Improving the Performance of Deep Q Network in Decision Making
Environment: Applying Multi-Head Attention into DQN
Ziyi Lu
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Deep Q-Network(DQN), Multi-Head Attention, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Mahjong.
Abstract: Deep q-network (DQN) is a deep reinforcement learning algorithm. It has been used to solve value function-
based reinforcement learning problems, and with deep neural networks, it can solve complex decision-making
tasks. Multi-Head Attention is a mechanism that can capture various aspects of the input data in parallel,
improving the model's capacity to recognize complex patterns in the data. Mahjong, being a traditional multi-
player imperfect information card game, fits well in training and testing a decision-making model. This study
introduces an application of combination of DQN and Multi-Head Attention mechanism, seeking to enhance
the performance of DQN models by leveraging the benefits of multi-head attention. Through RL Card
platform, which provides a variant of mahjong model that can be used for training, the paper applies the Multi-
Head Attention with its original DQN agent for mahjong. The trained model shows a higher winning rate in
the battle against the baseline model, demonstrating the promotion the combination brings to the mahjong
agent model.
In the domain of games, especially in the area towards
decision-making, deep learning(LeCun et al., 2015)
has been pivotal in achieving milestones that were
previously thought to be decades away. In the perfect
information game, AlphaGo utilized deep learning and
tree search to outperform human masters for the first
time, which subsequently caused a research boom in
deep learning in computer gaming. In incomplete
information games, AI using deep learning has been
used in Texas Hold'em(Bowling, et al., 2015),
Doudizhu(Zha et al., 2021) and even DOTA(Berner et
al., 2019).
A notable application of deep learning in gaming is
Deep Q-Network (DQN)(Mnih et al., 2013). It has
been applied to seven Atari games and proved
outstanding performance on six of the games.
Multi-Head Attention(Vaswani et al., 2017) is a
pivotal feature in modern neural network architectures
that allows for concurrent processing of information
across multiple subspaces and positions. This
capability leads to a richer understanding of the input
data, enhancing the model's performance on complex
tasks involving significant contextual interpretation.
Originating in China in the late 1800s, Mahjong, a
popular game involving tiles, has since captivated
hundreds of millions of enthusiasts worldwide. It's a
multi-player game that unfolds over several rounds,
characterized by its element of incomplete
information. Players must employ strategy, skill, and
calculation, though luck also plays a role in the game's
In the environment of mahjong, the agent
continuously assesses the present condition of the
game to maximize some form of cumulative reward.
This is akin to decision-making processes in real-
world applications, making games an excellent
platform for developing and testing AI algorithms.
Many methods based on the DQN algorithm have
been attempted to be used in mahjong games. In 2021,
DQN has been applied to mahjong with search
algorithm(Sun, 2021). In the case, DRL makes game
trees work better in complex states. However, due to
the influence of the sparse mahjong rewards, the
model meets a lot of draw situations in the game. In
the same year, an improved DQN model towards
mahjong is proposed. It promotes the model with
Double DQN and improved valuation function for
search algorithms(Lei et al., 2021).
Lu, Z.
Improving the Performance of Deep Q Network in Decision Making Environment: Applying Multi-Head Attention into DQN.
DOI: 10.5220/0012958200004508
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence (EMITI 2024), pages 522-526
ISBN: 978-989-758-713-9
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In this paper, the author tries to promote the
performance of the DQN agent for mahjong by
integrating the multi-head attention mechanism into it.
The RL Card platform(Zha et al., 2021) will be used
to test the model.
2.1 Double DQN
With advancements in reinforcement learning,
researchers developed the DQN, which enhances the
traditional Q-learning algorithm by integrating deep
learning. DQN computes the Q-value for each action
to inform decision-making, similar to its predecessor.
And it has been proved to be able to master the
difficult control strategies of the Atari 2600 computer
However, like traditional Q-learning, DQN still
suffers from the problem of overestimating Q-values,
which can lead to sub-optimal policy decisions. To
mitigate this issue, the Double DQN was introduced,
building upon DQN by employing a dual network
architecture to reduce Q-value overestimation by
decoupling the selection from the evaluation of the
The DQN algorithm has two neural networks, the
original network and the target network, and although
they have the same structure, the weight updates are
not synchronized. The loss function of the DQN
algorithm's weight updates is defined using the mean
squared error with the following expression:
where a is the execution action,
is the reward
is the current game state information,
is the next game state information,
is the network
is the discount factor, and Q(S, a)
represents the valuation of executing action a in state
S. The use of the max operation in the DQN algorithm
for both selecting and evaluating actions introduces an
overestimation bias. This occurs because the
algorithm might frequently choose actions with
exaggerated value estimations, which can adversely
affect the learning of optimal strategies. This issue
highlights a fundamental challenge in reinforcement
learning that needs to be addressed to enhance the
accuracy and reliability of value-based learning
algorithms like DQN. For this reason, the Double
DQN(Van et al., 2016) algorithm decouples the
selection and measurement of actions and rewrites
equation (2) in the following form:
Double DQN
,argmax 𝑄𝑆
, 𝑎; 𝜃
, 𝜃
2.2 Attention
2.2.1 Scaled Dot-Product Attention
Multi-head attention is a feature that plays a crucial
role in the Transformer model, enhancing its
capability to handle diverse data representations
simultaneously. Introduced in 2017, it utilizes parallel
processing heads to capture various data aspects,
significantly enriching the input's representation. This
mechanism underpins the Transformer's advanced
performance across many complex tasks, particularly
in natural language processing.
Figure 1: Scaled Dot-Product
In actuality, the output matrix is computed from the
attention function, which is simultaneously calculated
on a set of queries organized into a matrix Q.
Attention𝑄, 𝐾, 𝑉 softmax
𝑉 (4)
The dimension of queries and keys is represented by
refers to values of dimension in the
equation. The weights on the values are obtained using
a softmax function.
() [( ( ,; ))]
max ( , ; )
tt tt
Improving the Performance of Deep Q Network in Decision Making Environment: Applying Multi-Head Attention into DQN
Figure 2: Multi-Head Attention.
This enhanced method utilizes multiple linear
projections to repeatedly alter the dimensions of keys,
queries, and values, boosting the model's capacity to
simultaneously process information across various
subspaces. The subsequent execution of attention
functions on these transformed sets and the
aggregation of their outputs enable a more nuanced
and effective synthesis of information, leading to
superior performance in tasks requiring complex
relational understanding and data integration. The
method is depicted schematically in Figure 2.
3.1 Features of RL Mahjong
According to the mahjong environment provided in
the RL Card platform, there are 136 tiles, divided into
34 different types, with four tiles of each type. The 34
tile types include three suitsManzu, Pinzu, and Souzu,
each ranging from 1 to 9, along with 7 different Honor
tiles. A game, comprising multiple rounds, ends upon
meeting the winning condition(Ron).
Table 1: Mahjong Tiles.
Winds Dra
Ton Nan Shaa Pei Haku Hats
3.2 Actions of the Agent
The actions of the agent are as follows:
Chow: an agent has the option to take a tile that has
just been discarded by opponent on the left to create a
meld. After performing a Chow, the agent must
discard another tile.
Pong/Kong: an agent has the option to take a tile that
has just been discarded by another player to create a
triplet/quad. This move might result in the skipping of
another player's turn. After performing a Pong, the
agent must discard another tile. After performing a
Kong, the agent will draw another tile and discard one.
Discard: Discard is the main action the agent would
do in a mahjong game. The discard problem in
Mahjong can be modeled in this ways: as a 34-class
classification problem, where each class corresponds
to one of the 34 unique tile types in the game.
Ron: In RL mahjong, Ron or not is judged by
whether a player has got 4 sets of tiles or more.
3.3 Encoding of Actions
Table 2: Encoding of Actions.
Indices Correspondin
0~8 Souzu, i.e., 1~9s
9~17 Manzu, i.e., 1~9
18~26 Pinzu, i.e., 1~9p
27~29 Hatsu, Chun, Haku
30~33 Ton, Nan, Shaa, Pei
34~36 Pon
, Chow, Kon
Encoding the tiles of a player into four distinct
channels makes it easier to transfer mahjong data,
which helps to process the deep learning algorithms.
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
4.1 Framework
Figure 3: Training procedure of Multi-Head Attention
combined DQN mahjong model.
Figure 3 shows the training process of combining
MultiHeadAttention and Double DQN network model,
the specific steps are as follows:
Extract Visible Information: Gather every visible
game information, including the agent's hand, the
discards of all players, the count of remaining cards in
the deck, and the count of game rounds.
Making Decision: Based on the a priori knowledge
of Mahjong, encode the visible information into
feature data. Make decisions by analyzing the
available data currently.
Estimate: Evaluate the Action’s Q Value.
Get result: By training the Double DQN neural
network with the gradient descent algorithm based on
the execution actions, reward scores, current game
state information and next game state information, get
the mahjong learning model.
Circulate: Loop through this process until the total
number of training steps is reached.
4.2 Setting of the Algorithm
Table 3. Experimental parameter.
Batch size 512
Replay memory size 20000
Learning rate 0.00005
Discount factor
The settings of the parameters of DQN are the same
for both models. The relevant parameter settings are
shown in Table 3.
4.3 Results
Figure 4: Loss comparison.
The paper pre-trained the original DQN model and the
DQN with Multi-Head Attention agent.
Loss is computed as follows:
Sample Data: Sample the data such as states,
actions, rewards, next states from the experience
replay buffer.
Compute Best next Actions using Q-Network:
The Q-network predicts Q-values for next states.
Loss Computation and Gradient Descent: The Q-
network is updated by training on the present state
batch, the decision made, and the target Q-values
computed. The calculation of loss in reinforcement
learning models employing Q-learning is essential for
refining the predictions of Q-values. This loss,
typically determined by mean squared error, serves to
adjust the predictive model towards greater accuracy
in estimating the expected rewards from actions taken,
thus directly influencing the learning progress and
performance of the agent. This step updates the Q-
network parameters through backpropagation.
Figure 4 shows the loss at each step for both
models.It shows that comparing to the DQN model,
DQN with Multi-Head Attention’s loss curve is lower
in the later stage.
Figure 5: Win rate of vs 3 DQN Agents.
Improving the Performance of Deep Q Network in Decision Making Environment: Applying Multi-Head Attention into DQN
The paper tested four agents in total: one DQN agent
enhanced with multi-head attention and three standard
DQN agents. Let them play 1,000 games per episode,
with win rates calculated over a total of 100 episodes.
Figure 5 outlines that the win rate of the Multi-Head
Attention-enhanced DQN agent is significantly higher
compared to the baseline DQN agents. This
enhancement demonstrates a substantial improvement
in model performance.
In this article, a mahjong based on Deep Q Network is
chosen as the baseline. By combining DQN with
multi-head attention mechanism, the paper promote
the model’s performance. The outcomes of the
experiments show that the algorithm improves the win
rate on RL mahjong by 12 percentage points compared
to the original implemented DQN algorithm. The
superior performance shows that multi-head attention
mechanism can significantly improve the decision
making ability of DQN models in adversarial
It is acknowledged that various of problems in
reality have a lot of traits in common. For example,
imperfect information, intricate rules for operation and
complex distribution of incentives. Therefore, the
paper gives a new way of optimising decision making
models in real life problems.
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EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence