The Next Generation Cockpit: Requirements of Fighter Pilots in a
Highly Automated Environment
Maximilian Weigand and Sarah Embacher
ESG Elektroniksystem & Logistik GmbH, Livry-Gargan Str. 6, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Keywords: Automation, Cockpit Interface, Fighter Pilot, Next Generation Fighter, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Risks.
Abstract: This study aims to explore the opinions of fighter pilots regarding past, current, and future Human-Machine-
Interfaces. The first motivation of this study is to identify aspects of different interfaces within a fighter
cockpit and the collaboration between unmanned platforms influencing the perceived performance of pilots.
A second motivation is to create a list of requirements for future interface functionalities to narrow down the
vast range of possible State-of-the-Art inventions to a few which, according to pilots, are of particularly good
or bad use. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed. For the analysis, a coding method was
applied based on the ‘Mayring’-technique. Following this process, the raw data in form of interview
transcripts were cleaned first and, subsequently, codes were created. From these codes, categories were
defined and, on basis of the frequency of occurrence, main categories were filtered out. The main categories
of this study are ‘Information sources’, ‘Risks of new technologies’, ‘Interaction with unmanned platforms’,
and ‘Adaptive automation’. Some variation was found within the category of ‘Interaction with unmanned
platforms’, these are mainly expressed through varying preferences of communication channels. The other
three categories show a lot of similarities between opinions of pilots. Most relevant codes are concerned with
over-engineering and the use of automation to appropriately support pilots in their tasks. In conclusion, this
study provides a mostly clear picture of subjective opinions of pilots regarding modern cockpits and the
application of new technological developments for the future, thereby providing valuable input for the
requirements engineering of the next generation cockpit.
This explorative study aims to establish requirements
according to fighter pilots for the next generation
fighter (NGF) and is conducted in light of the current
European ‘Future Combat Air System’ (FCAS)
program. The aim of this program is the development
of the ‘Next Generation Weapon System’ (NGWS),
which is characterized by the development of a 6
generation piloted fighter working together with
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and being
connected to various systems of different domains
(Airbus, n.d.). The main feature of this so called
‘system of systems’ is the switch from manned
platforms flying in formation to a (single manned-)
collaboration of different weapon systems in different
domains. The premises of this structural change are
the facilitation of an information superiority,
cooperative mission execution, adjustment to a highly
dynamic operative environment, and a flexibly
adaptability towards an ever-changing capability
profile (ESG, n.d.).
The development of this ‘Next Generation
Fighter (NGF) is accompanied by multiple
challenges which demand an overhaul of the last
generation’s cockpit to fit the new requirements.
Critical for these requirements is that the new
technological functions are enabled while ensuring
successful incorporation of the human component.
To offer a common understanding about how
technology has evolved over the last decades as well
as to present the state-of-the-art cockpit technology
generation), a brief summary of the development
of cockpit technology is presented. One of the most
prominent changes is the evolution of analogue
indicators to digital displays. Moreover,
technological improvements within the cockpit,
including avionic systems and primary/secondary
control elements, have facilitated increasingly more
integrated and automated ‘Human-Machine
Interfaces and Interactions’ (HMI²) both in civil and
military aviation (Lim et al., 2018). This change of
the HMIs becomes apparent when looking at cockpit
interfaces from first-generation fighters like the F-86
Weigand, M. and Embacher, S.
The Next Generation Cockpit: Requirements of Fighter Pilots in a Highly Automated Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012951900004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 43-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Sabre or the Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-15 compared to
cockpit interfaces of a 5
generation fighter like the
F-22 Raptor or F-35 Lightning (Martinic, 2015).
However, any progress in the field of HMI
development likely has a significant impact on the
user, i.e. the pilot, who has to perform operations
within this local environment, i.e. the cockpit
(Ismayilov, 2022). This became first clear during
World War II when discipline practitioners observed
poorly designed systems which were unsafe and
difficult to operate. Especially in the aviation domain
seemingly random failures and crashes occurred (Air
Force, n.d.; Keebler & Fausett, 2023). Finally,
understanding how users function within their
respective system and how the design of a system, its
controls, and the surrounding environment affect
safety and performance became the aim of research
(Keebler & Fausett, 2023). Thus, the scientific field
of Human Factors Engineering (HFE) emerged.
Various standards emphasise the involvement of
users in the design process to facilitate understanding
of how the user functions within the respective
system. The ANSI/HFES 400-2021 standard, for
example, describes the development process of a
technology with a human component. Here, it is
essential to include users throughout the entire design
process starting with learning as much as possible
about all the varieties of users who may potentially be
involved, their capabilities, limitations, performance,
and behaviour within the human-machine system. In
later stages, the standard describes the relevance of
including the right sample population for prototype
testing as well as continuing the observation of user
performance with the technology after being
implemented in the real world (Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, 2021). Another topic-relevant
document is the NATO standard for designing
unmanned aircraft systems which states that it is
essential for the effectiveness and safety that the
human is fully integrated into the development
process starting at the system conception level
(NATO Standardization Office, 2022).
In accordance with the statements about the
importance of user inclusion and overall HFE
processes, this study aims at gathering relevant
information from fighter pilots for the design of the
generation fighter cockpit. In more detail, the aim
is to establish requirements for the new cockpit based
on (1) what experiences pilots had with interfaces
they were familiar with and (2) which expectations
pilots have regarding the main additions of the NGF
(i.e. the inclusion of UAVs, the thusly increased
adaptive automation technology as well as state-of-
the-art interaction technologies).
2.1 Participants
For this study, a total of twelve participants were
interviewed. Due to the focus on military aviation in
our study, only fighter pilots were used as sample
group. Eight participants had the job of flight pilots
(i.e. ‘front seater’) whereas four participants served
as weapon systems officers (i.e. ‘back seater’). The
following aircraft have been flown by our
participants: F4, F18, Eurofighter, Tornado IDS &
ECR, and Alpha Jet. Due to one missing signed
consent form, only eleven interview transcripts were
used in the analysis.
2.2 Materials
In this study, a semi-structured interview was used as
data collection method (see Appendix A). The
standard app for voice memos on the iPhone SE 2020
was used to record the interview. A coding guideline,
based on the analysis method of Mayring, (Mayring,
2022) was used to set the information gathered from
the interviews into a meaningful context (see
Appendix B).
2.3 Procedure & Analysis
In this qualitative study the phenomenological
research method was used since the goal was to
capture multiple subjective perspectives/experiences
to the topic in question. For the data collection, semi-
structured one-to-one expert interviews were
conducted and the intelligent verbatim technique was
used for the transcription process.
A thematic analysis was conducted by applying
the summarizing structured evaluation process of
Mayring to identify patterns/themes within the data
relevant to the research question of this study. The
respective codes were created using a hybrid
approach of deductive and inductive techniques.
Hereby, the categories were created deductively
based on main aspects of the FCAS program whereas
sub-categories were coded inductively from the data.
A total of four deductively created categories were
formed: (1) Opinions on HMIs / information sources
within the cockpit, (2) Perceived risks of new
technologies in the NGF, (3) Interaction with UAVs
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
as part of future tactical and strategic mission
execution, and (4) Requirements for adaptive
automation functionality envisioned as part of the
NGF. Within each category, sets of sub-categories
were formed inductively by analysing the interview
transcripts. The exact contents of each sub-category
are described in the discussion section of this study.
The first set of sub-categories allocated to the
category ‘Opinions on HMIs/information sources
within the cockpit’ are listed in Table 1. For the sub-
category ‘Information presentation’, topics like
central layout and opinions regarding multimodal
information presentation are included. The sub-
category ‘Arrangement of control elements’ includes
usability features (i.e. visibility and accessibility),
safety features, and personalisation. The sub-category
‘Multimodal controlling’ includes opinions expressed
towards interaction elements like touch, gestures, and
button types, as well as feedback requirements. The
sub-category ‘General HMI requirements’ includes
user requirements regarding the general HMI design
and user friendliness aspects.
Within the sub-categories ‘Information
presentation’ and ‘Multimodal controlling’,
respectively, topics like hard keys vs. touch and
centralized information depiction were of most
relevance during interviews.
Table 1: Opinions on HMIs/information sources within the
Category Sub-category
Opinions on
sources within the cockpit
Information presentation
Arrangement of control
Multimodal controlling
General HMI
The category ‘Perceived risks of new technology
in the NGF’ has a total of five sub-categories as listed
in Table 2. The sub-category ‘Over-engineering’
includes the concern of pilots to not be integrated
enough in the design process, resulting in incorrect
information depiction (regarding timing and location)
and inclusion of unnecessary gimmicks. The sub-
category ‘Individual differences among pilots’
includes the concern of pilots to not be included in the
correct manner, i.e. that individual differences, and
thus requirements, of different pilot roles might be
overlooked. The sub-category ‘Workload’ includes
concerns of pilots related to being overloaded due to
an increased amount of information as well as the
information presentation being too complex and
inconclusive. The sub-category ‘Unreliable/immature
technology’ includes statements about how it is a
concern of pilots that technical systems do not
function properly, leading to a loss of trust. The sub-
category ‘Ethical concerns’ is comprised of ethical
concerns of pilots to not be included in decisions
involving lethal strike manoeuvres.
Both the concern regarding workload as well as
the concern that pilots might not be sufficiently
included in the design process of the NGF were topics
found to be relevant throughout different interviews
and were discussed in depth by the participants.
Table 2: Perceived risks of new technology in the NGF.
Category Sub-category
Perceived risks of new
technology in the NGF
Individual differences
among pilots
Ethical concerns
The category ‘Interaction with UAVs as part of
future tactical and strategic mission execution’ has a
total of three sub-categories (see Table 3). The sub-
category ‘Perceived advantages of UAVs’ includes
perceived benefits of UAVs compared to standard
manned formation flying. Discussed topics of this
sub-category are improvements of the situational
awareness (SA) of pilots, increased safety, decreased
financial costs, and improved combat power. The sub-
category ‘Interaction with UAVs’ includes interaction
aspects in the context of UAV management. Here,
relevant topics include interaction modalities,
visualised representation of UAVs and their
respective actions, and envisioned concepts of task
(re-)allocation. The sub-category ‘Limitations of
UAVs’ includes perceived disadvantages of UAVs.
Discussed topics were shared responsibility,
restricted reaction behaviour, cost-benefit ratio, and
Both the interaction topic, especially communica-
tion via speech, as well as the advantages of UAVs
were topics of the participants’ answers when asked
about the collaboration with UAVs.
The Next Generation Cockpit: Requirements of Fighter Pilots in a Highly Automated Environment
Table 3: Interaction with UAVs as part of future tactical and
strategic mission execution.
Category Sub-category
Interaction with UAVs as
part of future tactical and
strategic mission
Perceived advantages of
Interaction with UAVs
Limitations of UAVs
The category ‘Requirements for adaptive
automation functionality’ has a total of five sub-
categories (see Table 4). The sub-category
‘Requirements for adaptive automation behaviour
includes requirements pilots have towards adaptive
automation behaviour with topics like transparency,
intelligence, override functions, and overall purpose
of adaptive automation. The sub-category ‘Trigger
requirements’ includes opinions of pilots in regard to
HMI triggers. Here, pilots had similar opinions
demanding adaption based on workload level, flight-
phases, external environment factors, and
physiological parameters. The sub-category ‘Support
concept’ includes requirements regarding how pilots
imagine support through adaptive automation and the
process of task (re-)allocation. The sub-category
‘Trust & Acceptance’ includes requirements pilots
have for the adaptive automation in order for them to
trust and accept it. The sub-category ‘Limitations’
includes requirements of pilots based on limitations
they expect the adaptive automation to have.
