the predictive accuracy of these variables.
Experimental results revealed differences in the
performance of predictive models when comparing
georeferenced and non-georeferenced data. Particu-
larly, prediction models that use geographic features
outperformed prediction models that do not use them,
with gains ranging from 9.6% to 19.6% in the stan-
dard deviation of MAPE, from 5.5% to 10.4% in
MAE, and from 0.99% to 2.9% in RMSE. These re-
sults highlight the importance of considering the spa-
tial context when building predictive models, as incor-
porating geographic variables can lead to significant
improvements in prediction accuracy.
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tivariate spatial analyses and explore more sophisti-
cated spatial models to optimize employee turnover
prediction. Advanced models such as Spatial Au-
toregressive Models (SAR) and Spatial Error Mod-
els (SEM) offer more refined perspectives on spatial
interactions that may impact employee tenure. Addi-
tionally, the use of Spatial Neural Networks and Hi-
erarchical Bayesian Models can provide deeper and
more precise insights by capturing complexities in
spatial dependencies and data heterogeneity.
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88887.708960/2022-00 – PUC/MG - Inform
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Exploiting Data Spatial Dependencies for Employee Turnover Prediction