Motion Causal Network Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of
Baseball Form by Video Analysis
Takeshi Tanaka
and Norio Gouda
Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group, Tokyo, Japan
Hitachi, Ltd. Government & Public Corporation Information Systems Division, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Motion Analysis, Body Tracking, Transfer Entropy, Network Analysis, Baseball.
Abstract: In professional sports, IT technology has been introduced to strengthen players, and in the baseball industry,
where there is a large number of athletes, data analysis is expected to improve training efficiency, even for
amateurs. However, the use of IT has not been widespread in the past due to the need for special equipment
for measurement and the difficulty of interpreting data. In this study, we proposed a technique for quantifying
the interlocking nature of players' forms using the transfer entropy from time-series data of players' skeletal
coordinates obtained by image recognition to intuitively visualize the characteristics of players' forms using
only video. As a result of evaluating players' hitting form using the proposed technique, we confirmed that
the transfer entropy significantly changed in the target region when players were conscious of improvement,
and we obtained a prospect for the practical application of form analysis using video.
Wearable devices, camera-based measurement
technology, and AI-based analysis technology are
rapidly being applied to sports. Major professional
sports teams such as soccer and baseball use data for
player evaluation, performance improvement, and
injury prevention. Data measurement and analysis
technologies developed in professional sports are
expected to spread to amateur sports teams and
In baseball, which has long been a popular sport
in Japan, detailed scores and notes have been
manually recorded throughout professional and
amateur sports for use in competition and coaching,
and data measurement devices have been used in
amateur coaching from early on. Developed from
speed guns that use ultrasonic waves to measure the
velocity of pitches and batted balls, devices that
record not only velocity but also trajectory and
rotation in detail have become popular in professional
stadiums, and products for amateur teams are also on
the market. In addition, devices with acceleration and
gyro sensors mounted on bats and balls are also
available, enabling simple visualization and analysis
of pitching velocities and swing trajectories in
individual practice. In recent years, it has become
possible to take pictures of pitching and hitting forms
with a smartphone without using special equipment,
and the AI automatically recognizes joint angles and
skeletal positions from the images, converting them
into data for visualization (Chung, 2022).
However, the problem is that only a limited
number of teams and players are able to use this
technology because professional-grade measuring
equipment is expensive and requires human resources
to operate, and instructors with specialized
knowledge are needed to interpret the data and
provide guidance. Because of the high cost of
ultrasonic equipment, only top-level amateur players
belonging to famous teams can use it, and the
disparity in coaching has also been a factor hindering
the development of amateur baseball. In addition,
although measurement by smartphone is relatively
inexpensive, it has been limited to measurement of
the skeletal position, so interpretation of data has been
limited to a few instructors, making it difficult to
spread the use of smartphones among a wide range of
levels and generations of amateur baseball players.
Tanaka, T. and Gouda, N.
Motion Causal Network Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Baseball Form by Video Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012949500003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 185-192
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In this study, we aim to enable amateur athletes to
easily measure their own condition, convert it into
data, and practice PDCA in training based on the
accumulated data of analysis subjects and others by
visualizing the characteristics of pitching and hitting
form movements from videos taken with a
smartphone in an easy-to-understand manner. We
propose a "motion causal network analysis
technology" that visualizes the characteristics of
pitching and hitting form movements from videos
taken with smartphones in an easy-to-understand
manner. A method has been developed to estimate the
linkage of group movements in soccer and other
sports using transfer entropy and to visualize the
relationships among groups in a network (Itoda,
2015). In this study, we apply the method to analyze
a group and visualize the linkage by considering each
part of an individual's form as a group. In this paper,
we report on a prototype system that visualizes the
results of applying causal network analysis of
movements by inputting videos taken with a
smartphone and evaluate whether the system can
visualize the effects of the practice intended by the
individual using data from actual amateur athletes.
2.1 Baseball Training Using Digital
This study aims to provide amateur baseball players
with a wide range of environments for data utilization
so that they can think and practice how to grow by
themselves. In baseball, it is common practice for
players to record their findings in a notebook and
repeat trial and error in the process of training and
receiving instruction. In recent years, with the spread
of smartphones and the Internet, methods to record
and check one's own form on video and to compare
one's own form with that of model players, such as
professionals using video-sharing services, are
widely used. In light of these current conditions, our
research aims to promote the utilization of knowledge
by digitizing amateur players' baseball notebooks and
to create a collaborative environment by sharing the
notebooks with others in the future. Furthermore, it is
desirable to be able to provide new insights that could
not be obtained only by the player's subjective view
by using AI to analyze videos of his or her form,
quantifying and visualizing his or her past and
differences from others in an easy-to-understand
manner. By providing these functions as a web
system that can be used only with a smartphone, we
aim to provide more growth opportunities to amateur
athletes who have not had access to state-of-the-art
equipment or a coaching environment.
Figure 1: The effect of our aimed training with digital
2.2 Body Tracking from Images
With the development of image analysis technology
using deep learning, it has become possible to detect
people from images with high accuracy. In recent
years, various skeletal points such as hands, feet, and
face can be recognized and output as coordinates.
Furthermore, several OSS libraries, such as
OpenPose (Qiao, 2017), have been released, making
it possible to easily implement skeletal recognition
functions from images into applications. Many
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
libraries support the output of 2D skeletal
coordinates, but libraries that estimate 3D coordinates
are also beginning to be provided. However, the
accuracy is currently low, and it is intended for
entertainment applications such as VR, so it is not
suitable for use as measurement data. In this study,
we applied trt_pose provided by Nvidia, considering
its licensing and ease of implementation, etc. The
coordinate points of the skeleton that can be
recognized by trt_pose are shown in Figure 2 and
Table 2. The trt_pose can recognize 18 joint points
defined in the MSCoCo dataset (Janardhanan, 2022).
In this study, since the baseball form is the target,
facial points are not necessary, and only the nose is
treated as the head, and the 14 points other than the
facial points are mainly used.
Table 1: Recognized joint points.
ID Joint name
2 Right shoulde
3 Ri
ht elbow
4 Ri
ht wris
5 Left shoulde
6 Left elbow
7 Left wris
8 Right hip
9 Ri
ht knee
10 Ri
ht ankle
11 Left hip
12 Left knee
13 Left ankle
14 Right eye
15 Left e
16 Ri
ht ea
17 Left ea
Figure 2: Coordinates of joint points.
2.3 Motion Causal Network Analysis
Using time series data of joint point coordinates
extracted from videos of pitching and hitting form, we
propose a motion network analysis technique to
visualize the linkage of motion between each skeletal
point in order to quantify and visualize the
characteristics of skeletal motion. This technique is
based on the technique for quantifying and
visualizing the linkage between players in group
sports. This technique uses transfer entropy (Staniek,
2008), quantifying the strength of the dependency
between two time-series data considering causality by
information theory. These include nonlinear
analytical methods that use mutual information
content, relative entropy, etc. Although these methods
are suitable for evaluating the strength of the
relationship between two signals, they are not suitable
for analyzing the direction of information flow, i.e.,
causality, because they are symmetrical with respect
to the two signals. In contrast, the application of
transfer entropy has recently been promoted as a
method suitable for causality estimation. It has been
used in research to estimate neurotransmission from
time series signals showing the activity of each
neuron in brain measurement, which is also a field of
human measurement (Wibral, 2014), and in research
such as communication analysis in human infants
(Hidaka, 2013), and it has been found that transfer
entropy can be applied even between signals with
nonlinear fluctuations. It has been found that the
transfer entropy can be applied between signals that
vary nonlinearly.
