could be obstacles during the application of templates
across various domains, or inconsistencies may arise
during the addition of new templates.
An approach that provides the opposite solution
to the “hardcoded” solution for knowledge and in-
formation capture uses ontologies. Ontologies are
used for the description and serialisation of a given
conceptualisation (a mental image of some domain).
Specifically, the term ontology may be defined using
the well-known definition provided by Thomas Gru-
ber (Gruber, 1995) — an ontology is “explicit specifi-
cation of a shared conceptualisation.”
There are various formats/languages for seriali-
sations of ontologies, and the format selection has
direct impact on utilisable expressivity, as well as
possible additional tools such as editors, reasoners,
data storage, etc. Therefore, developers must con-
sider the intended purpose of an ontology. Today, Se-
mantic Web technologies (RDF (Lassila et al., 1998),
RDFS (Brickley et al., 2014), and OWL (McGuinness
et al., 2004) formats, in particular) are widely used for
ontology development, mainly because of scaleable
expressivity and also availability of additional (and
supporting) tools.
Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic
Web standard designed to represent rich and com-
plex knowledge about resources. OWL is a com-
putational logic-based language such that the knowl-
edge expressed in OWL can be reasoned by computer
programmes either to verify the consistency of that
knowledge or to make implicit knowledge explicit.
OWL is an important part of the W3C’s Semantic
Web technology stack, which includes on lower lev-
els RDF, RDFS, SWRL, SPARQL, etc. The OWL to-
gether with a reasoner (e.g., Pellet) is able to conduct
important reasoning tasks such as consistency check-
ing, individuals classification, etc. Thus, a subsequent
validation task may also be formulated as a task for
OWL ontology and a reasoner. However, the Open
World Assumption as the key feature of OWL ontolo-
gies (Horridge and Bechhofer, 2011) may cause ob-
stacles during constraints validation with the help of
automated reasoning.
On the other hand, the Semantic Web Rule Lan-
guage (Horrocks et al., 2004) should help overcome
the aforementioned obstacle. SWRL combines OWL
DL with function-free Horn logic, and therefore it al-
lows Horn-like rules to be combined with OWL DL
ontologies. Rules are of the form of an implication
between a body and a head. The meaning of a rule is:
whenever the conditions specified in the body hold,
then the conditions specified in the head must also
hold. The following listing illustrates a simple exam-
ple of the rule:
Person (?p ) ∧ h a s Si b l ing (?p , ? s ) ∧ Male (? s )
−> h asB rot her ( ?p , ? s )
with the meaning: all persons which have a sibling
and this sibling is a man, then they must have the
property hasBrother. The application of SWRL is,
for example, in (Fortineau et al., 2014), where SWRL
is used to express formal rules within ontology-based
models with an application to the nuclear industry.
Daplex (query language based on functional data
model) (Shipman, 1981) is a data definition and ma-
nipulation language for database systems, based on
the concept of data representation called the func-
tional data model. The focus of Daplex is on provid-
ing a “conceptually natural” database interface lan-
guage. Thus, the language provides user-friendly syn-
tax. Constraints have two parts: the quantification
and the main part. The variables are quantified and
specified on a given domain in the quantification part.
The main part of the constraints contains predicates
that should be satisfied. Furthermore, in addition to
data definition exploitation of Daplex, (Martins et al.,
2008) shows that Daplex provides an intuitive way of
viewing and querying data in the Semantic Web.
The suitability of the Daplex language for express-
ing constraints was demonstrated in CoLan (Bassili-
ades and Gray, 1995), a high-level declarative Con-
straint Description Language, for an application to an
Object-Orientated Database. Except for the utilisa-
tion of Daplex for constraint expressions, CoLan ex-
ploits Prolog (Clocksin and Mellish, 2003), which im-
plements the operational semantics of the constraint.
The CoLan system was dedicated to ADAM (Ellis
and Demurjian, 1991) object-orientated database and
there is no other application to another system.
The fulfillment of the requirements (user-
friendliness, expressivity, validation capabilities, and
re-usability) of the possible formalism is illustrated
in Tab 1.
FSL and Daplex represent languages with user-
friendly syntax which enable easy understanding
about statement meanings even for non-skilled users.
Both provide suitable expressivity, but FSL has no
standard way for expressing many constructs such as
cardinality expressions. And thus, re-usability of FSL
statements may result in semiotic ambiguity. Further-
more, FSL and Daplex do not have validation capa-
bilities. OWL and SWRL (as OWL extension) are
strong in their expressivity, standardisation, and re-
usability. The validation based only on the reason-
ing may be difficult for OWL due to Open World
assumption. OWL and SWRL are not user-friendly
for many applications compared to FSL and Daplex.
CoLan provides a user-friendly solution due to the use
of Daplex. The expressivity and validation capabili-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics