Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An
Application in Aluminium Die Casting
Florian R
, Kai G
, Maximilian Liebetreu
and Stephan Strommer
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Vision, Automation & Control, Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Vienna, Austria
{florian.roetzer, kai.goebel, maximilian.liebetreu, stephan.strommer}
Knowledge Graph Extraction, Knowledge Graph Generation, Large Language Model, Retrieval-Augmented
Generation, High-Pressure Die Casting.
We present a novel, efficient, and scalable approach for generating knowledge graphs (KGs) tailored to specific
competency questions, leveraging large language model (LLM)-based retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
as a source of high-quality text data. Our method utilises a predefined ontology and defines two agents: The
first agent extracts entities and triplets from the text corpus maintained by the RAG, while the second agent
merges similar entities based on labels and descriptions, using embedding functions and LLM reasoning. This
approach does not require fine-tuning or additional AI training, and relies solely on off-the-shelf technologies.
Additionally, due to the use of RAG, the method can be used with a text corpus of arbitrary size. We applied
our method to the high-pressure die casting domain, focusing on defects and their causes. In the absence of
annotated datasets, manual evaluation of the resulting KGs showed over 90% precision in entity extraction and
around 70% precision in triplet extraction, the main source of error being the RAG itself. Our findings suggest
that this method can significantly aid in the rapid generation of customised KGs for specific applications.
1.1 Context and Problem
Context and Use Case. Maintaining high quality
of products in high-pressure die casting (HPDC) is
a challenging task that typically relies on the collab-
oration of experts and operators to constantly trou-
bleshoot casting defects and ensure smooth produc-
tion. Their expertise and knowledge are invaluable,
and an extensive body of literature supports their ef-
forts by detailing the correlations between defects, is-
sues and countermeasures. However, managing the
numerous factors that influence casting quality can
prove difficult, especially under the time constraints
of industrial production (Bonollo et al., 2015). In this
context, knowledge management systems can play a
pivotal role by capturing and organising expert knowl-
edge to ensure that critical information is readily
available for HPDC operations.
Assistive solutions can leverage these systems and
enhance the capabilities of experts and operators.
They allow them to query for specific defects and
receive a list of potential causes and countermea-
sures, thereby streamlining the troubleshooting pro-
cess. These queries for specific knowledge, as well
as the expected responses, can be effectively man-
aged using a knowledge graph (KG). KGs enable
efficient querying of relationships between domain-
specific concepts and entities and excel at providing
answers to well-defined queries quickly and reliably.
In comparison, performing the same task on a corpus
of unstructured text can be challenging, confusing,
and time-consuming, even for domain experts. Addi-
tionally, the symbolic and explainable nature of KGs
allows for better grounding of responses compared to
raw semantic text (Noy et al., 2019; Liu and Duan,
Problem: Availability of a KG. While the avail-
ability of suitable KGs varies across different do-
mains, the extensive literature discussing the HPDC
process has not yet been organised into a structured
KG format, to the best of our knowledge. This cir-
cumstance also shapes the initial situation for the
present work:
A text corpus of arbitrary size is available.
Rötzer, F., Göbel, K., Liebetreu, M. and Strommer, S.
Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An Application in Aluminium Die Casting.
DOI: 10.5220/0012951000003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 2, pages 365-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
A KG is needed that encompasses a comparatively
small part of the corpus.
It should decidedly not be necessary to process the
corpus in its entirety.
1.2 Contribution
Contribution Goal. In this work, we aim to con-
1. a minimal-effort approach for KG extraction from
a text corpus of arbitrary size using a combination
of off-the-shelf technologies, including Retrieval-
Augmented Generation (RAG) and Large Lan-
guage Models (LLMs),
2. applied to and evaluated for the specific applica-
tion of troubleshooting in the domain of HPDC.
Challenges and Approach. We explore the use of
LLM-based RAG (Gao et al., 2023) for extracting a
KG tailored to troubleshooting in HPDC, given an
adequately comprehensive text corpus. A significant
challenge arises: the text corpus for HPDC, as well
as for many other industrial domains, is too vast to be
processed in its entirety by an LLM and be converted
into a reasonably useful KG without any guidance.
However, the portion of the text corpus relevant to the
particular competency questions (CQs) that arise in
HPDC troubleshooting is considerably smaller. We
hypothesise that guiding the KG extraction process
with CQs and a fitting ontology will yield a more
complete and relevant KG, ensuring the LLM remains
focused on the relevant entities and relationships and
adheres to a meaningful schema.
