This work contributes to enabling certifiable and
therefore economically viable applications for the
European drone sector. The software architecture
of the de facto autopilot standard, the open-source
PX4 flight stack, is extended to incorporate contin-
gency management for UAS. Essentially, two addi-
tional abstraction levels which are based on the be-
havior tree paradigm are introduced to the existing
automatic control pipeline: High-level planning and
task scheduling. They are build on top of the default
functions for controlling the vehicle’s movement pro-
vided by PX4 and utilize them to offer a convenient
interface for designing flight behaviors.
The simulation results validate the functionality of
the implemented features and prove the applica-
bility of the created framework. The software
of the framework is available online (https://robin-
mueller.github.io/auto-apms-guide/) and can be used
in simulation or on a real drone. Flight tests are cur-
rently conducted and the results will be published on
the web page.
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supplied with a catalog of various behaviors that are
specifically intended for the purpose defined by a par-
ticular resolution strategy. Instead of selecting feasi-
ble contingency procedures deterministically, further
research could address the development of algorithms
that dynamically evaluate the success probability of
all behaviors from the catalog and optimize the safety
maneuver intelligently while still being certifiable by
an authority (Colledanchise et al., 2014).
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ter [LOEWE/1/12/519/03/05.001(0016)/72].
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