The comparison between both methods showed
a notable improvement in monitoring accuracy when
using sensors. In addition, a 10% decrease in illegal
logging was observed with the implementation of the
sensor system. This shows that we achieved greater
efficiency in detecting illegal logging. Early detection
and immediate notifications allowed for faster actions
to be taken to prevent and mitigate illegal logging, re-
sulting in an effective reduction in the number of trees
cut down.
The illegal logging detection model allowed us to
identify illegal logging activities with a high accu-
racy of 90%, resulting in a 10% reduction in these
activities in real-time by detecting chainsaw sounds.
The experimental results indicated that the Convolu-
tional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm offers bet-
ter performance and higher effectiveness compared to
other methods. The research focused on identifying
chainsaw sounds during logging activities in the for-
est. The experimental validation was carried out using
a Huawei P SMART 2019 mobile device to record and
send the audios to the detection model. The model
was evaluated with different sounds at close distances
of 10 meters and far distances of 110 meters, ob-
taining positive and acceptable results, with an illegal
logging detection accuracy ranging between 80% and
As future work, it is recommended to implement
this model in other municipalities in the Amazonas
region, such as Chachapoyas, Utcubamba, and Con-
dorcanqui, to expand the use of the application and
strengthen forest protection. In addition, the integra-
tion of more sophisticated smart sensors, such as the
AR854, is suggested to cover a larger area and achieve
a more precise analysis of results. Collaboration with
local governments and environmental organizations
will be crucial for the success and sustainability of
these initiatives. In particular, efforts should be fo-
cused on critical points such as Chachapoyas where
illegal logging is most prevalent, to maximize the im-
pact of protection measures.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Re-
search Department of the Peruvian University of Ap-
plied Sciences for all the support provided throughout
the research and development process of this work.
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