
p = 0.386
= 0.134
p = 0.001
Multicollinearity All variables <5 Low
Outliers None O
Note: Statistics obtained from RSudio.
Figure 5: Analysis of statistical assumptions.
Note: Image obtained from RSudio.
4.4 Relationship Between KM and
Increase in Benefit/Cost Ratio
The relationship between KM and the increase in the
benefit/cost ratio is evaluated using the multiple
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning
regression model CS4 = f (X)+ℇ. Table 10 shows that
two KM variables belonging to the factors: persons
and communication are significant and have a
significant and direct relationship with the increase in
the benefit/cost ratio. Additionally, it is shown that
one variable belonging to the policies and strategies
category has a significant and indirect relationship.
These results indicate that the model is viable.
Table 10: KM variables that have an impact on the increase
in benefit/cost ratio.
KM variable Coefficient Pr(>|t|)
PS2 -0.305 0.038
PP5 0.171 0.040
CM2 0.229 0.009
= 0.548, F = 4.18, p-value model = 3.76e-12
PS2: Policies for the storage, sharing and use of
organizational knowledge, PP5: Development of dynamic
plans to overcome internal and external barriers, CM2:
Informal communication in the work environment, Pr(>|t|):
Significance statistic of variable X, R
: Coefficient of
determination, F: Model relationship evaluation statistic, p:
Significance statistic of the results.
The statistical results of the model indicate that it
is significant and viable as a whole. The model is
represented by the function: CS4 = -0.31 PS2 + 0.17
PP5 + 0.23 CM2. The RMSE of the best model with
the training data is 2.49, a value similar to that
obtained with the test data. This coincidence is a
positive sign that the model is robust and has good
generalizability. Table 11 reviews the statistical
assumptions of the model, while Figure 6 shows these
results graphically.
Table 11: Statistical assumptions.
Supposed Value obtained Evaluation
Normality of waste
p = 0.001
p = 0.943
p = 0.001
Multicollinearity All variables <5
Outliers None OK
Note: Statistics obtained from RSudio.
Figure 6: Analysis of statistical assumptions.
Note: Image obtained from RSudio.
Through the machine learning developed in this
research, it has been shown that the presence of
certain KM variables in business organizations can
predict efficiency in operational management.
Multiple linear regression was used to describe the
relationship between a target variable and a set of
explanatory characteristics, and to use this
relationship to predict the value of the target variable.
Evaluating the relationship between KM and the
reduction of production and marketing costs, the
MLR model showed that facilities for the horizontal
flow of knowledge within the organization, economic
incentives for generating, sharing and using
knowledge, and informal communication in the work
environment have a positive and significant impact on
cost reduction in manufacturing companies.
Regarding the relationship between KM and the
use of best practices, the results show that the
application of ICT, the use of social networks,
economic incentives to personnel, the empowerment
of personnel in decision making, and effective and
informal communication at all hierarchical levels
have a positive impact on the use of good practices in
the industrial sector.
Evaluating the relationship of KM with product
lead time reduction, it was shown that the level of
employee education, facilities for horizontal
knowledge flow within the organization, the
importance of personal values, and formal and
informal communication have an impact on the
optimization of product lead time.
Regarding the relationship between KM and the
increase in the benefit/cost ratio, it was shown that the
level of employee education, the development of
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
dynamic plans to overcome internal and external
barriers, and informal communication in the work
environment have a direct impact on this relationship
in manufacturing companies.
Table 12 shows that of the 35 KM variables
distributed in seven factors, 11 variables have a
significant impact on the efficiency of manufacturing
companies. In addition, the number of times these
variables appear in the models is shown. The KM
factor that contributes most to efficiency is
communication, followed by policies and strategies,
organizational structure, technology, incentive
systems, and organizational culture. The factor that
does not yet contribute substantially to KM is
The results obtained with each of the models are
consistent with the assertion that KM directly leads to
a reduction in operating costs (Piening & Salge, 2015)
and contributes to the development of innovations
(OECD & Eurostat, 2018). In addition, KM provide
more efficient and effective management of
companies, allowing informed decisions to be made
to meet customer needs by analyzing large data sets
(Hemachandran & Rodriguez, 2024).
Table 12: KM factors impacting efficiency.
Factors Significant
Policies an
ies PS2 2
anizational structure OS4 2
Technology TG3 1
TG4 1
Persons PP5 1
Incentive s
IS1 2
OC1 1
OC5 1
Communication CM1 1
CM2 3
CM3 1
Notes: n: Number of times the variables are present in the
models studied.
5.1 Theoretical Implications
Among the theoretical implications of this research, it
was determined that there are key factors related to
KM that impact the efficiency of companies. Of the
35 initial variables, 11 were found to be the most
influential on the efficiency of manufacturing
companies. This shows that the efficiency of
companies depends on a set of variables related to the
broad concept of knowledge management.
In the manufacturing industry it has been
concluded that all factors associated with KM should
be taken into account.
However, there are factors such as
communication, policies and strategies,
organizational structure, technology, personnel
incentives and organizational culture that are relevant
in predicting the efficiency of companies.
5.2 Practical Implications
The main practical contribution of this research lies
in the identification of the relevant factors of KM that
impact the efficiency of manufacturing companies.
This allows strategic decisions focused on cost
optimization, the application of best practices, the
reduction of product delivery time, and the
benefit/cost ratio.
By identifying these factors, companies can make
informed decisions in real time to focus on efficient
industrial processes by intervening in specific KM
variables. Learning from existing data will enable
companies to design solutions based on solid
information, aimed at solving efficiency problems.
In addition, these informed decisions will enable
Design effective policies and strategies.
Invest in appropriate technology.
To optimally manage its human talent.
Create motivating incentive policies.
Establish beneficial strategic alliances.
Modify its organizational structure to
improve efficiency.
These substantial components of KM, discussed
in this study, provide a practical framework for
manufacturing companies to improve their
operational efficiency and competitiveness in the
The purpose of this study was to design and develop
a series of machine learning models for predictive
analysis of the identification of operationally efficient
industries from the application of practices associated
with knowledge management. Multiple linear
regression models were used to demonstrate the
impact of KM in predicting company efficiency.
In each model the independent variables represented
the KM, and the dependent variables represented the
operating efficiency of the companies. After
eliminating correlated variables, 25 variables
associated with KM factors were used: policies and
strategies, organizational structure, technology,
persons, incentive system, organizational culture and
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning
communication. The variables related to efficiency
included cost reduction, application of best practices,
reduction of delivery time, and increase in the
benefit/cost ratio.
Four models were developed and 11 KM variables
were found to significantly impact the efficiency of
manufacturing companies. The KM factors that
contribute most to efficiency are policies and
strategies, organizational structure, technology,
incentive systems, and organizational culture.
Consequently, it has been shown that the application
of certain KM factors in organizations can predict
their efficiency and improve organizational
performance. These findings underscore the
importance of KM as a strategic tool for improving
operational efficiency in manufacturing companies,
providing a practical framework for informed
decision making and the implementation of effective
business practices.
6.1 Limitations and Future Studies
One of the limitations of this study is that knowledge
management is a relatively new topic for the
management of Ecuadorian business organizations.
To mitigate this limitation, the surveys included
sufficient introductory information to facilitate
respondents understanding and response to the
The results of this research highlight the relevance
of KM in various aspects of business management
and provide a solid foundation for future research. It
is recommended that further studies explore the
impact of KM in areas such as the use of new
technologies, innovation, resilience, and business
sustainability, among others. These studies could
delve deeper into how KM can contribute more
comprehensively to improving the efficiency and
performance of manufacturing firms in Ecuador.
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