In this paper, we have proposed a method to solve
the motion of redundant manipulators to reach a goal
task point in a given time. The method is based on the
RRT* algorithm, which is adapted to explore AFMs,
which incorporate the task trajectory into the feasibil-
ity analysis. The proposed method is capable of si-
multaneously solving path planning and redundancy
resolution, and it is demonstrated to be efficient in
two examples of planar manipulators with different
degrees of redundancy. The method overcomes the
limitations of previous works that require a predefined
task trajectory, which may not be always feasible.
In the future, we will implement direct compar-
isons with other methods that address the redundancy
resolution and path planning problem, such as the hi-
erarchical quadratic programming method proposed
in (Tassi et al., 2021) and the two-stage approach pro-
posed in (Zhou et al., 2023). In addition, the inher-
ent flexibility of the RRT algorithm will allow our
method to incorporate non-holonomic constraints, as
well as dynamic constraints, since the time dimension
is taken into account in the AFM space.
Additional future work should focus on extend-
ing the method to higher dimensionalities, as well as
incorporating dynamic constraints and obstacles that
move in time. Moreover, the method could be ex-
tended to consider every AFM that corresponds to dif-
ferent extended aspects. Finally, the method should
be tested in real robotic systems to evaluate its perfor-
mance in practical scenarios.
Work supported by project PID2020-116418RB-
I00 and grant PRE2021-099226, funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the ESF+.
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Augmented Feasibility Maps: A Simultaneous Approach to Redundancy Resolution and Path Planning