Figure 7: Testing accuracy and loss with learning rate
= 0.001, other
values are the same as the
parameters set (Photo/Picture credit : Original).
When the learning rate = 0.001, the accuracy
dropped a lot and the performance of stability and
convergence also dropped. However, in the first few
epochs, this model quickly reached a higher accuracy
than the model of 0.0001 learning rate. Also, it was
about to converge earlier but did not keep converging.
A larger learning rate is not suitable for training
such detailed medical data, and it is easy to skip the
details and achieve the wrong classification. On the
contrary, a smaller learning rate can have better
accuracy and convergence because it can focus on
more details of the images and use these details to do
the right classification.
This article applies Federated Learning to the MRI
dataset, aiming to improve data privacy. Combining
the EfficientNet-B0 and FedAvg Algorithm, the study
developed a flexible and secure classification method
compared with recent methods. Through
experiments, the study found the best
hyperparameters to train the model with high
accuracy and fast convergence. Furthermore, the
study compared the performance of different CNN
models to demonstrate the advantages of the
combination. In terms of future study, heterogeneity
of the data is a big deal, how to further combine a
good method to improve the accuracy in more
heterogenous data will be an important research
direction. Also, the method should be tested through
other complex datasets.
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