Table 4: Requirements for adaptive automation
Category Sub-category
Requirements for
adaptive automation
Requirements for
adaptive automation
Trigger requirements
Support concept
Trust & Acceptance
Within this category, the topics of adaptive
automation behaviour as well as the trigger
requirements for when an adaption should take place
were discussed often and in detail.
The focus of this study was to collect opinions of
pilots regarding interfaces in, to them, familiar
cockpits and regarding new interface aspects
imagined to play a role in the NGF cockpit. Based on
their subjective opinion, the aim of this study was to
create initial requirements for the HMI within the
NGF. To accomplish this, expert interviews were
conducted as means of data collection. Results
derived from the hybrid coding method state four
categories, each with multiple sub-categories
assigned. However, before diving into the discussion
of each category, it is important to note that
statements about specific aircraft and interfaces are
abstracted for safety-critical reasons, such as to avoid
pointing out flaws in specific military aircraft.
4.1 Opinions on HMIs
Within the category ‘Opinions on HMIs/Information
sources within the cockpit’, statements about
multimodal interaction elements and the way of
information presentation appear to be most relevant,
as aspects of these two topics were discussed in depth
throughout the interviews.
Regarding multimodal controlling, pilots appear
to prefer hard keys. Arguments in their favour include
better haptic proportions, supporting pilots in
differentiating buttons from each other as well as
enabling pilots to operate them blindly. Interviewed
pilots agreed upon the fact that hard keys provide
better feedback when being pushed compared to
using touch or soft key buttons. “I need feedback, that
is why I like hard keys personally, if I only have a
display, I firstly don’t blindly find the button and
secondly I do not know whether I actually pushed the
button”, said one pilot. However, touch is not
unanimously disliked either. Especially faster and
easier command possibilities are recognized here but
it is made clear that pilots do have reservations about
using touch in every situation. Touch in combination
with high G-forces is seen as problematic, but also in
combination with equipment like wearing gloves, the
functionality of touch buttons is perceived as critical.
In any way, whether touch or hard keys, feedback and
distinguishability appear to be important
requirements here. Additionally, speech commands
and controlling via body movements like gestures or
eye tracking were discussed. Here, opinions of
interviewed pilots differ. While some see time-wise
advantages of controlling technology like eye-
tracking were recognized, concerns regarding
unintentional inputs through unconscious movements
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
or noise of the environment interfering with speech
were found to be relevant, as well.
Continuing with the sub-category ‘Information
presentation’, pilots appear to agree that important
and often used information should be visually
presented within the centre of the cockpit. Hereby it
appears important to have a decluttered interface with
intuitive menu layers and simple information
presentation. Opinions differ on how information
should be presented as some claim that
abstract/symbolic presentations enhance the
recognition whereas others argue that too much use of
abbreviations can lead to confusion. Requirements for
information presentation are therefore to present
important information in the centre of attention and
create decluttered and intuitively structured menus.
The manner of presenting different information either
through visual or auditive means should be further
researched as no clear requirement could be formed
here based on the opinions of pilots.
Less relevant sub-categories included the
arrangement of control elements and general HMI
requirements. Regarding the former, pilots agreed
that an emphasis has to be on safety critical features
like control elements being easy to reach and should
not be concealed. “In single seater cockpits, the
tendence is that control elements are build up in a U-
shape around you. This is problematic if essential
buttons which you often need to use are somewhere
almost behind you”, explains one pilot. Additionally,
the wish for personalization of layouts was
mentioned, but with the annotation that standardized
set-ups should not be disregarded either. Moreover, a
safety feature hindering pilots to involuntarily
activate a safety critical button or lever appeared to be
relevant. The sub-category ‘General HMI
requirements’ entails demands regarding the general
HMI set up. Here, pilots agree that the way in which
information is presented as well as choosing which
interaction modality to use should be basic, user
friendly, and fit for purpose. Especially theKISS
principle’ (keep it simple & stupid) appeared to be
relevant to pilots during the interviews.
