accuracy and recall. ResNet, using deep architectures
and residual learning, excels in tasks requiring the
detection of subtle differences, benefiting from its
efficient data use. Transformers handle complex CT
scans effectively, including those for COVID-19, by
managing long-range dependencies with attention
mechanisms and adaptability to various patch sizes
and pretraining approaches. This analysis highlights
the distinct advantages and contributions of each
model to medical imaging technology.
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enhancing diagnostic accuracy across various
imaging modalities. The study involves
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deeper network architectures. Meanwhile,
Transformers displayed their advantage in handling
complex, high-dimensional image data, utilizing their
attention mechanisms to enhance model predictive
capabilities on large and diverse datasets.
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machine learning frameworks. This aims to enhance
diagnostic precision and robustness, addressing the
limits of single-modality analysis and advancing AI-
driven diagnostic tools in clinical settings, potentially
improving patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency.
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