Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for
Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis
Bardia Rafieian
and Pere-Pau V
ViRVIG Group Department of Computer Science, UPC-BarcelonaTECH, C/ Jordi Girona 1-3,
Ed Omega 137, 08034, Barcelona, Spain
{bardia.rafieian, pere.pau.vazquez}@upc.edu
Long Document Classification, Document Embeddings, Doc2vec, Longformer, LLaMA-3, SciBERT,
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Long documents pose a significant challenge for natural language processing (NLP), which requires high-
quality embeddings. Despite the numerous approaches that encompass both deep learning and machine learn-
ing methodologies, tackling this task remains hard. In our study, we tackle the issue of long document classifi-
cation by leveraging recent advancements in machine learning and deep learning. We conduct a comprehensive
evaluation of several state-of-the-art models, including Doc2vec, Longformer, LLaMA-3, and SciBERT, fo-
cusing on their effectiveness in handling long to very long documents (in number of tokens). Furthermore, we
trained a Doc2vec model using a massive dataset, achieving state-of-the-art quality, and surpassing other meth-
ods such as Longformer and SciBERT, which are very costly to train. Notably, while LLaMA-3 outperforms
our model in certain aspects, Doc2vec remains highly competitive, particularly in speed, as it is the fastest
among the evaluated methods. Through experimentation, we thoroughly evaluate the performance of our
custom-trained Doc2vec model in classifying documents with an extensive number of tokens, demonstrating
its efficacy, especially in handling very long documents. However, our analysis also uncovers inconsistencies
in the performance of all models when faced with documents containing larger text volumes.
Text embeddings are pivotal in natural language pro-
cessing (NLP) tasks, such as text classification, where
the quality of embeddings significantly affects per-
formance. Traditional methods, such as Word2vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013) and GloVe (Pennington et al.,
2014), have been foundational in generating embed-
dings at the token and sentence levels. Recent ad-
vancements include transformer-based models like
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and ELMO (Peters et al.,
2018), which have improved the quality of embed-
dings through contextualized representations.
Despite these advancements, handling very long
documents presents substantial challenges. Models
like BERT are limited by maximum sequence lengths,
which restricts their ability to generate embeddings
for extensive texts. While recent models such as
Longformer (Beltagy et al., 2020) and large language
models offer better performance, they come with high
computational costs and resource demands (Samsi
et al., 2023). These models are expensive to train and
deploy, and there is a lack of standardized evaluations
across various benchmarks (Tay et al., 2021).
On the other side, the scarcity of datasets with
very long documents further complicates the issue,
where existing labeled datasets consist only of short
articles (up to 800 tokens per document), yet training
a classifier for long texts requires a labeled dataset
consisting of long documents. This gap in the liter-
ature highlights the need for more effective methods
to handle lengthy texts while considering computa-
tional efficiency. This paper provides an evaluation
of several state-of-the-art models, including Doc2vec,
Longformer, LLaMA-3, and SciBERT, focusing on
their effectiveness in handling long to very long doc-
ument tokens. The study specifically aims to assess
how well these models generate embeddings from
documents that are exceptionally long in terms of to-
ken count. The key question is how agnostic these
models are to document length, and how the quality
of the generated embeddings influences their perfor-
mance in downstream text classification tasks.
We also trained a Doc2vec model on a large
Rafieian, B. and Vázquez, P.
Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012950400003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 320-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
dataset to evaluate its capability against BERT-based
models and large language models (LLMs) in gener-
ating embeddings for very long documents. The goal
was to assess how well the Doc2vec model performs
compared to these advanced models in terms of both
the quality of the embeddings produced and their ef-
fectiveness in a text classification task. This com-
parison provides insights into the relative strengths
and limitations of traditional embedding methods
like Doc2vec versus modern transformer-based ap-
proaches when handling lengthy documents. Given
the scarcity of very long document datasets, our eval-
uation utilizes both public datasets and newly cre-
ated datasets with over 4,000 tokens from arXiv and
bioRxiv documents. The paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews related work. Section 3 de-
tails data preparation and preprocessing steps and the
preparation of our pretrained Doc2vec model. In sec-
tion 4 we study our experiments and finally, we con-
clude and discuss future directions.
With the introduction of Word2Vec and GloVe, vari-
ous methods have emerged to encode sentences, para-
graphs, and longer texts into embeddings. Among
these methods, Doc2vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014)
stands out as a Paragraph Vector, an unsupervised
algorithm that learns fixed-length feature representa-
tions from variable-length pieces of text. Empirical
results have shown that Doc2vec outperforms bag-
of-words models and other text representation tech-
The advent of transformer models brought signif-
icant improvements in text encoders. BERT-based
models, in particular, demonstrated substantial per-
formance gains. The first application of BERT to
document classification, as presented in ”DocBERT:
BERT for Document Classification” (Adhikari et al.,
2019), improved baseline results by fine-tuning
BERT, achieving higher classification accuracy across
various datasets. However, BERT-based models were
limited by a fixed input sequence length of 512 to-
kens. To address this, models like SciBERT extended
the number of tokens to 768 through fine-tuning. In
SciBERT that follows the BERT architecture, which
uses the Transformer model for encoding text, the
process of generating embeddings can be described
as follows:
The input is a tokenized text sequence:
x = [x
, x
, . . . , x
The tokens are then converted to embeddings:
E = [E(x
), E(x
), . . . , E(x
Next, these embeddings pass through multiple
transformer layers. Each transformer layer applies
= TransformerLayer(H
where H
= E, and l is the layer number.
The final hidden states from the last transformer
layer are used for downstream tasks:
= [h
, h
, . . . , h
Despite these advancements, transformer-based mod-
els struggle with processing long sequences due to
the computational complexity of their self-attention
mechanism, which can lead to information loss in
documents with more than 1,000 tokens. To over-
come this limitation, the Longformer was introduced.
It features an attention mechanism that scales lin-
early with sequence length, allowing it to handle doc-
uments with thousands of tokens. The Longformer
achieves this by sparsifying the full self-attention ma-
trix according to an ”attention pattern” that speci-
fies which input locations attend to each other. This
makes the model efficient for longer sequences. At
the time of its introduction, the Longformer con-
sistently outperformed RoBERTa on long document
tasks, setting new state-of-the-art results on datasets
like WikiHop and TriviaQA. Here is the process of
generating embeddings using longformer:
The input is a tokenized sequence:
x = [x
, x
, . . . , x
The attention mechanism is restricted to a fixed-
size window:
= Attention
, H
where w is the window size. Global attention is ap-
plied to selected important tokens across the entire
sequence. The embeddings are passed through multi-
ple layers of this modified attention mechanism. The
final hidden states are used for downstream tasks:
= [h
, h
, . . . , h
More recently, significant efforts have been made
to improve the performance of text encoders on long
texts. Notable examples include the LLaMA-2 (Tou-
vron and Lavril, 2023) and LLaMa-3 models. Al-
though detailed technical information about these
proprietary models is limited, they propose novel
methods for generating embeddings from long texts,
further advancing the field of NLP. Since we used
LLaMA-3 and GEMMA-2B, we describe the process
of generating embeddings as below:
LLaMA follows a standard transformer architec-
ture with self-attention and feedforward networks.
Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis
The input is a tokenized text sequence:
x = [x
, x
, . . . , x
Each transformer layer consists of multi-head self-
attention and feedforward networks:
= MultiHeadAttention(H
) +FFN(H
The final hidden states are used for downstream
= [h
, h
, . . . , h
A recent study on transformer-based models
(Fields et al., 2024) addresses key questions such as
”How Wide, How Large, How Long, How Accurate,
How Expensive, and How Safe are they?” The study
emphasizes the latest advancements in large language
models (LLMs) by evaluating their accuracy across
358 datasets spanning 20 different applications. The
findings challenge the assumption that LLMs are uni-
versally superior, revealing unexpected results related
to accuracy, cost, and safety. LLMs now encompass
both unimodal and multimodal tasks, where unimodal
models use only textual information, and multimodal
models incorporate text, video, signals, images, au-
dio, and columnar data for classification. The pa-
per highlights that while recent models like GPT-4
and Longformer can handle input text lengths of up
to 8,192 tokens with high accuracy in classification
tasks, the cost of training these LLMs, along with the
associated economic and environmental concerns, has
become a significant issue in recent years. Another
notable study by (Wagh et al., 2021) examines the
classification of long documents. The authors reaf-
firm that while BERT-based models can perform well
across various datasets and are suitable for document
classification tasks, they come with a high compu-
tational cost. They also point out that long docu-
ment classification is a relatively simpler task, and
even basic algorithms can achieve competitive perfor-
mance compared to BERT-based approaches on most
In our paper, we compare and discuss the capabil-
ities of state-of-the-art models in generating high-
quality embeddings for very long texts. Subsequently,
we evaluate the generated embeddings using various
methods, including Doc2vec, in the context of docu-
ment classification tasks.
3.1 Datasets
Given the ongoing challenge of benchmarking very
long texts due to the lack of agreement on datasets
and baselines (Tay et al., 2021), we have prepared and
introduced datasets with more than 1,000 tokens per
text to evaluate embedding quality. table 1 shows the
detailed information about each dataset.
Table 1: Dataset information including token size, sample
size, and number of labels. Note*: 20 news and arxiv 100
information on section appendix 6.
Dataset # Avg. Tokens Size Labels
Dataset#1 7630 554 11
Dataset#2 11305 1101 11
s2orc 3450 58905 4
20 news* 149 11297 20
arxiv 100* 121 100004 10
S2ORC. Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus
(Lo et al., 2020) is a comprehensive corpus designed
for natural language processing and text mining on
scientific papers. It includes over 136 million pa-
per nodes, with more than 12.7 million full-text pa-
pers connected by approximately 467 million cita-
tion edges, derived from various sources and aca-
demic disciplines. The number of tokens in our se-
lected dataset ranges from 1 to 287,400. We chose
documents with at least 200 tokens in two classes of
computer science and physics to ensure they are not
smaller than the shortest document in our test set.
arxiv + Biorxiv. This dataset includes documents
from the years 2022 and 2023 in both combina-
tion of arxiv and biorxiv, containing 550 and 1,000
documents respectively. Each document includes
the full text of the papers, with an average of
more than 7,000 tokens after preprocessing (tokeniza-
tion, lemmatization, stop words removal and extra
phrases removal). These datasets encompass mul-
tiple classes where for arxiv+biorxiv 2022 (labeled
as Dataset#1) includes Evolutionary Biology, Pale-
ontology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Zoology,
Statistics, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biochem-
istry, Economics, Physics and Electrical Engineer-
ing. On the other side, the arxiv+biorxiv 2023 (la-
beled as Dataset#2) dataset contain Biochemistry, Pa-
leontology, Genomics, Quantitative Biology, Quanti-
tative Finance, Statistics, Computer Science, Electri-
cal Engineering and Systems Science, Mathematics,
Physics and Zoology labels.
To prepare them, we first converted PDF docu-
ments to text format and then removed author names,
images, tables, captions, references, acknowledg-
ments, and formulas. Furthermore, we eliminated
sentences with fewer than three tokens. All prepro-
cessing steps, as well as subsequent operations, were
executed using Python 3.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.2 Embeddings
Doc2vec. Given Doc2vec’s scalability with large
datasets, we explored its functionalities by training it
on extensive technical corpora. For training purposes,
we focused on technical documents of S2ORC and
collected 341,891 documents, totaling approximately
10GB, from fields including Engineering, Computer
Science, Physics, and Math. It is important to note
that we excluded the test set from the training set to
train the Doc2vec model effectively. Finally, we gen-
erated the embeddings using Doc2vec.
SciBERT. (Beltagy et al., 2019), is a BERT-based
model pre-trained on a large corpus of scientific text,
which includes papers from the corpus of Semantic
Scholar. The model aims to address the unique chal-
lenges posed by scientific text, such as specialized ter-
minology and longer sentence structures. By leverag-
ing this specialized pre-training, SciBERT achieves
better performance on downstream scientific NLP
tasks compared to the vanilla BERT model, particu-
larly in domains like biomedical and computer sci-
ence literature. In this model, full-text documents
are encoded into chunks of 512 tokens. We gener-
ated text embeddings using the SciBERT model SciB-
ERT scivocab uncased with a maximum sequence
length of 512 tokens. The final layer’s hidden states
were used as embeddings, with mean pooling applied
to obtain sentence-level embeddings. We utilized the
Hugging Face ‘transformers‘ library (version 4.x.x)
for model loading and inference.
Longformer. Introduced by (Beltagy et al., 2020),
addresses the challenge of processing long documents
by extending the input sequence token size up to
4096 tokens, significantly more than BERT’s 512-
token limit. Longformer employs a combination of
local and global attention mechanisms that scale lin-
early with the sequence length, allowing it to han-
dle much longer documents efficiently. This model
is specifically designed to mitigate the computational
inefficiencies of the quadratic complexity of the stan-
dard self-attention mechanism in BERT. In our ex-
periments, we utilized the Longformer-large model
allenai/longformer large 4096 to generate document
embeddings. This model comprises 24 layers, each
with a hidden size of 1024, and uses 16 attention
heads. It is capable of processing sequences up to
4096 tokens in length, leveraging a sliding window
attention mechanism with a window size of 512 to-
kens and supporting global attention for key tokens.
Embeddings were generated by extracting the CLS
token’s output from the last hidden layer, optionally
followed by mean pooling for a fixed-size representa-
LLaMA-3 and GEMMA-2B. Large Language
Model for AI Assistance (Touvron and Lavril, 2023)
represents a significant advancement in the realm of
large-scale language models. Unlike earlier models
like BERT or even Longformer, which are constrained
by their maximum input sequence lengths, LLaMA-
3 is designed to handle extremely large contexts,
accommodating up to 16,000 tokens per sequence.
This makes it particularly suitable for tasks involv-
ing extensive documents, such as entire books, com-
prehensive reports, and complex dialogues. More-
over, GEMMA-2B (Team, 2024) (Generative Em-
bedding Model with Multi-headed Attention) distin-
guishes itself with a focus on generating high-quality
embeddings for downstream NLP tasks. This model
operates with a maximum input sequence length of
2048 tokens, striking a balance between the exten-
sive context capabilities of models like LLaMA-3 and
the more focused scope of traditional models. We
generated text embeddings using the LLaMA 3 8B
model provided by Ollama (Ollama, 2024). This
model, which has 8.03 billion parameters, is opti-
mized for instruction-following tasks and operates
efficiently through quantization techniques, such as
0. The embedding generation process utilizes
the output from the model’s last hidden layer, en-
suring rich contextual representations of the input
text. Ollama’s quantization reduces the model’s size
to 5.5GB, allowing for effective deployment on lo-
cal hardware while maintaining high-quality perfor-
mance. Table 2 illustrates detailed information of
each model.
Table 2: Characteristics of different models including vo-
cabulary size, corpus size, maximum length, and embed-
ding size.
Model Vocab Corpus Max Len Embedding
SciBERT 30K 1.14M 512 768
Doc2vec 33K 1.2M 10k 400
LLaMA-3 128K 15 Tn 8k 4096
GEMMA-2B 256K 6 Tn 8k 2048
Longformer 30K 33 Tn 4k 768
In this section, we present the results of our experi-
ments on several datasets using state-of-the-art mod-
els to generate high-quality embeddings for text clas-
sification. The models evaluated include Doc2vec,
LLaMA-3, Longformer, SciBERT, and GEMMA-2B.
We utilized both SVM and MLP classifiers to assess
the performance of these embeddings. The evalua-
tion metrics include accuracy, precision, recall, and
F1 score. The reason we selected these classifiers,
Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis
rather than model-based ones like LongformerClas-
sifier, is to remain agnostic regarding classifier selec-
tion. This approach allows us to reuse the embeddings
for other NLP tasks, providing greater flexibility and
utility. Below we give more information on each:
SVM. We utilized a Support Vector Machine (SVM)
classifier with a linear kernel to perform the classifi-
cation tasks. The model was configured with a regu-
larization parameter, C, set to 1.0 to balance the trade-
off between minimizing training error and achieving
low testing error. The SVM classifier was trained
on the given feature set and corresponding labels, fa-
cilitating effective class separation within the feature
space. MLP. We utilized the MLP Classifier from
scikit-learn to build a neural network classifier for our
dataset. The model features two hidden layers with
100 and 50 neurons, respectively, and was trained for
a maximum of 60 iterations. We set the random seed
to 42 for reproducibility.
4.1 Results
We observed Doc2vec consistently demonstrated ro-
bust performance on the Dataset#2 dataset, achiev-
ing an MLP accuracy of 0.67, and an F1 score of
0.65. Longformer also delivered competitive results,
with SVM accuracy of 0.64, and an F1 score of 0.65.
In contrast, SciBERT and LLaMA-3 showed slightly
lower performance, with SVM accuracies of 0.61 and
0.56, and MLP accuracies of 0.64 and 0.60. The
GEMMA-2B model, however, had the least favor-
able outcomes. We can express the lower results of
GEMMA-2B model comparing with LLaMA-3 due
to its lower embedding dimension and model param-
eters size. We were surprised by the strong perfor-
mance of TF-IDF embeddings, which outperformed
all other models, likely due to its effectiveness in han-
dling massive documents. On Dataset#1 Doc2vec
emerged as the top performer, achieving an SVM ac-
curacy of 0.7590, an MLP accuracy of 0.71, and an
F1 score of 0.78. SciBERT followed closely, with an
SVM accuracy of 0.72, an MLP accuracy of 0.71, and
an F1 score of 0.72. Longformer, however, showed a
decline in performance, reflected by an SVM accu-
racy of 0.5500, an MLP accuracy of 0.5833, and an
F1 score of 0.5550. LLaMA-3 provided moderate re-
sults with an SVM accuracy of 0.4940, an MLP ac-
curacy of 0.3976, and an F1 score of 0.7804. Mean-
while, GEMMA-2B continued to struggle, recording
the lowest performance metrics with an SVM accu-
racy of 0.4700, an MLP accuracy of 0.4600, and an
F1 score of 0.4500.
Finaly LLaMA-3 demonstrated superior perfor-
mance on the S2ORC dataset with two classes,
achieving nearly perfect scores with an SVM ac-
curacy, MLP accuracy, and F1 score all at 0.99.
Doc2vec also showed strong results, with an SVM
accuracy of 0.97, an MLP accuracy of 0.99, and an
F1 score of 0.9776. Both Longformer and SciBERT
maintained high levels of accuracy, with SVM scores
of 0.96 and 0.97, and MLP accuracies of 0.99 and
0.97, respectively, complemented by high F1 scores.
These findings highlight the remarkable efficiency of
LLaMA-3 and Doc2vec in managing large-scale sci-
entific documents.
The results in table 3 indicates that LLaMA-3
consistently outperforms other models across vari-
ous datasets, particularly on the 20 news (6) and
S2ORC datasets, demonstrating its robustness and ef-
fectiveness in handling long and shorter documents
by generating high-quality embeddings. Doc2vec
also shows competitive performance, especially on
the S2ORC dataset. Longformer and SciBERT ex-
hibit moderate performance, with SciBERT perform-
ing better on the arxiv 100 dataset (APPENDIX).
GEMMA-2B, while a powerful model for embedding
generation, did not perform as well in this classifica-
tion task, suggesting that its embeddings might need
further fine-tuning for specific tasks or datasets. To
further analyze the effectiveness of the embeddings
generated by the different models, we projected the
high-dimensional embeddings into a 2D space us-
ing the PACMAP dimensionality reduction technique
(Wang et al., 2021). This visualization allows for a
deep understanding of how well the models differenti-
ate between classes in various datasets (see Appendix
4.2 Training and Inference Time
Transformer-based models, such as SciBERT, LLMs,
and Longformer, possess a complex architecture in-
volving multi-head self-attention mechanisms and
multiple layers, which enable them to capture entan-
gled dependencies and contextual information. These
models typically require massive datasets for pre-
training where depending on the model size and hard-
ware, the training time can range from several days
to months, although fine-tuning usually takes a few
hours to a few days on powerful GPUs (Devlin et al.,
2018). In contrast, simpler models like Word2Vec
and Doc2vec use much less complex architectures.
Word2Vec, for example, leverages shallow neural net-
works with a single hidden layer, while Doc2vec ex-
tends Word2Vec by considering document context but
remains relatively straightforward. These models also
utilize large datasets but not to the extent required
for transformer models, typically training on corpora
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Evaluation metrics Macro average of (Precision, Recall, F1 Score) and SVM Classification/MLP classification
accuracy for different models across bioarxiv 2022, bioarxiv 2023, and s2orc datasets.
Dataset Model Macro avg. P Macro avg. R Macro avg. F1 SVM acc MLP acc
Doc2vec 0.6702 0.6545 0.6593 0.6545 0.6780
GEMMA-2B 0.5100 0.5100 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
LLaMA-3 0.5964 0.5697 0.5744 0.5697 0.6000
Longformer 0.6919 0.6424 0.6519 0.6424 0.6420
SciBERT 0.6295 0.6182 0.6213 0.6180 0.6400
TF-IDF 0.8900 0.8800 0.8800 0.8800 0.8900
Doc2vec 0.8181 0.7711 0.7825 0.7590 0.7100
GEMMA-2B 0.4800 0.4700 0.4500 0.4700 0.4600
LLaMA-3 0.7819 0.7819 0.7804 0.4940 0.3976
Longformer 0.6789 0.5500 0.5550 0.5500 0.5833
SciBERT 0.7597 0.7229 0.7279 0.7229 0.7100
TF-IDF 0.7400 0.7200 0.7200 0.7600 0.7800
Doc2vec 0.9775 0.9777 0.9776 0.9778 0.9998
LLaMA-3 0.9976 0.9976 0.9976 0.9976 0.9976
Longformer 0.9674 0.9677 0.9675 0.9678 0.9993
SciBERT 0.9749 0.9749 0.9749 0.9749 0.9797
TF-IDF 0.9700 0.9700 0.9700 0.9800 0.9800
containing millions to billions of words. Training
these models is much faster, with Doc2vec being
trainable on a large corpus in a matter of hours using a
few CPUs or a single GPU, still considerably quicker
than transformer models. Figures 1a and 1b show the
comparison of fine-tuning—training/ time and mem-
ory/time of full self-attention and different implemen-
tations of Longformer’s methods vs Doc2vec.
As shown in 2, Doc2vec can perform competi-
tively while offering significant advantages in terms
of inference time, resource requirements, and energy
consumption. Specifically, Doc2vec demonstrates
much faster average embedding inference times per
second on a CPU, needing significantly less computa-
tional resources and consuming less energy compared
to other models.
One of the significant challenges encountered in this
study was finding datasets with tokens exceeding
1,000 to effectively compare the models’ ability to ex-
tract embeddings from very long texts. Such datasets
are crucial for evaluating model performance on ex-
tended sequences.
Additionally, inferring heavy models like
LLaMA-3 and GEMMA-2B required substantial
time, effort, and computational resources. These
models have considerable demands, and their infer-
ence process was constrained by the limitations of
available libraries and computing environments.
In this study, we have evaluated the performance of
various state-of-the-art models, including Doc2vec,
SciBERT, Longformer, LLaMA-3, and GEMMA-2B,
on the task of generating high-quality embeddings for
text classification. Our experiments spanned multi-
ple datasets such as 20 news, arxiv 100, Dataset#1,
Dataset#2, and S2ORC, providing a comprehensive
analysis of each model’s strengths and limitations.
The results indicate that LLaMA-3 consistently
outperforms other models across different datasets,
particularly excelling in the 20 news and S2ORC
datasets with superior accuracy and F1 scores. SciB-
ERT also demonstrated robust performance, espe-
cially with the arxiv 100 dataset. Notably, Doc2vec,
while slightly behind in absolute performance met-
rics, offers competitive results with significantly bet-
ter computational efficiency, making it an excel-
lent choice for applications requiring faster inference
times and lower resource consumption. This bal-
ance between performance and efficiency is critical
for practical deployment in real-world scenarios.
Additionally, our study highlighted the challenges
associated with handling very long documents, where
models like Longformer and LLaMA-3, designed for
extended context processing, showed significant ad-
vantages. However, GEMMA-2B, despite its pow-
erful embedding capabilities, requires further fine-
In future, we aim to investigate the quality of em-
beddings in additional NLP tasks, such as question
Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis
(a) Fine-tuning time of self-attention Longformers and
Doc2vec (Beltagy et al., 2020).
(b) Memory usage of self-attention Longformers and
Doc2vec (Beltagy et al., 2020).
Figure 1: Performance comparison of Longformers and Doc2vec models.
Figure 2: Inference time of different models for embedding
answering and summarization on very long texts. We
will also review the tuned combinations of embed-
dings for specific tasks and domains.
This project has been supported by PID2021-
122136OB-C21 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e In-
on, by 839 FEDER (EU) funds.
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Datasets 20 News: (Lang, 1995) is widely used for
text classification and natural language processing
(NLP) tasks. It contains approximately 20,000 news-
group documents, divided into 20 different news-
arxiv 100: dataset comprises 100,000 arXiv paper
abstracts and averages 121 tokens per document, cov-
ering subjects such as Electrical Engineering and Sys-
tems Science, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics,
Quantum Physics, Mathematics, High Energy Physics
- Theory, High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter
Physics, and Astrophysics.
Results: On 20 news dataset, LLaMA-3 significantly
outperformed other models, achieving an SVM accu-
racy of 0.97 and an F1 score of 0.97. Doc2vec showed
decent performance with an SVM accuracy of 0.75,
while its F1 score was 0.67. Longformer and SciB-
ERT demonstrated moderate results, with SVM accu-
racies of 0.75 and 0.66, and MLP accuracies of 0.65
and 0.65, respectively. LLaMA-3’s results reflect its
superior ability to handle the complexity of the news-
group data.
On arxiv 100, SciBERT led with an SVM accu-
racy of 0.81, both with an F1 score of 0.81. Doc2vec
followed closely, with SVM and MLP accuracies of
0.81 and 0.76. LLaMA-3 also performed well, show-
ing an SVM accuracy of 0.78, and an F1 score of 0.78.
Longformer lagged behind with an SVM accuracy of
0.72 and an MLP accuracy of 0.74, with an F1 score
of 0.72. These results underscore SciBERT’s effec-
tiveness in handling scientific abstracts and technical
documents. Table 4 summarizes the classification and
F-score results on these datasets.
Dimensionality Reduction and Embedding Analy-
sis: We applied the PACMAP dimensionality reduc-
tion method (Wang et al., 2021) to embeddings ex-
tracted from various models on the S2ORC test set.
As illustrated in Figure 3, LLaMA-3 effectively sep-
arated the embeddings in the 2D space, demonstrat-
ing distinct class separation. While Doc2Vec and
SciBERT also achieved some degree of separation be-
tween classes, the resulting data points remained in
close proximity within the 2D space. Finally, Long-
former, despite distinguishing the classes, performed
the weakest separation performance among the oth-
Table 4: Evaluation metrics (Precision, Recall, F1 Score)
and SVM/MLP classification results for different models
across arxiv 100 and 20 news datasets.
Data Model P R F1 SVM MLP
Doc2vec 0.6700 0.6665 0.6665 0.747 0.694
LLaMA-3 0.9775 0.9741 0.9749 0.974 0.971
Longf 0.6481 0.6324 0.6303 0.746 0.646
SciBERT 0.6628 0.6581 0.6589 0.658 0.653
arxiv 100
Doc2vec 0.8009 0.8007 0.8007 0.805 0.756
LLaMA-3 0.7819 0.7819 0.7804 0.781 0.780
Longf 0.7183 0.7173 0.7171 0.716 0.739
SciBERT 0.8094 0.8093 0.8093 0.809 0.785
a) PACMAP with LLaMA-3
b) PACMAP with Doc2vec
c) PACMAP with Longformer
d) PACMAP with SciBERT
Figure 3: 2D embedding visualization on S2ORC
dataset(tests) , extracted from a)LLaMA-3, b)Longformer,
c)SciBERT and d)Doc2vec, results showing a great perfor-
mance of LLaMA-3 on class separations.
Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis