A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor
Raluca Didona Brehar
and Sand Elena-Andreea
Computer Science Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Object Detection, Smart Navigation, Computer Vision, Embedded Systems.
An approach that combines hardware processing facilities with artificial intelligence and computer vision is
proposed in this paper resulting in a prototype for assisting blind people at indoor and outdoor exploration in
terms of object detection and recognition, color recognition, obstacle avoidance and smart navigation. Several
test scenarios have been experimented and prove the efficiency of the proposed approach. The targeted test
scenarios comprise shopping assistance, obstacle avoidance and directions for safe navigation.
According to the most recent studies (Pesudovs, K.,
Lansingh, V.C., Kempen, J.H., 2024), visually im-
paired people represent a significant portion of the
population, specifically, 295 million individuals are
affected by this condition, of which 17 million are
Among the problems faced by visually impaired
people, the most important are: finding an object, per-
ception of the surrounding environment, identifying a
color, using public transportation, navigation in the
external environment and avoiding obstacles. The ap-
proach proposed in this paper is engineered to help
blind people in various situations encountered in ev-
eryday life, giving them the opportunity to carry out
their activities without having to ask for the help of
other people. To help visually impaired individuals
achieve a higher degree of independence, a system
that perceives and processes the surrounding environ-
ment in real-time and has the capability to accurately
and precisely recognize and locate existing objects or
potential obstacles is needed. To ensure this, the pro-
posed solution combines embedded components with
state of the art computer vision models. The proposed
approach develops five main modes of operation all
having an interactive and friendly mode of use: (i)
smart navigation; (ii) object detection and recogni-
tion; (iii) color identification to assist in outfit selec-
tion; (iv) groceries detection and recognition; (v) ob-
stacle avoidance. Through voice commands, the user
can specify their needs, and the necessary instructions
are provided via audio output.
The main contributions of the proposed solution
reside in:
Development of an embedded hardware system
with strong processing capabilities for computer
vision assistance of blind people.
Design and implementation of object detection,
recognition, smart navigation based on state of the
art deep learning models.
Integration of hardware and software solutions for
typical test scenarios in blind people assistance.
Real time processing.
This section provides an overview of existing research
and developments related to systems tailored for vi-
sually impaired users that focus on object detection,
groceries detection and obstacle avoidance.
In the work presented by (Kabir et al., 2023), the
authors compare the You Only Look Once (YOLO)
models (Redmon et al., 2016), versions 4 and 7, and
the SSD Mobilenet-V2 model (Sandler et al., 2019).
After the tests were conducted, they claim that YOLO
provides better accuracy, while SSD provides fast and
efficient detection on embedded devices.
The approach proposed by (Kumar and Jain,
2021) describe a system that provides travel instruc-
tions for blind people using the YOLOv3 object de-
Brehar, R. and Elena-Andreea, S.
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration.
DOI: 10.5220/0012973100003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 2, pages 54-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tection model and ultrasonic sensors to signal obsta-
cles close to the user. The authors modified the model
YOLOv3 to be integrated into a portable system and
trained it using a dataset containing images classi-
fied into about 25 different categories such as straight
roads, intersections, pedestrians or vehicles. The sys-
tem provides real-time audio feedback through head-
phones. The authors claim that the system offers
96.14% accuracy with the help of sensors ultrasonics,
while the modified YOLOv3 model provides 81% ac-
In (Baskar et al., 2021) the implementation of a
system that helps blind people to avoid obstacles that
may appear in the indoor environment is described.
To develop the system, they use a Raspberry Pi 3 cam-
era, an infrared sensor and ultrasonic sensors to de-
tect and identify obstacles in real time. The authors
claim that the infrared sensor detects objects in move-
ment, the ultrasonic sensor detects static objects, and
the camera is used to detect predefined objects.
The article (Rodr
ıguez et al., 2007) presents an
obstacle avoidance system for assisting the visually
impaired people, using a stereo camera that generates
a disparity map that allows obstacle detection in dif-
ferent scenarios. Once the depth map from the stereo
camera is obtained, the algorithm creates a grid us-
ing polar coordinates, the size of which covers a dis-
tance of four and a half meters. The grid is divided
into three zones to represent the distance to obstacles
(4.5m, 3m, and 1.5m), and each zone is divided into
portions. Next, the algorithm determines the pix-
els that belong to the ground, using the RANSAC al-
gorithm, in order not to determine the area of interest
for the user. Once the pixels that belong to the ground
are determined, the rest are analyzed to find if they
intersect the grid, that is, if they are part of a pos-
sible obstacle. Finally, the algorithm alerts the user
to the presence of an obstacle by sending a beeping
sound into the headphones, controlling the frequency
of the sound based on the distance to the obstacle.
The test results demonstrate the performance of the
system, both in the outdoor and indoor environments.
The paper (K et al., 2014), presents an application
that helps blind people to do their shopping in a super-
market. The system uses a camera to capture images
from the supermarket which are then processed to ex-
tract the text in order to identify the products. The
system also extracts the price of the products, and at
the user’s command, adds that price to the purchase
calculation. This bill amount is then sent as voice out-
put to the user.
A system to help visually impaired individuals
shop independently in supermarkets is described by
(Devipriya et al., 2018). The system addresses
three primary concerns: locating products, identi-
fying products, and automating the billing process.
Product identifier helps locate the desired product us-
ing RFID technology. A buzzer rings when the prod-
uct is found. Smart glove assists in identifying the
product by providing audio details through a headset
when the product is scanned and smart trolley auto-
mates the billing process. When a product is placed
in the trolley, it is automatically scanned and added
to the bill. The total bill is displayed on an LCD
screen and can be updated in real-time. The system
was tested with three products: Masala, Milk, and
Apples. The Product Identifier successfully detected
and matched products with voice inputs. The Smart
Glove provided audio feedback about the products,
and the Smart Trolley automated the billing process,
displaying and updating the total bill.
The original aspect of the proposed approach con-
sists in the development of an embedded system based
on state of the art computer vision perception mod-
els meant to help visually impaired individuals to im-
prove their every day life activities.
The software architecture of the system is de-
scribed in the figure 1. To ensure the performance
of the system, it was decided to implement it on
NVIDIA Jetson Nano, a mini-computer with a spe-
cialized hardware architecture for the development of
artificial intelligence and deep learning applications
in embedded devices. To analyze the environment,
two cameras were connected: Raspberry Pi Module 2
and Intel Realsense D435 that communicate with the
board through the UART and CSI interfaces. 1.
Figure 1: Software architecture.
The current solution consists of 5 main modes of
operation, which presents an interactive and friendly
mode of use. Using voice commands recognized with
the help of the Speech Recognition library, the user
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
can specify their needs, and the necessary instruc-
tions are provided via audio output using the Text-
To-Speech library.
The module for navigation with Google Maps
contains specific functions to provide the user with a
summary of the trip based on the directions received
from Google Maps. Depending on the distance to be
covered, the user can choose if they want directions
involving public transport, or if they want to walk the
route without them.
The object detection module is based on the SSD
MobileNet-v2 (Sandler et al., 2019) detection model
which is used by the component which identifies a
specific object and the component that identifies all
surrounding objects. An algorithm that controls the
frequency of audio transmission of information was
also implemented.
The color detection module contains the specific
functionality for identifying a specific color or recog-
nizing the predominant color in the frame. This func-
tionality can be used for clothes shopping or other
color identification scenarios.
The store product detection module is based on
the SSD MobileNet-v2(Sandler et al., 2019) model,
retrained on a set of store product images. This mode
of operation notifies the user upon the section of the
store in which they are located.
The outdoor navigation module contains the func-
tions for implementing the obstacle avoidance algo-
rithm and also a function that locates a person and
provides the user with information about that person’s
3.1 Hardware System
The hardware architecture of the system is described
in the Figure 2. To ensure a high system performance,
it was implemented on the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, a
mini-computer that supports high-resolution sensors
and allows multiple neural networks to run in parallel
for applications such as image classification, object
detection, segmentation, and speech processing. To
analyze the environment, the following two cameras
were connected: Raspberry Pi Module 2 and Intel Re-
alsense D435. The Raspberry Pi Camera Module 2
is equipped with an 8-megapixel Sony IMX218 sen-
sor, allowing the capture of high-resolution images,
which is crucial for the functionality that provides in-
formation about the color of objects. The Intel Re-
alSense D435 stereo camera constructs a depth map,
from which information about the distances of obsta-
cles in the scene can be extracted. To receive voice
commands from the user and provide audio output, a
headset with a microphone were connected.
Figure 2: Hardware architecture.
3.2 Smart Navigation
The algorithm for smart navigation uses specific func-
tions from Google Maps that provide the summary of
a route. These functions need the start address and the
destination address. Thus, to obtain them, the user is
interrogated using the function speech to text(), and
his answers are stored in the variables origin address
and destination address. Because it is assumed that a
short walking route is desired, the directions() func-
tion from Google Maps is called with the ’walking’
parameter which returns the details of the route, and
then the total distance in kilometers is calculated. If
this distance is greater than 3 kilometers, the user is
asked if they want to use public transport. If the an-
swer is yes, the directions() function is called with
the ’transit’ parameter, thus obtaining the summary
of the route that contains public transportation for the
trip. After receiving the instructions from the Google
Maps API, the HTML elements are stripped to get
the instruction text in plain format. Depending on
how the user wants to travel the route, there are two
functions that generate the detailed descriptions of the
directions: generate walking directions() and gener-
ate public transport directions(). Finally, through the
function text to speech (), the corresponding route
summary is presented to the user.
3.3 Object Detection
The object detection module can identify an object
specified by the user or it can identify all surrounding
objects. For object detection, two models were com-
pared in order to choose the one that satisfies both the
accuracy and processing speed requirements. The two
models are YOLO v3 (Redmon et al., 2016) and SSD
Mobilenet-v2 (Sandler et al., 2019).
Because real-time detection is important for sys-
tem development, the speed of the two models was
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 1: Processing time.
Model Frames processed per second
SSD MobileNet-v2 17.3
YOLOv3 0.2
compared and the results can be seen in the table 1.
Since model accuracy is also important for system
development, the detection confidence levels of the
two models were also compared. The results can be
seen in the table 2.
Table 2: Comparison of Detection Accuracy for SSD
Mobilenet-v2 and YOLOv3.
Object SSD Mobilenet-v2 YOLOv3
Dinning table 0.94 0.99
Laptop 1.00 0.99
Chair 0.99 0.99
Potted plant 0.96 0.98
Bottle 0.97 0.99
Remote 0.90 0.84
Handbag 0.96 0.90
Backpack 0.94 -
Cup 0.90 0.97
Bowl 0.99 0.99
Book 0.93 0.98
Cell phone 0.89 0.99
Based on the results, since there is only a small
difference in the confidence level of detections be-
tween the two models, the decision was made to
choose the SSD MobileNet-v2 model for the system’s
development, justified by its processing speed.
3.4 Color Recognition
This mode of operation provides two functionalities:
finding a color specified by users and identifying the
predominant color in front of the user. A list of
18 colors, considered to be more common, and their
RGB combination. Among these colors are red, blue,
green, pink, yellow and many others.
3.4.1 Find Specific Color
In order to find a specific color a conversion from
RGB to HSV is made and the lower and upper limit is
HSV space are determined for each color. The range
of each color was calibrated and established by testing
on a set of images with different colors. A dictionary
containing specific Saturation and Value adjustments
based on the color name was also used. Colors such as
”white”, ”silver”, ”gray”, ”black” have special adjust-
ments due to their unique characteristics (for example,
white has very high saturation and brightness). Also,
the image on which color recognition is operated is
converted from the BGR color space, to HSV. Next, a
binary mask is created for all pixels which are in the
specific color range of HSV values specified by the
previously determined lower and upper bounds.
After obtaining this mask, to determine the posi-
tion where the color was in the image, the center of
mass of the region is calculated, determining its co-
ordinates (centroid x and centroid y). Next, the posi-
tion of the ”centroid x” coordinate is checked in rela-
tion to the width of the image, divided into three equal
sections, and based on this position, the function re-
turns one of the following values: ”center”, ”left” or
3.4.2 Find Dominant Color
The specific function for identifying the predominant
color in the frame, iterates over all colors combina-
tions, and for each color determines the lower and up-
per limit in the HSV space and creates a color limits
dictionary. Then for each color we compute the area
covered by the color in the given image (which pixels
are in the upper and lower range of the color). The
color with the largest area is considered the predomi-
nant color.
3.5 Groceries Detection
To implement this functionality, the SSD Mobilenet-
v2 model was retrained for groceries detection on
an extension of the Freiburg Groceries Dataset (Jund
et al., 2016). The initial dataset contains a total of
4947 images for 25 common food product classes
found in supermarkets. Each class has at least 97
images, and many of these contain multiple ob-
ject instances. The dataset extension (Aleksandrov,
2020) that was used for retraining extends the original
dataset by adding labeled bounding boxes for each of
the available images. Annotations are in PascalVOC
3.6 Exploration System
In order to implement the obstacle avoidance algo-
rithm three perception methods have been employed
and compared: (i) uses three HC-SR04 ultrasonic sen-
sors (ii) uses the monocular vision camera Raspberry
Pi v2 and (iii) uses the Intel
depth camera.
3.6.1 Using the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
To implement the obstacle avoidance algorithm, we
used three ultrasonic sensors, designed to detect ob-
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
stacles around the user. The algorithm checks the data
from the middle sensor, which is responsible for de-
tecting obstacles in the user’s path, and if it detects an
object closer than 150 cm, it is considered an obsta-
cle. To avoid the obstacle, the data from the left and
right sensors is checked. If they detect objects further
than 150cm, it means that the obstacle in the user’s
path can be avoided by the left or right side. Thus, the
values from the two sensors are compared, and the
sensor that detects a more distant obstacle highlights
a clear path that can be used to avoid the obstacle.
After testing the algorithm, it was observed that a
disadvantage of this sensor is its difficulty in detecting
small objects that reflect an insufficient ultrasonic sig-
nal for detection or objects that absorb acoustic sig-
nals, such as those made from soft materials. Con-
sequently, the farther an object is and the smaller it
appears in the sensor’s field of view, the harder it is to
detect. Also, if an object’s position is oriented such
that the ultrasonic signal is deflected rather than re-
flected back to the sensor, the calculated distance will
be incorrect. Another aspect to consider is that the po-
sitioning of this array of sensors on the user’s body is
very important because it is limited by the size of the
field of view, which is about 30
. If it is positioned
around the legs, it only detects objects on the ground,
if it is positioned around the abdomen, it only detects
large objects in the user’s path, and if it is positioned
around the head, it only detects obstacles from above.
3.6.2 Using Monocular Vision
A second approach employed the usage of a monoc-
ular vision Raspberry Pi v2 camera. To estimate the
distance to the objects in the scene, required for the
obstacle avoidance algorithm, four pre-trained mod-
els that generate the depth map of the captured frames
from monocular images were tested. In order to
choose a model to implement the algorithm for obsta-
cle avoidance, both the accuracy of the four models
and the processing speed were compared, evaluating
their results on the same set of images.
These four models are:
Depth Net (CS Kumar et al., 2018)
Fast Depth (Wofk, Diana and Ma, Fangchang and
Yang, Tien-Ju and Karaman, Sertac and Sze, Vivi-
enne, 2019)
MiDaS (Ranftl et al., 2022), (Ranftl et al., 2021)
Depth Anything (Yang et al., 2024)
Part of the results generated by the four models after
testing them on a set of images can be seen in the
Table 3 and Table 4. Map colors allow interpretation
of depth differences. Objects that are closer have a
lighter color and those that are further away have a
darker color.
Table 3: Depth maps generated by Depth Net and Fast
Distance Image DepthNet FastDepth
50 cm
110 cm
210 cm
310 cm
Table 4: Depth maps generated by MiDaS and Depth Any-
Dist. RGB Img. MiDaS Depth A.
As can be seen, the Depth Net and Fast Depth
models fail to generate a detailed depth map that dif-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
ferentiates the objects in the scene. The depth of the
objects cannot be interpreted from the results of the
two models. In contrast, the MiDaS and Depth Any-
thing models achieve some promising results, gener-
ating dense and detailed maps that differentiate ob-
jects in the scene based on their depth.
However, to use one of these models in the devel-
opment of the obstacle avoidance algorithm for blind
people, it is necessary to obtain the real-time distance
estimation data. In this sense, we compared the pro-
cessing speed of these four models. We measured
the time required to process a single image for each
model and the reuslts can be seen in table 5. As
Table 5: Processing time per frame.
Model Time (min)
Depth Net 0.55
Fast Depth 1.6
MiDaS 3.33
Depth Anything 11
can be observed, the Depth Net model achieves the
best processing speed, but due to the unfavorable re-
sults obtained in generating depth maps, it cannot be
used within the algorithm. Although the MiDaS and
Depth Anything models produced promising results
for depth map generation, their processing speed is
too slow to provide real-time results necessary for al-
gorithm development.
Therefore, none of the four tested models succeed
in generating a detailed map that contains the neces-
sary information while simultaneously providing data
in real-time.
3.6.3 Using Stereo-Vision
In the article (Saputra et al., 2014), the authors de-
scribe an algorithm that uses a self-adaptive thresh-
old for the separation of objects in the scene, using
a depth camera. For the development of the obstacle
avoidance algorithm within this system, the algorithm
described by (Saputra et al., 2014) was implemented,
adapting it for the system components. The steps of
the algorithm are represented in Figure 3.
The first processing step consists in acquiring the
depth map in grayscale format from the camera sen-
sor. This map, according to the camera specifications,
can contain values between 280mm and 10000mm,
but the relevant values for this algorithm can be re-
duced to the range [300,4000]. The image is divided
into 3 equal areas (left, center, right), these represent-
ing the possible directions of movement for the user
as shown in 4. The following steps will be carried
out for each area separately, analyzing and detecting
Figure 3: The obstacle avoidance algorithm.
obstacles that may appear in the user’s path.
To speed up the calculation and remove unneces-
sary information, down sampling is performed, which
reduces the size of the depth map. For each group of
4 pixels, only one is considered. Next, the depth his-
togram is created for each area of the image. Thus,
the values in the interval [0.4000] will be divided into
100 groups, the interval between each being 40 mm,
and for each group the number of belonging pixels is
Peaks (local maxima) are identified using the con-
trast function. The contrast function compares the
value of each point in the histogram with the values
of neighboring points, a sudden change in depth be-
ing considered the edge of an object. The contrast of
a point i in the histogram is calculated by adding the
values around point i, in a range defined by the pa-
rameter n, and subtracting the sum of the values from
a larger range as shown in equation 1.
contrast(i, n) =
After calculating the contrast value around each
point in the histogram, local maxima are identified
based on the following criteria:
The minimum contrast value should be 50, sug-
gesting that the point is significantly distinguish-
able from its neighborhood
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
Figure 4: Input Image (left), Depth (middle) and Filtered depth and image division in three areas (left, center, right).
The minimum distance between two successive
peaks must be at least 4 units in order to distin-
guish it from a neighboring obstacle.
After identifying all local maxima by applying the
above criteria, two maxima are selected that have the
closest values to the camera, being considered the
closest obstacles.
After identifying the two local maxima, the Otsu
method is used which generates a threshold to sepa-
rate the nearest obstacle from other obstacles or from
the image background. The Otsu method looks at all
possible threshold values and calculates the between-
class variance for each. The classes are defined by
pixels that have values below the threshold, assumed
to be part of the obstacle, and those with values above
the threshold, considered to be part of the background
or other obstacle. The inter-class variance measures
how well a certain threshold separates the two groups
of pixels. The value that maximizes the variance be-
tween classes is chosen as the optimal threshold.
After determining the optimal threshold for each
area, the distance to the nearest obstacle is calculated
as the average of the pixels with values lower than the
determined threshold. After determining the distance
to the nearest obstacle for each area of the image, au-
dio feedback is provided to avoid it.
The modularity of the system facilitated its testing,
thus, each mode of operation was tested individually,
tracking the accuracy of results and processing speed.
4.1 Smart Navigation
This mode of operation was tested in the following
two cases:
1. the distance of the route is less than 3 km
2. the distance of the route is greater than 3 km
The result obtained in the case where the distance
is less than 3 km can be seen in the figure 5, and the
one in which the distance is greater than 3 km can be
seen in figure 6.
Figure 5: Summary of the route shorter than 3 km.
Figure 6: Summary of the route greater than 3 km.
4.2 Object Detection
A series of tests were conducted to assess the accu-
racy of results in detecting individual objects.
A set of images was prepared , where 10 ob-
jects were photographed from various angles and the
model was tested using this set. The results showed
that the SSD model’s outcomes are influenced by the
objects’ positions, with their shapes changing as the
photographing angle changes. The best and worst
results obtained in detecting objects using the SSD
model are highlighted in Table 6. These results are
influenced by the position and orientation of the ob-
jects in the image.
Since providing real-time results is one of the
goals of this system, multiple tests were performed
to verify this aspect. The Mobilenet-v2 SSD model
manages to process 17 frames per second, and in the
table 7, maximum time required to process a frame
and the minimum time can be observed. The varia-
tion in processing time is influenced by the number of
objects detected in a frame.
4.3 Color Detection
In order to determine the performance of the system in
color detection, several tests were carried out to high-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 6: Accuracy variation.
Object Highest Accuracy Lowest Accuracy
Dinning table 0.94 0.51
Laptop 1.00 0.55
Chair 0.99 0.50
Potted plant 0.96 0.59
Bottle 0.99 0.51
Remote 0.90 0.53
Handbag 0.96 0.59
Backpack 0.94 0.52
Cup 0.99 0.50
Bowl 0.99 0.50
Book 0.93 0.52
Cell phone 0.96 0.51
Table 7: Time variation for processing a frame.
Information Value (s)
Best time 0.083
Worst time 0.357
light the accuracy of the recognition, but also the time
required for the recognition.
Thus, a set of 50 images with clothing items
photographed using Raspberry Pi V2 camera was
prepared. The tests were conducted to determine
how much variations in light affect color recognition.
Thus, the image set contains colors photographed un-
der different lighting conditions. The results of this
test are presented in table 8. It can be seen how, the
color of the same article of clothing is recognized dif-
ferently when the brightness differs.
At the same time, the accuracy of the system to
determine the position of a certain color in the image
was also tested. Thus, a set of images was prepared
in which several clothing items of different colors are
present and the position of a specific color in each
image was determined. The results are presented in
table 9.
Also, because providing a real-time response is a
goal of this system, the time it takes the system to
identify the predominant color in a frame was ana-
lyzed. It was observed that the speed is influenced
by the color in the frame, as the algorithm scans the
entire color dictionary to check the extent to which
a color is present in the image. The best and worst
times obtained by the algorithm are shown in Table
4.4 Groceries Detection
To analyze the results obtained by the retrained SSD
model to recognize groceries, numerous tests were
performed. The accuracy of the results and factors
influencing the results were analyzed.
Table 8: Colors variation.
Color Result 1 Result 2 Result 3
Pink Pink
Table 9: Color localization.
Color Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Thus, a set of 50 images was used for testing
the model’s ability to correctly recognize the cate-
gories. The set depicts items from 20 categories pho-
tographed on store shelves. The image set contains
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
Table 10: Time variation for recognizing the dominant
Information Value (s)
Best time 0.11
Worst time 0.28
products from the same category, which have differ-
ent packaging, photographed from various distances
to observe how product size and packaging influence
detection. Some of the obtained results are presented
in the table 11.
Table 11: Groceries detection.
Class Result 1 Result 2 Result 3
Cereal /
Cereal / Tea
The model has trouble differentiating products
with similar packaging, such as water and juice, ce-
real and tea box, chocolate and spice packets, coffee
and chocolate, or tuna, corn or bean cans that are very
shaped similar. As a result of the test, out of 50 im-
ages, the model managed to correctly detect at least
one object in 20 images.
The model was also tested on a set of 5 videos to
analyze its behavior. In each video, the model man-
aged to correctly detect at least once the category cap-
tured in frames. The worst case was when, out of
20 frames processed per second, the model did not
detect the correct category at all, and the best case
was when, out of 20 frames processed per second, the
model correctly detected the category at least once in
15 frames. The model has problems distinguishing
categories with similar packaging or shapes, and also
encounters difficulties in detecting products in videos
where they are far away, because the products in the
training dataset contain relatively close images, so the
objects appear large in the image.
Detection speed is equally important to the per-
formance of this system, so the results obtained by the
retrained SSD model were analyzed. The model man-
ages to process 20 frames per second, maintaining its
performance. The best time, but also the worst time
that the model needs to process a frame can be seen
in the table 12. This is influenced by the number of
objects present in the frame. The results obtained are
good, meeting both the accuracy and speed require-
Table 12: Time variation for groceries detection.
Information Value (s)
Best time 0.04
Worst time 0.60
4.5 Exploration System
Because the results provided by the obstacle avoid-
ance algorithm are very important for user safety, sev-
eral tests were performed to analyze the accuracy of
the results.
The first set of tests examines the variation in dis-
tance calculated by the algorithm, with the aim of de-
termining its average error to analyze whether it poses
a danger. Table 13 shows the variations in the results
provided by the algorithm compared to the actual dis-
As seen in the table, at distance less than 2600mm,
the average distance calculation error is less than 50
mm. However, since the algorithm does not differen-
tiate well between the object and the floor, at a dis-
tance greater than 2500 mm, both will be detected as
obstacles, and this will reduce the accuracy of the cal-
culation, the average error increasing up to 500 mm.
However, because the error only occurs for far dis-
tance, it does not affect the algorithm’s ability to pro-
vide avoidance guidance, effectively detecting obsta-
cles closer to the user.
The accuracy of the algorithm and its effectiveness
in guiding the user to avoid obstacles in time were
tested on a series of tests with real scenarios. One of
the more complicated routes in which the algorithm
demonstrated its efficiency is illustrated in figure 7.
The results obtained when meeting each obstacle
will be shown next.
In the figure 8, the first obstacle is represented.
There is a chair in the user’s path that the algorithm
detects in time when it is within 2 meters of the user
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 13: The variation of the distance calculated by the
Real d. Result 1 Result 2 Result 3
1703 mm 1726 mm 1706 mm
2625 mm
2619 mm
2641 mm
3151 mm
2586 mm
2942 mm
Figure 7: Representation of the obstacle route.
and tells the user that it can be avoided by walking to
the right.
In Figure 9, obstacles 2 and 3 can be seen. The
user encounters a bicycle and a person in his path,
and the only way he can avoid these obstacles is the
left side, and the algorithm manages to guide him cor-
rectly. It can also be seen in this figure that the view-
Figure 8: Obstacle 1: a chair is detected and the system
directs the user to avoid it by walking to the right.
ing angle of the depth camera is greater than that of
the RGB camera.
Figure 9: Obstacle 2 and obstacle 3: a bicycle and a person
are encountered in the path of the user. The system guides
the user to walk left in order to avoid the obstacles.
Obstacle 4, which the algorithm detects in time,
can be seen in the figure 10. Upon encountering this
obstacle in the user’s path, the algorithm tells the user
that it can be avoided by walking to the right.
Figure 10: Obstacle 4: the system detects an object that can
be avoided, and it alerts the user to walk right.
The last obstacle can be seen in the figure 11. This
is represented by a closed gate that the user cannot
avoid, and the algorithm correctly tells the user to
Figure 11: Obstacle 5: a closed gate, the system emits a
stop command.
The last case, the one in which there is no obstacle
in the way of the user, is represented in figure 12. In
this case, the algorithm tells the user that they can go
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
Figure 12: No obstacles in the way of the user, the system
tels the user they can go straight.
The implemented system assists visually impaired in-
dividuals in perceiving their surroundings through the
following three modes of operation: object detection,
color detection, and product detection in stores. Thus,
the system can identify an object or a color specified
by the user or analyze the environment, providing the
user with information about the present objects or the
predominant color. When the user is in a store, the
system can detect the section of products located on
the shelves in front of them, helping them to navigate
more easily and find the necessary products. Addi-
tionally, since navigating without assistance is a real
challenge for visually impaired individuals, the sys-
tem provides support for obstacle avoidance in both
outdoor and indoor environments and can also offer a
summary of the route the user wishes to take, includ-
ing information about streets and public transporta-
To test the system, real scenarios were used, which
simulated different situations in which visually im-
paired people might encounter problems, and all these
tests obtained encouraging results.
In the future, improvements may be made to the
presented system. The most important future develop-
ment involves making the system portable by power-
ing the Nvidia development board with a battery and
adding a Wi-Fi module to not depend on the Ethernet
cable for Internet connection. This connection is re-
quired for the Google Text To Speech Python library
to work.
Another further development involves the addition
of a GPS module to provide the route summary mode
with information about the user’s location in real time.
In this way, the system can guide the user in real time
to move to the desired destination.
Also, for better system accuracy, it is necessary to
retrain the SSD model for in-store product recognition
using a larger image set containing a larger variety of
product packaging.
Last but not least, in the future the algorithm that
calculates the distance to the nearest obstacle can be
improved to differentiate the floor from objects. This
would improve the accuracy of the calculation, pro-
viding more security to users.
We also envision testing the system as a whole
with volunteers in real usage conditions.
The research work related to training, fine tuning and
testing some of the deep learning models involved
by this paper has been partially supported by the
CLOUDUT Project, cofunded by the European Fund
of Regional Development through the Competitive-
ness Operational Programme 2014-2020, contract no.
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A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration