Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
Daniel Vitor de Oliveira Santos
and Wladmir Cardoso Brand
Institute of Exact Sciences and Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais,
Dom Jos
e Gaspar Street, 500, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Predictive Analytics, Email Marketing, Campaign Optimization, Text Mining, Machine Learning.
The burgeoning daily volume of emails has metamorphosed user inboxes into a battleground where marketers
vie for attention. This paper investigates the pivotal role of email subject lines in influencing open rates,
a critical metric in email marketing effectiveness. We employ text mining and advanced machine learning
methodologies to predict email open rates, utilizing subject lines and sender information. Our comparative
analysis spans eight regression models, leveraging diverse strategies such as morphological text attributes, op-
erational business factors, and semantic embeddings derived from TF-IDF, Word2Vec, and OpenAI’s language
models. The dataset comprises historical email campaign data, enabling the development and validation of
our predictive models. Notably, the CatBoost model, augmented with operational features and dimensionally
reduced embeddings, demonstrates superior performance, achieving a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of
5.16, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 3.60, a Coefficient of Determination (R
) of 77.53%, and Mean Absolute
Percentage Error (MAPE) of 14.73%. These results provide actionable insights for improving subject lines
and email marketing strategies, offering practical tools for practitioners and researchers.
The digital revolution has significantly transformed
personal and professional communication. Among
the various digital communication tools, email stands
out as one of the most powerful and effective, par-
ticularly in marketing. The number of email users
worldwide is approximately 4.3 billion in 2023 and
is expected to exceed 4.8 billion by 2027 (The Radi-
cati Group, 2023). Additionally, the total number of
business and consumer emails sent and received daily
surpassed 347 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow
to over 408 billion by the end of 2027.
Email marketing plays a crucial role in acquiring
new customers and retaining existing ones, standing
out in a digital environment saturated with informa-
tion. The effectiveness of email campaigns largely
depends on the subject lines, which are among the
first elements seen by recipients. Well-crafted subject
lines, including personalization, emotional triggers
and conciseness, can significantly increase open rates
compared to generic subject lines (Stupar-Rutenfrans
et al., 2019). However, many companies still rely
on intuition rather than a systematic, data-driven ap-
proach to crafting these crucial elements.
The high return on investment (ROI) of $40 for
every dollar spent on email marketing reported by
sources, such as Omnisend’s 2022 data report, under-
scores the importance of optimizing every aspect of
email campaigns, particularly the subject lines. This
high ROI is attributable to the direct and personal-
ized nature of email communication, which strength-
ens customer engagement and loyalty. Nevertheless,
achieving such outcomes is heavily dependent on the
effectiveness of the subject lines, as they significantly
impact open rates and engagement (Advisor, 2024).
Despite its effectiveness, creating effective subject
lines is fraught with challenges, primarily due to the
heavy reliance on A/B testing. This method involves
sending different versions of an email to a sample
audience to determine which one yields higher open
rates and engagement metrics. This approach is time-
consuming, costly and fails to keep pace with the dy-
namic nature of consumer behavior, often requiring
constant iteration and testing. Such methods can de-
lay campaign launches and escalate operational costs,
highlighting the need for more efficient strategies.
This paper addresses these challenges by propos-
ing an analytical approach to deepen understanding
the relationship between email subject lines and open
rates. By leveraging comprehensive datasets from
Santos, D. and Brandão, W.
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender.
DOI: 10.5220/0012945700003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 59-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
previous email campaigns and employing advanced
text mining and machine learning techniques, this re-
search aims to develop predictive models to evalu-
ate and maximize subject lines’ effectiveness. These
models are expected to provide actionable insights
that could significantly reduce the reliance on inef-
ficient and expensive A/B testing methods.
Eight different regression models including tree-
based methods, ensemble techniques, kernel-based
methods, and artificial neural networks are explored
to identify the most effective approach for analyz-
ing email marketing effectiveness. Each model type
provides unique advantages: tree-based methods of-
fer interpretability, ensemble techniques provide ro-
bustness, kernel-based methods capture complex re-
lationships, and neural networks can learn non-linear
patterns and handle large datasets. The research be-
gins with extracting textual features from email sub-
ject lines and sender fields, then integrates opera-
tional features, including contextual and temporal
data, along with the morphological attributes of the
subject lines. In the final analysis phase, semantic fea-
tures represented by embeddings are combined with
operational features to assess their cumulative impact
on model performance, supporting the central hypoth-
esis that the semantic content of the subject line crit-
ically influences open rates, as evidenced by the de-
velopment and testing of these models.
Historical email campaign data, integrating open
rate metrics, were used to develop and validate the
models and approaches. Among these, the CatBoost
model was identified as particularly effective, incor-
porating operational features with advanced data pro-
cessing techniques such as PCA and OpenAI embed-
dings. This model demonstrated substantial effective-
ness in improving our understanding and optimization
of email subject lines, which are critical for enhancing
the performance of email marketing campaigns.
Research on email subject lines emphasizes their crit-
ical role in marketing efficacy, particularly how well-
crafted lines can significantly boost user engagement.
(Wainer et al., 2011) highlighted that subject lines
that incite curiosity or promise utility tend to achieve
higher open rates, demonstrating that recipients are
more likely to engage with content that piques their
interest or offers immediate value. Further studies like
(Sahni et al., 2016) have shown that personalization,
such as including the recipient’s name, can increase
open rates from 9.05% to 10.80%, leading to a 31%
increase in sales leads and a 17% decrease in unsub-
scribes, illustrating a strong consumer preference for
tailored email content.
Expanding on the importance of aesthetics, (Feld
et al., 2013) noted that visual design elements are
crucial, drawing a parallel between the impactful de-
sign in direct mail and engaging email subject lines.
Meanwhile, advancements in machine learning have
provided methods to enhance this effect; for example,
(Balakrishnan and Parekh, 2014) employed a Random
Forest model to predict open rates, achieving signif-
icant accuracy improvements with a RMSE of 1.60
x 10
and a correlation of 0.352, underscoring the
potential to refine email marketing strategies through
data-driven insights.
In the financial sector, (Conceic¸
ao, 2019) applied
a Random Forest algorithm to predict campaign suc-
cess based on open rates, achieving an accuracy of
about 82% by identifying effective subject line key-
words. This complements psychological studies like
those by (Miller and Charles, 2016), which explored
how emotional triggers in subject lines, such as ex-
citement or urgency, significantly influence user in-
teractions by enhancing open rates.
Recent contributions by (Joshi and Banerjee,
2023) and (Paulo et al., 2022) further demonstrate
the utility of integrating deep learning with traditional
machine learning approaches. Joshi’s Ngram-LSTM
model excelled in sparse data conditions, achieving
an accuracy of 84% within a 10% error tolerance. At
the same time, Paulo’s analysis across 140,000 email
subject lines found that Random Forest models were
most effective, achieving an accuracy of 62.4% and an
F1-score of 62.2%. These studies highlight the impor-
tance of combining structural and semantic features
of subject lines to refine the prediction of open rates,
which this research builds upon by employing a multi-
faceted approach that blends semantic and morpho-
logical features with advanced machine learning tech-
niques for enhanced predictive accuracy and deeper
3.1 Email Marketing Concepts
Optimizing email marketing campaigns necessitates a
deep understanding of key performance metrics. Met-
rics such as Delivered reflect the number of success-
fully received emails, highlighting the efficiency of
email delivery systems. The Open metric measures
recipient engagement by recording opened emails.
Due to their reputation, the sender’s identity (Sender)
significantly influences open rates. The Subject line,
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
which captures immediate attention, along with the
Open Rate—calculated as follows:
Open Rate =
Number of Opens
Number of Delivered
× 100 (1)
—both dictate the campaign’s success by reflect-
ing the effectiveness of subject line strategies.
3.2 Dimensionality Reduction with PCA
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical
technique that reduces the dimensionality of datasets,
aiming to preserve as much variability as possible.
This reduction is accomplished by transforming the
original variables into a new set of variables, linear
combinations of the original variables and orthogonal
to each other. These new variables, known as princi-
pal components, are ordered so that the first few re-
tain most of the variation in all of the original vari-
ables, setting a foundational stage for handling high-
dimensional data effectively (Hastie et al., 2009).
3.3 Curse of Dimensionality
The concept of the ”curse of dimensionality,” first in-
troduced by (Bellman, 1961), refers to various phe-
nomena that arise when analyzing and organizing data
in high-dimensional spaces. As the dimensionality
increases, the volume of the space increases so ex-
ponentially that the available data becomes sparse.
This sparsity is problematic for any method that re-
quires statistical significance, as the data points are
too dispersed to be representative. PCA effectively
addresses this issue by reducing the dimensionality,
concentrating the data into its most informative as-
pects and significantly diminishing the space in which
the data points are spread. This reduction not only
simplifies the computational demands but also en-
hances the effectiveness of subsequent analyses by
mitigating the impact of the curse of dimensionality.
3.4 Text Embeddings
Following the theme of dimensionality reduction, text
embeddings represent another crucial technique for
managing complex data structures in natural language
processing. Just as PCA helps to reduce the complex-
ity of numerical data, text embeddings simplify the
vast and intricate relationships within text data into
manageable vectors. These vectors allow computa-
tional models to process and interpret large volumes
of text efficiently, paving the way for deeper insights
into language patterns and behaviors. Text embed-
dings are advanced techniques used to convert text
into a numerical format, enabling machines to under-
stand and process language. These embeddings repre-
sent words or phrases as vectors in a high-dimensional
space. Each dimension captures some aspect of the
word’s meaning, and similar words are positioned
closer together in this space, reflecting their seman-
tic similarities. The process of creating embeddings
involves analyzing a large corpus of text and learning
to map words that have similar meanings close to each
other. This mapping preserves the contextual nuances
of words, allowing algorithms to recognize that cer-
tain words share similar contexts and meanings even
if they never appear together in the text.
The methodology employed in this paper is system-
atically illustrated in Figure 1 and comprises several
critical stages: (1) Key Concepts and Data Overview,
which provides a foundational understanding of the
metrics and the dataset used; (2) Dataset Prepara-
tion and Feature Engineering, which involves clean-
ing, preprocessing, and engineering features from the
data; (3) Embedding Generation and Text Preprocess-
ing, which captures semantic information from the
text data and prepares it for analysis; (4) Approaches,
which detail the different strategies used to combine
features and embeddings for model input; (5) Models,
which describe the various machine learning mod-
els employed; and (6) Evaluation Metrics and Trans-
formed Target Regressor, which presents all metrics
employed and techniques to improve model perfor-
4.1 Data Overview
The dataset, which includes over 4 billion emails
delivered from 4,285 campaigns, was provided by
Etus Media Holding (Etus Media Holding, 2024),
a company specializing in email marketing manage-
ment. The campaigns are between May 2022 and
May 2024. This dataset, in Portuguese, pertains to
Brazilian email campaigns and includes key attributes
such as sender details, subject lines, delivery statis-
tics, and user engagement metrics. Due to privacy and
data security concerns for the clients involved, spe-
cific information about the data collection methods
and the exact nature of the data cannot be fully dis-
closed. However, the general methodology involves
extracting data through secure queries from a com-
prehensive email marketing database. This dataset
is critical for subsequent preprocessing and analyti-
cal steps. The data is segregated into training (72%),
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
Figure 1: Flowchart of the methodology.
validation (8%), and test (20%) sets, ensuring com-
prehensive model training and validation. Data nor-
malization and dimensionality reduction via PCA are
critical steps in preparing this dataset for further anal-
ysis and model building.
4.2 Dataset Preparation and Feature
Following a thorough data overview, the primary goal
in this phase is to prepare the dataset for robust anal-
ysis by ensuring data quality and extracting relevant
features. Initially, entries with missing critical data,
such as Subject, Sender, and Delivered, are removed.
To ensure the reliability of our analysis, the focus is
on campaigns that sent at least 100,000 emails. This
threshold is selected based on the observation that
campaigns with fewer emails often include pilot tests
and may contain inconsistencies or experimental er-
rors. In contrast, campaigns exceeding this email vol-
ume are generally considered validated and provide a
more stable basis for statistical analysis, reducing the
likelihood of anomalies that could skew the results.
Feature engineering enhances the model’s predic-
tive capabilities. Created features include sender open
rate (the average rate at which emails from the sender
are opened), sender count (total campaigns from the
sender), and sender sum delivered (total emails deliv-
ered by the sender). Temporal aspects such as hour
of the day and day of the week are used alongside
email-specific metrics like email open rate and deliv-
ered scaled (normalized delivery volume), enriching
the dataset with contextual and behavioral insights.
Feature selection, leveraging domain expertise
and statistical methods, narrow down to the most
impactful features, including detailed email metrics
and temporal data points that significantly affect open
rates. This careful preparation sets the stage for the
next crucial step of embedding generation and text
preprocessing, further refining the data for predictive
4.3 Embedding Generation
After preparing the dataset, this phase generates text
embeddings to analyze the semantics of email sub-
ject lines, which are crucial for predicting open rates.
We use three types of embeddings: TF-IDF, which
highlights keyword importance; Word2Vec, captur-
ing contextual word relationships; and OpenAI’s pre-
trained models, providing advanced semantic under-
The Term Frequency-Inverse Document Fre-
quency (TF-IDF) method transforms text data into
numerical features by evaluating the importance of
words within the subject lines relative to their fre-
quency across all subject lines. This technique is ben-
eficial for identifying keywords expected to influence
email open rates, highlighting significant words while
downplaying common terms that may not carry spe-
cific meaning in the context of email subjects (Salton
and Buckley, 1988).
The Word2Vec model, introduced by Mikolov et
al. (Mikolov et al., 2013), generates vector represen-
tations of words by considering the context in which
they appear. This method captures semantic similari-
ties between words, producing meaningful numerical
embeddings. The continuous bag-of-words (CBOW)
and skip-gram models are particularly effective at
capturing nuanced relationships between words in a
large corpus.
Employing a pre-trained model from OpenAI
(OpenAI, 2024), embeddings are generated to en-
capsulate deeper semantic relationships within the
text. These embeddings leverage large-scale lan-
guage models trained on vast amounts of diverse text
data, providing rich, contextualized representations of
email subjects and senders. This approach is advan-
tageous for capturing complex linguistic patterns and
contextual nuances that simpler models might miss.
The text from the subject lines and the sender’s
information are combined into a single textual input
to generate these embeddings. This combined feature
(Subject + Sender) ensures that the embeddings cap-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ture both the message content and the sender’s influ-
ence, critical factors determining email open rates. By
employing these three embedding techniques, the re-
search aims to cover a broad spectrum of textual rep-
resentations, from keyword importance and contex-
tual semantics to deep contextual embeddings, lever-
aging the strengths of each method to enhance the pre-
dictive power of our models.
4.4 Approaches
Based on the extensive embeddings and preprocess-
ing processes, this article employs several approaches
to enhance the predictive power of the models by in-
tegrating various types of features and embeddings.
Each approach is designed to optimize different as-
pects of the predictive modeling process, enabling a
thorough examination of how various feature combi-
nations can impact the accuracy of open rate predic-
4.4.1 Morphologic
The first approach, morphologic, focuses on basic text
features from email subjects, such as text length, word
count, presence of special characters, numbers, and
emojis, as well as the uppercase ratio, named entity
count, letter ratio, vowel count, consonant count, and
punctuation count. These features provide a founda-
tional understanding of the structural elements of sub-
ject lines, which can be critical for assessing their ef-
4.4.2 Operational
Building upon the Morphologic approach, the sec-
ond approach, operational, extends the feature set by
adding contextual and temporal information. This in-
cludes the number of emails delivered, scaled number
of emails delivered, hour of the day, day of the week,
time of day, hourly open rate, weekday open rate, and
time of day open rate. By incorporating these fea-
tures, the model gains insights into the broader op-
erational context within which emails are sent and
received, enhancing its ability to predict open rates
based on real-world email campaign dynamics.
4.4.3 Text Preprocessing and Embedding
Before generating embeddings, the textual data from
email subjects and sender information undergoes sev-
eral preprocessing steps: normalization, cleaning, and
lemmatization. Normalization involves converting all
characters to lowercase and removing special char-
acters and punctuation marks. Cleaning entails re-
moving unnecessary characters such as numbers and
currency symbols (e.g., ’R$’). Lemmatization, per-
formed using the SpaCy library, reduces words to
their base or root form, treating different word forms
as a single entity. These preprocessing steps create a
unified and cleaned textual input, vital for the genera-
tion of embeddings.
Building upon this foundation, the next set of ap-
proaches focuses exclusively on employing different
types of embeddings: TF-IDF, Word2Vec, and Ope-
nAI embeddings. These embeddings capture deeper
textual semantics that may not be evident through
structural analysis alone. TF-IDF and Word2Vec
embeddings were trained on the dataset to high-
light key terms and contextual meanings. Addition-
ally, OpenAI embeddings, generated using the text-
embedding-3-small model from OpenAI’s API, pro-
vide a more sophisticated analysis of the text, lever-
aging large-scale language models.
This combined approach to text preprocessing and
embedding generation sets the stage for developing
advanced predictive models, moving forward to the
strategies that will employ these embeddings to effec-
tively forecast email open rates.
4.4.4 Combined
Finally, the most innovative approaches combine op-
erational features with each type of embedding. For
these strategies, PCA is utilized to reduce the dimen-
sionality of the embeddings to six dimensions, effec-
tively addressing the curse of dimensionality and en-
hancing our models’ performance. By applying di-
mensionality reduction, we focus on the most infor-
mative features, thereby improving the efficiency and
accuracy of our predictive algorithms.
By integrating these diverse strategies, the re-
search aims to test various combinations of features
and modeling techniques to identify the most effec-
tive approach for predicting email open rates. This
comprehensive approach allows for evaluating each
strategy’s contribution to overall performance, paving
the way for selecting the best-performing model in the
subsequent phase of model development and assess-
After the strategic development of predictive ca-
pabilities, the next crucial step involves selecting the
most effective model, which will be covered in the
subsequent subsection on models and evaluation.
4.5 Data Preprocessing
The dataset includes several categorical features, such
as the sender and email address, which must be con-
verted into a numerical format for the machine learn-
ing models to process. This conversion is achieved
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
using the One-Hot Encoding technique, transforming
each categorical feature into a series of binary features
representing unique categories. This step is crucial for
preserving categorical information in a format that the
models can effectively utilize.
Normalization is another essential step in data pre-
processing, ensuring that numerical features have a
consistent scale. Min-Max Scaling was applied to
rescale features to a range between 0 and 1. This
normalization improves the convergence of gradient-
based algorithms and ensures that all features con-
tribute equally during model training.
As previously discussed in the background sec-
tion, PCA is applied to reduce the dimensionality of
the embedding vectors and capture the most important
features. This step simplifies the model and improves
computational efficiency without significant loss of
information. The number of dimensions was deter-
mined through an iterative method, testing ranges
from 1 to 100 dimensions, with six being identified as
the optimal choice. The embeddings are thus trans-
formed into a smaller set of six principal components
and then used as input features for the predictive mod-
To improve the model performance and stabilize
the variance of the target variable, each model was
trained using the TransformedTargetRegressor tech-
nique. This technique applies a transformation to
the target variable during training and inversely trans-
forms the predictions back to the original scale. In
this article, a logarithmic transformation was used due
to its effectiveness in stabilizing variance and manag-
ing skewed distributions, as shown in Equation 2 and
Equation 3.
The logarithmic transformation is applied as fol-
= log(y + 1) (2)
The inverse transformation to retrieve the original
target values is:
= exp(y
) 1 (3)
The advantage of using TransformedTargetRe-
gressor is that it allows models to better handle non-
linear relationships and heteroscedasticity in the data.
By stabilizing the variance, the models can achieve
more accurate and reliable predictions, particularly
when dealing with target variables that have a wide
range of values.
4.6 Models
Advancing from the strategic integration of features
and embeddings, this phase concentrates on the rig-
orous comparison and identification of the best-
performing predictive model. Given the complexity
of email behavior and the nuances captured by var-
ious feature sets, selecting the most effective model
is crucial for achieving high predictive accuracy in
open-rate forecasting.
Various regression techniques have been selected
based on their popularity in the literature and effec-
tiveness in handling different types of data and com-
plexities. These include tree-based methods, ensem-
ble techniques, kernel-based methods, and neural net-
works, each offering unique advantages and suited for
specific aspects of the analyzed data.
Tree-based methods, such as Decision Trees and
Random Forest models, are appreciated for their in-
terpretability and ability to handle numerical and cat-
egorical data. Decision Tree Regressor predicts the
value of a target variable by learning simple decision
rules inferred from the data features. At the same
time, Random Forest improves predictive accuracy
and controls over-fitting by constructing multiple de-
cision trees and aggregating their predictions.
Ensemble techniques, including Gradient Boost-
ing, LightGBM, XGBoost, and CatBoost, are em-
ployed for their robustness and high accuracy. These
methods build models sequentially or in parallel, cor-
recting errors made by previous models or combin-
ing multiple models to enhance overall performance.
For instance, LightGBM and XGBoost are particu-
larly noted for their efficiency with large datasets and
their capability to optimize a differentiable loss func-
tion using gradient descent.
Kernel-based methods, represented by Support
Vector Regressor (SVR), offer versatility in both lin-
ear and non-linear regression tasks through kernel
tricks, making them effective in high-dimensional
Neural networks, such as the Multilayer Percep-
tron Regressor (MLP), are capable of modeling com-
plex non-linear relationships due to their deep learn-
ing capabilities and multiple layers of neurons. The
MLP model used in this article is configured with a
specific architecture and learning parameters to opti-
mize performance. Specifically, the MLP employs a
single hidden layer consisting of 1024 units, utilizing
the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function.
Training is conducted using the Adam optimizer with
a constant learning rate of 0.001. These settings are
selected for their effectiveness in handling complex
patterns and interactions within the data, enhancing
the MLP’s ability to learn and make accurate predic-
Each model undergoes a thorough training and
evaluation process using the prepared datasets, split
into training, validation, and test sets as previously
outlined. This rigorous evaluation includes cross-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
validation and performance assessment using multi-
ple metrics to ensure that the models perform well
on training data and generalize effectively to unseen
4.7 Evaluation Metrics
The evaluation of predictive models employed in this
article utilizes a comprehensive set of metrics, each
providing unique insights into the model’s perfor-
mance and the accuracy of the predictions. These
metrics are essential for a thorough understanding of
how well the models predict email open rates, and for
selecting the best model based on empirical evidence.
Mean Absolute Error (MAE), as shown in Equa-
tion 4, is used to measure the average magnitude of
the errors in a set of predictions, providing a straight-
forward indicator of prediction error magnitude with-
out considering the direction of the errors.
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), given by
Equation 5, takes the square root of the average
squared differences between predicted and actual val-
ues. It is favored in scenarios where larger errors are
more detrimental, as it gives greater weight to them,
thus providing a more sensitive measure of prediction
The Coefficient of Determination (R²), defined in
Equation 6, is crucial for assessing the proportion of
variance in the dependent variable that can be pre-
dicted from the independent variables. It helps de-
termine the models’ overall fit to the data, with values
closer to 1 indicating a more accurate model.
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), ex-
pressed in Equation 7, presents prediction accuracy as
a percentage, offering a clear perspective on the rela-
tive size of the prediction errors concerning the actual
To further enhance model performance and
address issues of non-linear relationships and
heteroscedasticity, the TransformedTargetRegressor
technique with a logarithmic transformation is ap-
plied. This transformation stabilizes the variance of
the target variable, facilitating more reliable predic-
tions. The logarithmic transformation is particularly
effective in managing the effects of skewness in the
target data, enhancing the model’s ability to make ac-
curate predictions across a range of values.
The equations for the evaluation metrics and the
transformation process are as follows:
= 1
This rigorous approach to model evaluation en-
sures that the predictive models developed in this arti-
cle are effective in theoretical settings and robust and
applicable in practical scenarios, providing reliable
forecasts that can significantly enhance the efficacy
of email marketing campaigns.
This section presents a comprehensive analysis of
the performance and optimization of various machine
learning models for predicting email open rates. The
evaluation includes a range of performance metrics,
model selection processes, optimization techniques,
feature importance assessments, diagnostic evalua-
tions, and performance comparisons across different
data segments.
5.1 Model Performance Overview
This section provides an in-depth analysis of the per-
formance of various machine learning models, em-
ploying different strategies with the primary objective
of identifying the most effective approach for predict-
ing email open rates. The evaluation focuses on com-
paring a diverse range of machine learning models
and feature engineering strategies to determine which
combination maximizes predictive performance. The
models were evaluated based on four key metrics:
, and MAPE as illustrated in Figure
Among all evaluated models, CatBoost and Light-
GBM emerged as the most effective, particularly
when integrating operational features, OpenAI em-
beddings, and PCA for dimensionality reduction.
This combination not only mitigates the curse of di-
mensionality but also enhances the models’ ability to
discern nuanced patterns within the data, significantly
improving predictive accuracy.
Detailed performance metrics analysis revealed
that tree-based models such as Random Forest, Gra-
dient Boosting, LightGBM, and CatBoost are partic-
ularly well-suited for this task, due to their superior
predictive capabilities. These models benefit from en-
semble learning techniques that significantly enhance
accuracy and robustness. In contrast, strategies rely-
ing solely on basic text features, such as the morpho-
logic strategy, proved less effective. This underscores
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
Figure 2: Comparison of RMSE, MAE, R
, and MAPE for Different Models and Strategies.
the complexity of the data and the limitations of sim-
ple text attributes in fully capturing its nuances.
Models incorporating embeddings consistently
outperformed those relying solely on basic text fea-
tures, highlighting the critical role of semantic in-
formation in the prediction process. The integration
of operational features with embeddings, especially
when paired with PCA for dimensionality reduction,
achieved the best results, providing a comprehensive
solution that leverages both textual and operational
data insights.
5.2 Best Model Selection
Following the detailed evaluation of various mod-
els, the CatBoost and LightGBM models consis-
tently demonstrated the highest performance, partic-
ularly when incorporating operational features along-
side OpenAI embeddings with PCA for dimension-
ality reduction. This section details the methodol-
ogy used to identify and optimize the best-performing
model, which holds substantial practical implications
for enhancing email marketing strategies.
A comprehensive ranking system based on a
heuristic aggregation of key performance met-
rics—RMSE, MAE, MAPE, and R
—was imple-
mented to determine the most effective model. For
RMSE, MAE, and MAPE, where lower values signify
better performance, models were ranked from best
to worst. For R
, higher values are better, so rank-
ings were inverted to maintain consistency across all
metrics, with lower ranks indicating superior perfor-
The ranks for each metric were summed to derive
an overall performance score for each model, facili-
tating a direct comparison of their effectiveness across
diverse conditions. This ranking method, detailed in
Table 1, is beneficial as it accounts for the error mag-
nitude and the proportion of variance the model ex-
plains, providing a comprehensive view of model ro-
bustness and accuracy.
Table 1: Top 5 Best Models Based on Overall Performance.
CB+E1 5.268 3.705 76.6% 15.0%
LGBM+E1 5.323 3.745 76.1% 15.3%
CB+E2 5.398 3.732 75.4% 15.1%
LGBM+E2 5.392 3.749 75.4% 15.2%
CB+E3 5.422 3.818 75.2% 15.6%
Legend: CB = CatBoost; LGBM = LightGBM; E1 =
Operational + Embedding OpenAI + PCA; E2 = Op-
erational + Embedding TF-IDF + PCA; E3 = Opera-
tional + Embedding Word2Vec + PCA.
The CatBoost model with the Operational + Ope-
nAI + PCA strategy emerged as the best performer,
achieving the lowest RMSE and one of the highest R
values. This model’s ability to effectively integrate
advanced feature engineering with powerful text em-
beddings and dimensionality reduction highlights its
suitability for the task.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
5.3 Model Optimization
Hyperparameter optimization for the CatBoost model
was conducted using a Grid Search approach, which
explored a range of hyperparameter combinations to
maximize predictive performance and ensure robust-
ness against overfitting. This process focused on key
parameters that significantly influence the model’s
performance, such as iterations, maximum depth, and
the evaluation metric, as shown in Table 2.
The specific hyperparameters tuned during this
process included:
Table 2: Optimized Hyperparameters for CatBoost.
Hyperparameter Value
Random Seed 42
Use Best Model True
Evaluation Metric RMSE
Iterations 6000
Max Depth 6
The optimization process prioritized the mini-
mization of the root mean square error (RMSE) as the
primary evaluation metric. This careful tuning aimed
at balancing the model’s bias and variance, crucial for
achieving reliable predictions.
The outcomes of the optimization are highlighted
in the Table 3, demonstrating the improved perfor-
mance of the CatBoost model with these refined set-
Table 3: Performance of Optimized CatBoost Model.
Metric Value
RMSE 5.164
MAE 3.6097
MAPE 14.73%
These results confirm the effectiveness of the Grid
Search method in refining the model’s hyperparam-
eters, significantly enhancing its ability to generate
highly accurate predictions. The optimized settings
not only improved key performance metrics but also
confirmed the model’s enhanced capacity to capture
complex patterns in the data, making it highly suitable
for practical applications in predicting email open
5.4 Feature Importance Analysis
The optimized CatBoost model provided crucial in-
sights into the features that significantly influence
email open rates. This analysis is instrumental in un-
derstanding the key drivers behind recipient engage-
ment and optimizing email marketing strategies ac-
Feature importance analysis identified critical pre-
dictors for email open rates. The most influential
feature, Sender Open Rate, underscores the substan-
tial impact of the sender’s reputation on recipient be-
havior, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a
high sender reputation to enhance open rates. Other
notable features include the number of emails deliv-
ered (Delivered and Delivered Scaled), various open
rate metrics (Hour Open Rate and Email Open Rate),
and the principal components of the OpenAI embed-
dings (OpenAI PCA 0, OpenAI PCA 1, etc.). Table
4 lists these top features, offering actionable insights
for marketers.
Table 4: Top 10 Most Important Features in the Optimized
CatBoost Model.
Feature Importance
Sender Open Rate 20.54%
Delivered 9.13%
Delivered Scaled 7.79%
Hour Open Rate 5.94%
Email Open Rate 5.42%
OpenAI PCA 0 4.49%
OpenAI PCA 1 3.63%
OpenAI PCA 2 3.49%
OpenAI PCA 5 3.45%
OpenAI PCA 4 3.29%
The inclusion of principal components from the
OpenAI embeddings as important features demon-
strates their effectiveness in capturing relevant se-
mantic information from the text. These components
help represent textual nuances that contribute to accu-
rate open rate predictions. Additionally, the analysis
reveals that contextual and temporal characteristics,
such as hourly and email open rates, are crucial for
model performance. These features provide valuable
insights into when and how recipients interact with
emails, enabling more precise predictions.
This comprehensive analysis underscores the need
to combine advanced feature engineering with power-
ful textual representations to capture both contextual
and semantic information, significantly enhancing the
model’s predictive power.
5.5 Model Diagnostics
To evaluate the performance of our optimized Cat-
Boost model further, we conducted a detailed diag-
nostic analysis using two primary visualizations: the
histogram of residual errors and the actual vs. pre-
dicted values plot. These visualizations provide in-
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
sights into the model’s error distribution and predic-
tive accuracy.
5.5.1 Histogram of Residual Errors
The histogram of residual errors (Figure 3) displays
the distribution of prediction errors, calculated as the
difference between the predicted and actual values.
Ideally, for a well-performing model, the residuals
should be symmetrically distributed around zero, in-
dicating no significant bias in the predictions.
In our analysis, the residual errors form a roughly
normal distribution centered around zero, suggesting
that the CatBoost model’s errors are unbiased. The
presence of a few outliers, indicated by residuals at
the far ends of the distribution, suggests that while
the model performs well on average, it may struggle
with certain extreme cases. Nonetheless, the majority
of errors are close to zero, which is indicative of high
model accuracy.
Figure 3: Histogram of Residual Errors.
5.5.2 Actual vs. Predicted Values
The actual vs. predicted values plot (Figure 4)
provides a scatter plot of actual values against the
model’s predictions. The ideal outcome is for all
points to lie on the diagonal line where the predicted
values equal the actual values. Deviations from this
line represent prediction errors.
In our results, most points are clustered around
the diagonal line, indicating that the model’s predic-
tions closely match the actual values. This alignment
demonstrates the model’s strong predictive capabil-
ities. The spread of points along the diagonal also
highlights that the model maintains consistent perfor-
mance across the range of open rates. However, a
few deviations from the line confirm the presence of
some prediction errors, consistent with the residual
error histogram analysis.
Figure 4: Actual vs. Predicted Values.
5.5.3 Discussion
The combination of these diagnostic plots supports
the robustness and effectiveness of the CatBoost
model. The symmetric distribution of residuals
around zero and the close alignment of actual and pre-
dicted values demonstrate that the model has a high
degree of accuracy and generalizes well to new data.
The analysis highlights that while the model per-
forms exceptionally well overall, attention to outliers
and extreme cases may provide opportunities for fur-
ther refinement. These diagnostics confirm that the
model’s strong performance metrics (RMSE, MAE,
, and MAPE) are indicative of its reliability and
predictive power in real-world applications.
5.6 Comparison Across Quartiles
To gain deeper insights into the predictive model’s
performance across different data segments, we an-
alyzed the model by dividing the data into quartiles
based on open rates. We used the KBinsDiscretizer
to discretize the open rates into five quantiles labeled
from A to E, with quartile A having the lowest and
quartile E having the highest open rates. This method
helps identify specific areas where the model per-
forms better or worse, as detailed in Table 5.
Table 5: Performance Metrics Across Quartiles.
A 6.50 18.07 4.94 3.75 27%
B 18.17 23.73 4.21 2.90 14%
C 23.76 28.84 4.03 3.01 12%
D 28.85 35.84 4.31 3.10 10%
E 35.87 74.85 7.50 5.28 12%
The analysis presented in Table 5 demonstrates
that the model achieves optimal performance within
mid-range quartiles (B, C, and D), characterized
by open rates typical of standard email campaigns.
These quartiles exhibit significantly lower RMSE,
MAE, and MAPE values, confirming the model’s ro-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 5: Distribution of Open Rate by Quartile with Metrics.
bust predictive accuracy for common campaign out-
comes. In contrast, the highest quartile (E), which
includes campaigns with exceptionally high open
rates, presents substantial challenges, showing ele-
vated RMSE and MAE values. This pattern suggests
that extreme open rates introduce complexities that
can compromise model accuracy, likely due to out-
lier effects or unique characteristics that are under-
represented in the training data. Additionally, while
the performance in quartile A, representing the low-
est open rates, is relatively better than in quartile E,
it is not as good as in the mid-range quartiles. This
indicates that while the model handles low open rates
reasonably well, there is still room for improvement
in these segments.
Further illustrating the variability in model perfor-
mance, Figure 5 depicts the distribution of open rates
by quartile. This visual representation reinforces the
findings from Table 5 and highlights the areas where
the model demonstrates strong performance, also un-
derscoring the necessity for further improvements,
particularly in handling extreme values and outliers.
Additionally, the distribution of campaigns is skewed
towards the mid-range quartiles, B, C, and D. This
is where the majority of the campaigns fall, as indi-
cated by the higher frequency in the histogram. The
model’s better performance in these quartiles suggests
that it is well-tuned for the most common scenarios,
making it robust for practical applications.
Overall, this quartile-based analysis highlights the
strengths and limitations of the model. It performs
well for the majority of campaigns but faces chal-
lenges with extreme open rates. These insights are
crucial for understanding the model’s applicability
and for guiding future improvements, particularly in
enhancing its capability to handle outliers and ex-
treme cases more effectively.
This paper applied text mining and machine learn-
ing techniques to predict email open rates from sub-
ject lines and sender, demonstrating notable predic-
tive accuracy with the optimized CatBoost model.
Enhanced by operational features and advanced text
embeddings, particularly through PCA with OpenAI
embeddings, the model achieved an RMSE of 5.164,
MAE of 3.609, R
of 77.53%, and MAPE of 14.73%.
These results support the hypothesis that the semantic
content of subject lines significantly impact open rates
and highlight the importance of the sender’s reputa-
tion, quantified by the Sender Open Rate. Although
the model performs well on average open rates, it ex-
hibits limitations with extreme values, suggesting the
need of refinements to capture diverse behaviors.
Previous research emphasized the roles of curios-
ity and utility in subject lines (Wainer et al., 2011).
This article builds on these insights by demonstrat-
ing that incorporating advanced text embeddings can
significantly enhance predictive capabilities beyond
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
simple text features. Additionally, personalization
improves open rates (Sahni et al., 2016), a finding
corroborated by this research, which identifies the
Sender Open Rate as a pivotal predictor. Moreover,
this work extends prevous work (Balakrishnan and
Parekh, 2014) by integrating sophisticated machine
learning techniques like CatBoost with operational
features and PCA, thereby achieving improved pre-
dictive accuracy. Also, this paper confirms the utility
of deep learning and embeddings (Joshi and Banerjee,
2023), and expands upon by illustrating that combin-
ing these embeddings with operational features effec-
tively boosts model performance.
Future research should focus on enhancing the
model’s capability to handle extreme open rates, pos-
sibly through the use of more detailed datasets and
advanced nonlinear modeling techniques. Exploring
Large Language Models (LLMs) to refine text em-
beddings and their direct integration into regression
tasks could markedly improve prediction accuracy
and adaptability.
Optimizing this model could facilitate real-time
adjustments based on campaign feedback, reducing
reliance on traditional A/B testing, which is often
time-intensive and costly. Such an approach enables
highly personalized strategies that respond dynam-
ically to individual recipient behaviors, optimizing
ROI by enhancing the precision and effectiveness of
email marketing campaigns. By merging cutting-edge
machine learning technologies with email analytics,
this methodology adapts to the evolving dynamics of
consumer interactions in the digital era, offering sig-
nificant enhancements over traditional methods.
Ultimately, this article bridges the gap between
theoretical machine learning techniques and their
practical application in marketing, providing a com-
prehensive methodology for enhancing email cam-
paign strategies through data-driven insights, thus
contributing to a more strategic and economically ef-
ficient approach to digital marketing.
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88887.842889/2023-00 PUC/MG, Grant PDPG
88887.708960/2022-00 PUC/MG - Inform
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WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies