dicates that it has overfitted to the simulated environ-
The results show that an RL based agent is capable of
planning a headland turn and controlling the vehicle
to follow it. The final policy can easily be executed
in under 100ms, meaning that the approach is viable
for running in real time. However, the stability of the
training is still somewhat lacking. While we are able
to find a great policy even with the instability, improv-
ing on this would be desirable to speed up training and
allow for more difficult problems.
Since this paper is intended as a proof-of-concept,
no in-depth comparison to other headland turning al-
gorithms is made. This should be an important com-
ponent for future research into the area.
It is also clear that this implementation does not
use many of the theoretical advantages of RL. Re-
search that focuses on using more complex vehicle
models and optimization goals could greatly benefit
from those strengths.
For the real world application, more techniques to
improve the sim-to-real transfer could be applied. The
results could likely be improved significantly, if the
policy was forced to achieve better generalization.
We would like to thank Michael Maier and Ruben
Hefele for their help with implementing and testing
the policy on the real tractor. We are also very great-
ful for Henri Hornburg’s input on possible algorithms
for the expert knowledge generation.
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Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Headland Turns