4.2 Perceived Risks
Regarding the category ‘Perceived risks’, concerns
regarding over-engineering and workload appear to
be the most relevant for pilots.
The sub-category ‘Over-engineering’ included
concerns of pilots to not be integrated enough in the
design process. Here, pilots uniformly agreed that, if
not included, the NGF will present information
incorrectly, i.e. at the wrong place and at the wrong
time, as well as include features which are too
complex for the given environment. “So we
overcomplicate some of the displays because they are
not designed for pilots but for those great ideas”,
stated one pilot. Therefore, a requirement is to include
the user throughout the whole design process, as
multiple HFE standards state.
Within the sub-category ‘Workload’, statements
of pilots which refer to the concern of being
overloaded with visual and auditive information are
listed. Almost all pilots agree that they fear the
increased amount of information of the NGF being
too much to process. Controversially, there are also
statements of some pilots expressing the wish to have
most information visible somewhere. Therefore, the
requirement of not being overloaded with information
has to be researched in more detail to establish how
much information and which type of information
should be made available to pilots in different
Less relevant were the sub-categories ‘Individual
differences among pilots’, ‘Unreliable technology’,
and ‘Ethical concerns’. In comparison to the concern
that pilots will not be integrated within the design
process, the comparatively lesser talked about
concern was that only a specific type of pilots would
be included. Thus, a further requirement is to have a
sufficiently representative sample population of
pilots. Uniformly expressed concerns within the
unreliable technology sub-category are tied back to
the expectation of pilots that equipment will not
always function as intended and that, therefore, a
requirement should be that a fail-safe mechanism has
to be implemented. Lastly, ethical concerns are
uniformly expressed with pilots stating that they have
to be in- or, at least, on the loop when it comes to
firing weapons.
4.3 Interaction with UAVs
Regarding the category ‘Interaction with UAVs’, the
topic of interaction was discussed most detailed,
followed by expected advantages of the introduction
of UAVs and, lastly, expected limitations.
Within the sub-category ‘Interaction with UAVs’,
the use of auditive communication channels (i.e.
voice) was discussed in great detail. Opinions of
pilots are split regarding this topic, with advocates
stating that voice is the known routine and that it does
not require the visual attention of the pilots being
directed inwards, e.g. at a screen. Adversaries state
that the use of voice is too unreliable as command
input and also not compatible with situations in which
the pilot is subjected to high G-forces. Also, the
The Next Generation Cockpit: Requirements of Fighter Pilots in a Highly Automated Environment
communication from UAV to pilot appeared relevant,
with pilots stating that it would probably be best if it
was situation dependent, but feedback would be
necessary in any case. Therefore, no clear
requirement can be formed here as opinions were
almost evenly split indicating the need to research this
question further.
Within the sub-category ‘Perceived advantages’,
it becomes apparent that pilots indeed see the
inclusions of UAVs as a positive development in the
field of military aviation as this could improve
combat power, lower the risk for pilots by reducing
the need for humans to enter hazardous territory, and
gather more information, thereby increasing SA.
Limitations, however, were also part of some
discussions. Here, pilots were mainly concerned with
the management of UAVs unnecessarily increasing
workload. One pilot stated:” We must avoid creating
more task load for the single remaining pilot up there.
The crew must make decisions and it cannot be that
the rest of the time, the pilot is busy making micro
adjustments”. Thus, the avoidance of micro-
management can be seen as a requirement of
collaborating with UAVs. On the other hand,
interviewed pilots insisted that critical decisions
should remain in their responsibility, as the creativity
in forming decisions is seen still as major advantage
humans have over machines.
Explicit requirements for this category are hard to
establish as opinions of pilots differ a lot, but what
can be derived is that pilots do not want to control
every little movement of the UAVs but instead take
on more of a management role.
4.4 Requirements for Adaptive
Within the category ‘Requirements for adaptive
automation functionality’, requirements for adaptive
automation behaviour were discussed in most detail
during the interviews. Here, especially transparency
was a requirement discussed in detail. Pilots agreed
that the actions of the adaptive automation have to be
transparent in order to trust it and not destroy their
SA. One pilot explained: “Theoretically, if the aircraft
told me that it changed from system state A to B, that
would be great, but if it wildly switches around and I
can not trust it, that would be bad”. Other aspects of
the transparency that were discussed were
predictability and reasons behind the adaption.
Another requirement discussed within this sub-
category is the ability of an override. Pilots
unanimously agreed that this is a function that has to
be present. Additionally, it was unanimously agreed
upon that the adaptive automation should not replace
the pilots but support them. In other words,
automation should not take away the control pilots
have, but take on more of an assistance function
supporting the pilot. To clarify, this does not imply
that the pilot cannot surrender tasks to the automation.
That is a prospective function very much appreciated
by pilots. Instead, the requirement deduced here is
that if the system does not keep the pilots in the loop,
it should at least support them in staying on the loop.
Furthermore, the topic of intelligent adaption
appeared to be relevant. For example, a rejection
strategy for multiple denied actions by the pilot was
The next sub-category (‘Trigger requirements’) in
line for being extensively discussed included
opinions of pilots in regard to which triggers to use
for the adaption. In relation to this, handling of
emergency situations was discussed in detail. The
handling should either include passively supporting
the pilot through the correct depiction of instructions
about what to do or actively intervening. Additionally,
pilots listed workload, flight phases, and external
factors (e.g. brightness of sun) as acceptable triggers
for adaption, whereas physiological parameters were
seen as critical by almost every pilot interviewed. “It
might be even more dangerous to monitor the pilot
and depending on this, change the HMI because that
will destroy his SA in a second”, elaborated one pilot.
Therefore, requirements for the sub-category ‘Trigger
requirements’ include adding emergency situations,
external environmental factors, workload, and flight
phases as trigger for adaption while excluding
physiological parameters.
A less detailed discussed sub-category was ‘Trust
& Acceptance’. Here, pilots either had the viewpoint
that reliability of a system function produces trust or
that a declining advection to the adaption (i.e.
auditive warnings first, then adaption proposals at
second, reduction over time to warning only) would
be helpful. However, others also stated that, since
their life is on the line, they are forced to trust the
system, therefore trust does not matter. The most
basic requirement unanimously agreed upon here was
that the system has to function as intended as,
apparently, the malfunction of systems was an often
occurring issue in past fighter models. Due to the
diversity in answers, no further requirement can be
formed here, therefore, further research into this topic
is recommended.
The last sub-category ‘Limitations’ included
drawbacks perceived by pilots towards adaptive
automation. Here, pilots appear to agree that adaptive
automation should not take away their responsibility
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
of making decisions, especially when being
confronted with new or unknown situations. Also, it
was discussed that the intelligence of technology, i.e.
artificial intelligence, is (as of now) still below the
intelligence of humans when being confronted with
unknown situations. Therefore, the responsibility to
decide what to do should still be left to the pilot.
4.5 Conclusion
In conclusion, the following requirements were
established out of the expert interviews: The
first category produced the requirements of
feedback and distinguishability for the different input
elements, centred information depiction and
decluttered/intuitive menu build ups, and simple
interaction modalities which are easy to reach and not
obstructed. The second category produced the
requirements of including (representative) pilots all
throughout the design process, not overloading the
pilot with information, and including a fail-safe
mechanism in case of technological malfunction. The
third category produced the requirements of not
having to micro-manage each single UAV, as these
should support them instead of adding to their task
load. The fourth category produced the following
requirements: Feedback of automated behaviour (i.e.
pilot on the loop), an override function, transparent
adaptive behaviour, and the avoidance of taking away
the authority for making decisions and taking
responsibility from the pilots.
This study did not include a large sample size
(N=11), which is acceptable for its explorative
qualitative nature. Still, it would be interesting to
conduct quantitatively structured research with a
larger sample size using actual prototype concepts, to
further study the requirements deduced here. In any
case, the inclusion of representative stakeholders as
well as the integration of HFE expertise is seen as
essential for the success of the FCAS program.
Airbus. (n.d.). Future Combat Air System. https://www.air
Air Force (n.d.). Air Force Human System Integration
Handbook. Planning and Execution of Human Systems
Integration. Brooks City-Base.
ESG. (n.d.). Future Combat Air System – Enabling Air Power
in Network operations.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2021). Human
Readiness Level Scale in the System Development
Process (ANSI/HFES 400-2021).
Ismayilov, I. M. (2022). Interaction between human-machine
interface and avionics on aircraft cockpit. Problems of
Information Society, 13(2), 3-11.
Keebler, J. R. & Fausett, C. M. (2023). Human factors in
aviation and aerospace: An overview. In J. R. Keebler, E.
H. Lazzara, K. A. Wilson, & E. L. Blickensderfer (Eds.),
Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace (pp. 1-9).
Academic Press.
Lim. Y., Gardi, A., Sabatini, R., Ramasamy, S., Kistan, T.,
Ezer, N., Vince, J., & Bolia, R. (2018). Avionics Human-
Machine Interfaces and Interactions for Manned and
Unmanned Aircraft. Progress in Aerospace Sciences,
102(), 1-46.
Martinic, G. (2015). Jet fighter aircraft five ‘generations’
later, and still counting. Australian Naval Institute.
Mayring, P. (2022). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Beltz
NATO Standardization Office (2022). Human Systems
Integration Guidance for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Appendix A
Semi-structured interview questions:
1. Which role/tasks did you have in the aircraft?
2. Which aircraft models did you fly?
3. What are your opinions about single interfaces
and/or sources of information in cockpits of
aircraft you are familiar with:
a. Particularly good interfaces?
b. Particularly bad interfaces?
4. What risks do you see in regard to the cockpit
of the NGF:
a. In regard to adaptive automation?
b. In regard to the collaboration with
c. In regard to new interaction
5. Is there anything else you would like to see in
regard to interfaces of the NGF?
The Next Generation Cockpit: Requirements of Fighter Pilots in a Highly Automated Environment
Appendix B
Table 5: Self-developed coding guideline after Mayring.
Category Definition Example Coding Rule
Opinions on
HMIs/information sources
within the cockpit
All text passages which
include a subjective
experience about HMIs of
current or future cockpits
allowing two-way
“In single seater cockpits,
the tendence is that control
elements are build up in a
U-shape around you. This
is problematic if essential
buttons which you often
need to use are somewhere
almost behind you”
Interview passage must
express an experience of a
past, current, or (possible)
future HMI which either
hinders or reinforces the
performance of pilots
Perceived risks of new
technologies in the NGF
All text passages which
include a perceived risk or
concern of pilots with
respect to
technologies/capabilities of
the NGF
“To be overloaded with
functions and information I
cannot process is my
number one priority of
what must not happen”
Interview passage must
express a concern in
relation to the capabilities
of future technology of the
NGF and/or its
consequences for the
Interaction with UAVs All text passages which
include an subjective
opinion about collaborating
with UAVs
“We must avoid creating
more task load for the
single remaining pilot up
there. The crew must make
decisions and it cannot be
that the rest of the time, the
pilot is busy making micro
Interview passage must
express an opinion about
UAV-related technology
and/or an envisioned way
of collaboration/interaction
between manned and
unmanned platforms
Requirements for adaptive
automation functionality
All text passages which
include a requirement of
pilots for the functional
behaviour of adaptive
“What has changed is the
level of automation in the
flight controls which I read
directly as assistance. And
that assistance does change
depending what you are
doing which leads to other
problems that ,often, pilots
do not know what the
aircraft is doing”
Interview passage must
express a wish/requirement
for the functional way of
working of adaptive
automation in a
collaborative context
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems