Applying the LOT Methodology to Enhance the Cinematic Heritage
Alessandro Cosentino
, Webert Júnio Araújo
and Inês Koch
Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
Escola de Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
Digital Archive, Cinematic Heritage, Ontology Engineering, Linked Open Data (LOD).
The Locarno Film Festival (LFF) archives represent a valuable collection of cinematic history, providing es-
sential resources for research, education, and the promotion of international film culture. To ensure these
resources are easily accessible, it is crucial to develop advanced methods for managing and linking the infor-
mation they contain. This work focuses on creating a shared way for organizing information, transforming
the LFF archives into dynamic, interconnected resources. This transformation is essential for preserving cine-
matic heritage, improving discoverability, promoting digital transformation, and efficiently managing archives.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, we developed the OntoFest following the Linked Open Terms (LOT)
Methodology. Significant outcomes of this project include the successful reuse of existing ontologies to man-
age heterogeneous information, which has improved our ability to understand and retrieve relevant data. This
work demonstrates the potential of digital archives in the cinematic field and provides a foundation for future
initiatives in digitizing cinematic heritage archives. OntoFest not only contributes to preserving the cinematic
cultural heritage of the LFF but also lays the groundwork for new research and creative applications in the
digital transformation of film festival archives.
In the era of Big Data, the overwhelming volume
of information is becoming increasingly accessible
and manageable. Therefore, archives should not be
viewed as passive repositories of outdated data. In-
stead, they need to be redefined as dynamic and valu-
able sources of knowledge. The Locarno Film Festi-
val (LFF), one of the most prestigious international
film festivals, stands as a unique meeting point for
cinema enthusiasts, industry professionals, and cul-
tural scholars, with an extensive archive spanning var-
ious locations and including analog and digital for-
mats. These archives, along with those of Radiotele-
visione Svizzera (RSI) in Lugano and Cinémathèque
Suisse in Lausanne, are crucial for preserving cine-
matic and cultural heritage, holding immense histori-
cal significance for researchers and historians. This
work focuses on LFF archives as a case study of
cinematographic archival collections, highlighting a
largely dormant yet increasingly recognized legacy.
Digitizing these archives is essential for preserving
this invaluable cultural heritage for future generations
(Paschalidou et al., 2022). Moreover, digital archives
improve accessibility, allowing easy access to histori-
cal information and democratizing knowledge for re-
searchers, educators, and the public worldwide (Wag-
ner and de Clippele, 2023). Additionally, digital for-
mats also facilitate interoperability, enabling integra-
tion with other digital systems and databases while
improving the efficiency of managing and retriev-
ing archival information. To effectively manage and
enhance these digital archives, ontologies provide a
semantic structure that enables the organized, con-
nected, and accessible preservation of cultural her-
itage information. They establish a framework that
not only preserves historical information but also sig-
nificantly improves its discoverability and usability
for various applications in research and industry (Lodi
et al., 2017). To address these challenges and op-
portunities, we introduce OntoFest, an ontology de-
signed to transform the traditional Locarno Film Fes-
tival (LFF) archives into dynamic, interconnected re-
sources. The primary goal of this project is to build
an ontology that provides semantically rich descrip-
tions of the cataloged material. To further support this
Cosentino, A., Araújo, W. and Koch, I.
Applying the LOT Methodology to Enhance the Cinematic Heritage Archives.
DOI: 10.5220/0012962000003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 183-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
objective, OntoFest follows best practices by ensur-
ing that the data will adhere to the Findable, Acces-
sible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles
(Wilkinson et al., 2016) and will be made available as
Linked Open Data (LOD). OntoFest leverages the Ar-
chOnto ontology (Koch et al., 2020), which integrates
several complementary ontologies within the archival
domain, providing a detailed representation that ex-
tends beyond the capabilities of CIDOC CRM. Ar-
chOnto facilitates the description of specific aspects
of the archival domain, ensuring comprehensive cov-
erage of archival and cultural heritage materials. By
incorporating ArchOnto, OntoFest enhances the dis-
coverability and usability of the LFF archives, align-
ing with best practices in digital preservation and se-
mantic web technologies. This work aims to trans-
form the traditional LFF archives into a dynamic and
interconnected resource, a transformation that is cru-
cial for improving the discoverability and usability of
cinematic heritage. While initially designed for the
LFF, the framework is intended to be adaptable to
other film festivals, enhancing access to these valu-
able cultural resources. This paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 presents relevant projects and ini-
tiatives aimed at providing access to cinematographic
research materials. Section 3 details the methodol-
ogy used in the development of OntoFest, following
the guidelines described in the LOT (Poveda-Villalón
et al., 2022). Section 4 discusses the specific char-
acteristics of OntoFest, including its framework, data
model, and the structure of its ontology. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 offers final remarks and expectations for future
The digitization of cultural heritage has emerged as
a key area of interest in a wide range of research
studies and projects. Despite this growing interest,
there are still a limited number of initiatives specifi-
cally focused on digitizing film festival cultural her-
itage. Several notable projects have made signifi-
cant progress in managing cinematic cultural heritage,
adapting digitization methodologies to meet the spe-
cific needs of the seventh art domain. This review
is limited to projects offering insights analogous to
the goals of our study, with a particular emphasis
on works that explicitly deal with cinematic archives.
Further research in related areas might provide addi-
tional perspectives and insights beyond the scope of
this study. Next, we present a summary of these key
Cinema Context (CC) project (van Wissen et al.,
2021) investigates the history of Dutch cinema
from the late 19th century, focusing on the dis-
tribution and dissemination of films. While it pro-
vides valuable insights into the history and distri-
bution of films, it does not extensively cover key
figures integral to the film industry, indicating the
potential for a more holistic approach that also ad-
dresses these aspects.
CINECOS project (Biltereyst and de Potter,
2018) aims at developing an open-access platform
for exploring the history of cinema in Belgium
and Flanders, integrating information on produc-
tion, distribution, and other fundamental aspects.
Despite its achievements, the project does not em-
phasize the development of a comprehensive on-
tology, a gap noted by the authors of Cinema Bel-
gica (Ducatteeuw et al., 2023), a spin-off of the
European Cinema Audiences (ECA) project
canská, 2022) examines the film culture
of the 1950s in seven European cities, focusing
on audience experience and film popularity. It
collects and harmonizes a standardized archive
of materials related to the cinematic experience,
providing valuable data on demographics, prefer-
ences, and audience behavior. While it aims to un-
derstand the diverse cinematic experiences across
Europe, it does not address all aspects of the film
industry, indicating the need for more inclusive
There is a need for an approach that not only digi-
tizes and archives film information but also creates a
comprehensive framework for semantically rich de-
scriptions. Such an approach should improve inter-
operability, accessibility, and usability, ensuring that
archival information is preserved and easily accessi-
ble for future research and preservation initiatives.
There is a need for an approach that not only dig-
itizes and archives film information but also creates
a comprehensive framework for semantically rich de-
scriptions. Such an approach should improve inter-
operability, accessibility, and usability, ensuring that
archival information is preserved and easily accessi-
ble for future research and preservation initiatives.
OntoFest is developed based on the Linked Open
Terms (LOT) Methodology, introduced by Poveda-
Villalón in 2022 (Poveda-Villalón et al., 2022). This
methodology focuses on reusing terms such as ontol-
ogy classes, properties, and attributes from existing
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
vocabularies or ontologies and publishing the built
ontology according to Linked Data principles. Fur-
thermore, the LOT methodology is based on the on-
tological engineering activities defined in the NeOn
methodology (Suárez-Figueroa et al., 2011). The
LOT methodology involves iterations over a basic
workflow consisting of the following activities: (1)
identifying ontological requirements; (2) implement-
ing the ontology; (3) publishing the ontology; and (4)
maintaining the ontology.
This section outlines these activities, detailing
their application in the development of OntoFest and
highlighting key definitions and procedural guide-
3.1 Ontology Requirements
The ontology requirements specification, the first ac-
tivity, involves collecting the requirements that the
ontology must fulfill (Suárez-Figueroa et al., 2015),
which are associated with its goal, the domain it aims
to model, and technical aspects such as the imple-
mentation language. This process typically involves
collaboration among domain experts, ontology users,
and the ontology development team. The goal is
to collect information from diverse sources, includ-
ing datasets, regulations, standards, data formats, API
specifications, and database schemes. Subsequently,
a set of ontological requirements is proposed, which
can be formulated using the Competency Questions
technique (Gruninger, 1995) or expressed as natural
language sentences. Each ontological requirement is
validated and completed in collaboration with domain
experts and ontology users to create the Ontology Re-
quirements Specification Document (ORSD), which
is the primary outcome of this activity.
For the OntoFest ontology, we conducted the re-
quirements specification activity using data from the
archives of the Radiotelevisione Svizzera di lingua
Italiana (RSI) in Lugano and the Locarno Film Fes-
tival archives in Locarno. These archives provided
crucial information about the films featured in the
film festival and the television programming during
the festival period. This information was enriched
with additional data from external repositories, in-
cluding IMDB (Internet Movie Database), TMDB
(The Movie Database), and others. Multiple inter-
views were conducted with experts from the Locarno
Film Festival and various international film festivals
to validate the initial draft and integrate essential con-
cepts. Additional concepts were sourced from the
FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives),
guiding metadata standards, archival practices, and
Table 1: Sample of OntoFest Requirements.
CQ Answer
What films are featured in a
specific edition of the LFF?
List of films screened at
specific editions of LFF, in-
cluding title, year, and other
Which films were screened
in a specific section of the
List of films featured in a
particular section.
Which directors and cast
members have participated
in television programs dur-
ing the festival?
Names of directors and cast
members along with the ti-
tles of the TV programs and
their broadcast dates
best practices in digital preservation.
Based on the initial inputs, we formulated an ini-
tial set of ontological requirements in the form of
CQs (Competency Questions). These were defined
and shared using an online spreadsheet that included
the following fields: Identifier (unique for each re-
quirement), Competency Question (specifies what the
ontology aims to address), Answer (responds to the
CQs), Clarification of Competency Questions (in-
cludes comments and additional context related to
the CQs), and Reference (indicates the sources of
the CQs). Once the initial proposal was drafted, we
shared the spreadsheet
with the domain expert to
validate the requirements. Table 1 presents a sam-
ple excerpt of some requirements for OntoFest. All
files generated during the development process, in-
cluding these requirements, are stored and managed
in a GitHub repository that will be publicly available
after the project ends in October 2024.
3.2 Ontology Implementation
The ontology implementation activity aims to develop
an ontology using a formal implementation language
based on the ontological requirements specified by
domain experts. This process involves several stages,
each dedicated to implementing a specific require-
ments set, resulting in a revised ontology version af-
ter each iteration. This phase typically comprises
the following sub-activities: conceptualization, reuse,
encoding, and evaluation. For OntoFest, the imple-
mentation phase was carried out using a structured
and iterative approach that incorporated these sub-
Ontology Conceptualization. In this phase, our
goal was to create a comprehensive model that accu-
rately represents the film festival domain. To achieve
this, we collaborated with project stakeholders and
Google spreadsheet for requirements management: ht
Applying the LOT Methodology to Enhance the Cinematic Heritage Archives
technical experts from the archives of LFF and RSI.
Utilizing tools such as and Miro, we created
visual representations of the ontology. These dia-
grams facilitated a shared understanding of the con-
cepts, relationships, and constraints within the on-
tology. This enabled us to define various elements
of the ontology, including classes (representing enti-
ties with common characteristics within the domain),
class hierarchies (establishing hierarchical relation-
ships among classes for effective organization), prop-
erties (defining both relationships between classes
and attributes), property hierarchies (structuring prop-
erties to reflect hierarchical relationships), and addi-
tional axioms (including necessary constraints such
as cardinality, domain and range specifications, and
other logical conditions).
Ontology Reuse. We integrated existing ontologies
to ensure interoperability and leverage established
standards. Significant reuse included the CIDOC
CRM (ICOM / CIDOC CRM SIG, 2024) and Ar-
chOnto (Koch et al., 2023). CIDOC CRM, a refer-
ence ontology in the cultural heritage domain, pro-
vides a framework for representing people, places,
and time periods. It aims to exchange, mediate, and
integrate heterogeneous sources of information re-
lated to cultural heritage. ArchOnto integrates sev-
eral complementary ontologies within the archival
domain (N-ary, DataObject, ISAD Ontology, and
Link2DataObject.), offering detailed representations
that extend beyond CIDOC CRM. This reuse en-
riched OntoFest with a robust framework for repre-
senting archival information. This choice is crucial
for OntoFest, as it aims to model archival information
generated from each edition of the LFF. By leverag-
ing the principles of linked data and semantic web
technologies, ArchOnto creates a richer, more con-
nected representation of archival information, ensur-
ing that OntoFest can comprehensively cover the di-
verse archival materials associated with the LFF.
Ontology Encoding. We translated the conceptual
model into a formal ontology using the Web Ontology
Language (OWL). Using Protégé, we encoded the
classes, properties, and axioms defined during con-
ceptualization phase, employing both manual and au-
tomated methods to ensure efficiency and accuracy.
Ontology Evaluation. Initial validation was con-
ducted using reasoners to identify logical inconsisten-
cies. Tools such as OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scan-
ner!) (Poveda-Villalón et al., 2014), Pellet (Sirin
et al., 2007), and Hermit (Glimm et al., 2014) were
employed to detect modeling issues. Iterative testing
ensured that the ontology definitions aligned with the
intended domain model and met the specified require-
ments and competency questions. Feedback from do-
main experts and ontology users was invaluable, al-
lowing us to continuously refine and improve the on-
tology. However, since the project is at its intermedi-
ate stage, a comprehensive evaluation is planned for
future developments, involving both system evalua-
tion and user evaluation.
3.3 Ontology Publication
The ontology publication activity aims to make the
ontology available online in human-readable and
machine-readable formats. The human-readable ver-
sion is typically presented as HTML documentation,
which includes diagrams and examples to improve
readability and usability. The machine-readable ver-
sion is the formal ontology file, often in RDF/XML
or Turtle format, which can be accessed using the
ontology URI. For OntoFest, we defined persistent
URIs for all the elements according to best prac-
tices described by W3C (Consortium et al., 2014).
OntoFest will be published online and available under
its URI ‘‘ in
both human-readable documentation and a machine-
readable file. The human-readable documentation
will be provided in multiple languages, including En-
glish, Italian, German, and French, reflecting the na-
tional languages of Switzerland. Additionally, we
will register ontology with prominent repositories
such as LOV (Linked Open Vocabularies) to en-
hance its visibility and accessibility within the com-
munity. This will facilitate its reuse and integration
with other datasets, promoting interoperability and
broader adoption of OntoFest in various applications
related to film festival archives and digital preserva-
tion of cultural heritage. OntoFest will be made pub-
licly available after the project’s conclusion in Oc-
tober 2024, ensuring that the community can ben-
efit from the advancements and contributions made
through this work.
3.4 Ontology Maintenance
The ontology maintenance activity aims to update and
improve the ontology after its latest release. This need
may arise from various circumstances, such as identi-
fying new requirements, detecting bugs, or feedback
suggesting improvements. This activity can be initi-
ated during the ontology development process, where
new requirements or bug fixes are scheduled into one
or more sprints. Furthermore, it can also be trig-
gered after the development process, leading to the
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
generation of a new ontology version. To support the
ongoing ontology maintenance, we have adopted ef-
fective strategies to facilitate updates and manage its
evolution over time. These include utilizing robust
issue-tracking systems to document and discuss pro-
posed changes, enhancements, or new requirements,
ensuring transparency and reliability in the evolution
of the ontology. Gathering feedback from domain
experts plays a crucial role in assessing the ontol-
ogy and identifying areas for improvement. Engag-
ing with users and stakeholders helps gather diverse
perspectives and suggestions for improvement, ensur-
ing the ontology is more accurately defined and better
suited for its intended purpose. These strategies en-
able OntoFest to be recognized as a dynamic ontol-
ogy, contributing to the preservation and accessibility
of the cultural heritage associated with the LFF.
The goal of OntoFest is to represent the domain of
the Locarno Film Festival and to capture the me-
dia associated with films and TV programs, includ-
ing their archival descriptions. OntoFest comprises
six main classes: Person, Film, Film Festival Edi-
tion, Film Festival Section, Film Festival Award, and
TV Show. Additionally, there are several subclasses
that further specialize some of the main classes. Re-
lationships between classes and subclasses were ex-
tracted from widely used common vocabularies, such
as Wikidata and to ensure semantic rich-
ness and broad interoperability. This approach aligns
with linked data best practices and the FAIR princi-
ples, making data easily reusable and interoperable.
Where certain relationships were not covered by a
single vocabulary, we combined terms from different
sources to achieve more comprehensive domain cov-
Next, we will provide a brief overview of the
OntoFest classes.
Film: includes the creative works presented at
the film festival, representing the entire collection
featured at the LFF. It provides detailed informa-
tion about the title, description, country of pro-
duction, year of production, genre, duration, and
TV Show: represents the television programs as-
sociated with the film festival, showcasing festival
events, interviews, and highlighting various facets
of the Locarno Film Festival.
Film Festival Edition: contains detailed informa-
tion on all editions of the LFF.
Film Festival Section: represent the different cat-
egories in which films are screened during the fes-
tival, such as main competition, short films, and
Film Festival Award: includes the awards given
out at the film festival. It has six subclasses:
Special Prize: recognizes various exceptional
Feature Film Award: recognizes excellence in
feature-length films.
Environmental and Innovation Award: rec-
ognizes projects with environmental themes or
notable innovations.
Short Film Award: recognizes outstanding
documentaries and short films.
Direction Award: recognizes exemplary di-
recting and production skills.
Performance Award: recognizes excellence in
acting and performance.
Person: represents all the individuals involved in
the film festival. It has four subclasses:
Director: Individual(s) who have directed the
Producer: Individual(s) responsible for film
Writer: Individual(s) responsible for the
Actor: Individual(s) who have performed in
the films.
Due to space limitations, detailed tables on ob-
ject properties (relationships) and data properties (at-
tributes) can be found in the supplementary materi-
OntoFest reuses ten classes from two other on-
tologies: seven from CIDOC CRM (ICOM / CIDOC
CRM SIG, 2024) and three from ArchOnto (Koch
et al., 2023). This reuse ensures comprehensive cov-
erage of archival and cultural heritage aspects.
1. CIDOC CRM Classes: we are reusing these
classes as they can represent overarching concepts
for digital media associated with films and TV
programs and the provenance of their representa-
D1 Digital Object: represents identifiable in-
tangible items represented as bit sequences,
For detailed tables on object properties (relationships)
and data properties (attributes), refer to the Google Spread-
Applying the LOT Methodology to Enhance the Cinematic Heritage Archives
Note: The ontology includes inverse relationships and data properties in its representation that are not depicted in this figure.
Figure 1: Classes/subclasses and their interrelation in OntoFest.
such as datasets, images, audio or video items,
etc., and are documented as single units.
D13 Digital Information Carrier: Describes
the physical or digital carriers of information.
E41 Appellation: Comprises all signs follow-
ing a specific syntax, that are used or can be
used to refer to and identify a specific instance
of some class within a certain context.
E42 Identifier: Provides unique identifiers for
digital objects.
E74 Group: Comprises any gatherings or or-
ganizations of human individuals or groups that
act collectively or in a similar way due to any
form of unifying relationship.
E78 Curated Holding: Represents curated
collections of digital objects.
E87 Curation Activity: Represents the activi-
ties that contribute to the management and the
preservation and evolution of instances of E78
Curated Holding.
2. ArchOnto Classes: We are using these classes
since this model provides a more detailed repre-
sentation of certain classes compared to CIDOC
CRM representation in this aspect.
ARE5 Identifier Type: Defines the types of
identifiers used.
ARE13 Subject Type: Describes the subjects
covered by the digital objects.
DOE8 String: Used for plain text validation.
The OntoFest conceptual model can be analyzed
from the perspective of creative work and digital ob-
jects. OntoFest separates and interrelates these two
perspectives, providing a comprehensive framework
for understanding films and TV programs’ creative
and digital aspects. This dual approach is crucial
for managing films as both works of art and digi-
tal entities. It ensures that films are recognized in
their creative context while being efficiently stored,
retrieved, and preserved in digital formats. By delin-
eating and connecting these two facets, OntoFest sup-
ports archival practices and enhances the accessibility
and usability of film festival archives.
Creative Work Perspective. This perspective em-
phasizes the artistic and production elements of a cre-
ative work, focusing on its conceptual and intellectual
aspects rather than its specific encoding format. Key
subclasses such as Director, Producer, and Actor ex-
emplify the relationships and attributes that are piv-
otal to the creation and conceptualization of a film.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: A list of SPARQL queries and the respective results retrieved from the OntoFest ontology. Note: Partial Results only
contain a subset of the total results due to space constraints.
CQ No. Question SPARQL Code Partial Results
CQ1 Which films participated in the
61th LFF Edition and won the
Direction Award? Retrieve
characteristics of the associ-
ated media for these films.
SELECT ?film ?identifier
WHERE { ?film schema:workFeatured of
wiki:P166 ?directionAward;
schema:associatedMedia ?
?digitalObject cidoc:p1 ?
Film: Elle veut le chaos ; Identifier: LF-
CQ2 What is the archive ID of the
TV Show that mentions the
Film that won the Best Fea-
tured Film Award at the 60th
SELECT ?TVShow ?archiveId
WHERE {?TVShow schema:mentions ?film;
schema:associatedMedia> ?
?digitalObject cidoc:p1 ?archiveId.
?film schema:workFeatured of:60th_LFF;
wiki:P166 ?FeaturedFilmAward.
Tv Show: Panorama Tagesschau ; archiveId:
CQ3 Who are the producers of the
films that participated in the
Fuori Concorso Section of the
85th edition of LFF?
SELECT ?film ?producer
WHERE { ?film schema:workFeatured of:
schema:workFeatured of:85th_LFF
wiki:P162 ?producer.
Film: She Will ; Producers: Dario Argento,
Philip Colbert, Sam Cryer, Natalie Denton, Jen-
nifer Eriksson, Wendy Griffin, Sally Holder, etc.
CQ4 What is the subject type of the
film directed by Pedro Costa
and presented at the 72th edi-
tion of the LFF?
SELECT ?film ?subjectType
WHERE { ?film wiki:P57 of:Pedro Costa;
schema:workFeatured of:72th_LFF;
schema:associatedMedia ?mediaObject.
?mediaObject cidoc:p2 ?subjectType.
Film: Vitalina Varela ; subjectType: portuguese
drama, grief, immigration
This view highlights the artistic value and production
context, capturing the essential creative elements and
their interconnections.
Digital Object Perspective. This perspective deals
with the film or TV program as a digital object. It in-
cludes the technical specifications, digital format, and
archival details. Classes such as E42 Identifier and
ARE13 Subject Type are used to describe the dig-
ital files, their formats, and their unique identifiers.
This view focuses on the storage, preservation, and
accessibility of digital entities, ensuring that films and
TV programs can be effectively managed in digital
To validate the consistency of the ontology, we
employed HermiT reasoner (Glimm et al., 2014).
This check guarantees that OntoFest infers knowl-
edge accurately and delivers correct information. Ta-
ble 2 shows some queries executed within the ontol-
ogy. The results obtained from these queries align
with reality, confirming that the model faithfully rep-
resents its domain.
In this paper, we presented OntoFest, an ontology
for representing the Locarno Film Festival (LFF) do-
main and its associated media, and explored its con-
nections to other ontologies, such as CIDOC CRM
and ArchOnto. The initial development and imple-
mentation phases have laid a solid foundation, and
early results demonstrate the ontology’s potential in
organizing and facilitating the retrieval of relevant in-
formation within cinematic archives. OntoFest lever-
ages the reuse of existing ontologies, such as CIDOC
CRM and ArchOnto, to manage heterogeneous in-
formation, thereby improving the understanding and
retrieval of relevant data. By employing the Linked
Open Terms (LOT) methodology, we have ensured
that the ontology adheres to best practices in ontology
engineering and linked data principles, setting a stan-
dard for future initiatives in digitizing cinematic her-
itage archives. Despite these achievements, OntoFest
is still in an intermediate stage of development, and
several refinements are needed to further improve the
We plan to conduct two types of evaluations: a system
evaluation and a user evaluation. The first one will
involve technical assessments to measure the perfor-
mance, scalability, and interoperability of the ontol-
ogy, while the second one will gather feedback from
domain experts, archivists, digital humanists, and on-
tology engineers to evaluate the usability, relevance,
and completeness of the ontology. Based on the in-
sights gained from these evaluations, we will itera-
Applying the LOT Methodology to Enhance the Cinematic Heritage Archives
tively refine the ontology to enhance its functionality,
usability, and alignment with domain requirements.
Additionally, we plan to develop a unified user in-
terface that integrates two complementary data ex-
ploration functionalities. The first will be a visual
browsing feature that allows users to navigate and ex-
plore data without requiring technical expertise. The
second will be a direct query interface, accessible
through a SPARQL endpoint via an API, enabling
users to perform complex queries following Linked
Open Data (LOD) standards and cross-reference with
other LOD datasets. These functionalities are de-
signed to work seamlessly together, allowing users
to easily switch between them. For example, a user
might start with a direct query to fetch specific data
and then switch to browsing mode to explore related
information, or vice versa. The work presented here
lays the groundwork for future research and develop-
ment in the digital preservation of cinematic heritage.
As we move forward, we aim to expand the applica-
bility of OntoFest to other film festivals and cultural
heritage archives, demonstrating its adaptability to di-
verse cultural heritage settings.
This work is funded by the Swissuniversities Project
ord47. We thank Locarno Film Festival for providing
access to their archival materials and their collabora-
tors for their valuable feedback. Inês Koch is financed
by National Funds through the Portuguese funding
agency, FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnolo-
gia, within the research grant 2020.08755.BD.
Biltereyst, D. and de Potter, P. (2018). Cinema ecosystem
(cinecos): A new cinema history inspired project aim-
ing at building an open access data platform for cin-
ema history in flanders and belgium. Presentation at
CREATE Salon, Amsterdam (17 May 2018).
Consortium, W. W. W. et al. (2014). Best practices for pub-
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development