Figure 3 shows the process flow for calculating
the transfer entropy between two skeletal coordinates
and visualizing the entire skeletal network. First, in
process (1), skeletal coordinates are extracted from
the image of each frame of the video, time series data
of the coordinates of each skeletal point is generated,
and the amount of movement per second is calculated
from the time series data of the coordinates. In
process (2), the time-series data of the variable
(amount of movement) for each skeletal point is
transformed into a discrete random variable that is
normalized based on the histogram of the intensity of
movement of each skeletal point. In other words, they
are transformed into discrete states discretized by the
intensity of the movement. The number of divisions k
of the histogram was determined based on the Sturges
formula. l is the number of data in the time series data
of the variable. The amount of information transfer
between the variables of the two players is calculated
from the transfer entropy in the process (3). Here, if
Motion Causal Network Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Baseball Form by Video Analysis
the elements of the random variables I and J at time
step n are
and 𝑗
, the transfer entropy T(J
which indicates the influence of J on I, is calculated
by the formula in Figure 3, where
the simultaneous probability of
, 𝑖
and 𝑗
, and
denotes the conditional probability of
when 𝑖
. Given two time-series data, I
and J, we can measure the degree of uncertainty that
changes relative to the uncertainty of predicting J's
next state from I's past series when we add J's past
series The transfer entropy is a measure of the degree
of uncertainty in the future state of J. The transfer
entropy takes values between 0 and 1; with larger
values, the more causally related I and J are. In this
study, since the time series data of joint point
coordinates extracted from the video was used, the
effect of the amount of movement of J on the amount
of movement of I in the next frame was calculated.
Figure 3: Processing flow of transfer entropy calculation.
In order to draw a network from the calculated
transfer entropy, the transfer entropy of all the paths
of two points from all the skeletal points is calculated,
and a directed graph is drawn by considering that
there is a linkage above a certain threshold value. The
number of graph occurrences can be adjusted by
adjusting the threshold value. The directed graph data
can be subjected to various network analyses, such as
centrality and page rank, allowing quantitative
analysis of network characteristics.
Figure 4: Visualization of causal network analysis.
Table 2: Definition of metadata.
Input item Contents
Type of ball
Hardball/ softball/ urethane/
sand/ other
Type of bat Material, length, weight
Condition of
the ground
Soil/ grass/ concrete/ mats
Type of shoes Athletic shoes/ spikes/ others
temperature, wind speed
(tailwind/ head wind/ cross
Date and time yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
Comment free
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
2.4 Development of Prototype System
As a prototype system for this study, we constructed
a web system that allows users to upload videos of
their forms from their smartphones and visualize the
output results of motion network analysis. When a
user analyzes his/her form, he/she first prepares a
video of his/her form. If the form is a hitting form, the
user prepares a video of only one swing, trimmed in
advance using a smartphone function or the like.
When uploading the video, the conditions under
which the form was taken can be entered as metadata.
The input items are defined as shown in Table 3,
referring to the items noted in a typical baseball
notebook. The analysis results of each video can be
retrieved by using each item of metadata as a key, so
it is possible to compare the differences in form
between videos under various conditions or to
compare the changes before and after practice by
specifying the date and time. Figure 4 shows an
example of the results of applying motion network
analysis. In addition to the coordinates based on
skeletal recognition, the prototype system we
developed estimates the position of the center of
gravity, which is generally considered important in
form evaluation, and adds it to the joint point
coordinates. Furthermore, the tip of the bat used in
baseball hitting can be recognized by image
processing and added as one of the skeletal
coordinates, enabling evaluation of the direct effect of
body usage on the swing.
To evaluate the validity and usefulness of the results
of motion network analysis using the proto-system,
we input videos of actual baseball hitting practice
forms and compared the results of transfer entropy
calculation with subjective evaluation. The subject
was a player belonging to a baseball team for working
people. 10 videos of each of the two patterns of hitting
(A and B) shown in Figure 5 were filmed and
analyzed. Pattern B is the hitting form of tee-batting
with a fixed ball, in which the subject player works
on improving his hitting form. We interviewed the
players about the points of improvement they were
aware of in Patterns A and B, and summarized the
correspondence with the hypotheses quantitatively
evaluated by motion network analysis in Table 4.
Improvement point (1) is related to the difference
between hitting a tossed ball and hitting a placed ball.
In placed tee batting, the player hits a fixed ball,
which stabilizes the form. Therefore, B is considered
to have less variation than A in the transfer entropy of
the motion network analysis. Improvement point (2)
is that in A, the player tries to hit the ball far away and
puts unnecessary force on the lower body, whereas in
B, the player is conscious of the stability of the lower
body. Therefore, it is thought that the variation of the
lower body value and the influence on other parts of
the body are reduced in the transfer entropy. Point (3)
is the use of the elbow and wrist in the upper body. in
order to improve the situation in A, where the bat
swing lags behind the body rotation (commonly
called the state where the upper body is open), in B,
the right elbow to the armpit is slightly opened, and
the upper body is rotated together with the left
shoulder to left elbow rotation, which results in a
more delayed right elbow and wrist rotation. As a
result, he is more conscious of delaying the external
rotation of the right elbow and wrist and rotating the
upper body (reducing the openness of the upper
body). Therefore, in the transfer entropy, there is a
linkage from the left elbow to the right elbow and
wrist. We quantitatively and statistically evaluated
whether the results of the movement network analysis
were valid for the hypotheses at these points of
Table 3: Key points of improvement and hypothesis of data
Key Points of
Hypothesis of data
B is more stable
because the ball is
The variation of
transfer entropy in
B is smaller than in
B is more aware
of lower body
The transfer
entropy starting
from some lower
body point
In B, the right
elbow to the side
is slightly open,
and the right
elbow and wrist
are delayed in
Transfer entropy
from the left elbow
to the right elbow
and wrist tends to
be higher.
Motion Causal Network Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Baseball Form by Video Analysis
Figure 5: Sequential images of the evaluated batting forms.
(A) Toss batting with normal awareness (B) Tee batting
with awareness of points for improvement.
* p<0.05 (Welch’s t-test)
Figure 6: Mean of the transfer entropy starting at each joint.
Figure 7: Mean of the transfer entropy toward each joint.
4.1 Improvement Points (1) and (2)
To evaluate improvement point (1), we compiled the
transfer entropy for each swing of A and B and
compared the mean value of transfer entropy where
each site is the starting point with the mean value of
transfer entropy where each site is the ending point,
as shown in Figures 6 and 7. To test the hypothesis of
improvement point (1), Table 5 summarizes the
standard deviations of the values for each site, and as
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
shown in Figures 6 and 7, A has many outliers and a
large variation in values. The standard deviation
values in Table 5 are also significantly lower for B for
the transfer entropy at the starting point. On the other
hand, a decreasing trend was observed for B for the
endpoint transfer entropy, although it was not
significant. In other words, the results are in
accordance with the hypothesis that B has less
variation in the evaluation using the transfer entropy.
To evaluate the improvement point (2), a t-test
(Welch's t-test) was performed for each site to
compare the distribution of the transfer entropy of the
starting point of each site, as shown in Figure 6. The
significance level was set at 0.05. The results showed
that the mean value of B, which is the starting point,
decreased in the left and right hip, knee, and ankle,
which are the lower body regions, and that there was
a significant decrease, especially in the right_hip,
left_hip, and right_ankle. This result is in accordance
with the hypothesis that the lower body's extra
movement decreases due to the awareness of lower
body stability and that the transfer entropy as the
starting point decreases. In addition, there was also a
significant decrease in the starting point of transfer
entropy at the nose, which is the head, indicating that
not only the lower half of the body but also the upper
half of the body showed a decrease in extra
* p<0.05 (Welch’s t-test)
Figure 8: Mean of transfer entropy from left_elbow to each
4.2 Improvement Points (3)
To evaluate the improvement point (3), we compared
the transfer entropy for each site starting from
left_elbow as shown in Figure 8. The results showed
that the transfer entropy increased significantly in B
for the left_wrist, right_wrist, and right_elbow, which
are related to the improvement point (3). As a result,
less than 5 out of 10 swings were calculated correctly,
which was insufficient for statistical evaluation. In
addition, there was a significant increase in transfer
entropy for the left_knee and a significant decrease
for the right_ankle, which were not included in the
hypothesis for improvement point (3). Although these
results were not included in the players' awareness,
improvement points (2) and (3) resulted in increased
rotation of the upper body and knee regions.
