tively refine the ontology to enhance its functionality,
usability, and alignment with domain requirements.
Additionally, we plan to develop a unified user in-
terface that integrates two complementary data ex-
ploration functionalities. The first will be a visual
browsing feature that allows users to navigate and ex-
plore data without requiring technical expertise. The
second will be a direct query interface, accessible
through a SPARQL endpoint via an API, enabling
users to perform complex queries following Linked
Open Data (LOD) standards and cross-reference with
other LOD datasets. These functionalities are de-
signed to work seamlessly together, allowing users
to easily switch between them. For example, a user
might start with a direct query to fetch specific data
and then switch to browsing mode to explore related
information, or vice versa. The work presented here
lays the groundwork for future research and develop-
ment in the digital preservation of cinematic heritage.
As we move forward, we aim to expand the applica-
bility of OntoFest to other film festivals and cultural
heritage archives, demonstrating its adaptability to di-
verse cultural heritage settings.
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development