than FedAvg. Experiments show that MOON has
better robustness.
Table 3. Precision of MOON, FedProx as well as FedAvg
under different non-IID information distributions.
β =0.1 β =0.5 β =5
MOON 62.8% 65.9% 66.3%
FedAvg 61.9% 63.9% 64.9%
FedProx 62.2% 64.1% 64.3%
Federated learning offers extensive applications and
substantial developmental potential, presenting a
solution to the issue of data silos originating from a
variety of factors. Among them, the processing of
non-IID is very important, which greatly affects the
final performance of the model. To solve this
problem, two methods, FedProx and MOON, have
been proposed from the direction of improving local
training. Therefore, this paper uses FedProx and
MOON to compare the accuracy, communication
efficiency, the number of different local epochs and
different heterogeneous environments, and shows the
superiority of MOON in image classification. It is
hoped that these works can help people choose a more
suitable model.
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Performance Comparison and Analysis Between MOON and FedProx in Image Classification