The validity of the results of this report was examined
based on interviews with the players and teams
included in this study. In the motion network analysis
of form AB, which the players consciously aimed
to improve, reasonable results close to the hypothesis
were obtained for improvement points (1), (2), and
(3). For improvement point (1), outliers were reduced
at B in the transfer entropy of the start and end points,
and the variability was reduced. On the other hand,
the significant decrease only at the starting point may
be because the end point is less stable than the starting
point, which is a characteristic of the subject athletes.
In the improvement point (2), a significant decrease
was observed, especially in the hip near the waist,
which may be because the knee has large movement
and is prone to recognition errors. Further verification
of the difference in awareness of the knees and hips
in the form is needed. In the improvement point (3),
the linkage between the left_elbow and other wrists
and elbows changed as hypothesized. However, the
skeletal structure of the right hemisphere, which is
hidden during the swing, was difficult to recognize
from the photographer's side, and this did not lead to
sufficient verification. In this respect, improvements
are needed, such as in the shooting method and in the
use of skeletal recognition libraries that are relatively
accurate even for the hidden parts.
The usefulness of this technology was also
examined in the same way. We presented the linkage
of each part visualized in the motion network analysis
to the players and obtained an evaluation that it was
intuitively easy to understand. This is useful for
confirming the points that players were conscious of
in practice, including the validity of the hypothesis.
In addition, the metadata collected simultaneously
was also evaluated as having the necessary
information for form evaluation based on interviews
Motion Causal Network Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Baseball Form by Video Analysis
with players and teams. On the other hand, there are
many points in the motion network analysis where it
is difficult to understand the network formation by
transfer entropy, except in the hypothesized areas. In
the future, it will be necessary to collect more data on
more forms and to increase the number of patterns in
interpreting the meaning of the starting and ending
points of the transfer entropy through repeated
verification of the hypothesis. Since only two patterns
of forms were tested in this report, we did not go as
far as to compare data from different environments
utilizing metadata or to compare data from other
people. Methods and designs to make players aware
of the ability to accumulate and share large amounts
of data also need to be considered.:
We proposed a motion network analysis method that
recognizes the positional coordinates of the skeletal
structure from videos of athletes taken with
smartphones, quantifies the linkage of the movements
of each part using transfer entropy, and visualizes the
relationship between them to promote effective
training methods that utilize data in the amateur
sports industry. Furthermore, we developed a
prototype system that visualizes characteristic points
from videos of baseball forms by motion network
analysis and records and stores notes on the
environment and situation at the time of filming. In
order to evaluate the proposed method and the
prototype system, we analyzed videos of one amateur
baseball player, taking 10 videos each of tee batting
with a normal front toss and the form of a replacement
tee batting that he worked on with an awareness of
improvement, and formulated a hypothesis for the
data regarding the three points of awareness and
conducted a statistical evaluation. Statistical
evaluation was conducted. The results of the analysis
showed significant changes (p<0.05) consistent with
the hypotheses, including a reduction in the
variability of transfer entropy due to stabilization of
form and an improvement in wrist and elbow
coordination due to changes in the use of the right
elbow. This evaluation confirmed that the players
themselves intuitively understood the effects and
noticed the points that they worked to improve. Based
on these results, we conclude that the proposed
method can be used to easily identify the
characteristics of players' form and may contribute to
improving the efficiency of training for a larger
number of players through the accumulation of data
and hypothesis testing.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support