simple text features. Additionally, personalization
improves open rates (Sahni et al., 2016), a finding
corroborated by this research, which identifies the
Sender Open Rate as a pivotal predictor. Moreover,
this work extends prevous work (Balakrishnan and
Parekh, 2014) by integrating sophisticated machine
learning techniques like CatBoost with operational
features and PCA, thereby achieving improved pre-
dictive accuracy. Also, this paper confirms the utility
of deep learning and embeddings (Joshi and Banerjee,
2023), and expands upon by illustrating that combin-
ing these embeddings with operational features effec-
tively boosts model performance.
Future research should focus on enhancing the
model’s capability to handle extreme open rates, pos-
sibly through the use of more detailed datasets and
advanced nonlinear modeling techniques. Exploring
Large Language Models (LLMs) to refine text em-
beddings and their direct integration into regression
tasks could markedly improve prediction accuracy
and adaptability.
Optimizing this model could facilitate real-time
adjustments based on campaign feedback, reducing
reliance on traditional A/B testing, which is often
time-intensive and costly. Such an approach enables
highly personalized strategies that respond dynam-
ically to individual recipient behaviors, optimizing
ROI by enhancing the precision and effectiveness of
email marketing campaigns. By merging cutting-edge
machine learning technologies with email analytics,
this methodology adapts to the evolving dynamics of
consumer interactions in the digital era, offering sig-
nificant enhancements over traditional methods.
Ultimately, this article bridges the gap between
theoretical machine learning techniques and their
practical application in marketing, providing a com-
prehensive methodology for enhancing email cam-
paign strategies through data-driven insights, thus
contributing to a more strategic and economically ef-
ficient approach to digital marketing.
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88887.842889/2023-00 – PUC/MG, Grant PDPG
88887.708960/2022-00 – PUC/MG - Inform
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