Systematic Investigation on Deep Learning Network in Skin
Cancer Diagnosis
Sihan Bian
Department of Information Security, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Skin Cancer.
Abstract: Skin cancer is raising global concern in healthcare. Researchers are looking into the application of deep
learning networks in skin cancer diagnosis, which is full of potential in saving labour and time. This paper
summarizes the framework of machine learning algorithms in skin cancer detection, and reviews several
recent studies on deep learning of skin cancer diagnosis. The approaches from these studies fall into three
primary categories: classification, segmentation, and the creation of supplementary data. Techniques like
Grad-CAM are integrated with Explainable Artificial Intelligence for the classification of skin lesions,
offering insights by emphasizing critical regions. Additionally, the paper touches on the constraints and
hurdles associated with employing deep learning for diagnosing skin cancer, noting common problems such
as a lack of data diversity and concerns over privacy protection. The influence of parameters on model efficacy
and the limited scope of interpretable models to explanations based on individual samples are highlighted.
Furthermore, it's pointed out that deep learning models have not been sufficiently tested in clinical settings.
In conclusion, the paper summarizes the methods evaluated and underscores that deep learning frameworks
require further exploration and enhancements before they can be reliably used in clinical settings without
direct oversight from medical professionals.
Skin Cancer is a remarkable health issue due to its
growing incidence rate. According to the cancer
statistics in the United States, 6 cases per 100,000 and
year at the beginning of the 1970s were diagnosed,
while there were 18 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and
year at the beginning of 2000 (Garbe et al., 2009).
According to the World Health Organization's tumor
classification, there are up to 60 types of malignant
tumors of skin cancer, among which the malignant
melanoma (MM) has the strongest lethality, and the
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) has the greatest
commonality (Garbe et al., 2009). The main causes of
skin cancer are Ultraviolet radiation and genetic
factors. With human life expectancy rising, the
average age of melanoma incidence increases.
Economic burdens are also growing in healthcare of
the skin cancer intervention.
Prompt diagnosis of skin cancer is crucial for
potential patients because the death rate of malignant
skin cancer soars with the fast development and
spread of tumors, as well as the difficulty of medical
treatment. Traditional diagnosis of skin cancer under
clinical settings includes dermoscopy, blood tests,
biopsy, and histopathological examination. However,
the manual examination by dermatologists can cost
time and potential misdiagnosis may occur. Due to
this reason, researchers have looked into deep
learning as a kind of auxiliary diagnosis due to their
excellent prediction performance.
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a deep
learning technique widely used in the recognition of
visual features and the classification of images,
demonstrating excellent performance in many tasks
including medical image analysis, autonomous
driving, face recognition etc. (Coşkun et al., 2017; Li
et al., 2019; Qiu et al., 2022). In recent years, studies
on the diagnosis of skin cancer using convolutional
neural network have emerged and most models
perform as well as specialists in classifying the sign
of skin cancer (Haggenmüller et al., 2021).
Researchers are improving the classification models
so as to prepare them for clinical use. For example,
Bian, S.
Systematic Investigation on Deep Learning Network in Skin Cancer Diagnosis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012953200004508
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence (EMITI 2024), pages 469-473
ISBN: 978-989-758-713-9
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
FixCaps V2 is an advanced method based on
FixCaps, a capsule network and has good
generalization and stability in skin cancer diagnosis
(Lan et al., 2022). PRU-Net, on the other hand, is a
new algorithm for skin cancer segmentation through
the strengthened dissemination and reuse of image
information (Li et al., 2023). Moreover, the
explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) model can
interpret its diagnosis and includes an interface for
experts to participate in, which enables the further
advancement of the model (Mridha, Krishna et al.,
2023). The aim of this study is to present an overall
review of the recent study on the application of CNN
in skin cancer diagnosis.
The paper is structured as follows: The first part
is the introduction to the use of deep learning on skin
cancer classification. Second, the methods of several
recent studies will be reviewed. Third, the limitations,
challenges and future prospects of these methods will
be discussed. Finally, conclusions of the review on
convolutional neural network in cancer diagnosis will
be presented.
2.1 The Framework of Machine
Learning-Based Algorithms in Skin
Cancer Detection
Figure 1 presents the framework of machine learning-
based algorithms in skin cancer detection.
Figure 1: Framework of machine learning-based algorithms
in skin cancer detection (Picture credit: Original).
Data Collection: Sufficient data is crucial for
deep learning models to make accurate predictions
and diagnoses for medical image analysis
applications. The datasets of the skin cancer images
were built through the following sources:
Kaggle, the well-known scientific community
website contains a dataset called HAM10000 which
provides 10015 images of dermoscopy. All the sizes
of these images are regularized into 600 × 450,
sampled from 7728 patients.
The existing dataset from the International Skin
Imaging Collaboration, which contains 25, 94 images
and 12970 labeled images of great qualification.
These data are collected under clinical circumstances
and are labeled and noted by specialists.
Dermnet is a community website containing over
20, 000 dermatology images and they have gone
through the censor of consultant dermatologists.
Data Preprocessing: Data preprocessing is
introduced into the process of deep learning.
Preprocessing includes normalization and
augmentation so as to improve the quality of the data
and enhance the generalization ability of the model.
Model Building: Appropriate learning model
such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),
Support Vector Machine (SVM), or Decision Tree are
selected in consideration of the size of image sizes
and the availability of computational resources. This
step includes the adjustment and improvement of
existing training models in order to avoid defects such
as the insufficient feature utilization caused by
ignoring inter-layer feature interaction or overfitting
in convolutional neural networks caused by
imbalanced dataset categories.
Model Training: Optimization algorithms such
as Stochastic Gradient Descent are applied to the
training of model. Researchers adjust the
hyperparameters of the model to improve its
Model Testing: The trained model should
undergo the comparison of deep learning outcomes
and the real results provided by specialists. Here are
the evaluation metrics of the model performance:
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
Model Deployment: For real-time clinical use,
the trained model should be transformed into an
executable format, such as saving the model
parameters as files.
2.2 Classification
2.2.1 Convolutional Neural Network
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a deep
learning technique widely used in the recognition of
visual features and the classification of images. CNN
has flexible structure including convolutional layer,
pooling layer, normalization layer and fully
connected layer. CNN models extract features
through hierarchical abstraction: Networks from
lower levels can extract basic texture and color
information (points, lines, blocks) which is applied to
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
various object recognition tasks. On the other hand,
networks of higher levels can interpret these features
in an abstract way. Pooling layers decrease the sizes
of input neurons. Images of skin lesions are extracted
by CNN and obtained features are classified into
several groups of different diseases (Dorj, Ulzii-
Orshikh et al., 2018; Wang, 2018).
2.2.2 XAI-Based Skin Lesion Classification
Mridha et al. proposed an Explainable Artificial
Intelligence (XAI)-based skin lesion system
incorporating Grad-CAM and Grad-CAM++. This
model can be used as an auxiliary tool for early-stage
skin cancer diagnosis and provides the explanation
for the model’s decisions.
Grad-CAM is implemented as follows: First,
compute the gradient about feature maps of the
convolutional layers. Second, compute the alphas
through averaging gradients. Third, calculate the final
Grad-CAM heatmap.
Grad-CAM explains its classification on skin
lesions by highlighting the most significant parts of
the input images that decide the outcome. Grad-
CAM++ improves its performance by using guided
backpropagation to produce a more detailed heatmap.
2.2.3 FixCaps V2
FixCaps V2 proposed by Lan et al. is a CapsNets-
based skin diagnosis algorithm that inherits the
features of CapsNets that "outputs are the clustering
of inputs" and maintains its capsule architecture.
FixCaps V2 solves the size issue of high-resolution
images through feature-aware networks without
stacking large amounts of convolutional or capsule
layers. (Lan et al., 2022; Cai, 2023)
What’s more, FixCaps also has improvements on
CapsNets such as the larger receptive field. This is
achieved by ultilizing large kernel convolution
exceeding 9×9. With larger kernel, more image
information is received by the network. FixCaps V2
also applies convolutional block attention model
(CBAM) so as to make itself more concentrated on
the object and reduce the loss of spatial information
due to convolution and pooling.
2.3 Segmentation
2.3.1 PRU-Net
Li et al. proposed a new skin cancer segmentation
model called PRU-Net. It is a combination of dense
link modules and pyramid-type void convolutional
modules, plus the residual module (Li, 2023).
First, PRU-Net adopts U-Net and Densely
Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) as the
segmentation model to enhance the propagation and
reuse of global information. Secondly, channel
attention mechanism is added to improve the
segmentation accuracy of edge images. After that, the
residual modules in ResNet and the dilated pyramid
pooling module are introduced to enhance the
segmentation performance of the model.
U-Net combines shallow feature information and
deep semantic information to provide accurate
segmentation for data images. PRU-Net not only
shares the same advantages as U-Net, but also solves
the defects of U-Net such as the segmentation blur
caused by low contrast between image feature regions
and background regions.
2.4 Supplementary Data Generation
2.4.1 Self-Attention StyleGAN
Generate adversarial networks are used in image
enhancement of the datasets in deep learning. (Zhao,
Chen et al, 2022). designed a framework combining
self-attention SA-styleGAN with SE-ResNeXt-50.
The "style" in StyleGAN borrows from style transfer
and enables highly controllable image generation in
an unsupervised manner. For further improvement,
SA-StyleGAN abandons the use of mixup
regularization. Single latent code is used in SA-
StyleGAN in order to effectively eliminate image
distortion and blur, providing high-quality sample
images for classifiers. The number of noise modules
is also reduced to eliminate unnecessary noise in
generated data.
Although significant progresses have been achieved,
there still are some limitations and challenges in
terms of the use of deep learning in skin cancer
First, the datasets of the studies reviewed are
similar and have insufficient sample variety. 4 out of
8 studies use HAM10000 to train models so these
models may have similar bias over dermoscopic
images. For example, 67% of the HAM10000 is made
up of samples of melanocytic nevi dermatoscopy so
models trained by it are likely to be less accurate
diagnosing from other skin lesions. To address this
problem, researchers might unite medical experts
Systematic Investigation on Deep Learning Network in Skin Cancer Diagnosis
integrate a large amount of legal public
dermatological datasets available online, or utilize
deep learning algorithms for legal information mining
and analysis (Xia et al., 2017). That will aid in the
creation of a more accurate and comprehensive skin
lesion image recognition and diagnostic system.
Another issue is about the parameters of these
models. When the dataset is explicitly different from
the original dataset of a pre-trained model, the initial
parameters of the network do not well express the
primary features of the new dataset (Wang, 2018).
This limits the flexibility of a single model’s
application on diagnosing skin cancers of prominent
differences. Furthermore, different random seeds
may have huge impacts on the iteration results of a
model. Different architectures have varying
adaptation degrees to pseudo-random numbers. The
cause of this phenomenon is still waiting to be studied
(Cai, 2023).
Third, when it comes to the interpretability of
deep learning models, the related study points out that
their current model has only achieved success in
giving out single-sample explanations (Mridha,
Krishna et al., 2023). The stage of applying their
explanation approach to several samples and
combining them is still waiting for research, which is
crucial for complicated lesion analysis in clinic use.
In addition, as Mridha proposed in his paper, current
evidence is not enough to relate the observed
relevance of feature dimensions to the real score.
Therefore, multiple measures for evaluating
explanations should be explored.
The fourth challenge is the issue of privacy.
Medical information is confidential so any research
involving personal health data may raise data privacy
controversies. Although datasets from International
Skin Imaging Collaboration or HAM10000 have
removed all personal identity information and are all
anonymized, there are still risks to data security and
privacy protection. Other datasets from medical
institutions may not be free to access, but these
datasets also undergo risks of privacy thefts due to the
fierce competition of the medical industry. What’s
more, deep learning networks are able to memorize
training datasets. If the network is subjected to
malicious attacks, it may lead to the leakage of private
user data (Tian, 2020).
The fifth main challenge is the practicability of
deep learning methods. Since the deep learning
models are trained and tested under artificial
circumstances, their performance under real
circumstances is rarely measured. Therefore, the
diagnosis by deep learning networks must be under
the supervision of human specialists. In addition,
some advanced deep learning approaches can also be
considered for further improving the performance (Li
et al., 2024; Sun et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2024).
This paper has reviewed 8 current studies on deep
learning in the area of skin cancer diagnosis. Deep
learning technique is time-and-labour-saving in
analyzing the images of skin lesions if trained through
prompt algorithms and fed by balanced datasets of
lesion images in various conditions.
Most recent studies on this topic concentrate on
the classification of images, using convolutional
neural network or improved capsule networks like
FixCaps V2. Some explored auxiliary methods for the
diagnosis such as image segmentation by PRU-Net or
supplement data generation by Self-Attention
StyleGAN. In addition, XAI-based classification
system provides explanations for the decisions of the
deep learning model.
To satisfy the need of the medical industry,
further studies may explore the integration of these
methods so as to address the insufficiency of data and
provide well-segmented data. Deep learning models
may also be ported to mobile devices to ensure early
awareness of people on their skin lesions.
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Systematic Investigation on Deep Learning Network in Skin Cancer Diagnosis