To facilitate this, the KG extraction solution we
aim for will query the Q&A interface of a RAG with
prompts derived from application-specific CQs and a
(rudimentary) graph ontology that provides relevant
starting entities and connections to look for when
parsing the RAG’s responses. The technical context
of this extraction task is outlined in Fig. 1. After each
step of the KG extraction, we conduct a quantitative
and qualitative evaluation.
Evaluation Criteria. The criteria for evaluation of
generated KGs are based on confusion matrix-related
scores, i.e., Precision, Recall, F1, etc. The evaluation
of results can be performed
either qualitatively, when no ground truth data is
or in benchmark scenarios, that is, using anno-
tated, complete ground truth datasets.
Text corpus
KG extraction
with Q&A
Figure 1: Context and goal: Extract an application-specific
KG based on a specific ontology and CQs from a large text
corpus, leveraging a RAG.
In our case, the absence of a ground truth KG al-
lows us only to use the count of positive predictions
made by the KG extraction solution. Since we aim for
a comparably small and concise KG result, we will
annotate the results manually with the aid of the liter-
ature and calculate the Precision score in addition to
a qualitative evaluation.
1.3 Structure of this Paper
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 gives a short overview of the state of the art
in KG extraction and other, related tasks. Section 3
contains a description of our approach and method-
ology, including prerequisites and assumptions about
the RAG system at hand (Section 3.1), the method
itself (Section 3.2), and its specific application to
HPDC (Section 3.3). Section 4 provides an in-depth
presentation and detailed discussion of our findings.
Finally, possible implications and future avenues of
research are discussed in Section 5.
We employ the following guidelines and structure our
literature review according to Fig. 2 to apply a KG to
a specific domain:
If a suitable KG is available, utilise it.
If only a basic KG is available, enhance or com-
plete it.
If no KG is available, develop one from scratch
using an appropriate method.
KGs in Die Casting. For the die casting industry,
a host of literature describing the process - its chal-
lenges, operation and structure - is readily available
(Franke, 2019; Campbell, 2015). Pertinent problems
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
KG available?
Similar or basic
KG available?
Method for KG
generation available?
Generate KG
Complete KG
Use KG
Figure 2: Guidelines for literature review.
with creating a KG from this information include
(Bonollo et al., 2015)
the variety of different sources (multiple books,
reports, databases, ...),
the language barrier (texts are written in German,
English, ...),
the ambiguous terminology (largely dependent on
the authors’ backgrounds and fields),
and the lack of cross-source links (few identical
entities or references across sources).
If KGs for the field of HPDC already exist, they
are, to our best knowledge, not available in the public
domain. Either way, such KGs may still suffer from
the linguistic ambiguity problems mentioned before
due to the lack of standardised terminology. For this
reason, it appears instructive not to publish an individ-
ual KG but rather the method employed in its creation.
KG Fusion and Completion. One important topic
in KG creation is expanding, cleaning and complet-
ing existing KGs. Active areas of research in the field
include knowledge fusion (aligning entities that are
sufficiently similar) (Nguyen et al., 2020; Wang et al.,
2024), KG completion (predicting links and entities)
(Markowitz et al., 2022; Shen et al., 2022), KG em-
beddings (finding embeddings to compare graphs, en-
tities, etc.) (Biswas et al., 2023), (explainable) AI sys-
tems (recommender systems, information retrieval,
question-answering systems) (Schramm et al., 2023;
Purohit et al., 2020), and knowledge acquisition (ex-
tracting relations, entities and attributes) (Han et al.,
2018; Al-Moslmi et al., 2020; Han and Wang, 2024).
Despite being powerful methods in their own
right, both KG fusion and KG completion usually do
not start triplet generation from scratch, that is, from
a (near-)empty KG.
LLM for KG Completion and Reasoning. Some
research has been dedicated to improving KGs us-
ing LLMs. Pan et al. (Pan et al., 2024) outline a
framework for integrating LLMs with KGs, reviewing
LLM-augmented KG construction techniques such as
entity discovery and relation extraction. Zhang et
al. (Zhang et al., 2023) investigate methods to in-
corporate structural information into LLMs for im-
proved KG completion, proposing the Knowledge
Prefix Adapter (KoPA) to enhance reasoning abilities.
Veseli et al. (Veseli et al., 2023) evaluate the poten-
tial of language models for unsupervised knowledge
base completion, offering a framework for assessing
Language Models’ knowledge base completion capa-
Further research focuses on the reasoning capa-
bilities of LLMs on KGs. Zhang et al. (Zhang
et al., 2022) discuss how to effectively fuse and rea-
son over KG representations and language context,
proposing GreaseLM, a model that integrates LLMs
with graph neural networks to improve question an-
swering by reasoning over KGs. Luo et al. (Luo
et al., 2023) propose a method to enhance LLM rea-
soning by integrating them with KGs for more faith-
ful and interpretable reasoning through a planning-
retrieval-reasoning framework. Similarly, Reason-
ingLM (Jiang et al., 2023) is a model designed for
subgraph reasoning over KGs in question answering
tasks. For advanced reasoning, it employs a subgraph-
aware self-attention mechanism and an adaptation
tuning strategy.
KG Generation from Heterogeneous Sources.
Parsing (semi-)structured data from the web using
dedicated pages and existing links lends itself well to
the creation of KGs. Similarly, parsing JSON, CSV
or other structured data containers and creating KGs
from them is also comparatively straightforward (Sun
et al., 2024; Tama
sauskaite and Groth, 2023). By con-
trast, retrieving entities and relations from a text cor-
pus is a more open-ended problem, suffers from a lack
of expressive metrics, and is an active area of research
in natural language processing and related fields (An-
gelov, 2020; Lison et al., 2021; Melnyk et al., 2022;
Sun et al., 2024). Additionally, the poor performance
of knowledge acquisition and extraction models on
PDF text has been reported, and the possible bene-
fits of improved file parsing solutions have been high-
lighted (Lin, 2024).
KG Generation Involving Human Experts. A
method related to the present work was developed
in (Zhou et al., 2023) and applied to issues in the
injection molding process. Elementary sentences in
natural language were used as inputs and converted
into RDF triplets by a fine-tuned BERT-based model
for knowledge extraction. The extracted entities were
compared to existing KG entities based on an embed-
ding function and were merged and classified accord-
ingly. The main drawback is that both the extraction
Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An Application in Aluminium Die Casting
model and embedding function have to be fine-tuned
to the technical language and dialect of the experts
providing the inputs.
LMs as Knowledge Base. In recent years, LMs
have gained considerable attention for their abil-
ity to access and utilise knowledge. AlKhamissi
(AlKhamissi et al., 2022) discusses a direct approach
to using LLMs as knowledge bases, highlighting their
capabilities and limitations.
Hao et al. (Hao et al., 2023) proposed KG har-
vesting to extract the implicit knowledge encoded in
an LM. Using BERT as the encoder, their method in-
volves an iteration over the entire vocabulary of the
LM, which, supposedly, will not scale well to LLM
and RAG.
LLM for KG Extraction. Building upon the poten-
tial of LLMs as knowledge repositories, several stud-
ies have explored their application to the construction
of KGs. Zhu et al. (Zhu et al., 2023) investigate the
use of LLMs for KG construction and reasoning. In
addition, they propose a multi-agent-based approach
for constructing KGs. Carta et al. (Carta et al., 2023)
present an innovative strategy for iteratively prompt-
ing LLMs to extract KG components using a zero-
shot prompt strategy, thereby breaking the extraction
task down into manageable steps. The method is de-
signed to process all of the given text corpus.
Ontology Generation. Kommineni et al. (Kommi-
neni et al., 2024) explore a semi-automatic approach
that uses LLM-generated CQs along with answers
from human experts to purposefully construct ontolo-
gies and KGs. Toro et al. (Toro et al., 2023) intro-
duce the DRAGON-AI method for ontology genera-
tion, which employs LLMs and RAG to generate on-
tology components from existing knowledge and un-
structured text. Unlike Kommineni et al., they do not
provide CQs, leaving the ontology construction with-
out a clear goal and scope.
Ideas Picked up for This Paper. In the present
work, we build on the aforementioned ideas of auto-
mated KG harvesting (Hao et al., 2023) and iterative
KG entity and triplet extraction (Carta et al., 2023) to
achieve the envisaged contribution from Section 1.2.
Section 3 covers the technical approach.
Our approach closely aligns with that of Carta et al.
(Carta et al., 2023). The differences are visualised in
Fig. 3. Their method processes input documents to
build a KG and a hierarchical taxonomy in a bottom-
up sequence. A necessary requirement is that the in-
put documents be chosen at some point, with no way
to pre-select or ignore parts of the information con-
tained within.
Contrarily, our approach requires specific CQs
to be answered and a basic ontology in which they
should be answered. It therefore builds on existing
domain and expert knowledge.
Our method comprises two separate routines
which we call Agent 1 and Agent 2. Agent 1 directs
prompts derived from our CQs at a text RAG, which
serves as a library of arbitrary size. The RAG then re-
turns short and specific text answers that are easier to
process than large text documents, because they con-
tain less unnecessary information and do not need to
be split into chunks. Agent 1 then continues to extract
entities and triplets for the KG. Agent 2 performs a
clustering routine for KG entities, based on both em-
bedding functions and LLM reasoning. Using sepa-
rate agents with distinct responsibilities allows us to
run each agent any number of times to grow and con-
solidate the KG.
Entity extraction
Candidate triplet
Text split
Entity extraction
Phrase select.
Mention recog.
Relation extract.
Predicate desc.
Semantic aggr.
Cluster disamb.
Concept shrink.
Candidate triplet
Carta et al. 2023 Our approach
Agent 1Agent 2
Semantic aggr.
Cluster disamb.
Concept shrink.
Relation extract.
Figure 3: Comparison of our approach and the closely-
related approach by Carta et al. (Carta et al., 2023)
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
3.1 Prerequisites
Our approach necessitates the following assumptions
and prerequisites in addition to the availability of a
suitable text corpus. In Section 3.3, we continue on
how these prerequisites were met in our application.
RAG. Our approach relies on the availability of a
RAG system with a Q&A interface for natural lan-
guage. The use of a RAG allows iterative querying
for small chunks of information, which drastically re-
duces the complexity of the KG triplet extraction task.
At the same time, RAG allows us to funnel a text cor-
pus of arbitrary size and degree of relevance into our
method without compromising its performance.
CQs and Ontology. The purpose of the KG must be
made explicit by stating the CQs which it should be
able to answer. The way CQs are answered by the KG
must be reflected by the provided ontology. From the
CQs and ontology, we can then derive queries for the
RAG, either automatically (Kommineni et al., 2024)
or, in our case, manually.
Initial KG Entities (Optional). In most cases, the
KG will not be a standalone document, but rather
share well-defined interfaces with other applications,
including human-machine interfaces. It is therefore
reasonable to expect one or more predefined entities
that might be referred to by the CQs and will serve as
entry points to the KG.
3.2 Method
We split the task of KG extraction into two separate
routines (cf. Fig. 3), namely Agent 1, performing can-
didate triplet extraction, and Agent 2, performing en-
tity/predicate resolution.
Agent 1: Candidate Triplet Extraction from RAG.
Agent 1 prompts the RAG using prompt templates
derived from the provided CQs and ontology. The
RAG responses are checked for minimum require-
ments in terms of length and relevance based on em-
beddings (Es et al., 2024). Sufficient answers are sub-
sequently passed to a reduced (cf. Fig. 3) triplet ex-
traction pipeline leveraging an LLM prompt for KG
triplets, derived from the CQ to be answered. The ex-
tracted triplets are then written back to the KG. Fig-
ure 4 shows a flowchart of this procedure.
length OK?
Fetch entities from KG &
fill in RAG prompt template
Prompt RAG
relevance OK?
Fill in LLM prompt template
Prompt LLM
Write triplets to KG
Figure 4: Flow chart of Agent 1; From RAG to KG triplets.
Agent 2: Entity Resolution. Agent 2 takes samples
of entities from the KG and merges sufficiently sim-
ilar ones. To this end, each entity is required to have
a label and a description property. The procedure
itself is twofold (excluding the operations on the KG)
and is outlined in Fig. 5.
First (semantic aggregation), the label and
description of each entity are mapped to an embed-
ding space by means of the Universal Sentence En-
coder (Cer et al., 2018). The embedding utilises the
cosine distance for similarity of sentences, which is
not a metric in the mathematical sense. We therefore
only rely on the closeness of two entities at a time,
thereby finding single-linkage hierarchical clustering
to be a reasonable choice. This step yields clusters
that form chains in the embedding space from one
concept to another.
In the second step (cluster disambiguation +
concept shrinkage), we present an LLM with the
embedding-based clusters and query it to further par-
tition them if necessary. The LLM also assigns a uni-
fying label and description to each cluster with
two or more elements.
3.3 Application in HPDC
For our application in HPDC, we generate a KG that
links casting defects with the issues that cause them.
The purpose of such a graph is to point out the correla-
tions and dependencies between different defect pat-
terns, which are important to understand when taking
countermeasures against occurring defects.
Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An Application in Aluminium Die Casting
Fetch entities from KG
Embed & cluster entities
(Semantic aggregation)
Refine clusters
(Cluster disambiguation)
Label & describe clusters
(Concept shrinkage)
LLM prompt
disamb. +
Merge cluster entities in KG
Figure 5: Flow chart of Agent 2: From KG entities to
merged similar KG entities.
3.3.1 Prerequisites
We first describe how we achieve the prerequisites de-
scribed in Section 3.1 in the context of our HPDC ap-
RAG. We refrain from developing our own RAG
system and instead rely on Perplexity. Our expec-
tation here is that it represents the state of the art in
RAG technology, both in terms of text corpus size and
well-tuned parameterisation.
CQ and Ontology. We utilise but a single CQ
to make the results easily tractable: ”What are
possible issues that cause the defect XY?” Like-
wise, the ontology we use can be reduced to
(Issue)-[causes]->(Defect) in Cypher notation.
From the CQ and ontology, we derive a prompt tem-
plate to query the RAG for Issue entities that cause
a specific Defect.
Initial KG Entities. We provide Defect entities
based on the norm CEN/TR 16749 (European Com-
mittee for Standardization, Technical Committee 132,
2014) for aluminium casting defects.
We use the de-
fect names, definitions and morphologies provided in
the norm document as label and description prop-
erties, respectively.
3.3.2 Implementation
We implemented the agents described in Section 3.2
in Python. The utilised technologies and their param-
eterisation are listed in the following.
The norm itself is not freely available. However, the
casting defect definitions therein are derived from the re-
ports of the project The MUSIC guide to key-parameters in
High Pressure Die Casting
Implementation of Agent 1. A comprehensive list
of the used technologies and parameters is given in
Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1: Technologies used for Agent 1.
KG Neo4j
RAG Perplexity
Embedding model text-embedding-ada-002
LLM gpt-3.5-turbo
Table 2: Parameterisation used for Agent 1.
RAG temperature Perplexity default
RAG ans. min. length 100 Tokens
RAG ans. min. relevance 0.9
LLM temperature 0
Listing 1: RAG prompt template.
Read the fo l lo w i n g d e s c r i p t io n of
, {defect[label]} i n the co n t ext
, of alu m in i u m high - pre s su r e di e
, c a st i n g d e fe c t s . Find p o ss i b le
, i s sues t h a t cause t h i s defe c t .
, Give a d et a i le d an s w e r .
De s cr i pt i on :
Listing 2: LLM prompt template for triplet extraction.
Read an d ana l y se the c o n te x t giv e n
, b e l o w . W h a t ar e p os s i bl e is s u e s
, that ca u s e {defect[label]}?
Rew r i te the d es c ri p t i o n of e a c h issue
, to focu s on the u nd e rl y in g
, p he n om e no n . Re t urn all c a u ses
, with t h eir d e s c r i pt i on s in a
, JSON str u ct u r e of the f o ll o wi n g
, form :
[{{" na m e " :"..." ," d es c ri p ti o n
, " : ". . . "}} , .. . ]
If no c a us i n g i s s ues can be i n fe r red
, from the conte x t , r e tur n [ ] .
Con t e xt :
Ans w e r :
Implementation of Agent 2. A comprehensive list
of the used technologies and parameters is given in
Tables 3 and 4. Note that the cluster distance thresh-
old for hierarchical clustering should be chosen de-
pending on the linkage dendrogram of the entity set
that is being clustered (see Section 4). We choose this
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
value such that the largest cluster will not exceed the
context length of the LLM.
Table 3: Technologies used for Agent 2.
KG Neo4j
Embedding model Universal Sentence Encoder
LLM gpt-4o
Table 4: Parameterisation used for Agent 2.
Embedding distance Cosine
Cluster linkage Single
Cluster distance threshold 0. . . 2
LLM temperature 0.2
LLM top p 0.1
Listing 3: LLM prompt template for cluster disambigua-
Yo u are an i nt e ll i ge n t cl u s t e r in g
, a lg o r i t h m . Yo u w i l l be p r o vi d e d
, with a JSO N - l i k e st rin g
, r e p r e s en t in g a clu s t er w i t h i t s
, me m b er s . A na l y se the data and
, i de n t if y di f fe r en t c a t e g o r i e s
, or c lu s t er s wit h i n th e pro v i de d
, data . Split the data into
, a pp r o p r i a t e clu s te r s if n e e d ed
, and p r o vid e t h e o utp u t as a
, JSON s tri n g wi t h the new
, c lu s t er s .
Th e o utp u t will f o l l ow the p a t te r n :
" l a b e l ": " Clu s t er N a m e ",
" d e s c r i p t i on ": " C l u st e r
, D es c r i p t i o n ." ,
" m emb e r s ": [
" id ": " un i qu e _i d ",
" l a b e l ": " La bel Name " ,
" d e s c r i p t i on ": "
, D es c r i p t i o n of the
, l a b e l ."
} ,
.. .
} ,
.. .
Input :
Out p u t :
The agents from Section 3 can be run in multiple iter-
ations to continuously grow and extend the KG until
it converges in size. However, in order to keep the re-
sults of this paper reproducible and comprehensible,
we show and discuss the KG we acquired after run-
ning both Agent 1 and Agent 2 once. We annotate the
results manually, using the norm definitions of each
casting defect (European Committee for Standardiza-
tion, Technical Committee 132, 2014).
An example result with annotation is shown in
Table 5. The table shows the labels of some
Issue entites extracted by Agent 1 for different
Defects - in this case ”Interdendritic shrinkage”
(A1.2) and ”Air entrapment porosity” (A2.1). We
differentiate between the validity of extracted enti-
ties in the sense of the ontology and application,
and the validity of triplets, i.e., relationships of the
form (Issue)-[causes]->(Defect). The example
shows four extracted entities in the correct triplet and
one correct entity in the wrong triplet. Furthermore,
the Issue entities ”Alloy composition” and ”Poor
metal quality” may be semantically similar enough to
later be clustered by Agent 2.
Table 5: Example result from Agent 1 for the Defects ”In-
terdendritic shrinkage” (A1.2) and ”Air entrapment poros-
ity” (A2.1); Each row can be true (T) or false (F) either as
an entity (Ent.) or as a triplet (Tri.).
Defect ID Issue Ent. Tri.
... ... ... ...
A1.2 Inadequ. liquid flow T T
A1.2 High solidific. rate T T
A1.2 Alloy composition T T
A1.2 Cooling rate T T
... ... ... ...
A2.1 Poor metal quality T F
... ... ... ...
There is no ground truth available by which the re-
sults can be evaluated. Therefore, we cannot compute
a complete confusion matrix from the results. How-
ever, we can evaluate the Precision metric P as
P =
from the number of true-positives TP and total pre-
dicted positives PP. This score indicates what portion
of the extracted and clustered entities and triplets is
Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An Application in Aluminium Die Casting
4.1 Numerical Results
The numerical results will be displayed in the form
shown in Fig. 6. The incidence matrix in the middle
visualises the clustering result. The x-ticks represent
the extracted Issue entities and the y-ticks represent
the clusters defined by Agent 2. If only Agent 1 was
used, the clustering result is simply the identity ma-
The vector on the left visualises the Precision
score P for the extracted entities or clusters, respec-
tively. The green and red tiles thereby represent true
and false positive predictions of Issue entities or
clusters, i.e., whether an extracted entity or cluster is
actually an Issue in the sense of the ontology. In this
way, the entity extraction Precision is made visible.
The incidence matrix on the right side of
Fig. 6 visualises the extracted triplets of the form
(Issue)-[causes]->(Defect). The green and red
tiles in the right matrix represent true and false pos-
itive predictions for triplets, respectively. The right
matrix thereby visualises the triplet extraction Preci-
4.2 Agent 1 Results
Experiment 1. We start by testing Agent 1 alone.
The outcome is shown in Figure 6. Since at this point
no clustering was performed, all found Issue entities
(and corresponding triplets) are separated and each
one is a cluster of its own. The result in Fig. 6 sepa-
rately visualises the Precision of Agent 1 in extracting
entities that fit the ontology definition and triplets that
are actually true.
The shown results correspond to a Precision of
P = 90.85% in the extraction of singular Issues, but
only P = 68.31% in triplet extraction. This means
that Agent 1, together with Perplexity, was able to
find and correctly describe issues that generally ap-
pear in HPDC with P > 90%. However, the Preci-
sion of triplet extraction at only P = 68.31% hints that
the Issues were not always connected to the right
Defects by the RAG.
The reason for this drop in Precision can be lo-
cated either in the way the RAG prompt was formu-
lated, or in the used RAG technology itself. Possible
explanations include:
Poor prompting of the RAG, or an abundance of
information in the prompt, both misleading the
RAG on what to retrieve.
The RAG not correctly processing the provided
No norm-conforming technical language in the
source documents.
The score P for triplet extraction can essentially
be improved from two sides.
1. Either the RAG interaction step is improved,
which involves prompt engineering and RAG de-
velopment, or
2. a way to block out wrong information after triplet
extraction is implemented, which would again in-
volve human expert interaction at some point.
In the scope of this work, we refrain from further
engineering on Agent 1 and proceed to Agent 2 with
the acquired results.
4.3 Agent 2 Results
Unlike Agent 1, according to Table 4, Agent 2 has
an obvious degree of freedom in its parameterisation:
the cluster distance threshold. For this reason, we
perform two experiments with different threshold set-
tings for Agent 2.
Figure 7 shows the single-linkage clustering den-
drogram of the results from Experiment 1, based on
which we will choose different values for the cluster
distance threshold.
Experiment 2A: Cluster Threshold = 1.133. In
accordance with Section 3.2, we chose the cluster
threshold such that the largest cluster has 16 elements,
in order to not overstrain the attention span of the
LLM. The results of Agent 2 in succession of Agent
1 are shown in Fig. 8. The entity precision score of
P = 90.59% refers to Issue clusters conforming to
the ontology.
Since this is only a partitioning step, the entity
precision is essentially the same as in Experiment 1.
However, we did notice a significant reduction in
specificity in the entity descriptions. As an example,
Table 6 shows an Issue cluster ”Temperature issues”,
found by Agent 2. Along with this decreased speci-
ficity of language, it is not surprising that the Preci-
sion score of the triplet extraction slightly increased
to P = 70.07%.
Table 6: Example result from Agent 1+2: Issue entities
clustered together by Agent 2 as ”Temperature issues”.
Defect ID Original Issue Cluster
A2.4 Die temperature Temp. iss.
A5.1 Temperature factors Temp. iss.
B2.1 High die temperature Temp. iss.
B5.1 Temperature factors Temp. iss.
Diluting the descriptions of clusters of Issues
seems beneficial from the perspective of the LLM.
However, it also requires more knowledge on the side
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Entity Precision
Clustering Triplet Precision
True positive
False positive
Figure 6: Experiment 1 result plot; Vector on the left: Precision of correct Issue entity extraction (90.85%); Left matrix:
Cluster incidence matrix (Identity, because Agent 2 was not used at this point); Right matrix: Triplet incidence matrix and
Precision of correct triplet extraction (68.31%).
Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram
Embedding Vectors
Cosine Distance
Figure 7: Single-linkage clustering dendrogram of the re-
sults from Experiment 1.
of the user to understand what exactly the KG entities
are referring to. If this dilusion of language becomes
problematic, one might have to rethink the clustering
process or enforce the use of a fixed vocabulary set.
At any rate, as this task would involve user feedback,
it remains out of scope for the present paper.
Experiment 2B: Cluster Threshold = 1.21. We
now choose the cluster threshold such that the largset
cluster passed to the LLM has 32 elements. The re-
sult of Agents 1+2 is shown in Fig. 9. We notice that
after the LLM step of Agent 2, the number of clus-
ters is only slightly different from Experiment 2A.
Also, in terms of Precision, the extraction of Issue
clusters with P = 87.5% and triplets of the form with
P = 72.93% both stayed roughly the same. The slight
drop in entity extraction precision is owed to an overly
strong dilusion in technical language. In fact, one
cluster was only labelled ”Casting Defects”, which
we had to annotate as wrong because it was stripped
of all useful information.
A visual comparison of the clustering matrices
from experiments A and B suggests that the cluster-
ing process is relatively stable, also with the LLM in-
volved. However, the linguistic dilusion caused by a
strong LLM involvement needs to be addressed in fu-
ture works.
4.4 Discussion
We performed three experiments (Experiments 1, 2A
and 2B) with the implemented Agents 1 and 2. The
outcomes show and confirm, in accordance with other
results from the literature, that the bottleneck of this
approach as well as other natural language processing
applications is the variety and liberal use of technical
vocabulary in HPDC, just like in other fields.
As for the extraction task covered by Agent 1, our
approach relies heavily on the interaction with RAG
Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An Application in Aluminium Die Casting
True positive
False positive
Triplet Precision
Entity Precision
Figure 8: Experiment 2A result plot; Vector: Precision of correct Issue cluster extraction (90.59%); Left matrix: Clustering;
Right matrix: Triplet extraction and Precision (70.07%).
True positive
False positive
Triplet Precision
Entity Precision
Figure 9: Experiment 2B result plot; Vector: Precision of correct Issue cluster extraction (87.50%); Left matrix: Clustering;
Right matrix: Triplet extraction and Precision (72.93%).
or, more generally, a Q&A interface. Inconsistencies
in this interaction regarding the handling of technical
vocabulary have near-indelible consequences on the
Precision and, in consequence, the reliability of the
results. Future works building on our results should,
to some extent, take the technical vocabulary (taxon-
omy) of the respective field of application into ac-
count, which is also a fairly common step when con-
structing KGs and ontologies.
The clustering task covered by Agent 2 has proven
to be relatively robust. However, the description of
clustered entities becomes strongly diluted, especially
when the clustering is not really appropriate. Further
efforts in terms of prompt engineering may help keep
up the linguistic precision, but without a fixed, com-
pulsory vocabulary to adhere to, the clustering LLM
will likely dilute the entity or cluster contents over
Contribution Review. In this paper, we introduced
a novel, simplified, and scalable approach for KG ex-
traction from a text corpus equipped with RAG. The
method is supplied with specific CQs and a predefined
ontology that dictates the answer format to those CQs.
It leverages a state-of-the-art RAG (Perplexity) and
comprises two agents:
Agent 1 extracts entities and triplets from the an-
swers provided by the RAG.
Agent 2 merges sufficiently similar entities by
comparison of label and description properties.
Our method features the following advantages over
other approaches:
Due to the use of RAG, the underlying text corpus
may be of arbitrary size.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The method refrains from fine-tuning or other AI
training and uses only off-the-shelf technologies.
We tested our approach in an application for trou-
bleshooting in HPDC. A list of possible defects was
given as a starting point. Due to the absence of an-
notated datasets in this domain, we evaluated our ap-
proach by manually annotating the resulting KG using
a norm for casting defect classification. We then as-
sessed Precision scores for both entities and triplets.
Our method achieved over 90% Precision in entity
extraction, indicating exceptional performance in this
area. The few extraction errors were mainly attributed
to inaccuracies in the description texts provided by the
RAG. Triplet extraction Precision was around 70%,
suggesting that some entities were incorrectly placed
in the RAG answers.
Industrial Impact. The results of this work are
only one example of how automated KG extraction
could be applied to various industrial domains. The
ability to generate tailored KGs allows for the cus-
tomisation of knowledge bases to address specific
quality concerns in HPDC. This may enable more
targeted and effective troubleshooting, thereby reduc-
ing downtime and improving overall manufacturing
quality. The method’s scalability also means it can
be adapted to various CQs, providing a flexible and
promising tool for continuous quality improvement in
HPDC and potentially other manufacturing domains.
Future Work. Several aspects of our solution have
not yet been covered and will be addressed in fu-
ture works. Assuming sufficient domain knowledge
to cover an appropriate CQ and create a fully anno-
tated dataset as groud truth, the evaluation of the KG
result could be extended to a full confusion matrix.
Additionally, multiple iterations of KG extraction can
cover for the influence of randomized algorithms in
the RAG and LLM systems. We expect that the KG
result will converge in size and quality - however, it
is difficult to predict what such a steady state may
look like. Lastly, the generation of RAG and LLM
queries from the given CQs and ontology should be
automated to complete the KG extraction pipeline.
This work was conducted within the Austrian re-
search project DG Assist (FFG project number:
FO999899053). This project is funded by the Fed-
eral Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment,
Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, BMK,
and is carried out as part of the Production of the Fu-
ture programme.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics