measures, namely: action variation reward penalty
(AVP) for all methods and regularization of the ac-
tor network through CAPS for the MF-RL methods.
As a result, we retained CAPS as action regulation
method due to its consistency and ease of tuning
across all MF-RL agents. Another path to smooth ac-
tions for TD-MPC (for which CAPS is not applicable)
is MoDeM-v2 (Lancaster et al., 2023) which aims at
learning safe policies by biasing the initial data dis-
tribution towards a desired behavior, in our case an
action smooth controller.
We identify several future research directions:
one could focus on experimenting with probabilistic
models for TD-MPC in order to better capture the
stochasticity of turbulence dynamics, thus formulat-
ing a more rigorous transition function that outputs
a probability distribution. For both gusts and turbu-
lence, RL algorithms with recurrent networks appear
to be a good starting point (Ni et al., 2022; Asri and
Trischler, 2019) to solve PO-MDPs. One could also
use ideas from robust-RL to achieve disturbance re-
siliency of RL controllers (Hsu et al., 2024). Other
directions include learning-based adaptive control as
a field of potential mixed control methods (Shi et al.,
2019; Doukhi and Lee, 2019), where a closed form
of the nominal dynamics is used together with a feed-
forward component of the unknown, disturbance dy-
namics predicted by a learned model.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics