A Study of Knowledge Exchange for Airborne Delegation in C-SAR
T. Pagliardini-Leduc
, T. Letouze
, M. Poret
, B. Le Blanc
, D. Marion
J. Diaz-Pineda
, M. Gatti
, B. Claverie
and J-M Andre
Thales AVS, Bordeaux, France
Bordeaux INP-ENSC, IMS UMR 5218, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS Talence, Bordeaux, France
Thales LAS France, Bordeaux, France
Keywords: Leadership Delegation, CROP Concept, Knowledge Exchange, Collective Self-Confrontation Method,
Operational Challenges.
Abstract: Leadership delegation is a critical process stemming from the Command and Control (C2) centre, overseeing
various operational activities. Its primary objective is to assign strategic authority from C2 Air operators to
operational units. The initial step involves transferring comprehensive knowledge frameworks to local entities.
Implementing Common Relevant Operational Picture (CROP) concept enhances delegation capabilities
across diverse operational setups. CROP facilitates sharing necessary and relevant knowledge (and
information) among small collaborative teams, aligning with distributed situational awareness principles. This
study presents a new method to evaluate the significance of exchanged information to improve collaboration
between fighter pilots and military air traffic controllers in complex Combat-Search and Rescue (C-SAR)
scenarios. It focuses on identifying Necessary Shared Knowledge Elements (NSKE) crucial for mission
success. A collective self-confrontation method involving pilots and controllers acting out simulated scenarios
demonstrates effectiveness in determining NSKE. A demonstrator methodology and graphical interface are
suggested to aid operators during knowledge transfer in complex situations, supporting them visually through
the CROP. This approach allows supporting different actors in operation for the design of appropriate
representations associated with recommendations for future enhancements.
Leadership delegation is a process originating from
the Command and Control Centre (C2) (Claverie &
Desclaux, 2016), a centre responsible for the overall
supervision of all types of operations carried out by
units in the field, which aims to transfer strategic
authority (the decisions of a C2 Air operator) to an
operational unit. One of the first stages of the
delegation of control is the transfer of the global
knowledge framework to a local entity.
Our study is focusing on how to evaluate the optimal
knowledge transfer in a collaborative work. To be
more precise, the study concerns the evaluation of a
methodology based on the representation of a CROP
(Common Relevant Operational Picture) instantiated
in a use case - known as the HMI CROP.
The importance of situational awareness in
decision-making and situation management is well
established (Endsley, 2021), particularly in complex
situations involving several agents with different
knowledge and goals (Steen-Tveit & Erik Munkvold,
Pagliardini-Leduc, T., Letouze, T., Poret, M., Blanc, B., Marion, D., Diaz-Pineda, J., Gatti, M., Claverie, B. and Andre, J.
A Study of Knowledge Exchange for Airborne Delegation in C-SAR Mission.
DOI: 10.5220/0012961800004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 58-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2021). A definition of situational awareness has been
proposed by Endsley (1988, 1989, 2000). For this
author, at the level of the individual, situational
awareness (SA) is "the perception of the elements in
the environment within a volume of time and space,
the comprehension of their meaning and the
projection of their status in the near future". In the
case of a team, Demir et al. 2017 propose "the degree
to which each team member possesses the situation
awareness required for his or her responsibilities"
(Endsley & Jones, 2001). According to Neville A.
Stanton, SA for a team is also known as Distributed
Situation Awareness (DSA) (Salmon, 2008). His
definition is: "activated knowledge for a specific task
within a system .... [and] the use of appropriate
knowledge (held by individuals, captured by devices,
etc.) which relates to the state of the environment and
the changes as the situation develops". The team's
situational awareness is maintained by information
transactions. One agent can compensate for the
degradation of another agent's SA. This follows the
work of Wei’s team (2017), who proposes that team
members don’t share all the information for a
dedicated the environment with other members, but
selected common elements to be shared, known as
common SA requirements. This later definition
relates to the Necessary Shared Knowledge Exchange
that needs to be exchanged among the members of the
team (Cain et al., 2016).
The Common Operational Picture (COP) is
defined by the United States Army Combined Arms
Center (2022) as “(Army) A display of relevant
information within a commander’s area of interest
tailored to the user’s requirements and based on
common data and information shared by more than
one command.”. This definition is quite restrictive
and is more a manifestation of the need to share a
common representation of an activity rather than truly
theorizing it.
Baber and collaborators (2013) highlight some of
the limitations of Common Operational Picture
(COP): "Although COP can offer benefits in terms of
information flow, it can create problems of
information overload, irrelevant information or
distraction for team members." These authors also
introduce another concept, the CrOP: "An alternative
system, known as a CrOP (Common relevant
Operational Picture), comprises a number of smaller
shared systems linked to agents with the same
situational awareness needs". This concept has been
used, for example, in the study of SA in commercial
aviation (Leduc et al., 2022).
1.1 Problematic and Hypotheses
In the context of collaborative work, what is the value
of CROP and how relevant are its elements for
sharing? By involving participants in a complex
scenario in which sharing information between team
members is essential to success, we hypothesise that
the contribution of a technological tool supporting
CROP can improve the sharing of mental
representations within the team. We design an
experimentation that offers a detailed and precise
evaluation of CROP. It enables the identification of
the specific elements of the activity that facilitate
teamwork and sharing of representation. The process
of identification is made possible by an interface
annotation task, which is initiated in the event of an
interruption to the scenario. In the course of this task,
the subject is required to annotate the CROP support
interface. It is hypothesised that the result of this
annotation is representative of the essential element
in the constitution of a common representation of the
2.1 Participants
Six operators took part in the experiment (three pilots
and three controllers) (mean of age: M=51.8 SD=3.4).
Both pilots and controllers have been retired from the
French armed forces for less than 6 years, but pilots
are still providing training for the armed forces. They
gave us their consent to participate before being brief
for their role in the experiment. All the operators are
former fighters or controllers. Many of them have
experienced a Search and Rescue mission in their past
2.2 Scenario Design
The evaluation process for this study consists of
having a pilot and a controller sitting in two different
rooms and playing out simulated C-SAR scenario
while their behaviour is monitored. The C-SAR
mission has been broken down into several phases to
provide a robust assessment of the information
relating to its activity.
This scenario was designed and implemented on a
consumer simulation software. The software Digital
Combat Simulator DCS (Digital Combat Simulator,
2024) has been chosen among others (detailed in the
simulation setup section) to instantiate our scenario.
A Study of Knowledge Exchange for Airborne Delegation in C-SAR Mission
The scenario is broken down into a set of five
consecutive missions, each subdivided into two to
four steps representing major phases of the
progression of events, decisions and actions. The
scenario was designed iteratively according to
discussions and pre-tests with experts: pilots and
controllers (see the briefing on the map: Air Task
Order (ATO), on Figure 1).
Figure 1: Organization of the required software for the C-
SAR use case, within the stations.
The initial goal of the mission is to provide an Air
interdiction on enemy bases. The scenario is located
on the Caucasian theatre. Multiple tactical elements
have been set to make the simulation more realistic
and make the participant engaged in this environment
(detailed in the legend of the Figure 1).
To achieve their goal in the scenario, the
following assets are engaged:
- Uzi1 is an air fighter patrol where the pilot
participant plays the leader of the two fighters.
They are set for Air/Ground capacities and
tasked to engage the target TGT1. The
wingman is AI controlled. The pilot
participant can interact via the Radio with its
wingman that is played by one of the
experimentation accomplices.
- Cyrano is an AWACS (Airborne Warning and
Control System) with the task of control over
all the assets engaged. This role is played by
the controller participant.
- And other several assets that are piloted by an
AI system (blue and red forces) such as a blue
tanker, blue fighters, red fighters, ground
The scenario emphasizes collaborative working to
support the delegation, as at one point the wingman is
hit behind enemy lines. All the assets involved in the
surveillance and safety of the wingman on land then
have to be reorganized.
2.3 Simulation Setup
Figure 2: Simulation setup with their software to support
the use case scenario.
The experimental setup is made up of four
workstations named “Pilot” “AWACS”, “XP” and
“Stream”. The first two are used by the test
participants who play as the pilot and controller, and
the latter two are for the operators handling the
experiment (Figure 2). Each workstation is equipped
with a pair of headphones, microphones, and camera
video over the same network for monitoring
purposes. The participants can communicate via the
open-source software DCS Simple Radio Standalone
(Ciribob, 2024) through their headphones.
Figure 3: Pilot's workstation including the cockpit, the static
HMI CROP and the geospatial HMI CROP.
Each participant has at their disposal three screens
(Figure 3, Figure 5). The first one is their workstation:
the fighter cockpit for the pilot provided by the DCS
Client; the display of what an AWACS operator can
see rendered by the LotAtc software (DArt, 2024)
connected to DCS. The second is the instantiated
CROP interface is presented as a series of static
images. Each one of the images displays the relevant
information upon each step of the scenario. Those
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
images are shown to the participants via a web
interface opened on dedicated screens of the “Pilot”
and “AWACS” stations. An operator at the “XP”
station is tasked with changing the images being
displayed as the scenario progresses. For each
change, a brief audio notification plays in order to
direct the participants’ attention to the new
information being provided.
Figure 4: Data flow of simulators within CONTINUUM-
Legend: POP Personal Operational Picture, RKX -
Relevant Knowledge Exchange, PROP – Personal Relevant
Operational Picture, COP Common Operational Picture,
CROP – Common Relevant Operational Picture, CA-PROP
– Collective Augmented Personal Relevant Operational
The last screen available is the spatially informed
part of the CROP information. This visualization is
provided in the consumer software Tacview (Raia,
2024) as a dynamic cartographic display. This display
uses data which are gathered from the pilot’s and
controller’s points of view, then aggregated and
filtered for relevance using a custom-made program
called CONTINUUM-Core (Figure 3).
In other words, all the tactical data related
to the simulation software is gathered to the
CONTINUUM-Core, while the data related to
analysing the behaviour of the participants are saved
to the “Stream” station. More precisely, the “Stream”
station runs the consumer software OBS Studio (Lain,
2024) specialized in capturing and synchronizing all
of the aforementioned video and audio streams,
including radio, into a single video for later
commentary and analysis.
2.4 Procedure
By splitting the experiment into separate missions, we
were able to pause in between phases in order to
gather spontaneous feedback from the participants
immediately after their experiences with the interface.
Each participant was introduced to the CROP HMI to
be used in the upcoming chapter before it starts. Then
they can react to the CROP HMI that were shown
over the past chapter by writing down their remarks
over printed versions of the interface.
Figure 5: Controller's workstation including the cockpit, the
static HMI CROP and the geospatial HMI CROP
In addition to the elements mentioned above, each
participant returned an annotation of the static CROP
images. Participants were asked to assess the
information value of each graphic element in terms of
relevance. Information is categorized according to the
criteria described in the result section. Afterwards,
participants took part in a self-confrontation
(Theureau, 2010). The collective self-confrontation
interviews were carried out in order to capture the
different points of view on the activity. To be more
precise, this interview allows us to get deeper in the
understanding of the operator’s activity and the
analysis of the annotations of the CROP HMI. Those
sessions were recorded for future analysis.
A Study of Knowledge Exchange for Airborne Delegation in C-SAR Mission
In order to answer our hypothesis, during the
experiment the participants shared their impressions
of the different HMI CROP mock-ups linked to the
different phases of the scenario. The components of
each model were evaluated according to four
relevance criteria:
Relevant information, which allows me to
carry out my task or understand the situation;
Irrelevant information that can disturb me in
my task, mislead me or distract me;
Useful but not essential information, which
does not disturb my task;
Missing relevant information to add to the
In addition, to analyse the comments about the
interface from the self-confrontation interviews, these
were recorded and then transcribed using an
A synthesis was then produced from the
handwritten comments on the interfaces and the
comments from the self-confrontation interviews.
A quantitative analysis of the results was carried
out, counting the number of comments made by all
the participants for each component of each interface,
with reference to the four relevance criteria
mentioned above.
Figure 6: Quantitative analysis of HMI CROP components.
From Figure 6, we see that certain meteorological
and event information, as well as information related
to the in-flight report, are mainly considered as
irrelevant or even disturbing information.
However, the information relating to the state of
the tactical situation remains variable, while the
direction indication data is mainly relevant.
Moreover, regarding the operators involved in the
operation, this information is useful to them and
should contain additional information for each asset
(such as their altitude block or their task).
Furthermore, the PR-11-LINE and CSARIR
components (checklist) allowing them to identify and
transmit the various information relating to the
ejected ally are mainly relevant for pilots and
The C-SAR (Combat Search and Rescue) package
launch information is also mostly relevant and useful,
but needs additional information (such as the package
arrival time).
As far as immediate action is concerned, i.e. the
recommendations made by the interface to the
participants, these results essentially show that this
information is relevant, even if some participants
indicated that it was irrelevant or even disturbing.
This can firstly be explained by the fact that some
participants had not understood that this component
presented recommendations that they could either
accept or reject. In addition, others explained that for
them to be able to make these decisions, it would have
to be assigned to a specific role (such as ACE -
Airspace Control Element, or TEA - Terminal
Engagement Authority).
Lastly, the information highlighted in the
interface receives a large number of comments. This
information is mainly relevant and enables them to
carry out the task and understand the situation, even
if some of it remains irrelevant. This component of
the interface is highly contextual and can therefore
contain very different information from one moment
to the next. The different opinions thus depend on the
The methodology we implemented enabled us to
demonstrate that the relevance of information is
contextual, but also that the need to access this
information strongly depends on the type of task
being performed. Indeed, whether the task consists of
taking information or making decisions, the need for
relevant information, and in particular access to it,
will vary. What's more, in our military context, the
acceptance of the task delegation is closely linked to
the delegation of the associated role. Thus, the results
presented suggest that interaction with the
recommendations made by the system is essential in
order to pursue the relevance analysis and thus assess
the acceptance of delegation and its use in operation.
Finally, we have highlighted the interest of CROP and
shown that it seems to be the preferred and
indispensable support for the acceptance and quality
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
of delegation. The step forward is to evaluate the
following question: does the CROP support the
mechanism of delegation for future collaborative
This research was funded by the HEAL consortium
(Human Engineering for Aerospace Lab) and its
members, namely THALES and Bordeaux-INP
associated with the University of Bordeaux.
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A Study of Knowledge Exchange for Airborne Delegation in C-SAR Mission