Figure 8: This figure shows the same situation as in Fig-
ure 5, but after applying our SHAP value clustering scheme.
real-time analysis.
Further work could, for instance, include under-
standing the reasons behind the high variability of the
SHAP values for minor changes in input data in this
environment. Another interesting possible future re-
search direction could be to see whether techniques
for reducing overfitting and improving generalization,
such as the domain randomization introduced in (To-
bin et al., 2017), could make the neural network pol-
icy prioritize obstacle avoidance instead of just rec-
ognizing its environment and in return changing the
SHAP values to a more human-interpretable distribu-
Overall, our findings suggest that while SHAP can
enhance the transparency of DRL agents, there are
still challenges in ensuring the interpretability of these
The Research Council of Norway supported this
work through the EXAIGON project, project number
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics